

695 Uppsatser om Relocatable modular buildings - Sida 2 av 47

Utvärdering av ModFix : Byggnation av modulära fixturer integrerat i Process Simulate

Syftet med detta projekt är att utvärdera ModFix som verktyg och arbetsmetoden för att skaps fixturer med ModFix. ModFix är ett verktyg som är integrerad i Siemens simuleringsmiljön Process Simulate och används för att skapa modulära fixturer. Målsättningen med arbetsmetoden där fixturer skapas med ModFix är att ledtiden och mantimmarna för att skapa fixturer ska reduceras med 50 % i jämförelse med Volvo Cars nuvarande arbetsmetod där fixturer skapas med Catia V5.ModFix-verktyget består av tre funktioner. Dessa funktioner är; Configuration Administrator, Fixture Designer och Modular Fixture Mapping Report. Configuration Administrator är ModFix´s administrationsverktyg och används för att skapa de fixturbaser och fixturkonfigurationer som senare används för att skapa modulära fixturer med Fixture Designer.

Energieffektiva värmesystem : Lösningen till att nå energimålen i byggbranschen?

Sweden has an environmental goal to achieve until the year 2020. To achieve this goal the construction business has to take an initiative to use the modern techniques that are available to lower the energy consumption I buildings. There?s also a debate going on today regarding the energy demands set by the Swedish government through Boverket, some communities throughout Sweden thinks that the demands are to low and have therefore set up own demands regarding energy in buildings.The possibility to construct energy-saving buildings is today very great, with energy-efficient heating-systems and dense climate envelope. The interest to raise energy-efficient buildings have also increased as a consequence that the population have become more aware about their impact on the environment.

Simulering av energieffektiviserande åtgärder för små- och flerbostadshus : Möjligheter för JM:s hustyper att uppnå passivhuskonceptet vid nybyggnation

The purpose of this project was to evaluate how energy efficiently some of JM?s residential buildings can become in standard production. What kind of measures are needed to achieve the level of energy demand that is included in BBR12 (Boverkets Byggregler)? What measures are needed for achieving a lower demand so that the buildings could be classified as passive houses? The investigation has included a single family house and two different types of apartment blocks.The simulation programs Enorm and VIP+ have been used to calculate the energy demand of the buildings. The results from the programs have been compared with the measured energy demand for the three buildings.

Tredimensionell sensorscanner

This report is a bachelor thesis presented at the department of Computer Science andEngineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim for the project is to find a simplemethod to measure and display physical quantities in a three dimensional room.The report describes a method to construct a system for measuring differentphysical quantities via sensors. The system must be built in a modular and expandable way tobe adaptable to different tasks.The system explained in the report consists of two parts;A physical scanner with moveable probes for carrying sensors and a microcontroller forcontrolling the probes and communicating with the next part.An application written in Java for storing the measured values and presenting them in a lucidperspective.It is possible to construct the scanner with different designs and circuitry, with multiplexers andflip-flops, to ensure that an unspecified number of probes can be added to the system and thatthey can be operated simultaneously.The Java application is written in a modular way, using a design pattern that separates eachindividual part of the application. It contains exceptions and interfaces that ensure a safe andexpandable application..

Energioptimering av industriellt tryckluftssystem

This report is a bachelor thesis presented at the department of Computer Science andEngineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim for the project is to find a simplemethod to measure and display physical quantities in a three dimensional room.The report describes a method to construct a system for measuring differentphysical quantities via sensors. The system must be built in a modular and expandable way tobe adaptable to different tasks.The system explained in the report consists of two parts;A physical scanner with moveable probes for carrying sensors and a microcontroller forcontrolling the probes and communicating with the next part.An application written in Java for storing the measured values and presenting them in a lucidperspective.It is possible to construct the scanner with different designs and circuitry, with multiplexers andflip-flops, to ensure that an unspecified number of probes can be added to the system and thatthey can be operated simultaneously.The Java application is written in a modular way, using a design pattern that separates eachindividual part of the application. It contains exceptions and interfaces that ensure a safe andexpandable application..

Energieffektivisering - Laholms kyrkliga samfällighets kulturhistoriska byggnader

Energy efficiency is today more important than ever, mainly due to the high energy prices and the approaching climate changes. Heating of buildings is an essential area within energy efficiency. Many buildings are old and were built at a time when the energy prices were low and the term ?energy efficiency? was unheard of. By applying today?s broad range of energy saving actions on these old, and thereby often, heating ineffective buildings, this area has a large potential in reducing energy consumption and costs.Churches and chapels are generally old buildings with, in many cases, ineffective heating systems and therefore consume much more energy than needed.

Lågenergihus : Att bygga energisnålt

A large proportion of the energy consumption is in the building industry and a large part goes to heating our homes and premises. In the developing countries' development now threatens the large consumption of energy in our earth's climate. It is in the West world that we must be good role models in terms of energy efficiency. One solution to reduce energy consumption for heating of buildings may be to continue to build low energy houses and passive houses, but it is also about rebuilding the buildings that currently have high energy consumption such as the old Million program Houses. These buildings will be standing many years and their energy consumption will not diminish over time by itself and energy prices will certainly not diminish in the future.

