

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 29 av 681

Idrott och hälsa ? ett livsviktigt ämne : en kvalitativ studie om vad som utmärker gymnasieelever som deltar i ämneskursen idrott och hälsa 1

AimThe overall aim of this study has been to gain knowledge about what characterize upper secondary school students participating in the subject course physical education and health (PEH). To investigate this, the following questions are formulated:What motivates the students to attend PEH?How do the students experience teaching?What influences the students' opinions of the subject?MethodWe conducted a qualitative study using interview as method. Six students, from year 2; three girls and three boys, from different studying programs at an upper secondary school in the region of Mälardalen were interviewed. The students had been recommended and asked to participate by their teachers in PEH.

Kvinna, chef, bibliotekarie. Triss i stereotyper?

Public libraries are mainly employing women and have female managers. According to theories based upon so-cial construction we create our roles together in our society. The role of a manager has for a long time been viewed as the role of a man. The objective of my thesis is to gain knowledge on how a few women that work as managers in public libraries perceive and describe their roles. A parallel aim is to let a few future librarians de-scribe their managers and their own views on leadership, with a focus on gender issues.

Både chef och bibliotekarie: om chefsrollen på folkbibliotek

The majority of managers of public libraries in Sweden also work as librarians on an operative level within the organisation. This thesis discusses how the manager role is affected by his/her specific assignments and multiple tasks. Seven public library managers, who work in districts with around 10 000 25 000 inhabitants, have been interviewed. They reflect upon their experience of leadership and different assignments. The main focus lies on: - leadership - communication - decision making - organisational development The interviews show some positive effects, the manager is present most of the time, has a great knowledge about everyday work and daily routines, and is also able to represent the library successfully in the local community.

"Hur  mycket invandring tål Sverige?" : Invandrings- och integrationsdiskurser hos tre elitskribenter och på Avpixlat- en relationell studie

Drawing on theories of ethnic representations in mainstream news media and racial discrimination (van Dijk 2000, Hultén 2006, Husband & Downing 2005, Wodak 2011), and using methods of critical discourse analysis (mainly van Dijk 1993, 1991, Fairclough 1995) this bachelor thesis aims to investigate the inter-textual and inter-discursive relationship between selected editorial and opinion pieces written by three mainstream right wing ?symbolic elites? and the xenophobic blog ?Avpixlat?. The three selected symbolic elites are: Per Gudmundsson, editorial writer at the second largest Swedish newspaper SvD, Andreas Johansson Heinö, academic with a P.H.D. in political science, specialized on issues of integration and ethnic relations, and Paulina Neuding, editorial writer at SvD and editor in chief for right-wing oriented magazine Neo. All three are actively taking part in the mediated discussion of ethnic relations in Sweden from a liberal-conservative perspective.

Ideellt ledarskap En kvalitativ studie som undersöker vilka faktorer som påverkar ledarskapet och engagemanget i två hemslöjdsföreningar

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Ledarskap i slöjd och kulturhantverk15 hpInstitutionen för kulturvårdGöteborgs universitet2015:31.

Förebygg och åtgärda mobbning på arbetsplatser :

Bullying in workplaces has been a growing problem the last ten years. Anyone can be a victim or a bully. Either you are a leader or a worker a bullying situation can be activated. There is no difference between ages, line of business, education or the size of the firm. A person is defined as bullied if he or she is repeatedly subjected to negative acts in the workplace. However, to be a victim of such bullying one must also feel inferiority in defending oneself in the actual situation. Bullying often occurs when situations or conditions at the workplace are unsatisfactory. Employers are always responsible for the working environment at the workplace. Victims of bullying very often develop psychological stress. To prevent bullying you have to accept the fact that bullying exists. If the company has a clear policy against bullying and a plan for action if the problem occurs, it will be easier to handle the situation.

Det Relationella Perspektivet : En induktiv fallstudie om relationen mellan ledare och följare

This thesis investigates the dynamics of the relationship between a leader and the followers within a chosen organization. The research on leadership has generally been focused on the leader, and consequently treating the followers like passive subordinates. We pursue a more multidimensional view of the subject, meaning that leadership descends from an interaction between leaders and followers, which makes it relevant to study the dynamics of the relationship from both perspectives. We chose to do a qualitative case study on a middle- and preschool which has won a price for being an ideal place to work at. This price peaked our interest to investigate why the relationships are highly functional in this particular organization.

Riskfylld livsstil och relation till föräldrar - en studie av interaktionens betydelse för ungdomsbrottslighet

Studien syftar till att studera interaktionen mellan riskfylld livsstil och relation till föräldrar vid förklaring av ungdomsbrottslighet. Forskningen kring interaktionen är otillräcklig men lämnar vissa indikationer på att interaktionen kan ha en inverkan på ungdomars brottslighet. Studien testar hypotesen om att en starkare relation till föräldrar minskar livsstilens effekt på ungdomars brottslighet. Studiens resultat och slutsatser baseras på kvantitativ data från en enkätundersökning utförd i Halmstad (N = 1003) år 2005. Fyra blockvisa multipla linjära regressionsmodeller beräknas där den beroende variabeln brottslighet förklaras av fem variabler: kön, invandrarbakgrund, relation till föräldrar, livsstilsrisk och interaktionen mellan relation till föräldrar och livsstilsrisk.

