

1320 Uppsatser om Relations - Sida 5 av 88

Bakom belönade bolag : Företagsspecifika förklaringar till frivillig information i publika företags årsredovisningar

Background: To maintain or increase the trust in the market, companies can disclose more voluntary information in the annual reports. According to prior research the annual report is the primary source of information for small shareholders and investors. Thus, it is of interest to investigate why companies chose to report the voluntary information inquired by this group. Purpose: We investigate some company-specific factors to decide whether these determine the extent of voluntary information, particularly inquired by small shareholders and investors, in the annual reports of listed Swedish companies. We also aim to discuss underlying causes for our result.

Hjärtfrekvens och kortisolkoncentration hos valpar under olika typer av valptest :

The aim of this study was to find possible Relations between behaviour and physiology for puppies during different parts of a puppy test. This work deals mainly with the physiological part of the study. Thirtysix puppies, från five litters, were tested in a behaviour test where heart rate was measured and saliva samples were collected before and after each part in the test. Saliva and urine samples were analyzed for corisol concentration as an indicatior of stress. The tests were performed during two consecutive days in the breeders' home when the puppies were seven weeks old. In addition, heart rate and cortisol levels were also measured in the bitch since we were interested in finding out if there were any Relations between physiological levels in bitches and puppies.

Grossistens roll på handarbetsmarknaden : En studie om Ja?rbo Garns kommunikation med sina kunder och a?terfo?rsa?ljare

Ja?rbo Garn is a wholesaler in the textile industry. The companys position on the market is under changing circumstances. Therefore Ja?rbo Garn needs to find new ways of developing their marketing.

EU som global aktör : En fallstudie av klimatförhandlingarna i Köpenhamn

This essay examines the European Union?s (EU) ability to play a leading role as a global actor on the world stage in international Relations. Specifically, this essay studies the EU?s role of negotiator in the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen in December 2009.  This essay also analyzes explanations for this role. Research is based on case studies, with conclusions drawn using an inductive approach.

Från Snövit till Frost : En genusstudie av kvinnliga relationer iDisneyfilmer och hur dessa har utvecklats över tid.

This study examines how women are portrayed in four of Disney?s feature films, withthe focus on the presentation of Relations between women. The films examined areSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Sleeping Beauty (1959), The Little Mermaid(1989) and Frozen (2013). The aim is to analyse the development that has taken placefrom a gender perspective, from the earliest film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs(1937), to the latest, Frozen (2013), and to reveal the significance of the femalecharacters for each other. The films? portrayal of women and female Relations isdiscussed in relation to previous criticism of Disney for their stereotyped portrayal ofwomen, and through a thematic comparison with the known fairytales on which thefilms are based.

Mikroföretags kommunikationshantering, off- och on-line, på
konsumentmarknaden: en fallstudie på två företag

The purpose of this thesis was to highlight how different aspects of market communication are used when micro companies choose to use both Internet and store selling activities towards the consumer market. The thesis dealt with off-line and on-line communication considerations with focus on advertising, interactions, and Relations. In order to achieve this purpose a case study was conducted, that revealed that the companies acted according to theories. The conclusions drawn from the thesis were that companies tended to rely on traditional ways of dealing with advertising and interaction. We could also see that Relations were created as a result of unconscious behavior and that the Internet activities still were on a basic level..

Direktkrav vid ansvarsförsäkring i Sverige och i Finland : en bedömning av rättslägen samt en diskussion om direktkravets lämplighet

Two different claim Relations arises with a damage covered by a liability insurance. The first claim relation is of course the one between the claimant and the liable as a claim for damages. The other claim relation arises between the liable in his capacity of insured and his insurer as a claim for compensation under the liability insurance. There is a tight connection between the two claim Relations because of the fact that it is the claimant?s claim for damages that gives rise to the claim for insurance compensation.

