

3147 Uppsatser om Reject water treatment - Sida 23 av 210

Intelligent vattendesign : utformning av Gjutarplan i Kallhälls centrum

The thesis aims to be an informative study for landscape architects and hopes to contributeto an understanding of ways water can be used and managed at sites lacking open, greensurfaces.The title "intelligent water design" should evoke the reader?s thoughts concerning intelligentaspects of water. Text, images and the design proposition give hints about these aspects.In the first part of this thesis, various examples of water design are presented. The chosenexamples are all applicable in urban environments with a high percentage of impervioussurfaces.The second part examines Gjutarplan, an urban square in the centre of Kallhäll, in Järfälla,north of Stockholm. Gjutarplan is first framed in a geographical and historical context.

Utvärdering av ett värmepumpsystems prestanda till en HWC-tvättmaskin : Med fokus på fläktvarvtal och köldmedieflöde

This report was performed in order to evaluate a new technological measure and focuses generally on a heat pump system to a HWC-washing machine. The client is Asko Appliances AB, a company well known for its environmentally friendly products. The goal of this study was to improve the energy efficiency of a washing machine by combining a heat pump device to the heater of the wash water, in order to reduce the energy consumed for heating the water. Besides reducing the energy consumption in heating the water, the washing machine was required to meet low noise and short operating time specifications. For that purpose, nine trials in three test series have been carried out.

Smittsamma hudsjukdomar hos hund :

This student report is about canine infectious skin diseases. It is primarily directed at veterinary assistans. The report includes a description of the skin?s structure and immunologic defences. The four types of allergic reactions are described. Different diagnostic techniques are also accounted for. The skin diseases included in the report are: fleas, lice, Sarcoptes scabiei, ringworm, Cheyletiella and leishmaniosis.

Implementeringen av EU:s ramdirektivför vatten i kommunernas planarbete : En studie av kommunerna i Stockholms län

The European Water Framework Directive (WFD; 2000/60/EC) was incorporated into the Swedish legislation in 2004 through the ordinance Förordningen om förvaltningenav kvaliteten på vattenmiljön (SFS 2004:660). The objective is that all water bodies shall reach a good status by the year 2015. In Sweden the comprehensive plans of the municipalities can play a large role in reaching these goals. A comprehensive plan deals with the long term water and land use of the municipality, which can facilitate an early consideration of water management in the planning process of the municipality. In Sweden five river basin districts have been established in accordance with the Water Framework Directive.

Hydrauliken i Ångersjöns fosforfällor : bestämning av flödesvägar och åtgärdsförslag för optimal fosforbindning vid avloppsrening med reaktiva filter

Discharge of untreated wastewater leads to unnaturally high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus in rivers, lakes and the sea, which results in unbalanced ecosystems with eutrophication and lack of oxygen. Part of the phosphorus in surface waters is coming from on-site wastewater treatment from scattered households with unsatisfactory purification. Blast furnace slag is a by-product from iron production, and has in laboratory trials showed good phosphorus binding capacity. To test blast furnace slag as a reactive filter media for phosphorus separation in a full scale experiment, a wastewater treatment plant has been built behind the picnic area at Ångersjön alongside the road E4 in central-eastern Sweden. The plant contains two parallel lines, one with blast furnaces slag and the other with Filtralite-P as phosphorus sorbent. Both filters have showed decreasing phosphorus purification effect with time in spite of a low wastewater load.

Unga män som har begått sexuella övergrepp : - En studie om orsaker och behandling

Young men who commit sexual abuse is a complex topic. This study is based on litterature on the subject and the material is processed through a qualitative content analysis. The study aims to study how the litterature describes the reasons why young men commit sexual abuse. It also aims to explore what is described to be effective treatment of young men who committed sexual abuse. The study found that most of the young men who commit sexual abuse comes from families where violence and psycohological abuse occurs. Many have themselves been victims of sexual abuse.

