

1319 Uppsatser om Reject water - Sida 52 av 88

Hydrolys av primärslam för förbättrande av biologisk fosforreduktion vid behandling av hushållsavloppsvatten [Hydrolysis of primary sludge for enhancement of biological phosphorus removal in household wastewater]

Hammarby Sjöstad is a new district of southern Stockholm built with focus on reduced environmental impact by recirculation of materials and sustainability. The environmental goals aim to cut the water consumption by half and a separate storm water treatment. Thus, the wastewater will be more concentrated and will originate from the households only. The Sjöstad project includes the idea of a local treatment plant for the household wastewater. To evaluate this possibility, Sjöstadsverket, an experimental treatment plant was constructed.

På vilka sätt kan stakeholders påverka EU? : En jämförelse av stakeholders påverkan på EU:s GMO policy och på ramdirektivet för vatten

How stakeholders can influence EU in global environmental politics and what consequences and risks this brings are heavily debated. Some scholars argue that civil society are being disenfranchised from the global political arena while others seem to find them having influence in areas where they normally shouldn´t have any influence. In this this paper I will compare the Europan Union policy on GMOs with the process in producing the Water Framework Directive using an analytical framework to study the level of stakeholder influence. Following the framework I will use two types of data namely NGO participation and Goal attainment. The data once summarized will be analyzed by using the methods of process-tracing and counterfactual analysis.My conclusions regarding both cases are that stakeholders, most notably, were able to influence policymaking in EU by using the internal revisions and by networking in smaller partnerships.

Ha?llbar sockerro?rsodling fo?r etanolframsta?llning i Brasilien : Hur slagkraftig a?r dagens ha?llbarhetscertifiering och kan den fo?ra?ndra mark- och vattenpa?verkan fra?n odlingarna?

Climate changes today are mainly caused by anthropogenic activities and the increased emissions of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere and this has raised questions on how to reduce the usage of fossil fuels. Ethanol is a good alternative to conventional gas and has been used in Brazil since the 1970 ?s. In Sweden several newspapers has written about the poor working conditions on many farms thus making the Swedish company SEKAB design a certification for their ethanol to ensure that it can be considered to be a sustainable alternative.Furthermore WWF has developed a certification tool called Bonsucro in cooperation with Coca Cola, Ferrero group, BP and Shell. This is due to the fact that no global certification tool has been available up until now.

Ett svenskt landskap i Australien : svenska kyrkan i Melbourne

As a Swedish landscape architecture student living in Australia for five years, I have often wondered if my memories and my associations with the landscape and the nature in Sweden, are the same as other Swedish people living in Melbourne. Most of the Swedish people who live here in Melbourne remember and associate Sweden?s nature and landscape with where they grew up or where they used to live. The plants that most of the Swedish people I asked missed from Sweden were associated to special feelings or activities. The general type of landscape people remember from Sweden is that of a landscape covered in forests, which you can walk freely through. With these memories as a foundation and with inspiration from the Swedish landscape architect Thorbjörn Anderson?s way of creating places, by letting a few strong changes play against the existing elements,2 but also with consideration of the climate and the severe shortage of water that is current in Melbourne, will I create a design concept for the garden surrounding the Swedish Church in Melbourne. A design concept that will generate memories and associations to Swedish landscapes..

Beräkning av energianvändning i svenska småhus

An energy calculation model for Swedish houses   that is fast, flexible and user-friendly has been developed within the   framework of this thesis.  The model   also provides a set of actions which may be investigated in the model based   on savings and payback period. Energy use in a house depends on the technical   conditions, such as building envelope and heating systems, which outdoor   climate the house is exposed to and who lives in the house. Energy use for a   house can be divided into heating, hot water and household electricity. There   are several methods to calculate the energy use of a house. This report   summarizes the methods that may be suitable for a fast and user-friendly   calculation model.

Kartläggning av snökanoner över Östersjön

Convective snowbands is a weather phenomenon that is associated with heavy snowfall in a limited area. They are formed over ice-free parts of e.g. the Baltic Sea when there is a cold easterly airflow over relatively warm water. These convective snowbands can cause large amounts of snow along the Swedish east coast, often causing traffic hazards. Sometimes they can even paralyze an entire community.  In this study, convective snowbands that have formed over the Baltic Sea during the period 1980-2009 are examined, in order to find out how often they occur, what place they are most common and in what month they usually appear.

Löslighet och transport av sällsynta jordartsmetaller i Källfallsfältets gruvsandsmagasin

Löslighet och transport av sällsynta jordartsmetaller i Källfallsfältets gruvsandsmagasinHugo de Campos PereiraSyftet med detta arbete har varit att kartlägga vilka mekanismer som styr lösligheten av sällsynta jordartsmetaller (eng. rare earth elements, REE) i sulfidhaltig anrikningssand vid den föredetta gruvan Källfallsfältet i Västmanland. För syftet har markvatten- och grundvattenprovtagning utförts, tillsammans med laktester och geokemisk modellering med Visual MINTEQ ver. 3.0.Resultaten visade att sulfidvittring är den främsta processen som styr pH i anrikningssanden, och därmed också indirekt REEs löslighet. Däremot är sulfidvittring ingen källa till REE i sig då ämnena inte föreligger sulfidbundna, något som oxiderat tillgänglighetstest NT ENVIR 006 visade.

