

837 Uppsatser om Regional - Sida 3 av 56

Regionalism som motstånd : Två latinamerikanska staters motiv att ingå i integrationsprojektet ALBA

The formation of sovereign states in Regional blocks has become an essential feature in the world system. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to investigate which motives and driving forces that affect the creation of projects of Regional integration outside Europe and the Western World. By choosing the Latin American project of integration ALBA (the Bolivarian Alliance of the Americas) as a case of Regional integration outside Europe and the Western World, the study investigates the motives expressed by the most prominent actors of the project, Venezuela and Cuba. ALBA is chosen as a representative and a unique case and through the consumption of the gramscian and the realist approaches, the essay defines two motives that affect the creation of projects of Regional integration. As a way of investigating the actors? motives, the paper studies political statements, especially those of the Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez, and official positions expressed in central documents and declarations.

Regioner i förändring - En komparativ studie av de svenska och danska strukturreformerna

The purpose of this thesis is to critically investigate how to understand the Regional transformations that are occurring in Sweden and Denmark. At a higher level of abstraction the results can be generalised to a wider context and I have found that there is an ideological hegemony that explains the Regional transformation. Nation states are reterritorialising due to a changing world where global capital is becoming increasingly flexible and competition between states, regions and municipalities is needed to adjust. By using Sandberg's model of structural reforms I have shown that the differences between Sweden's and Denmark's reterritorialisation are due to differences in national political culture and existing administrative systems. In fact these two structural reforms are based on the same Regionalist ideology as a reaction to the changing global economy.To investigate the Regional transformations I have carried out an idea and ideology analysis on the recent Swedish proposal from Ansvarskommittén, Strukturkommissionen in Denmark and the proposal by the Danish government which was carried out in 2007.

Regionala strategier på lokal nivå Om kulturarv- och kulturmiljöarbete i regionalt och kommunalt utvecklings- och tillväxtarbete

The following essay aims at the interplay between Regional och municipal growth work, and theway cultural heritage is used in growth work strategies. The main issue has been whether theRegional strategies are followed up in the municipal strategies, which has been investigated bymeans of question which impact the region?s strategies has at the local level.The essay draws upon an instrumental perspective on cultural heritage and cultural environment,here defined as instruments in the national development and growth efforts. Three publicationsthat highlights potential roles of cultural heritage and cultural environment to act as instrumentsin the Regional and municipal development and growth efforts has thereby been selected astheoretical models. These roles has further been summarized in a tabular form as a schematicdivision of main themes with sub-categories, used as a framework for deciphering the Regionaland municipal strategies.A content analysis of available strategies at both Regional and local levels have been used as amethod for investigating the issue, where the role of cultural heritage and cultural environment(as defined in the schematic table) has guided the reading.

Ekosystemansatsen på landskapsnivå

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) promotes the Ecosystem Approach (EA). In this thesis it is analyzed how the EA approach could be applied to Regional management of coastal areas in Sweden. The aim of this report is to compare management for preserving biodiversity on a landscape level in two Regional coastal areas in Uppsala and Västra Götaland respectively. In Uppsala, one of the plans consists of a previous nature reserve and in Västra Götaland, a Regional landscape strategy has been established. The ecosystem approach is used as a theoretical framework in this thesis.

Naturlig föryngring av lövskogar i Örebro län :

The Regional Forestry Board in Värmland- Örebro needs increased knowledge on silviculture in broad- leaved forests. This thesis is an inventory of naturally regenerated broad leaved forests, and the results from the inventory have been compared with The Regional Forestry Board?s demands on regeneration results. The result of this inventory was that the regenerated sites were suitable for broad leaved trees, but only half the number of the stands fulfilled the demands of regeneration results of The Regional Forestry Board, mainly because of gaps in the stands. The gaps in the stands were mainly caused by lack of soil preparation and seed trees..

67,44 miljoner skäl till demokrati : En studie av processerna i EU-finansierade projekt

In a global context the traditional democratic process is facing new challenges. Scholars are talking about a transition from government to governance, where local and Regional networks as well as international collaboration are an important part in how Regional policy is produced and implemented. In this paper the processes in Regional projects funded by the European Union are considered, and related to the traditional democratic process. The study has been fulfilled through informant interviews with representatives from four EU-projects. The interviews are supplemented by a qualitative text analysis of current statutes.

Regional identitet

I Sverige har det pågått en fyra decennier lång regiondebatt om hur den Regionala förvaltningen ska organiseras. Denna debatt har resulterat i ett beslut om en försöksverksamhet med Regionalt självstyre i fyra län från 1 juli 1997 till 31 december 2002. I den Regionala försöksverksamheten som ytterligare har förlängts till 2006 ingår Kalmar, Gotland, Skåne och Västra Götaland. De två sistnämnda regionerna är mitt undersökningsmål. Syftet med denna uppsats är att lyfta fram de väsentliga faktorer/element som kan relateras till och förknippas med Regional identitet.

Hotet från grannen: En studie av regional säkerhetskomplex-teori utifrån europeiska och post-sovjetiska erfarenheter

Regional säkerhetskomplex-teori är en central del av Köpenhamnsskolan, och den beskriver säkerhet som något som sker framför allt på en Regional analysnivå. Teorin kan beskrivas som en blandning mellan neorealism och konstruktivism, sett ur ett Regionalistiskt perspektiv. I den här uppsatsen försöker jag ta reda på vad den här teorin tillför till förståelsen av säkerhetspolitik, utöver vad vi lär oss av konventionell neorealistisk eller liberal teori. Detta gör jag genom två fallstudier där de olika teorierna jämförs med varandra och deras förklaringskraft studeras. Min ena fallstudie handlar om Europa, den andra om den post-sovjetiska sfären med fokus på Ryssland. Jag drar slutsatsen att Regional säkerhetskomplex-teori har både för- och nackdelar jämfört med dominerande teorier.

