

1319 Uppsatser om Reject water - Sida 11 av 88

Ut ur Östersjön genom vassen : beskrivning av övergödningsproblematiken samt optimering av en reningsmetod genom skörd av vattenväxter

This study is based on AgroSeas business idea from environmental problems to valuable resource, with the objective to optimize a method to purify the already eutrophicated Baltic Sea by harvesting water plants, mainly reed. The nutrients will then be recirculated to arable land through residues from biogas production. The amount of nutrients that can be removed by harvesting the biomass depends on the amounts of biomass and the nutrient content of it, which in turn is strongly dependent on the nutrient concentration of the surrounding water. Vegetation suggested in the study for an effective nutrient uptake is helophytes: reed, cattails, reed canary grass, reed sweet grass in shallower water and lemnoideaes: duckweed and nymphaeids in the deeper parts. Competitive species has high purification ability but requires regular maintenance to avoid channeling and overgrowth. Regarding time and method of harvest, effectiveness may be improved by: harvesting plants above the water level and after flowering, a border is kept, harvesting twice a season, a bigger machine and a regular maintenance. This literature has illuminated a major environmental problem and it has been suggested optimizations for a method for cleaning the Baltic Sea through harvesting water plants, but to get a definite answer for the optimal method for each site tests should be carried out, this because many factors determine to what is suitable for each, specific environment. .

Intelligent vattendesign : utformning av Gjutarplan i Kallhälls centrum

The thesis aims to be an informative study for landscape architects and hopes to contributeto an understanding of ways water can be used and managed at sites lacking open, greensurfaces.The title "intelligent water design" should evoke the reader?s thoughts concerning intelligentaspects of water. Text, images and the design proposition give hints about these aspects.In the first part of this thesis, various examples of water design are presented. The chosenexamples are all applicable in urban environments with a high percentage of impervioussurfaces.The second part examines Gjutarplan, an urban square in the centre of Kallhäll, in Järfälla,north of Stockholm. Gjutarplan is first framed in a geographical and historical context.

Utvärdering av ett värmepumpsystems prestanda till en HWC-tvättmaskin : Med fokus på fläktvarvtal och köldmedieflöde

This report was performed in order to evaluate a new technological measure and focuses generally on a heat pump system to a HWC-washing machine. The client is Asko Appliances AB, a company well known for its environmentally friendly products. The goal of this study was to improve the energy efficiency of a washing machine by combining a heat pump device to the heater of the wash water, in order to reduce the energy consumed for heating the water. Besides reducing the energy consumption in heating the water, the washing machine was required to meet low noise and short operating time specifications. For that purpose, nine trials in three test series have been carried out.

Implementeringen av EU:s ramdirektivför vatten i kommunernas planarbete : En studie av kommunerna i Stockholms län

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) was incorporated into the Swedish legislation in 2004 through the ordinance Förordningen om förvaltningenav kvaliteten på vattenmiljön (SFS 2004:660). The objective is that all water bodies shall reach a good status by the year 2015. In Sweden the comprehensive plans of the municipalities can play a large role in reaching these goals. A comprehensive plan deals with the long term water and land use of the municipality, which can facilitate an early consideration of water management in the planning process of the municipality. In Sweden five river basin districts have been established in accordance with the Water Framework Directive.

Wallenius waters AOT luftrenare

This bachelors thesis was made forWallenius Water AB to develop a basisfor an Airpurifier prototype. Wallenius Water isone of the world's leading environmentaltechnology companies engaged inchemical-free water treatment based onUV-radiation. The thesis aim was toproduce a basis for a prototype that canbe used in three applications:Standalone, RAS systems and ventilationsystems. The work includes anintroductory description of the theorybehind AOP technology based on aliterature review on the subject. Asurvey of products currently on themarket and a product specification hasbeen used as the basis for thepreparation of a number of concepts inthis report.

Skalkonstruktion : Med inriktning mot hållfasthet och dämpning av ljud

The sound part is mainly practical and is dependent on concepts that have been tested through measuring with a sound level meter. The design part is more theoretical and has been verified with CAD models and finite element analysis.With a sound damping hood on the compressor the sound level is reduced with up to four dB. An optimized absorbent for the compressor space gives a reduction with three dB. By using the insulation for the heat water tank as absorbent we can see a sound reduction on the lover octave bands. A reduction like this is elsewhere hard to achieve as at it requires thick absorbents.By changing the today?s insulation to the heat water tank to a form of polystyrene polymer insulation the weight from the heat pump above can be transferred to the stable heat water tank.

Removal efficiency of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in drinking water : evaluation of granular activated carbon (GAC) and anion exchange (AE) using column tests, and the effect of dissolved organic carbon

Poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are a group of environmental contaminants that have gained increasing attention due to their potential to bioaccumulate, environmental persistence and potential toxicity. PFASs have been found in surface water, sediment, air, soil, sludge and ice caps globally, as well as in wildlife and humans. Furthermore, PFASs have also been detected in drinking water, leading to raised concerns for human health, since drinking water is one of the most significant sources of PFASs for the general population. Conventional water treatment techniques have shown to be ineffective removing PFASs, highlighting the importance for further research to develop efficient removal techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate the removal efficiency of PFASs in water using two treatment techniques; granular activated carbon (GAC), type Filtrasorb 400®, and anion exchange (AE), type Purolite A-600. Additionally, the effect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on removal efficiency was studied.

