

1320 Uppsatser om Relations - Sida 8 av 88

Klimatsimulering av ett kontorsrum : Hur de termiska stigkrafterna påverkar ventilationseffektiviteten

AbstractIn urban societies people spend more and more time indoors, which put great demands on the indoor environment. If the ventilation is to manage the removal of unwanted substances in the indoor air, a good mixing of the air is required. The question arises that, whether the buoyancy forces will counteract a good mixing of the indoor air or not?This report aims to clear up the difficulties whether you need to consider the buoyancy forces or not, when adjusting a ventilation unit. For studying the indoor mixing of the air a two dimensional model is constructed in COMSOL Multiphysics.

Kvinna & chef : samband mellan ledarstilar och kommunikationsformer

Similarities in earlier research between leadership styles and communication forms were found, partly concerning Relations and partly concerning work assignments. Our approach was based on the notion that there could be a correlation between the manager2019s choice of communication mode (informal/formal) and leadership style i.e. Relation-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style/Task-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style. A gender perspective was used in the research. The method was quantitative with a questionnaire to women managers (N=78) in the private and the public sectors.

Rörelshinder och ämnet idrott och hälsa : en kvalitativ studie om hur elever med rörelsehinder upplever ämnet idrott och hälsa

The aim of this study was to investigate how disabled pupils feel about school lessons in physical education. Previous studies in the area show that many disabled pupils think that this is a problem. Drawing on data from one-to-one semi-structured interviews with six students in the age of 11-14 years, this study focused on how students with disability cope with their impairments and physical activity in school. The interviewees? background displays a wide range of sport related activities and besides school the interviewees seem to be engaged in different sports associations on their leisure time.

En geopolitisk återkomst : Kultur, ekonomi och territoriell konstruktion i samband med inomstatliga konflikter

Through geopolitical theory this thesis explores how conflicts within states can be read and understood according to an analytical model determining one or several possible causes for the conflict.  The model is created by the author and reflects geopolitical theory by giving three possible explanations to an intrastate conflict: culture, economy or territorial construction. The aim of the thesis is testing this model on two selectively chosen case studies ? i.e. two intrastate conflicts ? namely: the upcoming referendum in Scotland and the terror attack at Tiananmen Square in China.

NÄR VÅLD FÖRSTÅS SOM LEGITIMT. : En maktanalys av polisvåldets performativitet utifrån erfarenheter hos våldsutsatta.

Violence is put in a specific context when the police are the perpetrator of violence rendering violence possibly legitimate through sovereignty. The possibility of legitimization of police violence raises important questions of how such violence is legitimized and how resistance is conceived of and defined. I have interviewed seven people in Sweden from different backgrounds, all of whom share the experience of having been subjugated to police violence, including threats, harassments and physical violence.This paper analyzes the performativity of police violence through the Relations between police violence, power, sovereignty, subjectstatus and resistance, in order to understand how police violence is being legitimized and to understand its consequenses with respect to those subjugated to it. I?ve also analyzed if this violence is being politicized and, in that case, how politicization is made possible.

Till vilket pris? En kvalitativ studie om missbrukets påverkan på de sociala relationerna.

The aim of the study was to examine how substance abuse influences social Relationships to families, friends and others. Five ex addicts in a treatment centre were interviewed. We used thematic interviews with themes that we regarded as relevant for our study. In the analysis we applied the theoretical concept of symbolic interactionism. Theories of emotions also helped us to explain feelings that arise in the social Relationships.

Fallet SAS : En studie i hur medial diskurs reproducerar maktförhållanden på arbetsmarknaden

Aim: The purpose of this study is to explore how the media through a certain discourse constructs a view of the labor market and the power Relations between companies, unions and employees. The goal is to explore this through studying the media coverage of SAS? financial situation between September-December 2012 and our research question is the following: What view of the labor market and its power Relations was constructed and reproduced by Swedish newspapers through their portrayal of SAS during September-December 2012?Method: This study analyses the findings with the help of questions based on theories of social constructivism, discourse, agenda-setting and power. A content and discourse analysis was compiled of 360 articles from five Swedish newspapers that addressed SAS and their situation from September-December 2012. The results of these analyses were further processed using power analysis and John Gaventa?s power cube.Results: In this study we conclude that the medial discourse constructs identities of the different actors and affect power Relations between them, in favor of the company.

Sveriges säkerhetspolitik under 2000-talet : En analys ur ett liberalt och ett realistiskt perspektiv

The purpose of this study was to examine and explain Sweden?s defence and security policy during the twenty-first century. The method that was used in this research was a case study. The material that was used were government documents focusing on this area of policy, and numerous books concerning the theoretical perspectives on international Relations and defence security policy. The study is of an explaining art and the analysis explains Sweden?s security and defence policy during the twenty-first century. The analysis explains this by testing it against a liberal and a realist view on international Relations. The conclusion of the study is that Sweden?s defence and security policy has been liberal during this time period ? and still is.

