

696 Uppsatser om Relocatable modular buildings - Sida 25 av 47

Utformning av förslag till privatträdgård på Stavstensudde :

In the west part of Trelleborg, on previous farmland a new society is under construction. It is situated right next to the ocean and close to the European freeway. Eight types of villages, all with different kind of architecture will be built in the area, one of them is Torns Village built by Skanska and Ikea. A concept called BoKlok. This specific village consists of twelve houses and five apartment buildings. They are all somewhat classical in their appearance with wooden panel, but at the same time they have a modern touch.

Strategisk marknadsföring av produkter av rapsolja :

The background to this study is to find alternative ways of size rationalization. My vision is to take the basic conditions and make the best and most profitable of them. I have chosen press of rape oil because it?s interesting and the investment to get started is relative small. The opportunity to use outmoded and unrational buildings which often are found at many farms to something that gives money instead of costs money is also an argument.

Energieffektivisering av bostäder : En analys av åtgärder som kan förbättra energiprestandan i flerbostadshus

Efficient energy use in the housing sector is crucial for achieving a sustainable society. The expansion of this sector only represents a fraction of the existing houses, hence it?s within the existing houses the potential for energy savings lie. This potential has been analyzed in order to determine if it?s possible to cut the current energy demand in half.

Utfackningsväggar ur lufttäthets- och fuktsäkerhetsperspektiv : En jämförelse mellan platsbyggda och prefabriceradeutfackningsväggar

The swedish national board of housing, Building and Planning,recommends that all stakeholders in the construction industryperform a moisture control design to make sure that the buildingachieves good moisture resistance. Since June 1, 2006 there are nospecific requirements or quantitative values for air leakage.Although the swedish national board of housing does presentrequirement that the building envelope must be sealed so that theclient?s requirements for specific energy consumption and installedelectric power for heating purposes are met. Despite this, studiesfrom SP shows that few buildings meet the client?s requirements inspecific energy, which increases the risk of occurrence ofcondensation-related moisture damage.This study aims to evaluate curtain walls connections from airsecurity and moisture safety.

Granskning av Solibri Model Checker - En Svenskanpassning : Ja?mfo?relse av tva? egenkontrollsystem

The building industry are currently going through a huge alteration. The introduction of BIM (Building Information Modeling). Which also implements a lot of new ways of solving problems that building modeling can cause. This report is written for Uppsala University in cooperation with Temagruppen in Uppsala. However, it contains a comparison between two different systems that checks building models.

Ystad Sandskog : En socialhistorisk analys av den privata rekreationsarkitekturens utveckling, mellan 1850 och 1940

This thesis is a case study that analyses the seaside resort Ystad Sandskog and its private architecture between 1850 and 1940. The multitude is evident in the area's architecture. The architectural development is analysed with the use of a social historical perspective, including class and hegemony. Regional as well as national affective factors are used in the analysis. Aside from the social aspects, architectural ideological developments, general development of the seaside resort and the area's committee with its prescriptions are all factors considered.By dividing the development in four different chronological phases, which all represents a certain architectural expression exemplified by a selection of buildings and the social class that it accompanies, a culmination in the architectural structural development of Sandskogen is shown.

Prestandabaserad design genomkonceptuell energianalys : Performance-based design through conceptual energy analysis

This degree project aims to investigate the potential and possibilities for conceptual energyanalyses in the early stages of the design process. Many key decisions are made in theearly stages of a project regarding the shape and orientation of the building. Conceptualenergy analyses can provide the architects with insight regarding different design option?srelative energy performance.As the demands for more sustainable buildings increases, so does the need for earlyenergy analyses. Performing analyses in the early stage requires many assumptions andguesswork which could lead to a large margin of error.The offering from Autodesk is a module in Revit Architecture/MEP and the stand aloneprogram Project Vasari (under development).

Biblioteket i Alexandria historien om ett bibliotek

he purpose of this master thesis is to learn more about the ancient Alexandrian Library. The method used in this thesis is methodology of history, especially a critical attitude when it comes to evaluating the ancient texts. I put forward three questions to which I desire to find answers. First: What do the sources from Antiquity tell about the Alexandrian library? Second: How do modern writers of books on the subject use these sources? Thirdly: I look into the possible historical and cultural reasons that the first of the Ptolemaic kings could have had for establishing the Mouseion and the Library of Alexandria.

