

1162 Uppsatser om Region Skćne. - Sida 31 av 78

Proppen har gÄtt : En analys av diskursen kring Kultursamverkansmodellen

This essay aims to map the ideas behind the Swedish cultural reform called Kultursamverkansmodellen, and how the ideas are forming a discourse. Furthermore it examines the social praxis on the three levels that constitutes the model. The three levels are the state, the region and culture creators/civil society. This is a qualitative study based on primary and secondary sources collected on the three levels. The theoretical frame of reference is based on institutional theory, on Michel Foucault?s lecture on The Discourse of Language, and on New Public Management.

Absolut avkastning pÄ den nordiska hedgefondmarknaden : - En realitet eller önsketÀnkande?

Hedge funds? importance within the financial system has during the most recent years increased dramatically. These special funds are unique instruments that differ from traditional mutual funds in a variety of ways, however especially in how they expect returns. Due to the fact that hedge funds are able to hold short positions they possess the possibility to become market neutral investment vehicles.Because of this possibility to sustain positions neutral to market fluctuations, the concept of absolute returns became a unique selling point for hedge fund managers and promises of stable returns unchallenged by market conditions was assured. This research paper aims to examine the theory of absolute returns in hedge funds by examining hedge funds from the Nordic region during the last years of economic turmoil that has occurred by  analyzing the results from their strategies, partially by quantitative measurements as well as qualitative.  The results show that none of hedge fund strategies managed to deliver absolute returns over the chosen period..

Analytisk dimensionering av rÀddningstjÀnsten i SkÄne NordvÀst

This report is a part of the process of enhanced cooperation between fire rescue services in the region of North West Scania. The aim of the report is to study and analyze how the fire rescue service should be structured, in terms of rescue units and personnel, if no account is to be taking to the current organization. Two types of accident are considered in the report, traffic accidents and building fires. These are more affected by decreased response time than other accidents. Several suggested organizations are presented and they are evaluated with the computer program REP.

Det Balanserade Styrkortet inom installationsbranschen : En fallstudie för NVS

För att företag ska nÄ framgÄng gÀller i de flesta fallen att verksamhetsstyrningen Àr tydlig och vÀl utarbetad. Strategin bör vara kopplad till mÄl och indikatorer som talar om huruvida företaget Àr pÄ rÀtt vÀg eller ej. Inom den konservativa installationsbranschen relateras detta arbete ofta till den traditionella ekonomistyrningen. Det balanserade styrkortet Àr en teoretisk modell utarbetad för att balansera upp styrningen och inte bara se till det finansiella.Syftet med studien Àr att genom det balanserade styrkortet visa pÄ ett konkret förslag hur arbetet med en mer balanserad styrning kan tillÀmpas. Arbetet har baserats pÄ den undersökning i form av intervjuer samt enkÀter som gjorts pÄ fallföretagets östra region.Studien har visat pÄ flera olika framgÄngsfaktorer över styrkortets perspektiv dÀr respondenterna ofta varit eniga om vad NVS bör utveckla.

Kraften i motivation! : Studiemotivation hos elever i Ă„k 9

Following study is about motivation from a student perspective. Based on the prescribed literature and published research, the concept and field of motivation have been illuminated. The purpose of the study was to examine how students in ninth grade perceived their educational motivation and what kind importance they considered it had for their performance in school. The study is also supposed to base upon the result; clarify the differences if any between schools. In an attempt to get a clear image of this a quantitative method in the form of surveys was made on two schools in the Stockholm region. One of the schools had a really good merit value, and the other had a rather poor merit- value. By choosing a quantitative method a relatively large number of students where able to participate and equally large quantity of statistics have been presented. The result point at motivation in the participating students in both schools can increase and decrease through different factors.

