8519 Uppsatser om Rehabilitation process - Sida 45 av 568
Mikrosimulering av korsningen Vasa-/Viktoriagatan: En jämförelse av nuläget och tre ombyggnadsförslag med avseende på framkomlighet, säkerhet, miljöpåverkan och tillgänglighet
The main aim of this master thesis was to see the process of an interactive online reference service from idea to final product. The reference service we have studied is developed and used by the Library of the National Institute for Working Life in Stockholm, Sweden and goes by the name phibi. Our goal was to review the whole realization process from the reasons why a service like this was created, how the service was introduced and implemented inside the organisation and finally what the result and consequences were for both the library staff and for the users of the service. Phibi is designed to be a tool that fosters communication between the library staff and the remote users where the users get the opportunity to be helped with their questions by the library staff although they are not physically present in the library. To understand the process we conducted a case study with 11 interviews of the library staff, the superior and the initiator to phibi.
Arbetsterapeuters arbete med personer som har social fobi
Människan är till sin natur en social varelse och många sammanhang förutsätter en viss social kompetens. Att ha social fobi innebär en stark rädsla för att bli utsatt för andra människors kritik och iakttagelser. Denna fobi leder till problem med många aktiviteter i vardagen, som t.ex. att läsa högt inför andra människor, gå på fest eller äta tillsammans med andra. Syftet med studien var att, med stöd av en arbetsterapeutisk arbetsprocess, undersöka hur några arbetsterapeuter arbetar med personer som har social fobi.
?Om jag kan, kan vem som helst? : En kvalitativ studie om olika vägar ut ur missbruket
The purpose with this studie was to examine how individuals with experience of a long-term drugabuse describe their transformationprocess, and if this process has contributed to a change in their selfdescription. The studie was delimit to examine the transformationprocess, not in relation to what sort of abuse the informants had, or in relation to gender. The studie anwered questions concerning motivation to stop abusing, how the informants started the drugcareer, and how life as an abuser is described. In the studie qualitative method was used, five semi-structured interviewes were made with individuals who had a long-term addiction in the past. Symbolic Interactionism was the theoretical frame of referense that was used for analyse.
Building Information Modeling : En möjlig modern arbetsmetod för Sweco Theorells AB
To challenge the competition within the construction business there are requirements ineffectiveness and use of operating computer based programs and work-methods. Thecomputer based programs are continuously improved and can at some point be the start of anew work-method. The work-method of tomorrow can be Building Information Modeling(BIM).This Master of Science Thesis gives an understanding in what BIM is and what therequirements for Sweco Theorells are in a future BIM-use as a consulting-firm. Theunderstanding is presented through a study of theory within the subject. The way of thinkingand acting among different disciplines and individuals within the building process isexplained through an interview study.The term BIM is regularly used.
Riskabla matrecept :
The aim of the study was to investigate if some selected recipes could be hazardous for man; that is if pathogenic bacteria in raw ingredients could survive the cooking process. The study included three known pathogens, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium and Campylobacter jejuni. A known number of the bacterium chosen was added to the raw product. The dish was prepared according to the recipe and then a bacteriological investigation concerning the added pathogenic bacterium was performed. The results showed that all recipes tested could be hazardous; that is the added pathogen was still living after the cooking process..
Communicating criteria
In the light of the criticism from the Swedish Consumers? Association towards the actions of modern fund managers on the Swedish Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI)
market, discussions of change has increased. The reasons underlying a change and communication process are scarcely focused on. Thus, grounded on theories in the fields of
Critical Management Studies (CSR), Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), change and communication, this study analyses how a change of implementing revised SRI
communication is carried out at Handelsbanken Asset Management, existing motives for the change in communication, and how key actors can affect the process. A participant observation and in-depth interviews were carried out enfolding a discussion that contributed
with a critical analysis and discussion, concluding external motives to be dominant and that key actors of the change process are influential to a various extent.
Beskrivning och rendering av kurvade backspeglar
Driving simulators are a very important part of the research that is done at VTI. Enhancing the realism and creating a better driving experience in the simulators are very important and an ongoing work process for the engineers and researchers who work with the simulators. This project has been done as a part of this developing process and the purpose is to enhance the realism of the rear-view mirrors.Simulating realistic rear-view mirrors has been demanded, not only from the researchers at VTI, but also from car and truck manufacturers. To achieve a realistic mirror view a method to measure and parameterize real mirrors has been developed. The code for the existing graphics system has also been redone to be able to handle the new types of mirrors introduced..
Föreställande som verktyg för förändrad förståelse: en studie
om elevers lärande av ett särskildt objekt
This thesis attempts to describe the application of variation theory, as developed by Ference Marton, at a Swedish primary school, intermediate level. The aim of the thesis was to investigate some aspects of a learning process. The students were introduced with the theme of ?sustainable ecological development?. This included theoretical and practical knowledge of the art of sustainable living.
Product Return Process - Developing a Web-Based Return Form to Improve the Information Flow between an Apparel Company and Its Retailers
Handling product returns has become a critical activity for organizations as the volume of gods flowing back through the supply chain rapidly increases. Few research studies have published specific empirical data concerning the reverse logistics practices of companies. Information technology and information support has long been recognized as a competitive weapon ? capable of enhancing company performance and achieving efficient reverse logistics. Reverse logistics is very unlike the forward, as it is more reactive and also has less visibility.
