

1319 Uppsatser om Reject water - Sida 45 av 88

Är det möjligt att använda SCR-rening av rökgaserna vid inblandning av avfall i biobränslet?

Waste appears to be a low-cost fuel compared to biofuel. This Masters thesis was conducted for Vattenfall Utveckling AB and deals with how waste in the fuel affects the performance of a SCR-catalyst. Different mechanisms of deactivation were surveyed, focusing on the poisoning mechanism. A literature study was carried out, which was used as a reference when analysing the results.Small samples (9x2x2 cm, 64 pieces) cut out from a full-scale unused honeycomb catalyst were exposed up to 1500h in two different combustion plants, Johannes in Gävle (co-combustion) and Högdalen in Stockholm (waste-combustion). The activity was measured mainly at 300°C but also at 250, 350, 375 and 400°C.

Två metoder av finutsättning och dess noggrannheter

This report describes a study of two different methods to achive the best possible result in setting out apartment details. These two methods are the setting out of details with a measuring tape from baselines and the setting out procedure with an instrument (totalstation).Through our knowledge in surveying and mapping technology and help from a carpenter, this investigation has been implemented. The setting out using a tape has been performed by letting the carpenter to set out windows, bathroom and water- and drain-details from baselines and drawing. The setting out using a surveying instrument was carried out by means of a Trimble Total Station. These two methods have been compared in order to detect and show the difference that occurs.The report shows the investigation background story from the practice of Swedish Mätcenter in Karlstad.A result of differences in accuracy and time is described in the report, as well as their theoretical consequences.

Förändring som styrmedel  : En studie av implementering av nya rutiner på IKEA Örebro

This paper aims to study the Armenakis´ theory of readiness, "are they ready?", which consists of five key components affecting the outcome of an organizational change. In this case study, the intention is to investigate if any component is important; alternatively if it is possible to discern a pattern between components, i.e. how they correspond to each other. During the past 30 years have a research group lead by Armenakis has studied organizational change and how resistance to change can be avoided by preparing employees in the introductory phase of change. The main object for Armenakis is the question "what determines whether the employees (change recipients) adopt and support, or reject and resist a change".

Föroreningstransport med dagvatten - Utveckling av reningsmoduler för modellverktyget Mike Urban SWQ (Storm Water Quality)

On a request from the water sewage plant Gryaab in Gothenburg a power quality survey was performed. The voltages and currents have continuously been sampled in the incoming 10 kV substation HSP01 from April-August 2008. Power quality measurements were also performed in Gryaabs other 10 kV substation HSP04 fed from HSP01 and at the terminals of the induction motor IN_PU4040 of 1.3 MW which controls one of the four large inflow pumps to the plant. The reason for the latter measurement was due to registered negative transients each time the motor was connected to the grid. The cause of the transients could be explained by the coupling in the substation, the ageing of the motor which could result in damage of the bearings or resonance in the motor circuit which amplifies high frequency harmonics.

Landvinning : scenarier för efterbehandling och gestaltning av Aitikgruvan, Gällivare

Open pit mining creates huge amounts of tailings and waste rock deposits. Due to it's content of sulphide minerals, predominantly pyrite (FeS2), there is a risk of oxidation and formation of acid water containing heavy metals, known as Acid Rock Drainage (ARD). To prevent the process of oxidation, the tailings and waste rock have to be reclaimed. The most commonly used methods of reclamation are a coverage of water or soil. Mining also results in a large-scale interference in the landscape that will make an eternal change of its appearance.

Matematik i vattenlek : hur förskollärare/barnskötare planerar och stödjer 1-3-åringars matematiska begreppsutveckling

Syftet i detta examensarbete är att få en inblick i hur förskollärare/barnskötare planerar och stödjer barnen i deras sökande efter olika matematiska begrepp i lek med vatten. Vi har gjort en tvärvetenskaplig undersökning på fyra 1-3 års avdelningar, som är baserad på ett hermeneutiska tankesätt där vi har tolkat förskollärarnas/barnskötarens agerande vid vattenlek. Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa undersökningsmetoder i intervjuerna och observationerna. Resultatet i vår undersökning visar att förskollärarens/barnskötarens egna kunskaper i matematiska begrepp, planering av aktiviteten, förståelse för barnens kunskaper är viktiga för vidareutveckling av barnens matematiska begreppsbildning.

Direktmarknadsföringens alternativ : En fallstudie för Logosol AB

Logosol is a company that produce small-scale wood processing products. To be able to expand the business Logosol have decided to increase exports, their target markets are the US, Russia, Germany and Norway. The expansion has mainly been through subsidiaries situated on the abroad markets. The subsidiaries have done poor results and that has influenced the whole company. CEO Bengt-Olov Byström made a decision to sell out the units to the people who worked in the business.

D för depression: Har D-vitamintillskott lindrande effekt på depressiva symptom? ? En systematisk översiktsartikel

Sahlgrenska AcademyAt University of GothenburgDepartment of internal medicine and clinical nutritionAbstractTitle: D for depression: Does vitamin D supplementation have apalliative effect on depressive symptoms? ? A systematic reviewAuthor: Emelie Nacksten and Lua Ferreira RangelSupervisor: Fredrik BertzExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 22th, 2013BackgroundDepression is one of the major diseases in the world and is ranked by the WHO as the leading causeof disability. Several studies suggest that there is a correlation between low s-25(OH)D levels and theoccurrence of depression. Current research has found enzymes required for synthesis of the active formof vitamin D and its receptors (VDR) in the brain. The potential role of the vitaminas a neuroactive steroid has resulted in an increased interest in investigating the role of vitamin D in thetreatment of depression.ObjectiveStudy the scientific evidence to determine if vitamin D supplementation can relieve depressive symptomsin adults.Search strategyThe literature search was conducted in the databases Scopus, Pubmed, Cochrane and PsychInfo.