Mineraliseringar utmed REE-linjen i sydvÀstra Bergslagen

This paper briefly summarizes Bergslagen as a bedrock province in order to give background to the genesis and presence of REE-bearing minerals (short for Rare Earth Elements) in the region. These mineralizations mainly occur along the REE-line, a line aproximately a hundred kilometers in length between Norberg in the north and Nora in the south with a width of a few kilometers. Situated in the southwest of Bergslagen it is currently one of only a few places in Sweden where REE-bearing iron oxide mineralizations are potentially economically viable for mining. Ore microscopy has been conducted in order to characterize an ore sample from MyrbacksfÀltet, one of few sulphide rich iron oxide mineralizations within the REE-line. Additionally, an electron microscope analysis of a sample from StÄlklockan, a suspected REE-bearing mineralization also within the REE-line was confirmed by EDS (short for Energy Dispersive Spectrum) analysis.

Sovjets mÄnga ansikten : En historiedidaktisk undersökning av framstÀllningen av Sovjet i historielÀroböcker för gymnasiet mellan 1917-2009

AbstractThis essay is based on a qualitative and quantitative study. We have compared history textbooks on an upper secondary level and how the books handle the Soviet Union. This study is done in VÀxjö as a region. Furthermore we also made interviews with upper secondary teachers and forms with upper secondary students. Our study of the textbooks has been ranges within the period from 1917 until 2009: we choose the year 1917 because the Soviet revolution started at the former date.

Analys och implementation av EPIServer

This report describes how we, with support from SYSteam Datakonsult AB VĂ€rnamobuilds a dynamic website for a fictional company. The purpose of this work is to tietogether our studies with the businesses in the region, and expand our knowledge.Together with Peter BĂ€ckrud from SYSteam we worked out the goals to achieve thispurpose. The goals are to create a polished intranet to a company with the webpagepublishing tool EPIserverThis report begins with describing the goals and visions that were set up. Then follows athorough theoretical background that describes the areas we have touched, to give thereader an idea about the work. The report then moves into the creation phase that talksabout the problem that occurred during development.The creation phase is split up into two parts where the first part gives a good descriptionabout how we designed a usability friendly website that would fulfill the goals we had setup.

Ekonomisk tillvÀxt och utlÀndska direktinvesteringar i Sub-Sahara

The Sub-Saharan countries have for a long time struggled with poverty and conflicts which might have proven hostile for investors. The analysis aims to see if there is a significant correlation between foreign direct investments (FDI) and economic growth and which cultural and institutional factors seem to be significant in this correlation. Considered are also other variables and their influence that might explain what motivates and gives incentives for foreign direct investments (FDI) and are used in the construction of a regression analysis. This to see whether there is an effect on the economic growth in relations to FDI. The results show that FDI is of significance to the economic growth in the region and the study shows that corruption seems to be the most significant institutional factor in the correlation with effect on economic growth and the ability to attract FDI..

En studie av samarbete i arbetslag under omorganisation

AbstractThis paper will examine the co-operation culture in teacher work teams in a primary school currently undergoing reorganization in the Stockholm region. This inquiry is based on qualita-tive interviews with teachers and work team leaders, and is aiming to answer how teachers co-operate during the reorganization process, to find the factors that affect co-operation. Our results show that the two teams practice communication, leadership and participation very differently. Currently there are clear differences in the work team?s tendency to develop and to work with the reorganization process, pedagogic methods, social and emotional awareness and ideological beliefs.

HÀr Àr ej civilisationen spridd, hÀr har indianerna Ànnu sitt hemland : Om möjligheterna att skriva om svensk bosÀttning i Amerika och indianernas undantrÀngande i samma historia, utifrÄn indianoroligheter i Minnesota 1898

AbstractThis essay is based on a qualitative and quantitative study. We have compared history textbooks on an upper secondary level and how the books handle the Soviet Union. This study is done in VÀxjö as a region. Furthermore we also made interviews with upper secondary teachers and forms with upper secondary students. Our study of the textbooks has been ranges within the period from 1917 until 2009: we choose the year 1917 because the Soviet revolution started at the former date.