Regionala organisationers potential i konfliktlösning - En komparativ fallstudie av ECOWAS och FN:s hantering av inbördeskriget i Sierra Leone

With the end of the Cold War the number of conflicts where the United Nations have intervened has increased dramatically. This has entailed a need for a burden-sharing between the UN and Regional organizations regarding management of conflicts. The aim of this study is to make a comparative analysis of the effectiveness and the efficiency in the efforts undertaken by ECOWAS and the UN during the civil war in Sierra Leone, through using theories on conflict resolution and the advantages of Regional organizations in conflict resolution.My conclusion is that both ECOWAS and the UN were quite successful in managing the conflict and had an impact on the resolution of the war, although both peace operations suffered from internal problems. ECOWAS was effective in managing the conflict and in its mediating efforts as an insider from the region. The UN was more efficient in managing to attain their goals.

Kulturpolitiska tendenser i en nybildad region En studie av Västra Götalandsregionen

The role of cultural policy within the general political planning of a community can vary both historically and Regionally. The aim of this study has been to explore the cultural policy plans, during the 1990's, in the recently formed geographical region of "Västra Götaland". This is a qualitative study, carried out during 1999, and based upon structured interviews with five representatives of the cultural-policy sector in the "Västra Götaland" region. In order to identify connections and tendencies in a more general social context the aims of the five representatives regarding cultural policy have been explored from the perspective of three cultural policy paradigms, namely Dorte Skot-Hansen, Olav R. Spilling and Göran Nylöf.

Miljöbilens framtid : De alternativa drivmedlens påverkanoch konsekvenser på regional och global nivå

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka de alternativa drivmedlen på en Regional och en global nivå. Författarnas syfte var att fokusera på hur dagens infrastruktur påverkar användandet av alternativa drivmedel, men under arbetets gång visade det sig att den egentliga problematiken låg kring debatten om de olika alternativens framställningsprocesser och kostnader för dessa.I uppsatsen tas Regional geografisk teori upp och även politisk och ekonomisk geografi för att kunna förklara de alternativa drivmedlens framtid och dess konsekvenser.I metoden har författarna valt att intervjua flera olika intressenter som är med i utvecklingen kring miljöbilar och alternativa bränslen för att få olika perspektiv.Intervjuerna var informationsrika och gav författarna insikt om hur komplex den nya marknaden egentligen är och att det krävs ytterligare forskning inom området för att tillgodose våra framtida energibehov..

Att delta och förändra, trots kaos! - En studie om Försäkringskassans organisationsförändringar.

Earlier the Regional social insurance office was exposed to critisism because of bad administration and a lack of providing public service. Among other things the Regional social insurance office was attacked because of long investigation hours and indinstinct working methods and was blamed for not being able to solve the unhealth in the society. This lead to the reformation of the previous Regional social insurance office into a government authority agency on the first of Januari, 2005. Extensive organizational changes were made so that Regional social insurance office could handle the demands and become a uniform public administration. I have made a qualitative study where the purpose was to se how the changes affected the public administrators and I focused on their participation and willingness to change.

Kunskap om marknaden : Besöksattraktioners vikt och dess relation till turistmålgrupp och resesyfte

The name of the study means ?The short arm - a study in diversity and arm?s length in the cultural collaboration model?. Right now there is a reform in the Swedish cultural administration where the responsibility for handing out state funds and grants to cultural organizations is changing from the state government to the local Regional governments. The purpose of this study is to map the organisational changes caused by the reform and investigate how this affects the Regional policies concerning cultural diversity and the arm?s length principle.

Region och regional identitet i diskursen om Skåne och Västra Götaland

I februari 2007 redovisade ansvarskommittén sitt slutbetänkande för regeringen. I sitt slutbetänkande föreslår ansvarskommittén en omstrukturering där 6-9 regionkommuner kommer att ersätta dagens 21 landsting, samtidigt kommer 6-9 län, sammanfallande med de föreslagna regionkommunerna, att ersätta dagens 21 län. Den föreslagna omstruktureringen har fått Regionaliseringsdebatten att åter blossa upp i Sverige. I debatten är det tydligt att känslorna för den egna regionen varierar mellan olika regioner, då vissa regioner vurmar mer och andra mindre för den egna regionen. Vad beror detta på? Handlar det om Regional identitet eller avsaknaden av densamma? Dessa frågor ligger till grund för denna uppsats med syfte att undersöka hur region och Regional identitet konstrueras och rekonstrueras i tidningsmedia.

Hoten mot länsstyrelsen - En analys av dess agerande i en föränderlig omgivning

The purpose with this master thesis is to analyze how the Swedish County Administrative Board (Länsstyrelsen) acts in an environment that changes fast with more Regional actors than ever before. There are also proposals regarding new public authorities and eventually a reduction of the Swedish County Administrative Board.By studying a report issued by the Board in December 2005 the aim is to find their intentions and actions for the future. By using three diverse theoretical concepts - the public organisation, the instrumental perspective and two separate perspectives from new institutionalism - the expectation is that I will have the possibility to analyze the intentions of the organisation in many different ways.In this case study I also want to take into consideration the central discourses in the Regional debate, shall we decentralize or shall we keep on having a strong state even in the future? What kind of Regional policy does the Swedish County Administrative Board prefer?The result shows that the Swedish County Administrative Board struggles for a strong state even in the future, but it does not propose any huge changes. In many ways it seems like they act as they are supposed to - as an instrument for the government - but despite that it is obvious that the Swedish County Administrative Board tries to show that it has the traditions and knowledge.

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