

696 Uppsatser om Relocatable modular buildings - Sida 1 av 47

Mobila verksamhetslokaler : En studie om marknadsvärderingar

Mobila verksamhetslokaler erbjuder flexibel lokalförsörjning som alternativ till permanent utbyggnad, eller under tiden som befintliga lokaler renoveras eller byggs om. Denna flexibla möjlighet används dock i en ganska liten omfattning på marknaden. För att öka lokalernas användning finns det därför ett behov av en marknadsundersökning som identifierar de faktorer som kunden värderar.Utredningen syftar till att få fram vad kunden värderar då han eller hon hyr och/eller använder en temporär lokal, och möjligen identifiera nya element som inte finns i marknadens utbud.För att få fram värderingsfaktorer har en litteraturundersökning implementerats och samtidigt har 13 personliga intervjuer genomförts. Intervjuer skedde med personer som använder dessa lokaler och parallellt de som tecknat kontrakt för att hyra dessa lokaler. Studieobjekt är kontor, skola och förskola..


This paper explains the basis for impartial games and the classicgame Nim. Nim is complicated by a modular Muller twist and thesolution for this game is described by a simple theorem. The modularMuller twist means that at the end of each move the player selects a kand the number of sticks the next player leaves in the pile, where thedraw is made, must be congruent with k modulo m. The number m isfixed throughout the game..

Energideklaration och energiförbrukning för småhus och flerbostadshus

Energy is today a very common topic, not only in Sweden but in the whole Europe. In EU they have given out a directive 2002/91/EG about buildings energy use and throw this they have forced their members to show how much energy their buildings use. In Sweden has the gouvernment established a law (SFS 2006:985) about energy declaration for buildings which demands that the building owner needs to show how much their buildings energy consumption are. Important to know is that this law doesn´t applies for industrial buildings.The report will show what the new law about energy declaration for buildings and appurtenant directions will mean for Riksbyggen. Also energy calculations will be done to be able to compare Riksbyggen buildings with the new law and directions.

Visualiseringsverktyg för modulärproduktutveckling : En studie om designen och implentationen av ett verktyg som ska effektivisera ett modulärt arbetssätt

Due to a growing interest in communication in today?s society the demand for equipment that is used in communication networks increases while the competition between companies that produce this equipment grows. To meet the increasing demand and at the same time having a competitive product development many companies use some effective product design, such as the modular product design. When a modular product design is used it?s good to compare different module configurations for a certain product and to simplify these comparisons some tool can be used.

Tillämpning av Modular Modeling med Siemens NX7.5 och Teamcenter

SammanfattningModular Management AB (MM) är en konsultfirma som arbetar med att implementera Modulära produktarkitekturer hos produktutvecklande företag. Företaget grundades i Stockholm år 1996 där huvudkontoret ligger än idag. De är världsledande inom sin genre och på grund av stor efterfrågan har kontor uppförts även i USAoch i Kina.Detta examensarbete är utfört på uppdrag av MM och har genomförts med hjälp av deras kunder i Finland samt kundens CAD-leverantör. Det behandlar modularisering och hur detta realiseras med hjälp av datorbaserad konstruktion (CAD). Detta är en MMs produkter och den kallas Modular Modeling.

Energideklaration av flerbostadshus

In the year 2002 the European Union decided on a new directive according to the energy use in buildings. The outcome of this direction is a proposition from the Swedish government on the outlines of a new law in the field of energy use in buildings. The date that the law will be applied is the first of October 2006. In the future al real estate owners must be able to show an energystatement over the real estate. This project contains cooperation with HFAB a local real estate company where two buildings are analyzed according to their energystatement.

Kontraster eller anpassning?

Should new buildings blend in or contrast from the older buildings around? Could contrasts even emphasize different characters? This report is a discussion on that theme. I´ve studied different architects wiev on the question and studied different of examples of where new buildings contrast to the context in a successful way. In part two I´ve done a proposal on a new housing settlement next to Hammarbyhöjden in Stockholm. The new buildings contrast to the existing and the aim is to emphasize the characters in Hammarbyhöjden as well as in the new structure.

Byggnadsminnesmärkning eller varför är det så ont om Q?