Delårsrapporter - osäkerheter och bedömningar i praktiken

certain building or environment can get a protection as a notable building if it contains certainvalues. These values are established by a certain category of people from the cultural sector.These people use established criterions to define the cultural value of the object. The objects canbe evaluated differently depending on who has done the evaluation. The people who protect thecultural environment and choose which buildings that are to be defining as notable buildingsoften uses a special model to characterise the different cultural values. This model is produced bya man called Axel Unnerbäck.

Framtidens D250S Dual batteriladdare

This thesis aims to develop proposals and models for a modular electronics construction to a future D250S Dual battery charger. The aim also includes investigation of possibilities to use some of Texas Instruments C2000 microprocessors. The reason for this is that CTEK SWEDEN AB wants to renew the present D250S Dual battery charger and lower the manufacturing costs. The thesis work has involved gathering theoretical facts for the development of a design on the modular electronic construction, the choice on which microprocessor to use, the choice of electronic components and facts about peripheral equipment to the D250S Dual. With the theoretical there has been developed different solutions to the proposed hardware and software solutions with comparisons in aspects of positive and negative.


Abstract The purpose of this project is to develop a modular processor card which is intended to work as a platform for Kitron Development Karlskoga. The modular processor card is meant to be used as a control system in development projects, mainly in medical and industrial products. The processor card will consist of a central unit with the basic functions for a control system. Furthermore there will be complete modules with machine commodity and programming, to pick exactly the necessary functions for a specific application. With consideration to the specification of the development and the main unit, I chose an adequate microprocessor (AT90CAN32) as core and interface circuits to stated border areas. The construction is first completed in the program MultiSim and then remade in the program OrCAD Capture. The programming language C was used in the software model.

Enskild väg till Tolleredsskog

This report is a bachelor thesis presented at the department of Computer Science andEngineering at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim for the project is to find a simplemethod to measure and display physical quantities in a three dimensional room.The report describes a method to construct a system for measuring differentphysical quantities via sensors. The system must be built in a modular and expandable way tobe adaptable to different tasks.The system explained in the report consists of two parts;A physical scanner with moveable probes for carrying sensors and a microcontroller forcontrolling the probes and communicating with the next part.An application written in Java for storing the measured values and presenting them in a lucidperspective.It is possible to construct the scanner with different designs and circuitry, with multiplexers andflip-flops, to ensure that an unspecified number of probes can be added to the system and thatthey can be operated simultaneously.The Java application is written in a modular way, using a design pattern that separates eachindividual part of the application. It contains exceptions and interfaces that ensure a safe andexpandable application..

High-rise buildings; structural design, prefabrication and logistics

In the report we have investigated four high-rise buildings with the intentions to find out witch parts are prefabricated and what relation can be found between structural design, prefabrication and the logistics. After the investigation we noticed that the grad of prefabrication in each one of the projects is good in relation to what purpose the building have and the given background. During the report we found that layout ? structural design ? prefabrication ? logistics is an order that we think can make the production of the building more effective if followed. We believe that the prefabrication of high-rise buildings have potential to grow and get more optimized in the future..

Modulbaserat effektpedalbord för gitarrister : Från nördinformation till designprocess

Detta projekt utfördes som examensarbete för högskoleingenjörsexamen i innovationsteknik och design, 22,5 högskolepoäng, vid Karlstads universitet. Som uppdragsgivare stod Reminiscor AB. Uppkomsten av projektet låg i en förfrågan från företaget att utveckla ett moduluppbyggt pedalbord för gitarrister.Det här produktutvecklingsprojektet genomfördes med användarkrav och användarönskemål i fokus för att definiera lämpliga funktioner för och utformning av ett modulbaserat pedalbord. Arbetet inleddes med att undersöka utbudet av olika typer av pedalbord och effektpedaler på marknaden. Intervjuer med gitarrister i olika åldrar och från olika genrer genomfördes för att skapa en uppfattning om gemensamma krav och önskemål som kunde ligga till grund för det fortsatta arbetet.

Energieffektivisering av Villor : Finns möjligheten till Passivhusstandard för befintliga bostäder

The climate change the earth today has to face is no longer a global problem when every individual has a responsibility to act. The residents in Sweden have no understanding how their energy consumption affects the environment, nor what measures can be taken to reduce the energy consumption.The use of the energy in new Buildings is considerably lower than in the older ones as conditions have improved and the requirements have been more stringent. As most of the buildings in the future have already been constructed it´s important to take every opportunity for energy efficiency and rebuilding of available buildings will become a significant act. Reconstruction of a building contributes generally to both a reduced individual and a reduced total energy use, while new constructions only keep a low individual energy use but a increase the total energy use. For this reason we present the opportunities for reconstruction, mainly to reach the standards for a passive house..

Energieffektivisering av flerbostadshus i miljonprogrammet

This thesis has been written with our society?s current energy-situation in mind.Although it only deals with one particular block of buildings, the solutions and suggestions presented herein are quite applicable on other objects of the same type.This thesis is intended to be used as a guideline for energy-preserving projects in general, with an eye to buildings erected during the Swedish ?million-programme? in the sixties and seventies.The paper starts with the acquiring of all necessary blueprints and technical specifications. It then moves on to a thorough description of the buildings in question, and their heating- and ventilation-systems.Followed by this the reader is guided through the successive stages of energy-perseverance measures that are available, and possible. Reasoning around the economic factors concerning all measures is also held.The paper ends with conclusion, and a discussion concerning the delicate issue of the higher return-temperatures possibly reaching the district-heating plant..

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