

10215 Uppsatser om Relation oriented leadership - Sida 1 av 681

Kvinna & chef : samband mellan ledarstilar och kommunikationsformer

Similarities in earlier research between leadership styles and communication forms were found, partly concerning relations and partly concerning work assignments. Our approach was based on the notion that there could be a correlation between the manager2019s choice of communication mode (informal/formal) and leadership style i.e. Relation-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style/Task-Oriented Behaviour Leadership style. A gender perspective was used in the research. The method was quantitative with a questionnaire to women managers (N=78) in the private and the public sectors.

Kvinnliga yrkesmässiga nätverks betydelse för ledarskapet och karriären

In today?s society there is an ongoing debate concerning gender distribution amongst the top executives and there is a clear distinction between the men and women in leading positions. The reason for this can be because men and women to a certain degree conduct leadership differently. It is said that men are more focused on task oriented leadership while women seem to focus on a relation oriented and more interactive leadership. A leader?s success could be due to his or her ability to set up and use a network.

Ledarskap på distans : Att arrangera och upprätthålla

This essay aims to create an understanding of how leadership can be arranged in a company that embraces new technology and telework, and how it can be experienced from the employees' perspective. In order to make it possible to investigate this purpose are three questions formed; ?How is the leadership perceived??, ?How does telework into motivation?? and ?How does telework into communication??. A presentation of previous research is given, focusing mainly within different types of leadership, distance, and telework. Based on this, three interviews was made in which respondents? experience of telework was in focus.

Kvinnliga och manliga mellanchefer uppfattning om effektivt ledarskapsbeteende

The society today is full of new changes within the companies and their middle chiefs. Middle chief?s visions have changed during recent years. The female chiefs have grown in numbers, and because of that people have started to focus on whether there are any similarities or differences between the female and male leadership behaviors. The essay is about similarities and differences between female and male middle chief?s idea about effective leadership behavior.Our analysis is based on a qualitative study, where we have made four interviews with four chiefs in industrial companies.

Hur och varför media konstruerar ledarskap - Ett kliv in på redaktionen för att utvärdera tänkbara förklaringsmekanismer

In modern leadership research, leadership is often viewed as a social construction, and under this paradigm various researchers let the media play a central role in constructing leadership. Meanwhile, the question of how the media actors do this is left unanswered. We explore the question of how and why the media construct leadership, from the vantage point of the media actors themselves, and the conditions they work under. Different mechanisms for media construction of leadership are identified in previous research. Through interviews with business journalists at Veckans Affärer, we find recognition for some of the explanatory mechanisms: namely that personification of a CEO facilitates the work of journalists (and sells papers), that personal drama captures reader demand, and that the CEO of a listed company consciously cultivates his or her personal parallel self.

?För hur rock?n?roll är man som chef?? En diskursanalytisk studie av ledarskap i dagens folkbibliotek

The aim of this master thesis is to examine how leadership in public libraries is constructed discursively in the Swedish library field of today. The empirical material reviewed is job postings and articles from three library related journals.The thesis seeks to identify what different leadership discourses can be found by looking at definitions, forms of address, present actors and themes emerging. It also aims to examine the contingent presence of late modern leadership theories in the order of discourse. The leadership theories primarily investigated are New Public Management (NPM) and value-based leadership.The theoretical starting point of the thesis is discourse theory, developed by Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. In the analysis a model of four phases is used; in which central concepts of discourse theory help identify the discourses.

Synen på manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap : Ur ett manligt och kvinnligt perspektiv

The study is quantitative and is about working men and women?s view of male and female leadership. The intention of the study is to see if the men and women have a different perception of male and female leadership and also if they have different personality types. The method used was a survey where the sample is 80 participants, 31 men and 49 women from four different companies. Previous research shows that the perception of male and female leadership can be different, and that the reason can be prejudices and beliefs.

