

871 Uppsatser om Regular classes - Sida 23 av 59

Eurokoder : en jämförelse mot BKR

In Sweden there are currently two separate guidelines you may use whenperforming calculations on frameworks, BKR and the Eurocodes. Although at theend of 2010 you are not allowed to use BKR any longer and only the Eurocodeswill be viable. The aim of this thesis is to explain how the Eurocodes and EKS work and alsohow they compare to the current guideline BKR. Similarities and differencesbetween these guidelines are also discussed so that the reader will get a betterunderstanding of how the Eurocodes are applied. The areas discussed are asfollows:Principles and adviceSafety ClassesSymbols and IndexesLifespanLoads and partial coefficientThe thesis also deals with the impact that this transition into a new guideline willhave on corporations, guideline costs, education and computer software. As anexample a rough estimate on what costs this transition will create on a companywith 20 employees is also included. Calculations have been performed in order to investigate how the design valuesdiffer between the two guidelines, the Eurocodes and BKR.

Levbart transportsystem i Uppsala

In this thesis a transport system is sought after thatif realised in the city of Uppsala could provide bothwell-being to all its inhabitants and sustainability,here jointly refered to as liveability. It is found thatthe car dominated transport system that is inoperation today provides two fundamental values,namely accessibility in both time and space, whichsets it apart from other transport solutions. Thesetwo values are of immense importance for theliveability in our modern world. On the other handthe car dominated system decreases the liveabilityof Uppsala in several different ways. Some of theseproblems, it is argued, could be solved within thecar system, through the adoption of moreenvironmentally friendly cars etc., but otherproblems are inherent in the car system and willremain no matter what changes are made.

"I am neither a freak nor a monster" : En analys av Paradise Lost-dokumentärernas argumentation

The purpous of this master?s thesis is to explore how the swedish public library evolved between 1890-1911, before the state implemented the library reform in 1912. The material used to cunduct the study concists mainly of texts published during the time frame of the thesis in the form of books, booklets and articles from Folkbiblioteksbladet, a journal dedicated to the subject of the swedish public library.Drawing upon Habermas theory of the structural transformation of the public sphere and Bourdieus theories about taste as social distinction and symbolic capital, the thesis seeks to show how the public participated in the evolvement of the public library and which aspects of society that contributed to the public library?s establishment as an institution. The findings are also discussed in relation to previous research of the history of the Swedish public library.

Volatilitetsintegration och Internationell Diversifiering : En empirisk studie om hur Sveriges volatilitetsintegration och diversifieringsmöjligheter har förändrats inom EMU sedan införandet av euron

To accomplish my purpose about where bullying is emerging and how bullying utter it is self and if the educationist consideration disposes conform to the students, i chose two classes from two different schools. With the help of the students thought and speculations and with the educationalists answers, I come to a result. I want to add that my results agreed with the early scientists? research. The results also confirmed by literature and by theories that showed in my result.

Det är svårt att vara mig? : Om skolelever som kategoriserar sig som högkänsliga

The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the problems caused by students that characterize themselves as highly sensitive. The issue of high sensitivity and other categorizations are fiercely debated in the research. This empirical study was conducted in light of literature about high sensitivity, pedagogies, and interview methods. The students answered questions about what makes them categorize themselves and how they believe that the categorization affects their learning and social development. They also responded to questions about what they consider appropriate measures to improve their situation.

Karaktärsskapandets potential och begränsningar

This project report describes a supplement for character creation in a tabletop role-playing game ?Dragons and Demons." The purpose of this project is to improve the character creation for the players? trough the narrative elements such as character?s background story. The applied qualitative methods such as a test panel and a questionnaire were conducted for the evaluation of theories used during character creation and to get feedback on the supplement?s creative value for the players. The aim of the questionnaire was to see how the method for the character creation differs from the regular way of making a character for a tabletop role-playing game and if this idea improves user experience during the tabletop role-playing game.The results of the evaluation are based on answers from novice and experienced players, and conclude that the additional background story creates an insight into the character's past, which makes it easier for novice players to get quick started with character creation.

Varumärken och varningsetiketter: En kvantitativ studie i hur varningsetiketter påverkar personer då de är placerade på läskförpackningar och om varningsetiketternas effekt påverkas av varumärket

Warning labels can be used to change the attitude and behavior in the general public. The use of warning labels is also increasing and suggestions have been made to expand their use to more general food products. However, the research regarding the effects of warning labels and how other factors may influence them is limited.The purpose of this study was to develop the research on warning labels and the effects the strength of the brand might have on the warning label?s effect on more regular food products. To achieve this goal a 2x2 factorial design was used where over 200 respondents filled in four different forms.

Projektarbete som läroform : En kvalitativ studie av en förskolas projektarbete

The purpose of the study was to examine how teachers and children interpreted the project and understood its values. To this end, it was necessary to focus on four defining parameters which affect the investigation: structure of pre-school project work, content and delivery, the methods used by teachers during the project, which pedagogical documentation was used (and how), and how the project determined the approach, the curriculum goals and values. Using a qualitative approach, regular unsystematic observations were made over five days, during which three teachers, two pedagogues, two pre-school teachers, and one nanny from the same kindergarten were interviewed regarding children in three age groups: 1-2 years old, 3 years old, and 4-5 years old. The results of my investigation showed that the teachers were divided on how to apply the project as a working method. Children's active role in the pre-school project varied depending on the extent to which teachers adopted children perspective in everyday practice.

