

2538 Uppsatser om Regional policy - Sida 25 av 170

Den indiska tigern - En studie av implementeringen av Indiens ekonomiska reformer

The aim of this thesis is to analyze and examine India's economic reforms which the country introduced on the government's own initiative in the early 1990s after decades of practicing isolationism. The analysis entails a thorough systematic examination of possible factors that determined the decision to implement the reforms. These factors are derived from two models developed by scholars within the field of foreign policy.The research is performed through an examination where the possible factors for the reforms have been examined on a three-level basis; system-, state- and individual level. It is a qualitative case study that seeks to explain not only why the Indian government implemented the reforms but also to evaluate the validity of the models to the extent that they stand in accordance with the case of India.The conclusion presented in this thesis is that one model works better for explaining the case of India. The model lie emphasis on structural changes, a crisis and political entrepreneurs committed to a certain type of reforms as a prerequisite for policy change to take place.

Smile! you are in Spain : Turismmarknadsföringen av Spanien och Costa del Sol: utopi eller ironi?

Uppsatsen behandlar hur turismorganisationer på nationell och regional nivå arbetar med turismplanering och turismmarknadsföring för att skapa en bra och sanningsenlig image av Spanien och Costa del Sol i turismsammanhang. I uppsatsen tillämpas en kvalitativ metod. Analysen sker genom texttolkning efter hermeneutiska principer. Symboler tolkas även genom semiotik och metonymi. Uppsatsen beskriver hur turismplaneringen är organiserad i Spanien på nationell och regional nivå och hur dessa nivåers turismorganisationer arbetar med turismens utveckling.

Formgivning av funktion : De potentiella skydden

Every plan and program decided on by an authority or municipality, where the environmental impact can be considerable, must be environmentally assessed according to Environmental Code, the Planning and Building Act (PBA) and the Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment.The purpose of this study is to examine the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for The Region Development Plan for the Stockholm Region, RUFS 2010. The plan was approved by at that time the Regional Planning Office (Regionplanekontoret), which procured the process by consultants. RUFS 2010 includes two merged plans ie. a regional Development Plan (RUP) and the Regional Spatial Plan for Stockholm. It was necessary to establish an environmental assessment of RUP, but not for the regional plan.

Bron och Attityderna : en undersökning av politiska åsikter kring Öresundsbron

This thesis deals with past and present political attitudes towards the Öresund bridge. It describes the decision making process which preceded the construction of the bridge, and has a short historical introduction to it. It then presents the attitudes towards the bridge of five different political parties, all represented by regional politicians. This empirical information was obtained through interviews with politicians and literature studies. The author then analyzes the empirical information with the help of the human ecological triangle developed by Steiner, and the center-periphery theories of Wallerstein and Persson.To conclude, the author describes what the central problem is in the case of the Öresund bridge from a human ecological perspective and analyzes the empirical data collected..

Från policy till praktik : implementeringen av kommunikationsplattformen i Lunds kommun

Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera processen från policy till praktik och att exemplifiera detta utifrån hur arbetet med kommunikationsplattformen i Lunds kommun har gått till väga. Ett viktigt mål är också att utifrån detta konstruktivt försöka bidra till plattformens fortsatta implementering. I uppsatsen identifieras aktiv kommunikation, kärnvärdesprofilering och effektiv implementering som organisatoriska nyckelbegrepp.Utgångspunkten är fyra dokument som utgör kommunikationsplattformen för Lunds kommun och en utvärdering av implementeringsarbetet för kommunikationsplattformen. Dessutom har även tre intervjuer genomförts med nyckelpersoner i kommunen. Med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av dokumenten och intervjuerna görs en nulägesanalys av situationen och problematiken tematiseras.Det sista steget i uppsatsen är att skapa konkreta förslag till åtgärder.

Interkommunal samverkan kringregional e-utveckling : En fallstudie av utmaningar och möjligheter förledningen

Interkommunal samverkan kring regional e-utveckling är ett ämne som är väldigt aktuellt för Sveriges kommuner. I takt med att den offentliga sektorn får ökade krav om digitalisering och minskade offentliga medel så skapas också ett behov av att kunna använda befintliga resurser effektivare. I Värmland pågår nu ett samarbete kring regional e-utveckling. I detta samarbete deltar samtliga värmländska kommuner. Samarbetet har varit väldigt framgångsrikt däremot finns det samtidigt utmaningar och möjligheter som ledningen bör beakta.

Medborgarskap och immigration ? En kartläggning över utvecklingen i Tyskland och Frankrike sedan 1992

Citizenship and immigration policy are controversial aspects of the European integration project. Fourteen years ago Roger Brubaker stated that the vital differences between German and French citizenship policy were unthinkable to harmonise. This paper therefore seeks to investigate whether the old image of the two countries are accurate. By evaluating citizenship and immigration policies in today's context with the increasing influence of European Union policy I here present a more correct picture of the situation in both countries. Partly to see how the harmonisation has come this far.