Termisk hantering av litium-jon- batterier i elektriska drivsystem

The automotive market is currently undergoing a historical change where stricter emission legislations and ever increasing fuel costs have intensified the search for effective alternatives to the conventional internal combustion engine, which has resulted in a substantial trend towards electrification of powertrains. Storage of electrical energy is the fundamental component in this technology where the lithium-ion batteries are currently considered as the most appropriate solution. Lithium-ion batteries, however, as other types of batteries, can only be used efficiently and durably within a specific temperature range.This Master thesis has been carried out in collaboration with Electroengine in Sweden AB, situated in Uppsala, which has an ongoing project regarding development of a modular battery system for electric powertrains. The project is at a stage where an initial prototype has been developed which provides the foundation for this thesis. The study has addressed the battery system performance from a thermal perspective, in order to validate the ability of the system to create a thermally serviceable environment for the lithium-ion battery cells.

Erosionsskydd i strandzoner :

Erosion in coastal areas is a common problem all around the world. The range of the problem depends on several factors, i.e. type of bed-rock and soil, wind and wave climate. Another factor is whether the area is of high interest, i.e. if the area is important for tourism and recreation, if there are houses and other buildings close to the shoreline or if it is a site of special scientific interest.

Kyla på Swedavia Stockholm Arlanda : Kartläggning av nuvarande fjärrkylasystem och framtida utvecklingsmöjligheter

Arlanda airport is Sweden?s largest airport. The demand for comfort cooling of the airport?s buildings is high and is mainly provided by district cooling. District cooling is based on the same principle as district heating.

Jämförelse av frånluftsvärmepumpar

In order to reach the environmental targets, set up by the EU, there are many measures taken to make Sweden more energy efficient. In the housing and real estate sector, an installation of an exhaust air heat pump that reuses the heat in the exhaust air in order to lower the amount of acquired energy, is an example of such an action. The recovered energy can then be used for heating of radiators and tap water. This report aims to evaluate and compare three different systems using exhaust air heat pumps regarding COP, degree of coverage and cost savings. This study was delimited to only account for apartment buildings.The theory chapter describes the different conditions and factors that affect a building?s energy balance.

Uttorkning av lera : Orsaker och följder

When building a house or similar the stress on the ground increases and deformations can arise. The deformations create a foundation that the building is not constructed for and damages on the building arise. The increased stress on the ground can be derived back to the building, but it is possible that the increased stress may well derive from different sources such as other buildings or trees.       The building is an older property, built in the late 19th century alternatively early 20th century, and is today used for rental housing and has suffered severe damages due to subsidence. The goal of the thesis is to find possible causes for these subsidences. The thesis was executed as a combination between literature- and casestudie. After careful studies it has been found that a probable cause for these subsidences is trees. Through field- and lab studies it has been found that the trees has effected the ground through there accumulation of water.

Privata Hyresvärdar : En studie om CSR på Växjös bostadsmarknad

When you talk with the municipal housing companies today there is a general view that theyare doing all the work when it comes to social responsibilities in the municipalities, theprivate landlords only have a focus on profit. The private landlords doesn't agree but says thatthey take a social responsibility, at the same time there is a difference in what socialresponsibility is. By looking at how the picture of CSR and its use is seen today we analyzewhy the opinions and definitions about social responsibility differ. We also look at CSR in itslocal adaptation in Sweden's special conditions at the same time as we compare it to CSR inEurope and the world. We thereby create an analysis of how CSR is perceived, prioritized anddeveloped in Sweden to see the root of the disagreements.In our study we show how different views and roles in the community influence the picture ofCSR in Sweden.

Spårbilsstation i Upplands Väsby kommun

Upplands Väsby municipality has a vision that podcars in the future will become an effective alternative in public transport, with reduced car-dependency as a result. The system would also attract new inhabitants and businesses to the municipality.This report deals with various issues that podcar stations may face. Also, suggestions for possible track laying at the stations and station design are presented. Two areas are investigated. Eds allé which is a neighborhood that is planned for housing and where the station may be planned into the cityscape from the start.

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