Vad är kvalitet i ledarskap? : Teorier, modeller och verkligheten

In this qualitative study the authors explores, by studying several quality-development models what quality in leadership is. The models are: Total Quality Management; SIQ?s model for customer-oriented organizational development; the EFQM excellence model; the ISO 9000:2000 standard; and Six Sigma. These models will be compared from Deming?s list for upper management; the Situational Leadership Theory; and the Contingency Theory.

Ledarskap i klassrummet : Demokratiskt eller auktoritärt

The aim is to examine how teachers view their leadership, how leadership is used and developed, and what kind of perceptions teachers have of leadership and how it is important to their students.My questions are: In what ways can the teachers develop their leadership?In what ways can the teachers make use of leadership in the classroom?What do the teachers in the study consider to be a good leadership?What do the teachers inte the study think of their leadership and its´ importance to students? The study uses a qualitative research method and consists of interviews with four teachers working in a school south of Stockholm. The results of the study shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom has a significance for students´ learning and development. The teachers´style of leadership should not be static and should be adapted to students´development level. The results also shows that teachers´ leadership in the classroom is about various tasks.

Investeringskalkylens svarta får - en studie om utvärderingen av ledarskapsutvecklingsprogram

The concept of leadership development plays an important role within the modern organization. As a result of the increasing interest in developing leadership competencies, investments in leadership development programs are becoming a common part of business strategies. However, the return on those investments is seldom evaluated. The reason for this is considered to be the complexity created by the many factors that influence leadership but have no relation to the program. This is a case study based on interviews with participants from a one-year leadership development program that was carried out at AB Previa.

Alexander: det tar hundra år... : Kvinnligt ledarskap i den ryska medievärlden

The more leadership you get, the more power you will receive. Unfortunately, not everyone is given the same opportunities. This can be seen and proved on the basis of studies in media companies. Our purpose concerns attitudes towards female leadership in Moscow, Russia. This thesis was based on two study methods, qualitative interviews and observations.

Ledarskap i offentlig sektor : Organisationsfaktorer, ledarskapsmodeller, förutsättningar och medarbetarens hälsa

The purpose of this study was to examine leadership in the public sector based on leadership models, organizational factors, conditions and health of employees. The study was divided into sub-study one and two. In sub-study one the design was an observational study using cross sectional design in which 67 first line managers in the public sector answered a survey about conditions and leadership models. Sub-study two was an observational study using case-control design focusing on a health promoting leadership intervention in the municipal sector. Two semi-structured interviews and 41 surveys were collected.

Det coachande ledarskapet : En win-win situation?

Abstract Title: Coaching Leadership - A win-win situation? Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration Author: Helena Gustafsson Supervisor: Pär Vilhelmson Date: 2012 ? mars Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how companies use the coaching leadership and how the employees perceive to have a manager who uses this way to lead. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study in which interviews was an important feature. The information I gathered is the basis for analysis and final discussion. The material has been collected through personal interviews with two managers and then I send questions to the employees by e-mail that they responded. This is to get such an interesting empirical data as possible.

Identitet och identitetsstilar : Sambandet mellan kön, utbildning och identitetsbildning på gymnasiet

Abstract Title: Coaching Leadership - A win-win situation? Level: Final assignment for Master Degree in Business Administration Author: Helena Gustafsson Supervisor: Pär Vilhelmson Date: 2012 ? mars Aim: The purpose of this study is to examine how companies use the coaching leadership and how the employees perceive to have a manager who uses this way to lead. Method: The study was conducted as a qualitative study in which interviews was an important feature. The information I gathered is the basis for analysis and final discussion. The material has been collected through personal interviews with two managers and then I send questions to the employees by e-mail that they responded. This is to get such an interesting empirical data as possible.

Implementering av delat ledarskap inom en kommunorganisation

This report addresses the management innovation and how shared leadership is a form of it. The report is a compilation of what shared leadership means and how two municipal organizations works with shared leadership. The two minicipal organizations are Strängnäs and Vällingby. One municipality (Strängnäs) is meanwhile this report produced during insertion of shared leadership. The other (Vällingby) has about two years experience of working with this form of leadership.

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