Lärarens ledarroll i klassrummet och vilka faktorer som påverkar : En studie i två högstadieskolor, årskurs 7, 8 och 9

This exam work project strives to investigate different roles a teacher can adapt to in classroom situations. The focus is on three different types, gained from a dissertation made by Evelyn Säll where she has investigated teacher students? opinions about the teacher?s role. These types are:the Dramatist, the Director and the Illuminator, and five teachers are defined accordingly. Questionnaires and observations are used as a tool in order to come to a conclusion.

NPK+ och blå målklassning : indikatorer på vattenkvalitet?

Vattendirektivets (2000/60/EG) krav på skydd och bevarande av vattenkvalitet i vattenförekomster har kraftigt ökat medvetenheten om vattenhänsyn och vattenvård i det svenska skogsbruket. Världsnaturfonden lanserade hösten 2011 tillsammans med skogsägarföreningarna (Södra skogsägarna, Mellanskog, Norrskog och Norra skogsägarna) vattenhänsynsverktygen NPK+ (Naturvärde, Påverkan, Känslighet och Plusvärde) och blå målklassning som hjälpmedel till skogsägare för att ta och synliggöra vattenhänsynen. Relevansen hos verktygen NPK+ och blå målklassning att identifiera och klassificera vattendrag efter vattenkvalitet undersöktes med antalet fiskarter som indikator på vattenkvaliteten. 55 vattendrag i Krycklanåns avrinningsområde strax utanför Vindeln i Västerbottens inland inventerades med NPK+ och blå målklassning i mitten av september 2011. Fältinventeringsdata analyserades statistiskt med fiskartsförekomst från en tidigare elfiskeinventering i vattendragen.

Försörjningens paradox : En kvalitativ studie om statliga företrädares framställning av våld i nära relation

The aim of this study was to examine how state representatives prepared domestic violence, regarding the economic consequences of women exposed to violence. In order to achieve a profound and comprehensive view of the governmental keyfigures discussion we performed five interviews and studied selected governmental preparatory works between the years 1995-2015. We used theory on social construction as an approach and certain themes were more regular in our empirical material, which we compiled in three different discourses. According to our empirical material the economic situation of women exposed to violence is caused by inequality and gender power structure. The solution given by state representatives are referred to the municipality and social services.

Uppfattningar om utomhuspedagogik hos lärare i grundskolans årskurs 4-6

The use of out-door pedagogy in the school has been frequently high-lighted during recent years. To which extent out-door education was practised in the school depends on the opinions among the active teachers. The aim of this study was to examine the opinions on out-door pedagogy among teachers in classes 4-6 of the elementary school and to find out to which extent the teacher used out-door teaching. The study was based on qualitatively structured interviews with 4 teachers having different lenght of teaching experience. The results of the interviews showed that the teachers had different opinions on the definition of out-door pedagogy.

Gymnasieskolans bristande astronomiundervisning : hur lärares attityder påverkar undervisningen

This paper is based upon a questionnaire and interviews with Swedish secondary school teachers (student of ages from 16 to 18). The purpose of the paper was to get a picture of teacher?s attitudes to astronomy in the physics courses and how this affects their teaching. The questionnaire showed that astronomy is the least prioritized field in physics in secondary school. Teachers seem to generally consider astronomy as the least important field and they spend little time teaching it, many teachers even exclude astronomy completely from their classes.

Skapa kreativa möten : En visuell gestaltning av situationer och funktioner runt ett community table.

This work is a study in how I as a designer can create the conditions for people to work, socializing and refreshments at one place. A place that encourages creativity, where I made a suggestion at a community table designed for Urban Deli?s new business. By visiting various similar sites I have identified what I think is important in an environment like this and then gave an answer to it in a visual form.A cafe-office will draw lots of different people. Which guests come here to work? Residents, freelancers, but also those who may want surrounded by a new creative work place and maybe leave their regular offices for a day at Urban Deli.

Interkulturell pedagogik : En studie om fem lärares förhållningssätt i en mångkulturell klass

The aim of this essay is to study five teachers' perceptions and experiences of a multicultural class. I want to find out how they relate to intercultural education and how they experience that they may apply it.Sweden is a multicultural society. This fact is even reflected in the school and this imposes on teachers finding new ways to educate and prepare their students for the multicultural society.I chose to carry out a qualitative survey and interviewed five teachers having contact with a multicultural class. The study also offers suggestions to future teachers who can benefit from it in terms of adopting convenient attitudes in multicultural classes with better understanding.The outcome reached shows that the interviewed teachers try to make use of intercultural pedagogy by addressing differences between students, adapting teaching to supply for the needs of students, and also by having good contact with parents. But teachers also experience difficulties.

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