

696 Uppsatser om Relocatable modular buildings - Sida 20 av 47

Leveransproblem : Ett problem vid strukturerad produktion

When building large buildings, such as compartment buildings, there is a number of deliveries arriving on the construction site daily. In order to receive these deliveries without disturbing the rest of the work going on JM often books a fixed unloading time. When doing that they can be prepared when the delivery arrives. Making sure there is a suitable unloading area, someone to meet the delivery and when needed proper machines, such as a tractor or a crane, to help unload bigger deliveries. The person receiving the delivery is supposed to make an acceptance control where they check the delivered goods making sure nothing has been damaged in transport and that they have received what they were supposed to receive.

Punktmolnshantering i anläggningsprojekt : Utvärdering av programvaror för framtagande av markmodell

An increased number of participants in the construction industry is asking for accompanying terrain models to the project in order to get a better understanding of the field. When the desire to create buildings that fit together nicely with the surrounding area is increasing, it becomes more and more important to have a broad base of knowledge about the ground on which the building is to be erected. Terrain models are also very useful in the planning of logistics, documentation for landscape architecture projects, and billings for mass calculations.Surveys for creating terrain models can be performed with laser scanning. The advantage of laser scanning is the time-effective surveying, the detailed information as well as the ability of application in complex environments resulting in a cost-efficient project. With this in mind our thesis was defined in collaboration with the company Bjerking AB in Uppsala in order to investigate if there were any softwares suitable for terrain modeling.

Sammanvägda avrinningskoefficienter i rationella metoden : en jämförelse mellan idag och 1970-talet

Storm water is rain and melted snow that runs off, primarily from impervious surfaces.Future storm water management is facing the challenges of increased precipitation, asclimate changes, and increased areas of impervious surfaces due to the expansion anddensification of the cities. Impervious surfaces reduce the potential for water to infiltratein the ground leading to increased surface runoff and higher peak discharge.The runoff coefficient is closely related to the percentage of impervious surfaces andrepresents the maximum percentage of a catchment that can contribute to runoff. In thisstudy, the objective was to evaluate the weighted runoff coefficient for three differenturban types; apartment buildings, townhouses and residential areas and a comparisonbetween today and the 1970`s was made.The runoff coefficient was determined by manual mapping of the different surface typesin each area based on data in the form of orthophotos and aerial photographs. The surfacetypes that were mapped were asphalt, permeable areas, tiles, sand/gravel and roof.Tiles and sand/gravel were the most difficult surface types to map. In order to see towhat extent these categories influenced the weighted runoff coefficient a sensitivityanalysis was carried out and the runoff coefficient based on surface type was changed indifferent scenarios.The results of the sensitivity analysis showed that the surface types tiles and sand/gravelhad little impact on the weighted runoff coefficient which in mainly due to the fact thatthe percentage of these surfaces types of the total area is small.The result of the study showed that the largest change in the runoff coefficient occurredin residential areas where the increase in the percentage of impervious surfaces causedby new roofs in the form of porches and garages and from paved or tiled driveways.

Bil- och järnvägstrafikens inverkan på inomhusmiljön med avseende på ljud och luft : - I planerade bostäder på Haga

NCC has given us a commission to investigate a planned housing area in Haga, Karlstad, situated close to the traffic route Hagaleden and the railway. The housing area consists of one hundred apartments in five different houses. The houses are linked to each other by balconies with glass panels. A long carport is situated between Hagaleden and the housing area to absorb part of the noise from the road. The design of the housing area is creating a silent backyard.

Lönsam smågrisproduktion : en fallstudie

The purpose with this work is to investigate the cost to produce piglet in a case study company. The starting point is going to be the agriwise (www.agriwise.org) calculation which I am going to change and adapt to the case study company. To day the pig market is bad but we have probably reached the bottom. The market has started to rise. It is no business to produce piglets today.

Arenabygget, ris eller ros? : en hedonisk prisstudie av kommuninvånarnas värdering av den nya arenan.

This study is an examination of the stadium fever prevailing in Sweden. It is built stadiums in Sweden as never before. The high cost of these constructions end up in the end at the Swedish taxpayers. The study examines through the hedonic pricing of real estate how local residents value the new stadiums. The result indicates that local residents put a positive value in the costly and sumptuous buildings.

Möjliga alternativ för att ersätta direktverkande el i flerbostadshus

I have in my thesis, examined the possibilities in terms of energy for a condominium association.To have an effective and good energy is becoming increasingly important with today's rising electric and oil prices. In my thesis I have used the condominium association Kärralyckan, which is situated in Falkenberg. The buildings at Kärralyckan are built in the mid-1970s, and are heated by electric radiators. The tap water is heated by an electric boiler.Based on that calculation I can show the various energyststem. The different solutions have been developed by contact manufacturers and installers through phone calls and e-mail.According to the results shows that geothermal heating has been a great solution for Kärralyckan.

