

8466 Uppsatser om Regional development policy - Sida 57 av 565

Värdering av det intellektuella kapitalet

In this thesis the survival and development of a yearly recurring event will be examined. The purpose of this work is to examine how the festival Stockholm Pride has developed and to find out what underlying factors and conditions that lays behind the development. Also being examined is how the event affects Stockholm city?s tourism industry. To be able to fulfill the purpose of the thesis a qualitative research has been used and two persons with allot of knowledge about Stockholm Pride and Stockholm?s tourism industry has been interviewed.

Fritidspedagogens syn på samverkan med lärarna

I have in my thesis examined what a leisure pedagogue does in school. I have asked the questions how it is with interaction between leisure pedagogues and teachers according to policy documents and according to the interviews I did with three professionals. In the literature part I began by describing the historical background to the after-school and leisure pedagogue profession until the new teacher education in 2011th.  My theory section, in previous research and theory, focuses on interaction between leisure pedagogue and teacher. In the research part I describe the interviews I did with three leisure pedagogue on three separate occasions.

EU:s klimatpolitik - förhandlingsvägen till framgång

Eleven years after broking the Kyoto-protocol, the European Union still stands in the front line, combating climate change. How come the EU, with 27 diversified states, is able to integrate its members to what is widely considered the most progressive climate policy in the world? This thesis takes a closer look at the negotiations that have shaped EU climate policy. Using negotiation-models to categorize different aspects of EU climatenegotiations, several key-findings are presented. The thesis concludes that while EU entered the Kyoto-protocol with little to lose because of external factors like previous energy-reforms in key member countries, it had plenty to win in global influence and the satisfaction of an overwhelmingly Kyoto-positive public.

Agens : om konsten att se handling bortom det förväntade

The law which makes the purchase, or the attempt to purchase, temporary sexual services a criminal offence has been implemented in Sweden for more than six years. It appears as if very few, possibly no, sex-selling women have used the law to report men who have bought their services during these years. How can this be understood? With this thesis I suggest a new way of thinking on agency. A way which questions the traditional view on action whereby agency equals to act in certain, predefined ways.

Berättandets betydelse i förskolan : En undersökning av pedagogers syn på och tillämpning av berättande för att främja barns språkutveckling

AbstractThis study investigates the impact of storytelling for children's language development in preschool from a sociocultural perspective. The purpose is to find what narrative methods teachers use to promote children's language development. I also want to examine whether the children are involved in the storytelling. To get answers to my questions which include what methods teachers use, narrative meaning and function, and their children's participation, I have used qualitative interviews with four preschool teachers at four different preschools.The results of my survey show that teachers use a variety of methods at storytelling. The most common methods were reading, rhymes and daily storytelling while eating.

I det glimrande mörkrets djup : om religiöst gränsöverskridande, identitetssökande och meningsskapande i svensk extrem metal-lyrik

This study is an attempt to investigate religious perceptions and its development, function and connection to religious practise within the Swedish extreme metal scene. This is performed mainly by a qualitative method of investigation, studying lyrical content published on a number of extreme metal albums, thereafter relating the lyrical progression to the progession of the scene as a whole and also to the development of individual religious belief and practise.The lyrically expressed manifestations of religiosity within the extreme metal scene prove to be related to religious practise in some cases, most visibly in the Christian parts of the scene.The study also indicates that development of religious expression often is evident regardless of religious preference. This development also regularly relates to an increase in musical evolution and prowess often achieved with increased age and maturity.Musically and lyrically, the extreme metal scene displays transgressive attributes which assist both individual and group in the process of creating identity, meaning and individuality.Experiencing extreme metal, in concert or in the privacy of one´s own home, can be one way of perceiving spirituality in this modern age..

Arbetsformer och metoder på handelsprogrammet

By studying the forms of work and methods teachers choose for their teaching on the Business and Administration Programme and by examining the experiences gained by these teachers, I hope to gain a clearer insight into how the demands of national policy/governing documents are met in the actual teaching of the courses within the programme. In my qualitative study,teachers in a team from a Business and Administrative Programme have been my informants. The team combines multiple forms of work and methods in line with the intentions of the national policy/governing documents. Students usually have an unbroken school day with block teaching where they work with case studies and interdisciplinary  work. Morals and ethics are integrated in class.

Närhet till Europa = Demokrati och marknadsekonomi? En jämförande studie av Estlands och Uzbekistans skilda vägar sedan självständigheten

The disintegration of the Soviet Union was a vast experience, not solely for the former members and inhabitants of the Soviet Union, but also for the rest of the world. This thesis examines Estonia and Uzbekistan's different experience with transition. By examining three different aspects of transition I seek to explain Estonia and Uzbekistan's different outcome of transition. Estonia has since their independence been fully aware of the process that started with their independence. They have reformed both the political and economic system, the industry is privatized, institutions democratic and Estonia is today a member of the European Union.