Solenergi på Kvarnholmen

In recent years it has become more and more evident that man has contributed to much of the climate changes that have taken place during the last century. A major challenge today is to reduce emissions and energy usage at the same time as the global population is growing. To contribute to a better environment, Stockholms Stad has set at target of becoming fossil fuel free by the year of 2050. The construction of new districts is done with this goal in mind; energy efficiency and renewable energy sources are examples of methods to achieve this.Solar energy is considered to be a sustainable energy source and the most common techniques to harvest solar energy in Sweden are solar cells and solar collectors which produce electricity and heat respectively. This report aims to investigate whether an investment in any of these systems would prove to be economically beneficial at Kvarnholmen, a district under construction in eastern Nacka, Stockholm.Since the finished blueprints only cover a small portion of Kvarnholmen, the report examines the possibilities for a house where construction has already begun, Nya Kvarnen.

Tick burden in neonatal roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): the role of age, weight, hind foot length, and vegetation and habitat on bed sites

This thesis deal with tick burden on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns, in relation to age, weight, hind foot length, and as well as to vegetation and habitat on bed sites. Roe deer fawns (N = 25) were captured from May 27 to June 27. Samples of ticks were collected and tick burden were estimated. Of all sampled ticks the nymphs and adults were Ixodes ricinus, while the larvae were not identified. 4.4 % of the sampled ticks were larvae, 55.0 % nymphs, 26.8 % adult females, and 13.8 % adult males.

Total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) - Monitoring of organic pollutants in wastewater

Total organic carbon (TOC) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) are two methods used for measuring organic pollutants in wastewater. Both methods are widely used but the COD method results in production of hazardous wastes, including mercury.The purpose of this study was to validate the method TOC that will replace COD and find a factor to convert TOC to COD. In this study 26 samples were analyzed from four sewage treatment plant in the municipality of Enköping.The results show that the COD method could be replaced by the TOC method.The factor for COD/TOC was between 3.1 - 3.3. Both methods will be used in parallel until 2013 when it will be forbidden to use the COD analysis..

Små skogliga vattendrag i Värmland - Generell beskrivning, förekomst av traktorspår samt spårens inverkan på bottenfaunan :

Modern forestry requires a high degree of machine traffic for clear felling and scarification operations. The machines most frequently used are big and the traffic often results in tracks on the forest ground. There are many small streams running through a forest, in connection to logging operations, machines might cross these frequently. These crossings could result in the erosion of fine particulate inorganic matter, which ends up in the stream. The aim of this thesis was to give a general description of small forest streams of order-one in the county of Värmland and to determine the frequency of machine tracks in small streams.

Lärares syn på arbetet med partikelbegrepp i no-undervisningen

In this study we have interviewed eight teachers about when and how particle concepts should be taught. All of the surveyed teachers argue for an early introduction. This view is also consistent with the scientists on when the particle concepts should be introduced. By an early introduction teachers and scientists consider the age between 6-12 years old. A majority of the scientists and the surveyed teachers use concept of change as a entery point to talk about particle ideas.

?Film ?r ju ett s?tt att kommunicera med m?nniskor.? En studie av Naomi Kawases portr?ttering av att vara kvinna i relation till en gemenskap.

By analysing Still the water (2014), Radiance (2017) and True Mothers (2020) by Naomi Kawase this essay will look at her work to see how she portrays the experience of being a woman in relation to her community. Looking into her way of using the camera by applying the theory of haptic visuality allows the spectator to identify themselves in a bodily relationship with the image. By using the camera to closely frame objects of importance for the characters, Kawase leads the spectator to understand the world of the film and enables a more profound understanding of their experience. For the community to be of importance for the women it must be founded in the feeling of security and a confirmation of their feelings. Once secure, the women can express themselves and by that, feminist politics..

Utvärdering av öppna dikens status och funktion : en förstudie i Västmanlands län

Evaluations of open Ditch status and function, with an assessment of suitability of a conversion to a two stage ditch as a low maintenance alternative. To illustrate Swedish drainage problems this work focused on two agricultural drainage associations assessed in detail with a new method called MADRAS (Minnesota Agricultural Ditch Reach Assessment for Stability). With the assessment of the MADRAS method estimates were made to conclude the ditches operating problems. This was made through measurements of sediment depths, mass bank failures etc. in order to quantify ditch problems and propose practical actions for improved ditch stability and water quality. The MADRAS surveys were conducted in two main ditches that drains 2900 hectares of land on the northern shores of Mälaren. In the study measurements of the ditch cross-sections were also conducted to compare actual profiles with the original map profiles. The evaluation showed that parts of the studied ditch sections were operatively poor; main reason was mass bank failure, undercut channel banks, sediment aggregations and narrowed ditches. The profile survey shows that a majority of the profiles 80 % has sediment accumulations there remains only 64 % of the original profile from the map.

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