8519 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation process - Sida 57 av 568
Systemutveckling i praktiken : konsten att tillmötesgå den okända användarens krav
ABSTRACT System development has become more and more concentrated on development for the Web and this has resulted in larger target groups. It will most surely continue to be so considering that the Web will be the infrastructure of business and services in the future. A big target group involves that the owner of a system can earn a lot of money from the paying users, but that assumes that the system can meet user needs. If a system on the Web does not satisfy the user?s demands then they will use the competitor?s system instead because it is only a mouse-click away.
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Place as a concept, and memory as a phenomenon is researched through literature studies. The essay investigates how we think about place and how we experience and relate to it. Memory is discussed both as personal memory and collective memory.
Place is a strong source of memory. When we return to a place, we recognize not only the place itself, but also the things we did there, the people we met and the thoughts passing through our mind when we last were there. Pieces of ourselves are stored in the memories awaken when we revisit a place.
Kundens förtroende och bild av fastighetsmäklare i Karlstad
Hälsans Trädgård is a project which is going to start in Gamla Linköping, Sweden. The authors were commissioned by Arbetslivsresurs, a company working with work rehabilitation, to select, define and make job analyses on five work tasks at Hälsans Trädgård in Gamla Linköping. A job analysis means an analysis of the demands the job make of the individual. The job analysis used in this study is called The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ) and is from the US Department of Labor (DOL). As RHAJ is an American instrument, the authors produced a form where the concepts are translated into Swedish to make the analysis easier.
Vägen ut : En studie om vad som får en missbrukare att sluta
This report is based on factors that has had affect on drugaddicts in their decission on quitting their abuse. The questions we have built our report on are: What external factors have had an impact on the drugabuser to end his or her drugabuse? What internal factors have had an impact on the drugabuser to end his or her drugabuse? Does the police have an influence on the drugabuser to end his or her drugabuse? The report is based on intervjues with former drugaddicts. We have also studied the theory of symbolic interactionism and litterature written by different authors to obtain a broad picture of drugabuse. Our results in this report show that the people we have intervjued have been influenced by many different factors and people in their enviroment.
Kartläggning av allmänhetens attityd till hörselnedsättning och självskattad kunskap om hörsel ? en enkätundersökning
Objective: 1.4 million people in Sweden state that they are having problems with hearing and the majority havehad no contact with the hearing rehabilitation services. To have a hearing loss seems to be associated withseveral negative attributes. This could be due to bad attitude and insufficient knowledge on hearing loss intoday?s society.Purpose: The purpose with this study was to map the adult populations attitude towards hearing loss and selfratedknowledge of hearing with a survey.Methods: A web survey was made for this study. An official link to the survey was shared from two Facebookaccounts to a total of 997 contacts and a total of 247 responses were collected.Results: The majority of the respondents have estimated their general knowledge of hearing to fairly extensivefollowed by very small.
Pedagogers uppfattningar om den fysiska miljön i förskolan : En intervjustudie med pedagoger från olika pedagogiska inriktningar
In recent years, the demands for effectiveness and evidence in social work have increased in all work areas, including that of healthcare. This has sparked the discussion on concepts such as practical- and theoretical knowledge and their respective roles in social work. In the light of this, the purpose of this candidate thesis is to investigate healthcare social workers understanding of practical- and theoretical knowledge in the working process as well as their respective influence and importance. This candidate thesis is based on three interviews with social workers from different departments in Norrlands Universitetssjukhus in Umeå, Sweden. To provide range to the thesis, the interviewees were chosen from a purposeful sampling.
Det handlar om tur: en kvalitativ studie av rättsprocessen vid kvinnofridsbrott
The purpose of this essay was to examine the experience of the judicial process concerning domestic violence from the perspectives of abused females and from some of the authorities and organisations which meet these women. The essay investigated several views of the judicial process in order to obtain a wide perspective. It responded to the following questions:- How are abused women treated by the authorities and organisations?- Are there enough resources and knowledge among the authorities and organisations?- Is there any collaboration between the authorities and organisations which the female meets in the judicial process and if so, how does it look like?- What does the aspect of security of person look like for the women which have been exposed to domestic violence?- What in the judicial process is important for the women's ability to move on in her life after experiences of violence in a relationship?This study was based on a qualitative method, where the interviews constituted of empirical material. The essay was based on interviews with two females who have experiences of violence in a relationship, two social workers from Kvinnojouren in Lund, two social workers from Kriscentrum in Lund, one lawyer, one prosecutor, one policeman and one social worker from Kvinnoforum in Lund.
