

8466 Uppsatser om Regional development policy - Sida 5 av 565

Hur social a?r den Sociala Ekonomin? : Sociala fo?retag och regionala innovationssystem

Authors: Kosovare Islami and Selma SumicDate: 2014-06-02Title: How social is the social economy? ? social businesses and their regional innovation system.Level: Bachelor thesis in Business AdministrationSupervisor: Bengt JohannissonExaminer: Frederic BillKey words: Social entrepreneurship, regional innovation system, business - to - businessThe purpose of this paper is to create a model of regional cooperation network for social enterprises as the base of an innovation. This model will be created through the empirical basis. The model proceeds from the three pillars that have been developed and include social entrepreneurship, business - to - business and regional innovation.Entrepreneurship has multiple definitions which treats such as innovative thinking, targeted and creative individuals. Social enterprise has attracted more widespread interest, while it is considered one potential solution for the development of a sustainable society.

Böndernas vägar till Bryssel, många och långa men värda att gå. En studie om svenska jordbruksintressens möjligheter att påverka den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken

In this essay, I investigate Swedish possibilities to influence the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union (CAP). After having summarized my findings, I try to explain the structure of influence by using Multi-level governance theory.Ten years have passed since Sweden joined the Union, and many changes have followed in the agricultural sector. By investigating the small country of Sweden's possibilities to influence CAP, I hope to be able to get a notion of the possibilities to influence the EU in general. The essay examines four possible paths for agricultural interests to influence the policy process in Brussels:* Through elected representatives of Sweden in the European Parliament, the Council of Ministers and in the Swedish Parliament* Through subnational institutions, such as the local authorities and regional representatives.* Through the Swedish Agricultural Office* Through the Swedish pressure group within the agricultural area, LRFThese four groups all have very different channels to the policy process on agricultural issues. The differences are mostly in terms of decisive power or advisory power and institutional contacts or lobby contacts.

Medeltid i samtid : Salvestaden en rekonstruktion i mellanlandet

The Middle Ages in contemporary time ? Salve City; a reconstruction in the Between Land is an essay dealing with the reconstruction of medieval Kalmar. The Salve City is a melting pot of such diverse fields as archaeology, pedagogies, reconstruction, historical tourism, Regional development policy et cetera. Together, these parts form a space for research and mediation, business and pleasure, a place where commercialism and historical tourism can function alongside with history enthusiasts and entrepreneurs. Both pros and cons of the use of a reconstructed part of medieval Kalmar are debated..

Kulturen bakom kulturen - En komparativ studie av kultursynens inverkan på tyska och svenska kulturpolitiska strukturer

This thesis aims to develop a theory in the under researched field of international comparative cultural policy studies. lt does so by combining theories from the fields of political scienceand cultural studies, researching how and to what extent the concepts of culture of different states have an impact on the way cultural policies are constructed.The thesis uses this theoretical development in order to research a specific problem, namely the perceived possibility that Swedish and German cultural structures are slowly converging. Two recent official policy documents from each country are the objects of study. Through comparative idea analysis and with Michiel S. D Vries theories on decentralization, the thesis explains the convergence between the countries by differing cultural views between them.

Smarta Textilier : kvinnor, teknik och regional utveckling i Borås

This thesis focuses on the mass media cover of ?Smart textiles?. The Swedish?smart? textiles are developed in Borås and are a mix of ordinary textile and new technology.  I analyse the article with a text analysis method, looking at themes and the language?s propositions in focus. Context and the actors in the articles are also important in the analysis.Many women occur as developers of the new smart technical product, a field often knowed as a typical male subject.

Från samförstånd till konfrontation i den svenska utrikespolitiken? : En studie om svensk utrikespolitik mellan åren 1989-2000

This thesis aims at investigating the conflict development of Swedish foreign policy debates during 1989-2000. It is rather assumed that the Swedish foreign policy debates have been highly characterized by a large consensus. Despite that, there have been certain occurrences where the political parties have flushed into party struggle and shown disagreements over the party frontiers. This has raised questions about the range of conflict and consensus in such debates where I have studied the political parties' backchats. I have studied situations where the political parties replicate each other in order to investigate the range of consensus and controversy that exists within different foreign policy areas.

Aktör - Struktur : Förslag till utgångspunkt för studier av samverkansprocesser i förvaltningsområden med naturresurser

The focus on this essay is derived from an international and national dialogue for sustainable development. The recommendation from international level has been to find solutions for governments to implement strategies for sustainable development between local and regional level. This initiative is to improve and stimulate the dialogue between the local inhabitants, officials, entrepreneurs and stakeholders in the communities together with the authorities on the regional level. The purpose is to share knowledge and find ways to learn about the natural systems and how to co-operate in the work of preserving the natural resources and developing different processes for a sustainable development. Many scientists? today stress the importance that ecosystem resilience is promoted by biodiversity conservation and that we need to find solutions for local ecosystem management practices.This essay aims to find theoretical approaches and perspectives that can be used in a wider framework to study co-operative processes between the local (agent) and regional (structure) level.