En egen lya : en kvalitativ studie av några ungdomars upplevelse av insatsen strukturerat ungdomsboende

The aim of my study was to investigate a few young peoples experience of their treatment. The study was qualitative based on interviews with three young persons at the end of their treatment there. The subject was chosen because this kind of youth housing is an interesting alternative to institutional care for young people, despite there is not much known about the results of the treatment. The results were analyzed from earlier research and central concepts from the theory of empowerment and Anton Antonovskys theory about Sense of coherence. The results of this study show that these young peoples are satisfied with their treatment at the youth housing.

Diabetes hos hund : en uppföljning av behandlade hundar ur ett djurägarperspektiv

Diabetes Mellitus is one of the most common endocrinologic disorders among dogs. The disorder has a complex background, and successful treatment requires a well-functioning co-operation between pet owners and the veterinarian. The purpose of this study is to investigate the owners? perspective of diabetic treatments offered, and to estimate expected length of survival post-insulin therapy. The research findings are based on a survey mailed to 77 pet owners, whose dogs were diagnosed with diabetes between 1999 and 2003 at the small animal clinic of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. The median survival for the dogs that underwent insulin treatment was 31 months, i.e.

Skalkonstruktion : Med inriktning mot hållfasthet och dämpning av ljud

The sound part is mainly practical and is dependent on concepts that have been tested through measuring with a sound level meter. The design part is more theoretical and has been verified with CAD models and finite element analysis.With a sound damping hood on the compressor the sound level is reduced with up to four dB. An optimized absorbent for the compressor space gives a reduction with three dB. By using the insulation for the heat water tank as absorbent we can see a sound reduction on the lover octave bands. A reduction like this is elsewhere hard to achieve as at it requires thick absorbents.By changing the today?s insulation to the heat water tank to a form of polystyrene polymer insulation the weight from the heat pump above can be transferred to the stable heat water tank.

Tuberkulos : En studie av vården av patienter med tuberkulos på Lugnets sanatorium i Växjö mellan åren 1920-1926 avseende köns- och klasskillnader

The topic of this paper is tuberculosis, especially in regard to the sanitarium movement and the efforts that were made to cure, ease and stop the spreading of the disease. The sanitarium movement was established in the late 19th century before any effective cure for the disease had been found. At this time the only treatment for the patients were fresh air, rest and good food. The paper analyses the case books for some of the patients at the sanitarium Lugnet which was situated close to the Swedish town Växjö in order to see if the treatment of the patients differed depending on gender. The result of the inquiry suggests that there were no difference in the treatment of men and women..

Vermicompost for reduction of vegetable waste - and a possible means to produce fish feed in aquaponic systems?

Aquaponics is a food production system consisting of a consecutive cultivation of plants and aquatic animals, fish or shellfish, in recirculating water. The plants feed on the nutritious effluents from the fish tank and bacteria converts ammonia from the fish tank into nitrate that is absorbed by the plants. The plants receive nutrition and the fish gain purified water. The environmental impact of the production of fish meal and fish oil used in conventional fish feed includes a large consumption of fossil fuels with subsequent carbon dioxide emission. The aquaponic system can be made environmentally sustainable and self-supporting if supplemented with a vermicompost/vermiculture for the production of worm protein as a fish feed. Vegetable waste from the hydroponic part of the system can be reused as worm feed in the compost and the protein rich worms can be harvested, dried and grinded and brought back to the aquaculture as fish feed. As a first step in this direction, I have investigated the effect of recycling of vegetable waste in vermicomposts on the growth and number of earthworms (this was evaluated after harvesting). The hypotheses were that earthworms can be cultivated in the vegetable waste and that by adding manure to the vermicompost it is possible to obtain a nutrient content adequate to support a continuous worm harvest, in other words create a vermiculture. Eisenia fetida and Dendrobaena veneta were grown in 20 L bins containing peat mixed with either poultry or cattle manure. The proportions were 70% peat and 30 % manure. Discarded plant parts from lettuce cultivation was added to the vermicomposts (35 g per week) and water was supplied with 0.8 L per week.