Det regionala i det nationella : Svenska turistföreningens syn på landskapen 1915-1919

Syftet med detta arbete är att utforska hur Svenska Turistföreningen, i sina årsböcker mellan 1915-1919, förhåller sig i sina utsagor om människorna och landskapen till det regionala och det nationella. De frågeställningar som använts har varit: Vilka rumsligt anknutna utsagor finns om befolkningen i de olika landskapen och om landskapen som sådana? I vilken ut-sträckning bär dessa utsagor en regional eller nationell prägel? Sätts det regionala i kontrast till det nationella, eller ses det regionala som en del av det nationella? Hur talrika är dessa utsagor? Finns det en tendens att vissa landskapsskildringar innehåller fler eller färre av dessa utsagor? Finns det en förändring i dessa utsagor under den tid som undersökts? Källmaterialet har utgjorts av Svenska Turistföreningens årsskrifter mellan 1915-1919. Dessa behandlar Uppland, Småland, Bohuslän, Västmanland samt Skåne i den ordningen. För att uppnå syftet har en kvalitativ textanalys använts.

CSR och politisk konsumtion : - en studie av Nikes och Pumas CSR- rapporter

?CSR and political consumption ? a study of Nike?s and Puma?s CSR-reports?The purpose of this dissertation is to examine if political consumption has influenced multinational corporations to improve their Corporate Social Responsibility reports and policies more, than a company who has not been a target for political consumption.This dissertation is a content analysis of Nike?s and Puma?s first (Nike 2001, Puma 2001) and latest (Nike 2007/09, Puma 2007/08) CSR- reports. Archie Carroll?s model of Corporate Social Responsibility is used as theoretical framework in this study. The model is used to focus on four areas within CSR; economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic.

Utnyttjas kulturen? : en undersökning av kulturens roll i regional utveckling

SyfteSyftet med uppsatsen är att förklara hur man inom kultursektorn i praktiken ser på kopplingen kultur och ekonomisk tillväxt. Min avsikt är att studera och analysera både attityder och faktiskt beteende för att se var en eventuell utvecklingspotential finns.MetodUndersökningen har genomförts med en kvalitativ ansats och empiriinsamlingen har skett genom ostrukturerade intervjuer. En litteraturgenomgång av befintlig teori inom ämnet har gjorts för att skapa en referensram för analysen av det empiriska materialet.TeoriDen teori som har studerats behandlar främst området kultur, kulturpolitik och kulturens roll(er) i regional utveckling. Även platsmarknadsföring och Cultural Planning beskrivs i teorikapitlet.EmpiriDet empiriska materialet baseras på intervjuer med sex personer som på olika sätt besitter kunskaper inom kulturområdet eller platsmarknadsföring.Analys och slutsatserDe nya roller som kulturen tilldelas i teorin kan vara svåra att omsätta till praktik i och med den uppdelning som fortfarande finns mellan kultursektorn, näringsliv och politiker. För att kunna utvecklas i framtiden tror jag att världarna måste närma sig varandra och utveckla en gemensam begreppsapparat.

Språkutveckling genom musik : En intervjustudie om musik som verktyg för språkutveckling i förskolan

The purpose of my report was to find out how music can benefit the language development of children, whilst getting a glimpse of how the educators in preschools use music as a tool for the language development of children. During the course of the report I?ve used the sociocultural perspective theory as a foundation to stand on, this is most of all visible in my analysis and discussion of the result. In the result we can see that the educators possess insight in the importance of music in childrens development, and that they therefore give music a lot of room in their work. Songs where rhyme and language play are allowed are common elements at the preschool that attracts the children and makes them want to partake. Songs sung with movement is a commonly used combination which also serves to further lift the childrens language development when they, through movement, give meaning to the lyrics. It does however take a devoted educator to make music with the preschool children and to support them and making them want to do it.

Controllerns roll i utvecklingsprojekt : Fallstudie hos Volvo CE och Scania CV

In order for companies to be competitive they perform different types of development projects.  Due to globalization a greater focus is added on costs, not least on costs in development projects. Project controllers are involved in development projects in order to review the financial aspects. The authors have examined the role that project controllers hold in respect of two Swedish manufacturers, Volvo CE and Scania CV. The investigation has revolved around three main issues where the authors conducted interviews with controllers that do not work in development projects and project controllers in development projects. The goal of the interviews was to gain a greater understanding of the role of project controllers, how this role will differ from those that do not work in development projects and the difficulties faced by project controllers.

Genusanalys i barnböcker : En idealtypsanalys av genusnormativa egenskapar i den mest utlånade barnlitteraturen på Gävle stadsbibliotek under år 2010

The purpose of this study was to examine how teachers practice Arne Tragetons theory of using computers as the first writing instrument in reading and writing development. We wanted to clarify how the work from using Tragetons theory was applied while investigating if and how other methods of reading and writing instruction were used. Our interest lays in how the teachers accomplished the knowledge of this theory and also how the choice of this approach came about. To investigate this we used interviews with a qualitative nature, where seven active teachers were interviewed. They worked in three different schools in years one to three, they were all women and had various long experiences of work on the computer writing tools.

Användbar användarmedverkan : Är användarmedverkan positivt för systemutvecklingsprocessen?

Computer use at work has risen considerably over the past fifteen years and is currently a relatively common phenomenon when 76 percent of women and 72 percent of men using the computer in their daily work (SCB Arbetsmiljörapport 2009).According to Gulliksen and Göransson (2009), Sweden is one of the countries which are more advanced in the procurement of computer systems at work. He means that Sweden has unique opportunities and conditions for user participation in the development of computer systems, when the user has the right to influence their working environment through a law in the Work Environment Act. The paper examines the importance of user involvement in system development and the Swedish company's approach and experience of user involvement. To highlight and explore the importance of user involvement, there has been a case study in which users have been representative of the development process. The case study has been conducted on a case company where the system IST analys was in need of a new interface.

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