

2538 Uppsatser om Regional policy - Sida 28 av 170

Vad håller vi egentligen på med? : en studie som granskar användandet av pedagogisk dokumentation utifrån förskolans uppdrag

In this study, we aim to analyze how the terms documentation and pedagogical documentation respectively are portrayed in the curriculum (skolverket 2010) as well as in the curriculum complementary material (skolverket 2012). The analysis is performed by use of critical discourse analysis. We used published research as a theoretical base to analyze the empirical data against. Our aim is to increase the understanding of how the terms documentation and pedagogical documentation are used in the various policy documents and what messages these documents relay concerning the aforementioned terms.We aim to give some answers to the following questions:How to interpret the term documentation in relation to the term pedagogical documentation.How to interpret the ways the terms are promoted in the policy documents. We conclude that the term documentation is vastly more open to interpretation than the term pedagogical documentation. We note that the curriculum exclusively use the term documentation and stress the importance of using a variety of documentation forms.

Region Skåne - nätverk utan koppling

I have studied how human networks can affect decision-making and different constellations. The primary purpose is to clarify the possibility to affect the decision to move the infrastructure investments from Region Skåne to Region Västra Götaland. The study starts at the EU-level and continues to the Government and on to the region. Region Skåne is studied especially since it was from there the infrastructure investments were moved.The conclusion is that there is no specific representation in the government that represents regional topics, in spite of the fact that almost 30% of the members of the Parliament come from these regions. There is no discussion between the members that could be considered a networking-activity beneficial for the regions.

Efterfrågan på kollektiva persontransporter -en studie av lokal och regional kollektivtrafik med fokus på Linköpings tätort

Uppsatsens syfte är att öka kunskapen om de faktorer som bestämmer efterfrågan på lokal och regional kollektivtrafik. För att uppfylla syftet estimeras efterfrågemodeller med hjälp av data från Linköpings tätortstrafik och Sveriges länstrafikbolag. Modellerna formuleras med utgångspunkt från ekonomisk teori och tidigare studier innom området. Bland annat konstateras att resenärens tid är en viktig produktionsfaktor vid produktion av transporttjänster. I modellerna som formuleras förklaras resandet med den monetära avgiften för en resa, realinkomst, bilinnehav per person, petroleumpris och utbudskilometer per innevånare.

Regimteorin i svensk kontext. Från Volvo till IKEA i Kalmar

The regime theory is the dominant paradigm in the studies of urban politics in USA. It provides a set of concepts to analyse the change from government to governance in the American local politics. The regime theory postulates that governing power in local government tends to be highly fragmented. The private sector has with its control of economic resources a major influence in shaping governing decisions. In this essay I study the regime theory in a Swedish context to investigate if the theory is pertinent when studying of Swedish local governance.

Geopolitisk dynamik : Ett teoriutvecklande anspråk

In the social sciences, geopolitical theory is used in order to analyze states actions and commitments when it comes to foreign policy. This thesis develops a new understanding of geopolitical theory. Firstly, the development and application of geopolitical theory, from its foundations in the early twentieth century to contemporary geopolitical studies is discussed. Secondly a revised understanding of the variables integrated in the concept and how it can be operationalized as an analytical tool is presented and tested empirically.The critical assessment of the research field of geopolitical theory tells us that six different geopolitical perspectives have been considered the most influential (room, strategy, power projection, identity, affiliation and governance) when it comes to analyzing state action. This model is applied as an analytical tool and thus tested on a single case.

Valet och kvalet kring kapitalstrukturen : om kognitionens inverkan på finansieringspolitiken

Background: A company?s choice of capital structure is influenced by the access to internal and external capital but also by the opportunities and threats that the management perceives in the environment and the management?s attitude towards risk. How an individual perceives and interpret the environment depends on the cognitive structures, which are shaped by personality, background and earlier experiences. Accordingly cognitive structures can be expected to influence the choice of capital structure. Purpose: Out of a cognitive perspective we intend to study the relationship between the way a company views it?s environment and what capital structure it chooses to have, in order to contribute to an increased understanding about what lies behind a company?s capital structure policy.

Tillgänglighet 2010 ? om implementeringen av tillgänglighet på biblioteken

This thesis studies if public libraries in Sweden have taken part ofinformation regarding the Swedish government policy that publicareas are to be made accessible by 2010. Also studied is thesignificance of information and resources on the execution ofaccessibility adaptations at public libraries.The analysis uses Lennart Lundquist?s theory of implementation ofpublic policies, that the person executing the policy needs tounderstand, be able to and want to in order for the policy to besuccessfully executed. The study was carried out through a surveyand the thesis focuses on the factors of understanding and beingable to.The survey was sent by email to all 290 municipal libraries inSweden with an answering frequency of 65%. The results arepresented in table format with explanations.The thesis finds that a clear majority of respondents have hadaccess to information about accessibility adaptations, but thatmuch fewer consider the information clear enough.

