

8466 Uppsatser om Regional development policy - Sida 40 av 565

Flerspråkiga barn i förskolan : Ur ett lärarperspektiv

My purpose with this paper related to my questions was to find out how professionals preeschool teachers working on multilingualism. I also wanted to get answers on how pedagogues in the preeschool may promote multilingual children´s language development, the factors that promote multilingual children´s language development and the role parents have in the language development of multilingual children. I chose to do my study in the form of interviews with professional preeschool teachers and interviewees described including the need for more knowledge of pedagogues around multilingualism. My result based on theoretichal background and the study is that pedagogues should let the children´s all languages esemble together. A factor influencing the multilingual children´s language development is ambient attitudes to multilingualism.

  Bild, musik och rörelse i engelskundervisningen i årskurserna 1-6 : Kan bild, musik och rörelse främja lärandet i engelska i årskurserna 1-6

This is a qualitative study aiming to find out how and why teachers work with art, music and movement in the English subject in the early years. In this study we have conducted a background study of previous research and as a starting point and as a point for reference we have relied on education policy documents like The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and the Swedish curriculum for the English school subject. Our research has consisted of interviews with six teachers and ten observation occasions in a total of three different primary schools. Our result show that there seems to be a consensus in both theory and praxis when it comes to integrating art, music and movement in learning and teaching of English in the early school years. The use of methods including art, music and movement in early language learning seems to promote the language development for all students but especially for young learners that require extra support for their language development.

Strategic Evaluation -A study of its purpose in SIDA and SADEV

Background and Problem discussion: Strategic evaluations are important as they providecrucial information regarding Swedish development assistance and recommendations on howto face problems and inadequacies found in the evaluations. Therefore, the follow up ofrecommendations is of great significance as well. Unfortunately, SIDA?s ManagementResponse system for follow-up of strategic evaluations has not been functioning in asatisfying way and needed actions have not been taken. Thus, Swedish developmentassistance has been criticised for the lack of implemented actions and the public has startedto question the work carried through by the organisations.

Tvåspråkiga barn i förskolan : Pedagogens arbete i dagens mångkulturella Sverige

Today?s Sweden becomes more and more multicultural, with a mixture of many different languages. Many children are raised to learn two or more parent languages. If you work as an educationalist in preschool you will probably come in contact with these children. The question is how you should treat them and ease their development of languages.The purpose with this work is to find answers to the question if bilingual children develop their languages by the same method as monolingual and how one as an educationalist can make these children?s development of language easier.The papers preface is a part of literature that describes different researchers view on the bilingual children?s development of language and how one, as an educationalist, can ease it.To my study I have chosen to interview three educationalists in preschool who all work with bilingual children.

Valet och kvalet kring kapitalstrukturen : om kognitionens inverkan på finansieringspolitiken

Background: A company?s choice of capital structure is influenced by the access to internal and external capital but also by the opportunities and threats that the management perceives in the environment and the management?s attitude towards risk. How an individual perceives and interpret the environment depends on the cognitive structures, which are shaped by personality, background and earlier experiences. Accordingly cognitive structures can be expected to influence the choice of capital structure. Purpose: Out of a cognitive perspective we intend to study the relationship between the way a company views it?s environment and what capital structure it chooses to have, in order to contribute to an increased understanding about what lies behind a company?s capital structure policy.

Hållbar utveckling i kommunalt beslutsfattande : En studie om integrering och prioritering ur fritidspolitiskt perspektiv

The concept of sustainable development is a challenge that demands cooperation from all levels of society for it to be successful. The focus for this thesis is how politicians within the local councils understand the concept of sustainable development and how they implement it in political decision-making.The basis for the study is a questionnaire that was distributed to 303 local politicians in three municipalities of varying size in Southern Sweden. The study concentrates on departments within the local councils that are directly connected to the Swedish environmental law and the Swedish planning and construction law. One of the primary goals with the aforementioned laws is the achievement of sustainable development within one generation.The outcome of the study was that over half of the local politicians could correctly define sustainable development according to the World Commission on Environment and Development?s (WCED) definition.

Investeringskalkylens svarta får - en studie om utvärderingen av ledarskapsutvecklingsprogram

The concept of leadership development plays an important role within the modern organization. As a result of the increasing interest in developing leadership competencies, investments in leadership development programs are becoming a common part of business strategies. However, the return on those investments is seldom evaluated. The reason for this is considered to be the complexity created by the many factors that influence leadership but have no relation to the program. This is a case study based on interviews with participants from a one-year leadership development program that was carried out at AB Previa.

Motiv och attityd till kompetensutveckling på två små företag

The aim of this study was to gain insight into how two enterprises work with competence development and thereby study how the relationship between competence development and workers, employees, look like. The focus was on the workers motives and motivation towards a participation in a competence development course, their attitude to education, and how the transfer of skills gained from the course, into the workplace looks like. Further on, the work situations influence on the workers competence development has been taken into account.In the study, six people were interviewed in the role of either manager, coach or course participant who are employed in two different enterprises in the south of Sweden.The results showed that the participants were motivated by a strive for personal development or that the participants viewed education implementation as a part of the professionalcareer, which has resulted in a positive attitude towards the competence development course. The managers? motive for decisions about education was to change the prevailing attitude among the staff for the better and thereby strengthen the company?s brand. The work situation has encouraged the desire to participate in developmental education as the feeling of control has encouraged the workers to further development.