Emotionell Intelligens och ledarskap : En kvantitativ studie

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan emotionell intelligens (EI )och ledarskapsstilar i Sverige. Tidigare studier har funnit ett samband mellan emotionell intelligens och transformativt ledarskap. Studien syftade även till att undersöka ifall tidigare forsknings resultat mellan emotionell intelligens och ledarskapsstilar skiljer sig i förhållande till ett svenskt urval. Ledarna (N=61) besvarade på frågor angående emotionell intelligens (SEIS) samt på frågor angående ledarskapsstil (MLQ5X). Resultatet visade ett signifikant positivt samband mellan emotionell intelligens och alla fyra komponenter i transformativt ledarskap.

MAGISKA RUM : om scenografins roll i scenkonstverk för barn och unga

This thesis investigates the communicative role of scenography in the performing arts for children, with an aim to make the readers understand the ways in which a set design can be optimized so that a young audience can be able to interpret the play and its message.The art of scenography is complex and includes many elements. The research questions can therefore be grouped into three clusters: one artistic oriented (How does the scenographic process work and what is its relation to the scenic piece at large? In which ways may scenography be used to support the desiderate interpretation?), one audience oriented (Which work processes enhances the chances of creating dramatic art that is perceived as meaningful to the audience? On what premises can the semiotics of theatre be used in the performing arts for a young audience?) and last a cluster that focuses on Den magiska cirkeln (The Magic Circle) by ung scen/öst (What is told in the show and how is this portrayed in the scenography? Who is in the target group, and does the audience get the feeling of the performance as intended?).Den magiska cirkeln is used as a case study in the thesis in order to reflect the theoretical material. Methods in the case study includes performance analysis, a survey completed by 178 people in the audience and an interview with scenographer Anna Dolata. 14 performing analyzes of Swedish children?s theatre shows have been made in addition to the case study.The thesis analyses and compares two work logics; the internal logic and the external logic, and it is shown that meaningful interpretations are likelier to happen with an external logical point of view.

Top-talents med förväntningar - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om att leda i spänningsfältet mellan performance management och top-talents på ett managementkonsultbolag

This paper aims to outline leaders' experiences of managing consultants from their company's performance management system. The study was conducted by qualitative interviews with senior managers and HR professionals within a management consulting firm. The aim was to describe the company's performance management system, their consultants and the challenges of leading in this context. The theoretical framework consists of previous research in leadership, performance management and management consulting. Within these research areas the authors identify a knowledge gap in leaders' perspectives on managing top-talents with performance management systems in the management consulting industry.

Arbete och arbetstidi det postindustriella samhället : En jämförande attitydstudie mellan Sverigeoch USA med fokus på arbetstidsförkortning

Within the field of welfare research, few people take into account both the aspect of gender and class. Thetraditional class-oriented research has a one-dimensional perspective on gender and the feminist welfare researchrarely carry out large comparative studies. A multi-dimensional perspective on the construction ofgender and class would benefit from both the feminist and class welfare-oriented research, and contribute toincreasing the knowledge about the individual's experience and attitudes to work and work time. The aim ofthis paper is to examine the correlation of the intersectional relationship between sex / gender position andclass position with the attitudes and motives for working time reduction. Especially in, (1) the value in work,and (2) the attitude to a high number of working hours, as well as (3) its combined effect on the conflict betweenwork and family.

Representationer av migranter inom biblioteks- och informationsvetenskaplig forskning : En textanalys utifrån kritiska ras- och vithetsstudier och intersektionell teori

The purpose of the essay has been to examine representations of immigrants in contemporary library and information science research in a Scandinavian context. By analyzing nine articles from the past decade we examine the perceptions that exist in the concepts of multiculturalism, culture, race, ethnicity, religion, gender and whiteness and what role and importance the library as a place is assigned in relation to immigrants as a user group. Our study consists of a qualitative text analysis, a critical oriented close reading method based on critical race and whiteness studies and intersectional theory. We have, with the help of Sara Ahmed´s theories of hegemonic whiteness, demonstrated how multiculturalism is partly presented as something desirable and good, partly as something potentially threatening.The discourse of multiculturalism can be said to express the notions of the other, which in the source material manifests itself by ascribing otherness to immigrants. We have, for example, examined how ethnical and cultural differences are highlighted by a separation of East and West, the library?s educational and assisting role in relation to immigrants as a user group as well as representations of whiteness, gender and clothes.

I Europas hjärta; Det brittiska ordförandeskapet under förhandlingarna om EU:s långtidsbudget 2007-2013

This thesis analyses the 2005 UK presidency of the Council, and more particularly the negotiations on the future financing of the European Union. The purpose of the study is to discuss whether the holding of the presidency implies political influence for the member state. To analyse the power of the country holding the chair the thesis focuses on the presidency functions of brokering and leadership. The theory suggests that the influence of the presidency is derived from informational and procedural power resources, as well as some leadership resources, such as coercion and reward. A case study was used to analyse whether these power resources were used by the British presidency.

Har du tid? : en studie av hur företag hanterar stressjukdomar

Background: The stress in the society seems to having become more amplified and more trying. Statistics show that the appearance of stress related industrial diseases have increased strikingly. What can be stressing at the workplace? The work conditions are not the only thing that causes stress but no matter what the causes are employers have to restore the employees to their former positions. How are companies dealing with the problems of stress in reality? Do they have formulated strategies for how to manage the problems? Purpose: The purpose with this essay is to try to see pattern in how companies manage and treat stress and stress related industrial diseases.

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