Miljökonsekvenser av dagvattendamm i Skebäck, Örebro : en fallstudie hur miljöpåverkan av en dagvattendamm intill ett Natura 2000-område kan bedömas

Stormwater is surface runoff water that originates from precipitation or snowmelt and that on hardened surfaces prevents to infiltrate the ground. In city areas stormwater can consists of major amounts pollutants and when reaching a lake or watercourse it can cause damages on vegetation and animals. Therefore it is important to treat polluted stormwater before it reaches the recipient. The municipality of Örebro have since the 90ies an extensive work with treatment of stormwater in sedimentation ponds. A new stormwater treatment project is planned in an industrial estate in Skebäck, Örebro.

?Fra?gor som avgo?rs med va?ld a?r aldrig avgjorda? / James Joyce : En intervjustudie med ma?n som uto?var va?ld; om pa?verkande processer till inga?ngen av behandling mot ko?nsrelaterat va?ld

The purpose of the following essay has been to identify four men?s momentums of their volunteer access to treatment for their disruptive gender-based violence. The questions that have been asked in the entrance of this field have been divided into the following questions: (i) is it possible to identify the processes of change that leads to turning points into the interviewed men's treatment of violence, (ii) how do the interviewed men, themselves, reflect on their turning points into treatment, and (iii) are there other, implicit, interpretations and analyzes of men's access into treatment that I can discern in their stories? As a point of departure of the analysis one theoretical perspective has been used to explain and analyze men?s access to treatment, the sociological life course perspective, focusing on the concept of turning points.The method to approach this field has been qualitative interviews with a life story oriented approach which means that, focus has been to let the four interviewed men describe their lives from early childhood to their adulthood and from their histories identify contingent processes to their access of treatment. The study resulted in a division of two parts, one part consisting the processes that have been identified by the men?s stories of present tense of violent outbursts.

Förutsättningarna för ett parallellt generation IV system vid svensk nybyggnation av kärnkraft.

A new build in the Swedish nuclear power system would entail increased re-quirements for the proposed repository, which is adapted after the reactors of today. With a fast reactor, capable of burning nuclear waste, operating in parallel with the light water reactors, the increased requirements on the repository could be reduced.In this thesis, simulations of a light water reactor and a fast reactor have been performed by using the Monte Carlo code Serpent to investigate the changes in the fuel inventory. The light water reactor in the study is a boiling water reactor and the fast reactor of the type sodium-cooled fast reactor and they have been used for three different operation scenarios.By studying the fuel composition and the results from the simulations of the three scenarios conclusions can be drawn. Conclusions regarding the change of the fuel inventory and decay heat in Clab as well as the interim storage facility and in the repository. Depending on the operation alternative the changes dif-fered significantly and especially regarding the mass of burned actinides for different fuels in the fast reactor.The lowest increase of fuel assemblies was meet when using 50 years old fuel with 20MWd/kg U burnout and 2,0 % enrichment for start up of the fast reactor and 30 years old fuel assemblies with 50MWd/kg U burnout and 4,7 % enrichment for the further operation of the reactor.The increase of the number of fuel assemblies was 3174, which is equivalent to 641tons of heavy metal.

Socialisationen av kvinnlig sexualitet på behandlingshem för unga kvinnor : ett symbolisk interaktionistiskt perspektiv

Using a symbolic interactionistic analytical approach, this essay aims to study the socialisation of young women?s sexuality in treatment institutions for young women. Through qualitative interviews with staff members at said institutions, concerning their views on young female sexuality, and how they discuss sexuality with the young women in the institutions, my aim was to identify the socialisation of young women?s sexuality. I have also investigated how the staff experiences their own sex as an important factor in conversations about sexuality with young women, as well as the possible effect sexually mixed or sexually segregated institutions exert upon conversations about sexuality.

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