När journalisten blir PR-konsult, kommunikatör och medietränare : En studie av steget från journalistik till PR

Detta är en kandidatuppsats i journalistik som har för avsikt att göra en lägesbeskrivning på relationen mellan journalistik och public Relations. Följande studie har gjorts via två olika metoder: dels via en kvalitativ undersökning i intervjuform och dels via en kvantitativ undersökning i enkätform. Studiens problematisering ligger i journalistens krav på opartiskhet och oberoende till skillnad från och i jämförelse med PR-branschens strävan efter att framföra en viss kund eller organisations intresse. Med denna oundvikliga motsättning i de olika branscherna - samt med utgångspunkten att man inom journalistiken har sett på övergången till PR som att man inom byter sida - ville vi med vår undersökning göra en lägesbeskrivning. I de 15 kvalitativa intervjuerna har våra respondenter bestått av nio personer med en journalistisk bakgrund som har lämnat journalistiken för en karriär inom public Relations och sju yrkesverksamma journalister. Detta för att undersöka uppfattningen inom båda dessa grupper.Vår kvalitativa studie visar att den stora majoriteten i bägge intervjugrupperna inte ser någon större problematik gällande övergången från journalistik till PR.

Att försvara sitt ursprung - en musikalisk resa i Transsylvanien

Title: Defending one's origin ? a musical journey to Transylvania.A journey to the Transylvanian part of Romania was pursued with the intent to investigate the cultural aspects of the historically and politically rooted set of Relations between the Hungarian peaking minority and the majority of the population, the Romanian speaking group. Music pedagogical ambitions within the two cultures were used as reflections of these phenomena. In trying to shed light on my questions and extract the Relations between the dominating and the dominated in this specific cultural and social context I have used the central themes of Bourdieu ? capital, habitus and field.

Arbetsmarknadens spelregler : arbetslöshet bland utomnordiskt födda individer som bor i Finspångs kommun

Research has shown that immigrants in the Swedish society often, when seeking jobs, don?t get the same opportunities as the rest of the population. This thesis is a qualitative research that examines the problematic situation of unemployment among immigrants in the municipality of Finspång. The purpose of this study is to analyze how civil servants in Finspång apprehend and describe the labor market problems surrounding the immigrant groups that live in the municipality of Finspång. The empirical material is build upon seven qualitative interviews with eight civil servants working in Finspång.

Spegel, spegel på väggen där: : En studie kring balladens textliga funktion i kvinnliga traditionsbärares liv under 1800-talet

Emma Eriksson and Christina Henriksson: Mirror mirror on the wall: A study on how ballad texts reflect women as carriers of tradition in nineteenth century Sweden, Växjö: Musikvetenskap C, 10 p 2005.The aim of this essay is to analyze Relations between ballad texts and the lives of female carriers of tradition in nineteenth century Sweden. Four carriers of tradition have been chosen, connected by being informants to Gunnar Olof Hyltén Cavallius, a collector of medieval ballads in Sweden around 1850. The four women are Anna Ehrenström (1786-1857), Catarina Andersdotter (1792-1857), Johanna Gustafva Angel (1791-1869) och Wendela Hebbe (1808-1899). Their lives are seen from a women?s historical perspective.Although there are uncertainties regarding to what extent the collected repertoire of the four women reflects their repertoire as a whole, some conclusions can be drawn regarding Relations between remaining ballads and their lives as women.

En socialpsykologisk studie om organisationsvisionens betydelse för sociala relationer i arbetsvardagen

In this study, we have considered the impact the organization`s implementation of its vision of the psychosocial work enviroment has been for the Relations between the employees. We have primarily relied on a hermeneutic approach to understand our empirical data, and when we have interpreted and made a socialpsycological analysis on our collected empirical data. We have used Smith´s Institutional Ethnography, Sheff`s Social bonds and Asplund`s theory of Social responsivity. To collect the empirical data we have combined quantitative and qualtitative methods and a textanalysis at a visiondocument in the aim of capture both the depht and the breadth of our chosen fields of study. The results we have found shows that the psycosocial work environment within the organization can be seen as interplay between individual and enviroment and between individuals as well and that this interaction is influenced by the organizational culture that is created by the organization`s political vision.

Revisorns etiska dilemma,var går gränsen för oberoende?

Law and regulations regulate the auditors? independence. An auditor should not only be independent in general, but independence in fact and independence in appearance. However, the regulations do not specifically describe how to act independence. It is the concerns of the auditor were he puts his limit for the independence.

Spelet mellan Trollhättan och Rüsselsheim. En fallstudie om globaliseringens påverkan på fackföreningar.

AbstractGlobalisation has lead to changes on many levels of our society; -industrial, technological, and corporate to name a few. This is an ongoing process which affects the society we live in today. The process is affecting the working-conditions for everyone through the changes of the Relations on the working market. The unions have enjoyed a very special role in Sweden for a long time, but that role is now affected by these changes. The Relationship between state and unions is changing, and the unions? influence in politics is decreasing.

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