Rättsliga krav på vindkraftsetablering på land

Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka rättsläget avseende tillståndsgivning till vindkraftverks etablering på land. I uppsatsen behandlas miljöbalkens första fyra kapitel. I studien granskas det först tre tillståndsärenden från tre olika länsstyrelser och sedan genomförs en kortare rättsfallstudie över prejudicerande domar avseende lokaliseringen. En mycket tung vägledning för lokaliseringsbedömningen utgör, både för länsstyrelserna och för domstolen, översiktsplanering eller andra eventuella planeringar och policy. Länsstyrelserna behandlar planeringar eller policy med en annan utgångspunkt än domstolen gör.

Utgör miljöförekomsten av diklofenak och ibuprofen en risk för vattenlevande organismer?

I Sverige är kommunerna ansvariga för planeringen genom det kommunala planmonopolet. I och med att människor blir allt mer rörliga suddas gränserna också ut allt mer. Kommunerna tvingas ändra sina rutiner och se på exempel, för att lära sig hur planeringen över gränser går till. Flera faktorer och aktörer på lokal, regional, och nationell nivå påverkar hur den regionala planeringen ser ut.I landskapssammanhang är det en nödvändighet att planera över gränser, och efterfrågan av planeringsstrategier över gränser väcker behovet av större regioner, där gemensamma strategier kan ange ramarna.Genom studier av litteratur som tar upp exempel på regionalplanering i olika skalor och definitioner av aktörer och begrepp, ges i den här uppsatsen en bild avhur regional planering fungerar idag. Litteraturen är hämtad från EU?parlament, Sveriges Regering och Riksdag samt både statliga verk och andra organisationer som beskriver sina och andras roller inom planering som försiggår över gränserna..

Riktlinjer för utformande av informationssäkerhetspolicy : En fallstudie vid Linde Material Handling

Denna uppsats dokumenterar en fallstudie som gjordes hösten 2006 vid Linde Material Handling i Örebro. Företaget var på väg att expandera och planerade att utöka användningen av IT i verksamheten. I samband med detta gavs undertecknade i uppdrag att utforma en informationssäkerhetspolicy för verksamheten. I en litteraturstudie kunde det konstateras att det inte fanns några enklare riktlinjer för att utforma sådana policies, varmed syftet blev att göra detta. Genom en fallstudie på företaget där vi utformade en IS-policy för deras verksamhet, och även gjorde intervjuer med ledning och dokumentationsanalyser, utrönas vilka problem som kan uppstå och vilka överväganden som bör göras för att utforma en lyckad policy.

"Låt den rätte komma in..." : - En studie om Kroatiens och Turkiets resa mot EU-medlemskap

EU is an organization that has expanded really fast during the last years. When you read about different EU membership processes you notice that some processes have been much faster than others. Spontaneously you think that this depends om that some countries have not been fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria. However, during the last decennium some scientists have written articles about motives that have affected the membership processes. The basic problem in my essay is how we are supposed to understand a membership process? Since I was interested in if I could see the same inconsistent behavior pattern in other membership processes I chose to study Turkey and Croatia.

Terrorismens orsaker : Om skapandet av generella kausalteorier när det gäller uppkomsten av terrorism

The first of the dual purposes of this work has been to describe the research that has been done regarding the root causes of terrorism and second, using a general causal theory and examining the political dimensions of it, to discuss whether or not general causal theories (grand-theories) are helpful for researchers and policy-makers when reacting to social developments in the form of terrorism. The essay is a qualitative literature analysis and I have based my studies on mostly new books treating root causes of terrorism. I have concentrated on discussing international terrorism and how political dimensions may impact the occurence of this form of political violence. The conclusions I have made is that there is no widespread consensus among researchers and scholars as to what really causes terrorism. Neither can the general model examined in chapter 5 be used to predict when and where terrorism will occur next.

Främmande kulturer : En undersökning om hur Handelsbanken förbereder sina expatriaterinom interkulturell kommnunikation

Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.

Miljöbilsanvändning : En attityd- och beteendeundersökning hos ägare av bilar drivna med förnybara drivmedel

The aim of this report is to give a picture of how attitudes and behaviours of owners of environment cars look like and how they can be influenced. The alignment lies on environmental cars which run on biogas and ethanol which both are renewable fuels. The starting point is to sort out if it is environmental thinking that controls the choice and use of an environmental car. The feeling is that there are many other factors that can be more controlling, for example the price and the quality of the car. The result of the questionnaire survey which is the foundation of the report shows however that those who buy an environmental car do it mostly because of environmental reasons.

Reglerad reproduktion - En studie över abortdiskursen i Kina och abortmotståndet i USA

This thesis is on the subject of different views on abortion. With a qualitative analysis of the family planning policy in China and interviews with four persons living in China I try to answer what abortion can mean in this context. I use the results from an earlier study of the antiabortion lobby pro-life and the last republican candidate Mitt Romney to compare how abortion is being constructed in different ways. Reproduction is in both USA and China, among other countries, a subject for regulation. Following thesis wish to explore how that is done and what consequences it brings.

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