PR-branschen. Branschen som inte kan marknadsföra sig själv? : En studie om hur PR-byråer marknadsför sig genom relationsmarknadsföring

Title:        PR-industry: The industry that cannot promote themselves?                ? A thesis of how PR-agencies use Relationship marketing to                promote themselves.Authors:    Julia Edvardsson & Jennie JonassonAdvisor:     Navid GhannadLevel:         Bachelor thesis in Marketing, (15 ECTS), Spring 2012Keywords:   Public Relations, Relationship Marketing, Relation, Interaction and NetworkPurpose:    The purpose of this thesis is to bring a better understanding for Public  Relations and for how the PR-agencies promote themselves. The thesis will explore the following questions:? How do the PR-agencies uses Relationship marketing to reach out with their knowledge to their potential customers?? Are the any differences between their promotions when it comes to the agencies orientation?Theoretical framework: The chapter begins with a definition of Public Relations. After that a framework of Relationship Marketing theory is made with headlines as Relations, interaction and networking.Method:      A qualitative research method, with a deductive approach, has been implemented.

Armlängdsprincipen och Statens kulturråd: En fallstudie om maktfördelning i svensk kulturpolitik

This Masters Thesis is about the Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs and the arms length principle. The principle is used to explain the separation of power between two parts with a common interest. The main purpose is to elucidate if, and if so in what way, the arms length principle can be used to explain the relation between the National Council for Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture, i.e. the Swedish government, but also to examine the structures of power and Relations within the Council. In the thesis we show that in the field of cultural policy the content of the arm lengths principle varies due to the many interpretations of the meaning.

"We rock!" i den virtuella världen : En undersökning av svenska festivalers strategiska kommunikationsarbete i sociala medier

Sociala medier och public Relations kan vara effektiva verktyg i festivalers strategiska kommunikationsarbete. Fo?r att kunna skapa en dialog och uppra?ttha?lla en relation till sin publik anva?nder arrango?rerna ett antal tekniker och PR- strategier. Underso?kningen visar hur dessa strategier anva?nds och hur de fyller ett antal funktioner fo?r de ba?da akto?rerna.

Ny världsordning, nya utmaningar? En teorianvändande studie om förhållandet mellan USA och Europa sedan Kalla krigets slut

In this thesis I discuss and analyse the Relationship between USA and Europe since the end of the Cold War. Many authors claimed that the Soviet threat was the glue that kept the continents together. Now that threat is gone and new challenges have risen. In what way has this Relationship been influenced by the new challenges this new era stands for? By doing a case study and by using two quite different theorists, John Mearsheimer an offensive realist and Joseph Nye who is a liberal institutionalist, I?ll try to show how for example September 11, anti-amerikanism and NATO can be explained and understood.

Social fotboll : En kvalitativ undersökning för att kartlägga skillnader i hur svenska respektive engelska fotbollslag kommunicerar på Facebook

Facebook is today a phenomenon that has connected the whole world. With millions of users this has become an attractive place for soccer clubs to connect with their fans. But in what ways are they using Facebook as a tool to connect with their fans?This essay aims to answer the question if it?s a difference in the way English and Swedish teams communicate with their fans on Facebook. The study was conducted with the use of telephone- and mail interviews.

I jakt på tillämpning : Om F.O.V. Fabrics möjligheter att understödja kommersialiseringen av algbatteriforskning

The purpose of this essay is to explore the actor network of a high technology company in the textile industry called F.O.V. Fabrics. The background for doing this is a recent project, which we choose to call the Salt & Paper Battery Group, aiming to commercialize a newly discovered technology ? a battery based on cellulose from an alga. We start by examining a range of network theories in order to eventually shape a framework of our own.

Erfarna oskulder och arbetande hemmafruar : en studie kring kvinnor i moderniseringsprocesser

This is a theoretical study of changing Relations between men and women in the context of modernisation. Ideas derived from a general theoretical discussion will be illustrated by examples from countries that are going through societal changes affecting the lives of men and women; Uganda, Morocco and Mexico. Focus will be on connections between changes in the public sphere and interpersonal Relations in the private sphere. One part examines certain effects of women?s increased participation in politics and in the workforce, concluding that these changes may cause conflicts with traditional values and consequently tensions in inter-gender Relations.

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