Ekosocial välfärd : En kunskapsöversikt

There seems to be a consensus in the world that the climate is changing, bringing unpredictable and severe consequences for both humans and nature. The feld of social work is known for helping misfortunate individuals and groups, and is said to deal with people in their environments. Yet there seems to be a lack of giving these environments meaning as also something natural. This thesis has the purpose of exploring the connection between social work and the physical environment made by research literature, using the methodology of literature review. The questions asked is in which ways the physical environment can be connected to human welfare; if so, what implications are there for the feld of social work, and fnally how can the discussion be understood using a typology over environmental sustainability presented by Andrew Dobson.

Tillgänglighet 2010 ? om implementeringen av tillgänglighet på biblioteken

This thesis studies if public libraries in Sweden have taken part ofinformation regarding the Swedish government policy that publicareas are to be made accessible by 2010. Also studied is thesignificance of information and resources on the execution ofaccessibility adaptations at public libraries.The analysis uses Lennart Lundquist?s theory of implementation ofpublic policies, that the person executing the policy needs tounderstand, be able to and want to in order for the policy to besuccessfully executed. The study was carried out through a surveyand the thesis focuses on the factors of understanding and beingable to.The survey was sent by email to all 290 municipal libraries inSweden with an answering frequency of 65%. The results arepresented in table format with explanations.The thesis finds that a clear majority of respondents have hadaccess to information about accessibility adaptations, but thatmuch fewer consider the information clear enough.

3D-modellen som kommunikationsverktyg

If one looks at physical planning in Sweden today one can see that while talking about densification of existing development, reduced emissions and careful use of important land, urban sprawl is a fact with development of sheer residential districts in the urban edges and shopping malls in each and every municipality. As sustainable development is an essential goal for physical planning to strive towards, it is worth questioning if the direction of today?s planning will lead to the goal. A sustainable development can be seen as an obvious to goal aim at. In reality the aim means a hard and complex work.

Rättsliga krav på vindkraftsetablering på land

Huvudsyftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka rättsläget avseende tillståndsgivning till vindkraftverks etablering på land. I uppsatsen behandlas miljöbalkens första fyra kapitel. I studien granskas det först tre tillståndsärenden från tre olika länsstyrelser och sedan genomförs en kortare rättsfallstudie över prejudicerande domar avseende lokaliseringen. En mycket tung vägledning för lokaliseringsbedömningen utgör, både för länsstyrelserna och för domstolen, översiktsplanering eller andra eventuella planeringar och policy. Länsstyrelserna behandlar planeringar eller policy med en annan utgångspunkt än domstolen gör.

Utgör miljöförekomsten av diklofenak och ibuprofen en risk för vattenlevande organismer?

I Sverige är kommunerna ansvariga för planeringen genom det kommunala planmonopolet. I och med att människor blir allt mer rörliga suddas gränserna också ut allt mer. Kommunerna tvingas ändra sina rutiner och se på exempel, för att lära sig hur planeringen över gränser går till. Flera faktorer och aktörer på lokal, regional, och nationell nivå påverkar hur den regionala planeringen ser ut.I landskapssammanhang är det en nödvändighet att planera över gränser, och efterfrågan av planeringsstrategier över gränser väcker behovet av större regioner, där gemensamma strategier kan ange ramarna.Genom studier av litteratur som tar upp exempel på regionalplanering i olika skalor och definitioner av aktörer och begrepp, ges i den här uppsatsen en bild avhur regional planering fungerar idag. Litteraturen är hämtad från EU?parlament, Sveriges Regering och Riksdag samt både statliga verk och andra organisationer som beskriver sina och andras roller inom planering som försiggår över gränserna..

Riktlinjer för utformande av informationssäkerhetspolicy : En fallstudie vid Linde Material Handling

Denna uppsats dokumenterar en fallstudie som gjordes hösten 2006 vid Linde Material Handling i Örebro. Företaget var på väg att expandera och planerade att utöka användningen av IT i verksamheten. I samband med detta gavs undertecknade i uppdrag att utforma en informationssäkerhetspolicy för verksamheten. I en litteraturstudie kunde det konstateras att det inte fanns några enklare riktlinjer för att utforma sådana policies, varmed syftet blev att göra detta. Genom en fallstudie på företaget där vi utformade en IS-policy för deras verksamhet, och även gjorde intervjuer med ledning och dokumentationsanalyser, utrönas vilka problem som kan uppstå och vilka överväganden som bör göras för att utforma en lyckad policy.

Utveckling av krigföringens principer i små stater. : Fallet Sverige

ABSTRACT:The aim of this essay is to analyze whether the development of the Principles of War in small states´ doctrine has been influenced by the doctrinal development of alliances after the start of an international cooperation.The author suggests that the development of the Principles of War can be understood through theories of doctrinal development. The theory used for this analysis states that small states depend on alliances, such as NATO, and therefore adapt their doctrine to better match the doctrine of the alliance. Since the Principles of War are the foundation of doctrine, such an adaption should lead to an adaption of the Principles of War as well.The analysis will be made using Swedish Army field manuals as a basis. These will be compared to NATO´s, in order to see whether or not Sweden has adapted its Principles of War following its membership of the Partnership for Peace.The results show that today the Swedish Principles of War are more similar to NATO´s than they were in 1982, which suggests that they have been adapted to better match those used by NATO. Although this essay does not analyze the reasons why, the results imply that theories of doctrinal development also include the development of principles of war.

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