

8466 Uppsatser om Regional development policy - Sida 48 av 565

Illegal rovdjursjakt : en rättsekonomisk analys av rovdjursproblematiken i Sverige

In this essay a model of a potential illegal hunter?s decision-making is created and presented in order to provide an overview of important parts of the complexities associated with the current Swedish predator policy. A comparison is made between a livestock owner?s economic incentives, and the expected costs faced by the potentially caught lawbreaker. In accordance with economic theory the benefits and costs of illegal hunting are compared and thus the optimal choice is determined where marginal costs and benefits are equal.

LVM - VÅRD - hur väl implementeras överhetens policy vid ett LVM - hem till de intagna klienterna

AbstractDenna uppsats fokus ligger på klienter intagna på ett LVM ? hem i Hessleby, som ligger 2 km utanför Mariannelund i Eksjö kommun. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur väl Hesslebys behandlingshems policy eller grundläggande handlingsprogram implementeras hos de intagna klienterna. Att se om den behandling som Hessleby säger sig stå för överhuvudtaget är möjlig att realisera så att klienterna upplever den på ett likvärdigt sätt som behandlingshemmet. Hesslebys policy är i korthet, att skapa tillit mellan kontaktperson och klient.

Kultur i förändring : En vidgad syn på kultursektorn och dess roll för samhället

How can you do a right measurement of culture as well as with other social sectors and with what can culture contribute when it comes to a town´s development? We found out that in Linköping the regional federation Ostsam recently (2005) started mapping the region's creative centers in order to look into the spreading of the culture in the county, and then use the uniqueness of the culture as an advantage in society- planning contexts. The reason was that both municipal - and State directions detected that the culture has a broader importance when it comes to building up society and infrastructure than earlier considered. This is called Cultural planning and is the foundation- method that Östsam used when working with their new projekt The creative sector. The outcome of the Östsam study resulted in an exciting study basis to work further on with and to examine through own demarcations and directions.This research manages the matter of the creative sector as an extension to the cultural sector.

CYKELNS BETYDELSE I FYSISK PLANERING - en studie ur ett nationellt, regionalt och lokalt perspektiv

Temat för uppsatsen har varit cykel och det utrymme cykeln får som transportsätt för persontransporter inom den fysiska planeringen. Det övergripande syftet i uppsatsen har alltså varit att studera cykelns roll inom svensk samhällsplanering, hur cykeln som transportsätt behandlas inom lokal, regional och nationell samhällsnivå och om det finns ett samband mellan nationell styrning, fysiska strukturer och cykel. Uppsatsens syfte har således varit att få en förståelse för nivåernas prioritet av transportsätt för persontransporter och att få en överblick av om och i så fall hur stadsstrukturers påverkan av cykelanvändningen hanteras. Följande frågor har ställts för att undersöka hur kommuner, regioner och den statliga nivån bedömer cykel som transportsätt i Sverige och vilken betydelse stadsstrukturer har. 1.1 Hur behandlas cykel som transportsätt på en nationell, regional och lokal nivå? 1.2 Går det att se ett samband mellan normer och riktlinjer som beslutas på nationell nivå i den planering för cykel som sker på lokal och regional nivå? 1.3 Behandlas sambandet mellan cykeltransport och glesa respektive täta stadsstrukturer inom kommunal översiktsplanering? Den empiriska delen består av två individuellt genomförda analyser av empiriskt material som representerade de olika nivåerna nationell, regional och lokal för att på så vis få en inblick i hur cykeln behandlades inom respektive nivå.

Att optimera samhället inför klimatförändringar : Sårbarhet och anpassning på dagordningen

This thesis examines the ways in which adaptation and vulnerability are framed in national and sectorial policy-documents dealing with expected societal impacts of climate change. By using theories of discourse and ideology, the analysis aims to find and understand important ideas and presuppositions that are explicitly or implicitly expressed in these documents in order to make possible and tangible the institutional production of policy within the potentially far-reaching problematique of climate change adaptation and vulnerability. The analysis shows that there are two main perspectives through which vulnerability and adaptation are framed; one focusing limits to societal robustness; and one contesting the institutional capacity to implement adaptations. The author understands these framings as complementarily optimizing preconceived social and economic relations, something that might, in fact, reduce the response capacity of people..

Agilt - men agilt nog?

This paper aims to investigate whether a small organization with small development teams can find a value in leaving a functioning development process to follow a formal systems development methodology, if these organizations can find support in an agile systems development method and in such case the method needs to be adjusted according to the organizations unique conditions.A traditional plan-driven system development methodology includes a number of phases that are carried out sequentially and a completed phase can basically not be resumed. All requirements are specified at the beginning of a project and at the end of the project only one delivery of software take place. This can cause difficulties in for example dealing with changing requirements. Agile system development methods intend to deal with changing requirements and to enable continuous delivery of valuable, working software.In this paper, both the traditional plan-driven methods and agile methods will be explained. Research methodology and existing system development theories will be discussed and a company where the study has been conducted will be presented.

Utvecklingspotential till en mer attraktiv bostadsmarknad : En teoretisk värderingsanalys av stadskvaliteter och dess relevans för bostadsbyggandet

Stockholm has in recent years experienced a strong population increase but despite that fact, the demand for housing has not been followed by enough housing contracts. According to forecasts, growth in population will further be continued upward. With more condominiums than rental units on the market, new apartments are too expensive to live in. This creates unsustainable problems for those in lower classes of society. Creating a housing market in the periphery of Stockholm is not sustainable from a social perspective.