This thesis deals with our heritage and the care of old buildings. In order to limit this vast area a specific attention has been brought upon the process of giving buildings a certain level of protection and after decision having it taken away, instead of giving a stronger protection level.Further limitation has been done through the choice of four buildings in Lund, within Lund University campus. These buildings all lost this certain level of protection. The participants in these kinds of cases have a level of power, what argumentation did they use?The methods being used are discourse analysis, phenomenology and the daily methods of the building care field..

PCB i byggnader : Handlingsplan för saneringsarbetet i Eskilstuna kommun

Polychlorinated biphenyls, PCBs, were used in elastic sealants in buildings during the years1956-1973. Studies of PCB have revealed that it is harmful for humans and animals,especially water-living predators and other top-predators. It is also a persistent organicpollutant and remains in the environment for a very long time. To reduce the levels of PCB inthe environment, it has to be removed from the buildings. According to Swedish law, theproperty holder has to decontaminate sealants with a PCB level of 500 mg/kg or above.

Kulturarv i stadsutveckling : Kvarteret Almen Karlstad Värmland

This essay is from a student at the cultural science program in Karlstad University. The essay in Culture studies deals about the history use and about the cultural-historical values on buildings. The buildings are from a certain area called the neighborhood Almen and have in the past been threatening many times of demolition. The neighborhood Almen buildings survived a huge city fire back in the 19th century. Since then the buildings has been known as a memory and by the inhabitants and as the oldest part of the city left.

Samhällskunskapsämnet över tid : En undersökning mellan läroplan och läromedel från 1962 och 2011 i ämnet samhällskunskap

This essay is from a student at the cultural science program in Karlstad University. The essay in Culture studies deals about the history use and about the cultural-historical values on buildings. The buildings are from a certain area called the neighborhood Almen and have in the past been threatening many times of demolition. The neighborhood Almen buildings survived a huge city fire back in the 19th century. Since then the buildings has been known as a memory and by the inhabitants and as the oldest part of the city left.

Standardiserad tillverkning av nätstationer

AbstractAbetong in Falkenberg manufactures, among other things, small prefabricated concrete buildings for housing various installations, such as electric transformers.The aim of this dissertation is to reduce the time needed to design such buildings, by way of finding a number of standardized buildings. Standardized in such a manner as to incorporate both the needs of the manufacturer (Abetong) and its customers.To analyze the needs of the parties the work has included a market survey and calculations on the strength of these buildings.One survey was a letter questionnaire to all of Abetong?s customers who have, in the past, ordered these types of building. The aim of the questionnaire was to establish how the customers want these buildings designed.Another survey conducted was an inventory of all of Abetong?s previous projects where these types of building were manufactured.

Byggnadsminnen och dess försvarbarhet över tid

certain building or environment can get a protection as a notable building if it contains certainvalues. These values are established by a certain category of people from the cultural sector.These people use established criterions to define the cultural value of the object. The objects canbe evaluated differently depending on who has done the evaluation. The people who protect thecultural environment and choose which buildings that are to be defining as notable buildingsoften uses a special model to characterise the different cultural values. This model is produced bya man called Axel Unnerbäck.

Miljöcertifierade byggnader Värde för investeraren

This bachelor thesis describes why investors should invest in environmentally certified buildings instead of non certified buildings. The report provides an overview of possible factors influencing an investor in the investment process of an environmentally certified building. The report explains why building companies find incentive to build green buildings and how a cash flow method can be adapted so it can be used in the valuation process of an environmentally certified building. Environmentally certified buildings are used as a strategy to reduce emissions that threaten the environment as well as a strategy to obtain market shares for the building companies. This report focuses on the economic advantages of an environmentally certified building.The construction- and real estate industry stands for approximately 40 percent of the energy consumption in the world.

Kontraster eller anpassning?

Should new buildings blend in or contrast from the older buildings around? Could contrasts even emphasize different characters? This report is a discussion on that theme. I´ve studied different architects wiev on the question and studied different of examples of where new buildings contrast to the context in a successful way. In part two I´ve done a proposal on a new housing settlement next to Hammarbyhöjden in Stockholm. The new buildings contrast to the existing and the aim is to emphasize the characters in Hammarbyhöjden as well as in the new structure.

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