De svenska börsbolagens prioriteringar mellan investeringspolitik och utdelningspolitik : En studie av sambandet mellan investeringspolitik och utdelningspolitik i förhållande till börsvärde

The relationship between dividend policy and investment is a controversial area and the relationship between these two may differ depending on the company's priorities. The study examines this more closely by studying dividend policy's impact on investment and how it differs depending on the company?s market capitalization. The study is based on companies listed on the OMX Stockholm within the segments Large Cap and Small Cap, during the period between 2003-2012. Secondary data was obtained from each company's annual reports where relevant data was used to operationalized into measurable variables.

Val av område och områdesskydd för Natura 2000 med skogshabitat : En jämförande studie av fyra län i Sverige

The Natura 2000 Network is one of the European Unions many tools concerning nature conservation, and is without comparison the premier contribution when it comes to halting the loss of biodiversity. This essay is a case study on how the regional work with the Natura 2000-network has been carried out in four different counties. These counties are Södermanland, Västernorrland, Jämtland and Örebro. They have been compared based on the theoretical concept of sustainable development. This essay describes how the officials in the County Administrations view the regional implementation of Natura 2000 when it comes to the selection of Natura 2000-sites with forest habitats and the creation of an additional protective measure.

Målstyrning via policydokument Garanti för rationalitet och effektivitet eller symbolpolitik för meningsskapande?

The aim of this thesis is to develop two idealtypes of politics to help serve as instruments in understanding and analysing the view on politics held by top civil servants in the municipality of Lund Sweden. The two ideal types developed here are symbolic sense making politics and rational instrumental politics. These two ideal types were applied to material from a qualitative survey to help bring out clear results and to help with the interpretation of the material The results of the study showed that the two idealtypes could not help to clearly categorize the civil servants views on management by objectives. But while categorizing the top civil servants views the important features of policy documents the ideal types were helpful. By using the ideal types I came to the conclusion that the view on policy documents was mainly characterized by sense making politics.

Kvalitet, läsfrämjande och tillgänglighet: Kulturpolitiska värderingar och litteratur

This study treats cultural policy, it´s view of the value of literature, and how this view varies within different fields of cultural policy. The aim of the essay is to find different competing approaches through an investigation of texts from three different fields within cultural policy. The fields investigated are: The publishing subsidy of the National Council for Cultural Affairs, which values above all quality literature. En bok för alla, concentrates on spreading quality literature to new groups in society. Centrum för lättläst, which values that the contents of a text are successfully delivered to, and understood by, the reader.

Enbarnspolitik och saknade kvinnor : en fallstudie av rätten till liv i Indien

It is not unusual that women and children fall behind in development countries. It is not even unusual that these groups are exposed to all forms of discrimination due to the countries lack of capacity to erase poverty. We also know that women and children in a larger extent suffers from the shortage of proper health conditions. India is one of these countries. It is a country where women even before birth are exposed to discriminatory family planning.

Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar - effekter på den regionala utvecklingen

Schölin, Mona-Liz (2007): Fanerdunetableringen i Kalmar ? effekter på den regionala utvecklingen [Establishment of the Fanerdun Group in Kalmar ? impacts on regional development]D-uppsats 10 poäng, fördjupningskurs i kulturgeografiHandledare: Bo MalmbergSpråk: SvenskaSyftet med uppsatsen är att studera vad tidigare utländska etableringar har fått för effekter, hur de har påverkat den regionala utvecklingen, och utifrån detta göra en jämförande analys över vad Fanerdun Gruop AB´s etablering i Kalmar kan komma att få för effekter. Frågor som tas upp för behandling är: Vad har utländska direktinvesteringar, eng. foreign direct investment (FDI) och inward investment för effekter på etableringsorterna? Hur kommer Fanerdun Group AB att bidra till den regionala utvecklingen i Kalmar? Det sistnämnda är viktigt att undersöka då utländska investeringar likt Fanerduns i Kalmar ofta får effekter på den regionala utvecklingen.

Har forskningen om internationella relationer någon praktisk betydelse? : En studie om idémakt i utrikespolitik

The aim of this paper is to get a deeper understanding if research about international relations has any practical meaning. The main focal point is about the importance of the scholar idea soft power, and its meaning on foreign policy actions through expressions. A quantity and quality method is used. The point of the main theory that concerns international relations takes a rationalistic perspective, and expands it to the notion that ides can have an impact on policy outcomes. Three different types of research utilization can be traced to determine in which way an idea is getting implemented.

Jämlikhet eller samhällsutveckling? En ideologianalys av den svenska statliga kulturpolitiken

This Bachelor?s thesis examines and describes the governmental cultural policy in Sweden. The relation between the state and the market in society is in focus. Earlier research is used to describe the development of cultural policy in Sweden after the world war two until today. Two governmental bills are examined and described, one from 1974 and one from 2009.

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