UTVECKLING OCH KONTINUITET: En nyinstitutionell fallstudie av ett danskt folkbibliotek i förändring

Title: Development and continuity: A new institutional case study of a Danish public library in changeAbstract: The purpose of this master's thesis is to discuss and analyse the relationship between the traditional core values belonging to the institution of the public library, and the development work that takes place at the institution. The thesis also investigates the relationships that influence the development work.By investigating a library that is considered progressive in its development work, our purpose is also to unveil alternative values that compete with the traditional core values. By illustrating the perception among seven staff members and the director at Aarhus Public Libraries, we want to illuminate the terms for development among public libraries. In addition to our interviews, an activity plan is studied.We base our study on new institutional theory which focuses on norms and values in an organisation. This focus helps us to understand the development work from a comprehensive view.Our study shows that the development work at Aarhus Public Libraries is taking place in a complex environment that consists of several different actors and different interpretationsof the traditional core values of public libraries.

Markanvisningar: ett effektivare system med policys

Denna rapport ger en bild av vilka olika saker byggherrar i Sverigeanvänder sig av idag för att öka den sociala hållbarheten. De projektsom studerats är Bygga om Dialogen i Malmö, Älvstaden i Göteborg,Vivalla i Örebro och föreningen Byggemenskap.Genom att intervjua en person från varje område studeras likheteroch skillnader i hur man arbetat med den sociala hållbarheten vidbyggnation. I Malmö och Örebro studeras arbetet med att öka densociala hållbarheten vid renoveringsobjekt, hur får de hela områdensom länge haft ett dåligt rykte att bli socialt hållbara där stort fokusligger på att anställa långtidsarbetslösa.I Göteborg och i föreningen Byggemenskap fokuserar man på attföra in den sociala hållbarheten vid nybyggnation och hur vi kan byggahyresrätter som har en lägre hyra än nybyggda lägenheter i dagslägethar..

Språkutvecklande arbetssätt i förskolan : En kvalitativ fältstudie kring två olika förskolor och deras språkutvecklande arbetsätt

The aim of this study was to examine how the activities of two preschools develop the language in matter of the teacher?s work of procedure. The following research questions were essential for the survey and therefore formed the basis of the examination:How do the teachers in both preschools work in a language evolving way?What significance does the environment have for the language development?Are there similarities and differences between the preschools in their language development approach?The study is based on a qualitative method, where the teachers of both preschools were interviewed with the purpose of obtaining information. The teacher?s statements and interviews were analyzed in relation to previous research, where the theories of different writers form the base of the theoretical connection to the study.The teachers view in developing the language regarding to their aspirations in measuring the language an important position in their operation, can be portraied as the conclusions of this study.

Är transportbeteende något att spela om? : -En studie om hur gamification kan stödja de transportpolitiska målen i Stockholmsregionen

The aim of this study is to examine the possibilities to use gamification to reach thepolitical goals for the transportation system in the Stockholm region. The study has aninterdisciplinary approach and is based around two main building blocks: gamificationand the transportation system in the Stockholm region. The first part examinesgamification. This includes contemporary use, debate, academic definition and aninvestigation of how gamified applications should be developed. One of the mainfindings is a suggestion that gamification should be seen as a process rather that a setof predefined game mechanics that can be applied to any activity.

Israel, en etnisk demokrati-En studie om Israels demokratiunderskott.

The state of Israel is known as the only democracy in the Middle East. The purpose of this study was to examine if there is aspects in the Israelis society that can be questioned in terms of liberal democracy.Areas of concerns in the study are the Israeli official policy's concerning inclusion and exclusion of their citizens in areas of property owning, personal status and the duty of military service.The results show that the Israeli society distinguishes their citizens in these areas by their ethnic origin, in favour for the Jewish population. The law prohibits changes in the states Jewish character. One clear example how this is presented is that a Jew is prohibited to marry a non-Jew. The results show also that this official policy by the Israeli state violates important principles of liberal democracy.

Vård och handhavande av kompetens : kompetensutveckling i Sverige och England

Background: Competence development has become more important since the pressure on effectiveness is increasing and organisations are expected to constantly improvement. The design of the competence development activities is governed by the strategy which in turn will affect the outcome of the same. A knowledge intense business in which changes recently have taken place is healthcare, a business in which competition also has increased as a result from globalization. Due to this, it is highly important to take care of and improve the competence of individuals. According to this, we have found that healthcare is an interesting business to study with regard to competence development.

IKEAs etablering i Haparanda : Planerade och förväntade effekter för regionen Haparanda-Torneå

The aim with my research is to illuminate the meaning of IKEAs settle in Haparanda, for the region Haparanda-Tornio, its economic growth and its inhabitants. The research has been carried out only through qualitative methods. Some interviews with a range of people from varying companies have been conducted.Haparanda is a smaller Swedish city situated in the north, on the border to Finland and to a city called Tornio. These two cities, Haparanda and Tornio, has realised they are stronger in pairs, so they initiated cooperation across the border. Haparanda-Tornio is not a region of historically welfare and well-being.

Barns lek och autonomi i förskolan : En filosofisk granskning av barnets och lekens etiska ställning i den svenska förskolan

This essay is a philosophical investigation of the relation between children and their play. My aim is to see if children are autonomous when it comes to their play. Is there a moral boundary between those who take part in the play and those who do not? This topic is especially important when it comes to the moral status of a child in the Swedish pre-school. How should educationists act when it comes to children?s play?  Through an analysis of the notions of play and autonomy I show that play can be understood as something of a moral value to the child and if children should be seen as autonomous when it comes to their play.

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