Förutsättningarna för ett parallellt generation IV system vid svensk nybyggnation av kärnkraft.

A new build in the Swedish nuclear power system would entail increased re-quirements for the proposed repository, which is adapted after the reactors of today. With a fast reactor, capable of burning nuclear waste, operating in parallel with the light water reactors, the increased requirements on the repository could be reduced.In this thesis, simulations of a light water reactor and a fast reactor have been performed by using the Monte Carlo code Serpent to investigate the changes in the fuel inventory. The light water reactor in the study is a boiling water reactor and the fast reactor of the type sodium-cooled fast reactor and they have been used for three different operation scenarios.By studying the fuel composition and the results from the simulations of the three scenarios conclusions can be drawn. Conclusions regarding the change of the fuel inventory and decay heat in Clab as well as the interim storage facility and in the repository. Depending on the operation alternative the changes dif-fered significantly and especially regarding the mass of burned actinides for different fuels in the fast reactor.The lowest increase of fuel assemblies was meet when using 50 years old fuel with 20MWd/kg U burnout and 2,0 % enrichment for start up of the fast reactor and 30 years old fuel assemblies with 50MWd/kg U burnout and 4,7 % enrichment for the further operation of the reactor.The increase of the number of fuel assemblies was 3174, which is equivalent to 641tons of heavy metal.

Projektering av småhus med solvärme som huvudkälla

In this report a study has been done regarding different heating systems on which are the mostcomprehensive with solar heating systems. The report has also been focusing if solar power can beused as a primary heating source for supplying more than 50 % of the buildings total heatingproduction. The University of Dalarna constructed a demo-house for this purpose and according tocalculations the total solar usage is more than 50 %. This house has been made for referenceregarding the design of the heating system of property 5:37.Further studies have been made to compare different heating systems that are compatible with asolar system, where the compared systems purpose is to be independent of direct using electricity. Asystem of this design is regarded as sustainable according to environmental as economic issues.

Avbördningsekvationer för sjöar utan vattenföringsmätningar

Stage-discharge equations for lakes without disharge measurementsSimon AnderssonIn 2015 all lakes, rivers, coastal water and groundwater should be of good ecological statusaccording to the water framework directive from the European Union. In the process ofimproving the quality of Swedish water bodies, knowledge of where problems occur isneeded in order to utilize the resources optimally. The ability of lakes to store water is animportant factor since it controls the flow of water through the country. A stage-dischargeequation is a mathematical relation between discharge from a lake and its water level. Bybetter understanding of stage-discharge equations for lakes, their storage capacity can bedescribed better in hydrological models.This master thesis aims to evaluate methods for determining stage-discharge equations forlakes where a variable amount of field measurements is available.

Aktivt system för tidvattenreglering av Lysekilsprojektets vågkraftsteknik

This report investigates a possible solution to the problem with adapting wave powerplants to work in countries with tidal water. The wire connecting the buoy at the surface with the generator at the bottom needs to adjust to the varying water depth. Our solution to this problem is to attach the wire to a jack which is then placed inside the buoy. The jack is then powered by an electric engine. The report discuss what forces the buoy will be exposed to and then the structural integrity of the design is evaluated through simulations.


Uvån Hagfors Teknologi AB (UHT) has developed a process ? GRANSHOT® ? for quicksolidification of metals in water baths. In the process liquid metal is splintered ? granulated ?into small drops. The drops are rapidly cooled in a water bath where all the heat energy from theliquid metal is transferred into the water.

Kläder i hampa - ett miljövänligt alternativ/komplement till bomull?

Hemp has been used for textiles for a long time in history until it became illegal to grow in many countries in the 1930s. It is interesting from an environmental point of view because it doesn?t need any pesticides and in most locations it doesn?t need any irrigation either, compared to cotton, which normally requires big amounts of both pesticides and water for irrigation. Hemp is a bast fiber, which means that the fibers are located on the bast of the stem (on the outer layer of the stem). Therefore they cannot be spun directly, they have to be removed from the stem first.

Bevattning av lagrat virke vid svensk skogsindustri : omfattning och miljökonsekvenser

Most of the saw and pulp industries have stored wood nearby their production, the main reason is to have a continuous wood flow to the production. Wet storage of wood is of great importance to keep the wood quality. Without water sprinkling the risk of drying outand decomposition through biological activity increases significantly and will result in a negative effect on future production and quality. One drawback of wet storage of wood is the leaching of chemical substances into the surrounding recipient. The log yard run-off contains phosphorus, nitrogen, phenols and organic substances. These substances can cause problems for the surrounding environment. The main objective of this project is to gain an understanding of the wet storage used by the Swedish wood industry and estimate the environmental consequences that run-off water will have on the recipient.

Skötselåtgärder vid nyetablering av skyddszoner vid bäckar i södra Värmland :

Buffer zones play an important role for the water quality in our watercourses. When harvesting a forest close to a watercourse a buffer zone should be left. When it's not left, it will lead to radical changes in the environment for the water organisms. The overall purpose of this thesis was to illuminate the production- and environmental thinking when establishing new buffer zones in south of Värmland. The partials goals were to determine choice of tree species, ways of regenerate, occurrence of soil scarification and the occurrence of machine tracks in newly established buffer zones.

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