Styrsystem : För en forskningsutrustning

The division of Engineering Materials at Linköping University, department of Management and Engineering, conducted a research project concerning Fatigue life of thermal barrier coatings during 2009. During this project equipment to provoke these fatigue failure by rapidly heating and cooling test subjects in cycles, was ordered.Design and manufacturing of the equipment was handled internally at LIU.The equipment was built using a furnace that is lowered and raised over the table where the test subject is placed. To keep the temperature of the furnace a lid slides in place to close the downward facing opening of the furnace when it is in the raised position. On this door there is nozzle that is used to cooling of the test subject by air.To make sure that the equipment can work independently you need an automation controller that can evaluate if movement can occur without danger of collisions. The control system also needs to monitor that all elements are performed according to plan.This degree project is based on a modular system from OPTO 22 and includes the configuration of a PLC that will be supplied with logic and a user interface.The degree project resulted in a graphic interface in which a user can set desired values for different parameters and get information about current values for them.

How should information be handled to facilitate and benifit from modularity? A case study of Clarkson Inc.

Problem discussion: How should information be handled to facilitate and benefit from modularity? How should Clarkson Inc. adapt their information handling to modularity and what benefits can be reaped by doing this? Purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to help Clarkson Inc. adapt their information handling to modularity and to extract theories, methods and tools to guide companies in similar situations.

Energikartläggning av Fridhemsskolan 16:2

Increased energy consumption in the world has created an increased supply of various fuels, especially fossil fuels. The Swedish government has set up various energy targets for 2020. To reach these goals it?s important to increase the energy efficiency in local buildings such as schools. This work illustrates the breakdown between energy supply and energy losses over the school.

Polstjärnan. Ett fastighetsutvecklingsprojekt

Efter att ha ägt fastigheterna benämnda som Polstjärnan, belägna i stadsdelen Lindholmen på Norra Älvstranden i Göteborg, under många år ställs Wallenstam nu vid ett vägskäl. Med byggnader som åldrats och ett område som utvecklas ifrån dem växte fastighetsutvecklingsprojektet Polstjärnan fram.Syftet med arbetet är således att utreda en framtida utvecklingsplan för fastigheterna som är väl förankrad i området Lindholmen och kvarteret Polstjärnegatan-Karlavagnsgatan. Till att börja med ville jag få en bild av Lindholmen ser ut och vad det finns för planer för fortsatt utveckling i området. Därför kontaktade jag Johan Altenius, planarkitekt på stadsbyggnadskontoret i Göteborg och Anna Eckerstig, byggprojekt och verksamhetsansvarig på Chalmers Fastigheter.För att sedan skapa en gällande utgångspunkt för arbetet har flera personer på Wallenstam intervjuats. I dessa intervjuer har de fått ge sin bild av fastigheterna, dess historik och tidigare tankar på vidare utveckling.

Fastighetsutveckling i Farsta. Ekonomisk analys av TeliaSonera-områdets framtid

Stockholm is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Its population is growing every day and the housing needs are becoming higher. Despite the growth and the need for more houses only a few new housing units are being built every year. Critics argue that if the building rate stays as it is today the development of the city will be very limited since there is no capacity for the city to embrace new incomers.The decision makers in the municipality of Stockholm are planning for large investments in housing units for the coming years up until 2030. There are plans of building approximately 140 000 new apartments to mend the ascending need for new houses.Farsta County is part of Stockholm and lies a few kilometers to the south of the city center.

Rörsvetsning i konceptet Factory-in-a-Box

This Master of Science thesis was a part of Pharmadule Emtungas project to construct a mobile automated cell for welding of carbon steel pipe (Heating, Ventilation and Sanitation). Pharmadule Emtunga is using a modular building concept for building pharmaceutical factories. The modules contain these pipes. The goal of the thesis was to present concepts for technical solutions regarding welding methods and fixtures for the cell. Conceptual models for the cell were made with aid of CAD software.

ANALYS AV FLERBOSTADSHUS : Med inriktning på ytfördelningen över tiden

Currently, there are no clear statistics on how the floor plan and room size in apartment buildings has changed over time since the postwar period. The statistics available is average area per apartment which can be found on Statistics Sweden's website. This report has the aim to increase knowledge about how the Swedish home have changed over time.The questions that the report will answer are:For apartment buildings, how has the living area been distributed since the postwar period?Why has the area distribution changed over time?A survey of the houses built during 1950-2014 was made before questions could be answered. A case study was also made which a total of 90 apartments were analyzed and divided into three eras, the people´s home, the million programme and the neomodernism.

Sekundärnät för lågtempererad fjärrvärme

Lower energy use in buildings is a result of increasingly stringent energy requirements across Europe. When conventional district heating technology is used in areas with low energy consumption heatlosses do not fall even though the amount of energy delivered is reduced. This reduces income for thedistrict heating company. To maintain their economic viability the district heating companies? majorchallenge is to implement new solutions that minimize heat loss.

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