Uppfattningen om arbetsterapeutens ansvar och yrkesroll i teamarbete: En enkätstudie bland sjuksköterske-, sjukgymnast- och läkarstudenter
Att arbeta tillsammans inom vården benämns som att arbeta inom team. Teamet består vanligen av läkare, sjuksköterskor, sjukgymnaster och arbetsterapeuter. Arbetsterapeutens främsta ansvar är att öka delaktigheten hos patienten under rehabiliteringen. För att uppnå bästa resultat under rehabiliteringen krävs interventioner där gott samarbete mellan yrkesgrupperna är en förutsättning. Arbetsterapeutens professionella identitet är viktig gentemot andra yrkesgrupper inom vården, och förstärks genom att arbetsterapeuter följer gemensamma modeller och teorier.
Det var en gång en saga : att skriva en natursaga för förskolebarn.
Syftet med uppsatsen är att medvetandegöra och reflektera över de olika stegen i den kreativa processen att skriva en saga. Jag ville undersöka om jag kan skriva en saga och hur. Det är till stor del ett konstnärligt arbete där jag först skrivit en saga. Därefter läste jag upp den för ett antal förskolebarn som responderade med att rita bilder ur sagan. Jag valde att använda en självetnografisk metod.
Utvärdering av onlineversionen av MakeItRational ? vilken metod som används för att beräkna vikter på basis av parvisa jämförelser?
Syftet med denna uppsats är att utvärdera onlineversionen av programvaran MakeItRational med avseende på metoden som används för att beräkna så kallade vikter (weights) på basis av parvisa jämförelser. Studiens teoretiska del bygger på T.L. Saatys analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Större vikt läggs på tillämpningen av AHP-metoden med tonvikt på beräkning av vikter och hantering av parvisa jämförelsematriser. Uppsatsen empiriska del bygger på två beslutsanalyser utförda med hjälp av onlineversionen av MakeItRational och motsvarande egna beräkningar.
Analys av kundorderuppfyllelseprocessen på Pallco AB
This thesis has been performed as a part of the Bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering and Management at the School of Engineering in Jönköping. The thesis is written on behalf of Pallco AB, which is an engineering company that performs subcontracting, surface treatment, and assembly of components, mainly in steel and aluminium. The thesis focuses on identifying and analyzing the customer order fulfillment process of three customers at Pallco AB.The main objective of the thesis is to distinguish time differences in the company?s administrative work for each of the three customers. Furthermore, Lean thinking is following as a thread through the whole thesis.
Konceptutveckling av luftutblås
This Master?s Thesis work was performed at the Studio Engineer department at Volvo CarsDesign Centre in Gothenburg, Sweden. The assignment has been to create a new idea of an airvent where the news value mainly was focused at functionality but also with great attention onvisual appearance.The work has been totally independent and not been aimed to any specific car model. Theindependency initially made that the visual appearance primary wasn?t limited in any way dueto surrounding components.
Livskvalitet hos personer som genomgått en total höftledsplastik - en litteraturstudie
The purpose of the study was based on scientific literature to describe the quality of life of persons who have undergone a total hip replacement. The method was a descriptive literature review. The results showed that pain was the most obvious change after surgery. Mild pain before surgery was strongly associated with mild pain after surgery. But despite less pain were experienced early, it took 1 year to achieve the full benefits of improved physical function.
Att förebygga och undvika fuktskador i byggnader
Efforts to achieve a moisture proof construction process have proved to be considerably complicated, despite the knowledge and awareness that now exists within the moisture field. Materials, documents, templates and checklists are designed to be accessed but are not used anyway. This may be because such effort has not been prioritized and properly requirements have not existed from the commissioner of a building.This report illustrates how the commissioner of a building project can achieve a moisture proof building process by increasing knowledge, moisture proof planning, and implementation of security moisture routines. Proposals are given on how the commissioner of a building project can work to consistently bring a moisture proof building process in all stages. The difficulty with regular moisture proof efforts, the authors believe is mainly due to the following points: Many different design solutions. Lack of experience feedback. Lack of communication. Financial incentives. Attitudes.The interviews in the report have conducted with the help of a qualitative analysis, while the survey has been done using a quantitative analytical method.
Hälsofrämjande arbete, en värdeskapande process? "-En studie i rätt man på rätt plats vid rätt tillfälle"
Syfte: Studien syftar till att Syftet se hur väl företag matchar expertisens kunskap för att arbeta hälsofrämjande, samt ge en djupare förståelse för den process som genererar värde. Metod: Studien grundar sig i en kvalitativ forskningsmetod, där det empiriska materialet har samlats in med hjälp av intervjuundersökningar. Författaren har haft ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt och valt att använda sig av en abduktiv forskningsansats. Slutsats: Uppsatsen handlar om matchningsprocessen mellan företag och hälsobranschen. Genom att titta närmare på detta har begreppet värde hamnat i fokus och matchningsfrågan har blivit en fråga om förmågan att anpassa resurser för att maximera värdet..