Stavelsen som enhet i läsinlärningen : Ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv
The aimof this study is to contribute furthermore to understand the complexity of theprocess of learning to read and write in an inclusive environment. It focus on the syllableinstead of the phoneme as a unit in this process which is not the most common way ofdoing it. The report is based on a qualitative analysis of this task in pre-school and gradeone at a primary school in a small municipality.In the result, I have found, that the very structured working process and the diagnosticapproach helps the teachers to understand on what level pupils are at. The pupils whostart working this way in pre-school, feel safe knowing what is expecting from them andthey also learn from each other. All pupils in grade one have, before w 45 in autumnterm, very good letter knowledge and have learnt how to read words with two syllableswith a consonant-wovel-structure.
Det kommer aldrig att bli som förr, men det går att leva : En religionspykologisk och kulturell analys av copingstrategier hos drabbade av tsunamikatastrofen i Thailand 2004.
The aim of this paper is to examine the experience of two Swedish women who survived the tsunami catastrophe in Thailand 2004. Through their biographies, Sävstam and Ernsth-Ohlsson have revealed their experiences, before, during and after the tsunami catastrophe. Coping theory is used to explain how they cope with the consequences of the tsunami catastrophe, and how culture affects the coping process. Pargament´s (1997) theories in coping are used to examine this paper. Pargament argues that the coping process is influenced by the culture context of the individual.
Skadad rygg - helt liv ? Delaktighet och livskvalitet hos personer med ryggmärgsskada
Syfte: undersöka och jämföra eventuella skillnader i upplevelse av delaktighet och livskvalitet hos två grupper av människor med para- eller tetraplegi. En grupp har medverkat på rekryteringsgruppens läger och den andra gruppen har inte varit på något läger men antagits till nästa.Design: Statisk gruppjämförelse av två grupper där den ena har genomgått ett läger av rekryteringsgruppen.Metod: Elva män och kvinnor med ryggmärgsskada medverkade i studien. Upplevd delaktighet och livskvalitet hos deltagarna undersöktes med instrumenten Reintegration to Normal Living (RNL) och The Spinal Cord Injury Quality of Life Questionaire (SCI QL-23). Resultat: De som deltagit på lägret skattade högre delaktighet på åtta av de elva frågorna. De skattade också högre siffror på den del av SCI QL-23 om livskvalitet som handlade om uppskattad fysisk och social funktion.Slutsats: Man kunde se tendenser på att delaktigheten skattats högre av dem som deltagit på rekryteringsgruppens läger.
RO hantering på ABB, TPE
Arbetet har utförts på ABB i Ludvika med avsikt att förbättra revisionsprocessenför kontroll och skydd. En revision är en ändring på ett godkänt och klarmarkeratobjekt. Då objektet i fråga redan kan vara levererat till kund och man behöver göraen ändring krävs en strukturerad process för att utföra denna ändring. Processen föratt göra detta är i dagsläget komplicerad och kräver en hel del administrativt arbete.Processen använder sig utav ett antal program för lagring och databaser så som,Lotus Notes, HiDraw Studio, och HiDra32.Avdelningen för kontroll och skydd är i fasen att övergå till ett annat elCADsystem, Engineering Base. Detta är också en av anledningarna att man önskar en nyprocess för revisionshantering.Arbetet bestod till en början av inlärning av den dåvarande processen.
Trädgårdsterapi- kan det hjälpa? : en kunskapsöversikt om trädgårdsterapins roll vid tillfrisknande från stressrelaterad ohälsa
Syftet med vår studie var att studera trädgårdsterapins roll i människors tillfrisknande från stressrelaterad ohälsa. Studiens frågeställningar var: (1) vilka faktorer beskrivs som stressreducerande i natur och trädgård? (2) på vilket sätt kan personer med stressrelaterad ohälsa bli hjälpta genom trädgårdsterapi? För att besvara våra frågeställningar användes en kvalitativ metod med hjälp av en kunskapsöversikt. Våra analysverktyg har varit KASAM och Coping.Slutsatsen av studien är att trädgård och natur kan stärka återhämtningsprocessen för människor med stressrelaterad ohälsa. Trädgård och natur kan bidra med stressreducerande faktorer som gör att återhämtningen påskyndas och stärks, såsom att hitta lugn, känna trygghet och få utrymme för reflektion.
Det konstnärliga egot som altruism
My thesis is an attempt to clarify the purpose and workings of art in relation to the artist, his/her fellows and society. Can art be considered as a uniting force? If so, where does its unifying quality lie? How does art connect with the individual, the community and society? My interpretation of the political climate regarding the arts has resulted in an exploration of the question: What role does art have in society today?The artistic ego as an altruism ? within the title of this thesis lies an absolute paradox ? a paradox that through this paper is tested, reviewed and demonstrated as a way of describing art and its workings. The thesis is problematized and studied from several angles: Through the inner artistic process, both reflective and empirical, and through philosophical studies..