Miljöpolicyintegration hos Sida? - nedslag i ett policyurval för att identifiera EPI

The development aid from Sweden to developing countries is a activity thatinvolves a great deal of monetary founds as well as an opportunity to influence the environmental situation in a partner country. It´s also an opportunity to promote Sweden's values in a field like the environment, setting a good example is important. This thesis aims to evaluate Sida´s environmental policy and find out if there in fact is a Environmental Policy Integration Policy (EPI) taking place. EPI is a policyimplementation theory that emphasise the importance of the total integration of the environmental in the organisation as a whole. To identify this I will use a theoretical framework of indicators invented by William M.

EU:s utvidgning mot öst - Regional integration och FDI

Syftet med denna uppsats är att granska effekterna av regional integration på FDI hos de länder som blev medlemmar i EU 2004 samt 2007. Utifrån teori gällande sambandet mellan regional integration och FDI, analyseras empirisk data över stock och flöden av FDI till de nya medlemsländerna i syfte att utreda förekomsten av investeringsalstring och/eller investeringsomfördelning inom denna integration av typen öst-väst där det råder stora skillnader i inkomstnivå mellan medlemsländerna. Analysen visar att FDI till de nya medlemsländerna, både från andra medlemsländer och tredje land, har ökat till följd av ländernas medlemskap i EU. Mätt i absolutvärde kan det konstateras att FDI från andra medlemsländer är avsevärt mycket större än FDI från tredje land. Vidare har de nya medlemsländerna upplevt investeringsalstring och investeringsomfördelning från andra medlemsländer samt investeringsomfördelning där FDI från EU15 flyttar från tredje land till de nya medlemsländerna.

Regionalt agerande ur ett fusionsperspektiv : - Relationen mellan West Sweden och dess medlemmar

This study is based on previous research concluding that sub-national actors now function on a complex arena where the nation state is not the sole and self-evident channel to the European Union. Based on that assumption, the thesis is intended to create understanding of the nature of the relationship between the West Sweden regional office and its Värmland commissioners in the case of regional action.The relationship between the regional office and its members was examined in a case study of open consultation around the EU?s new EU 2020 strategy. The questions posed in the thesis are answered by interviews with representatives of West Sweden and certain Värmland members of that organization. The results of the interviews were then analyzed based on a fusion perspective, which addresses various indicators for regional action.The results of the study show that the West Sweden regional office can assume a clearer role in regional influencing, but also that Region Värmland plays an important role in influencing the EU.

Hur långt bär cykeln? : Gång och cykling i Västerbottens län - en studie av pågående arbete med regional gång- och cykelplanering

The craft of planners are planning for a better future. Knowledge about climate change, environment, health and availability effects the trend towards less car dependent societies in favour of public transport and active transport like walking and biking. This study takes place in Västerbotten, one of Sweden?s most north provinces with a population of 260 000 inhabitants. It is a sparsely populated area with two dominant cities, the other municipalities are largely unpopulated.

Den gemensamma utrikes och säkerhetspolitiken- Ett neo-funktionalistiskt perspektiv

This essay aims to explore the development of the common foreign and security policy within the European Union as well as the recent addition of the post of High representative in the field of the common foreign and security policy. This essay will attempt to achieve this trough exploring the questions; how have the aim of the European foreign policy developed, how the forms of cooperation has within this field developed and finally what impact will the recent addition of a high representative for the common foreign and security have. My aim is to answer these questions with the help of neo-functionalism.The results that came out of this essay point to the direction that the neo- functionalist premise about spill over effects and the notion about increased supranational influence turn out to have some validity in them. The study has shown that during the time the cooperation within the field of foreign and security policy have developed it is possible to see that supranational institutions will gain influence when the scope of integration within a policy area widens and deepens..

"Att äta elefanten i småbitar" - Om den svenska regeringens feminism

After the last election Sweden has got a government that claims to be feminist. This thesis discusses whether the change of labels has also brought along policy formulated in a feminist way, arguing that the way policy is expressed affects how people see a certain problem. Three policy proposals are analysed, and in only one case the government seems to have been influenced by feminist ideas. The other proposals partly support claims made by new institutionalism that norms and routines in an organisation work to resist policy change, but also shows that feminist ideas are resisted more actively. The fact that so called policy entrepreneurs was present in the policy process at a certain period in time, probably counts for one explanation to the exceptional policy.

I strävan efter en bättre värld : En idéanalys av två synsätt på utveckling och internationellt utvecklingssamarbete.

The aim of this dissertation is to examine and compare William Easterly?s and PGU?s (Shared Responsibility: Sweden's Policy for Global Development) different views on development and international development cooperation. The methodological approach chosen in this study is an analysis of ideas based on the following questions:1. Which principles should be applied to development and international development cooperation?2.

IT-säkerhetspolicy ? efterlevs den av anställda?

ABSTRACT The main purpose of IT security policies is to protect companies against intrusion and unwanted spread of information. Statistics show that IT related crimes tend to increase and because of that it is important, from the company?s side of view, to be well prepared. The IT security policy is an important part of that preparation. A lot of the crimes related to IT can be deduced indirectly to employees at the companies where the crime takes place.

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