Investeringskalkyl baserad på ett flerbostadshus energiprestanda

The aim of this study is to find a method to incorporate the energydemand of a building in the investment cost estimate.The study is based on an actual apartment block. The significant energyaspects are identified, and changed to more energy efficient options.These are then simulated using the energy calculation program VIP+.The calculated energy need is used in the investment cost estimate, andthe simulated alternatives are compared in regards to their economicalprofitability.Depending on the focus, different alternatives are the most advantageous.Since this study aims to show which alternative is the mosteconomically profitable, the annual profit is the parameter of mostimportance. This means that individual measuring of heating and hotwater use is the recommended change of the original house. A changeof the windows to new ones with a U-value of 1,0 as well as 0,8W/m2K also results in a positive change of the annual profit comparedto the original house..

Nya tillämpningar för utandningstest kopplade till Kibions diagnostikinstrument IRIS®

The aim of my thesis is to obtain knowledge of textile wastewater and textile sludge from an environmental perspective, which can be used as a basis for the  ?Sweden Textile Water Initiative? guidelines for a sustainable sludge management. In my study I have mainly focused on textile dyes, salts and metals and their routes during wastewater treatment.This paper is partly a literature review, which I began by identifying the pollutants discharged from each textile process. Then I studied wastewater and sludge quality, environmental aspects, possible treatment and recycling methods. I have also tried to find existing type of guidelines in order to make comparisons.

Honung och biodling : honungens ursprung, egenskaper och effekter på människans hälsa

This report describes honey, its origin, properties and effects on human health. Honey has been used for a long time in most civilizations and apiculture is an important activity sector in many parts of the world. The trend is an increase in honey production but a decrease in the number of beekeepers in Sweden. Honeybees live in a highly developed society with a strong hierarchy and a well organized distribution of the tasks. They visit a broad spectrum of plants and collect nectar to store it as honey.

Bridge Over Troubled Water : En studie av två svenska bryggeriers bemötande av intressenter med hjälp av CSR

Bakgrund och problem: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) är ett ramverk som beskriver företags sociala ansvar och engagemang. Vidare förknippas CSR även med stakeholder management som handlar om företags bemötande och balansering av sina intressenters intressen. Oenigheter i teoretiska definitioner av CSR tyder på att det empiriskt sett kan uppstå missförstånd kring ramverket. Carlsberg Sverige och Spendrups är två företag som tar ställning och socialt ansvar via CSR men kritiseras trots detta på grund av sin produktion och försäljningen av flaskvatten, som även visat sig har en negativ påverkan på företagens försäljning. Detta tyder på att det kan vara av företagens intresse att vilja bemöta och åtgärda de kritiska aspekter vilket görs utifrån CSR.Syfte: Studien syftar till att teoretiskt och empiriskt undersöka förhållandet mellan två bryggerier och dess kritikyttrande intressenter, vilket bidrar till ökad kunskap om komplexiteten av ramverken Corporate Social Responsibility och stakeholder management.Metod: En kvalitativ metod har använts där studien baseras på sekundärkällor för undersökningen av de två fallföretagen Carlsberg Sverige och Spendrups samt en undersökning av kritiken som riktas mot flaskvatten och dess produktion.Analys och slutsats: Produktionen, transporterna samt materialåtervinning och ?förbränning kritiseras för att ha en negativ påverkan på miljön.

En utvärdering av de skogliga vattenplaneringsverktygen NPK+ och Blå målklassning med avseende på vattenkvalitet och vattenkemi

Intresset för vattenfrågor har ökat efter införandet av EU:s ramdirektiv för vatten (vattendirektivet, 2000/60/EG) och inneburit att vattenvård och hänsynstagande till vatten inom skogsbruket fått större fokus. Målet med vattendirektivet är att alla vatten inom EU (Europeiska Unionen) ska erhålla en god kemisk och ekologisk status innan år 2015 samt att ingen försämring får ske. Skogsbruket kan i vissa fall ha negativa effekter på vattenmiljöer. NPK+ och Blå målklassning är två skogliga vattenplaneringsverktyg som har utvecklats för att öka vattenhänsynen i skogen. Verktygen utgörs av ett inventeringsprotokoll som bedömer vattenmiljöns naturvärde (N), påverkan (P), känslighet för skogsbruk (K) samt plusvärden (+).

Gravidas hälsovanor

Abstract Westerholm, I. (2011). Gravidas hälsovanor. Hälsopedagogiska programmet. Akademin för hälsa och arbetsliv, Högskolan i Gävle.This study aimed to investigate whether pregnant women change their health habits following recommendations and, if so, find out where they get this information from.

Inventering och bedömning av förorenade områden inom division Energi, Tekniska Verken i Linköping

This thesis was commissioned by Tekniska verken, Energy Division with the overall aim to investigate the concept of environmental debt and what it means for a business. Furthermore, a sustainable risk and responsibility investigation shall be carried out on the concerned areas. Finally, the priority areas shall be highlighted and proposed actions presented. The Swedish Environmental debt concept was presented in 1992 by Arne Jarnelöv. Environmental debt is defined as restoration costs for environmental damage. In the early days the concept did not take into account who was responsible, but the environmental debts was regarded as a humanity debt to future generations.

Enkla kemiska processer inom förskolan : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om förskollärares uppfattningar och tankar om läroplansmålet enkla kemiska processer

The aim of this study was to investigate preschool teacher?s perceptions about the curriculum goal concerning simple chemical processes. The result was based on narratives received by a qualitative study and semi-structured interviews of six preschool teachers. The results of the study showed that preschool teachers perceive that they actually are working in a relatively small scale with simple chemical processes and they do not really know what simple chemical processes are, and do not feel very familiar with the subject. Water, dough, mud, paint and baking were the most common activities that were used when working towards the curricular goal. However, it was never explained to the children that it was simple chemical processes they were working with during the activities, neither was it discussed among colleagues because of the uncertainty about the concept.

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