Personligt varumÀrkesbyggande pÄ Facebook : Hur Facebook lett till kommodifieringen av jaget

Den hÀr uppsatsen syftar till att analysera personligt varumÀrkesbyggande pÄ Facebok samt hur jaget kommodifieriats pÄ Facebook. Jag anvÀnde mig av Goffmans teorier om sjÀlvpresentation, och teorier om kommodifiering och personligt varumÀrkesbyggande. Metoden jag anvÀnt för att samla in mitt material var kvalitativ dÄ jag gjort sex stycken enskilda djupintervjuer vara 4 kvinnor och 2 mÀn i Äldrarna 22-26. Slutsatsen Àr att jaget har kommodifierats i bland annat arbetsmarknaden. Mina intervjudeltagare visar upp en idealiserad och positiv bild av sig sjÀlva pÄ Facebook och pÄ sÄ sÀtt sker personligt varumÀrkesbyggande.

Kvinnor, klimatförÀndringar och sÄrbarhet

Den afrikanska kontinenten berÀknas att drabbas mer Àn nÄgon annan region av klimat-förÀndringarnas direkta effekter. Samtidigt Àr anpassningsmöjligheterna hÀr begrÀnsade och ekonomin sÀrskilt beroende av klimatrelaterade sektorer. Samband mellan ekonomisk svaghet och sÄrbarhet Àr relativt kartlagda i det internationella klimatarbetet. Dessa kopplingar belyser inte minst kvinnors utsatta position i utvecklingsregioner, eftersom kvinnor utgör majoriteten av vÀrldens fattiga befolkningar. SÄrbarhet inför ett förÀndrat klimat grundas dock inte enbart pÄ ekonomiska och finansiella tillgÄngar.

Det gÀller att snappa upp den lilla trÄden. Fiska lite innan man fÄr napp, ett litet detektivjobb : Chefers hantering av negativa livshÀndelser hos medarbetare pÄ en Region

Syftet var att undersöka vilket sprÄkligt ansvar lÀrare i natur- ochsamhÀllsvetenskapliga Àmnen tar i undervisningen, och i vilken utstrÀckning,samt vilka sprÄkutvecklande arbetssÀtt som de anvÀnder sig av. Informanterna,sju till antalet, som deltog i den kvalitativa intervjubaserade undersökningen Àrverksamma behöriga lÀrare i natur- respektive samhÀllsvetenskap i Är 7-9 vid ensvensk skola.Resultaten som framkom visar att lÀrarna i undersökningen anser att de arbetarsprÄkutvecklande i stor omfattning men samtidigt att de inte rÀcker till förelevernas behov. De arbetssÀtt som lÀrarna anvÀnder sig av har de sjÀlva arbetatfram men de uppger att de saknar fortbildning i arbetssÀtt som enligt forskningantas gynna elevernas lÀrande. SprÄkutvecklande arbetsÀtt som lÀrarna anvÀndersig av Àr: praktisk tillÀmpning och vardaglig anknytning till Àmnet,Àmnesordlistor, begrepp och resonemang förklaras, hjÀlpmeningar för att fÄigÄng och stötta skrivandet, hjÀlp med att formulera skriftligt och genom attutgÄ frÄn vardagssprÄk och utveckla till skolsprÄk..

Att gÄ sin egen vÀg En studie över den hittills uteblivna demokratiseringsprocessen i Singapore

Inom demokratiforskningen har forskare lÀnge pekat pÄ ekonomisk utvecklingspositiva effekter i demokratiprocesser. Dock finns ett antal lÀnder som avvikerfrÄn den modellen, exempelvis Singapore. Landet har gÄtt frÄn utvecklingsland tillmodernt industriland pÄ 50 Är, dock ges inte befolkningen grundlÀggande fri- ochrÀttigheter sÄsom yttrandefrihet.UtifrÄn teorin att det med ekonomisk utveckling i regel följer demokratisering,har vi i denna studie arbetat med Singapore som avvikande fall. Vi anvÀnderSingapore i en komparation med Sydkorea och Taiwan dÄ dessa haft liknandeekonomisk utveckling och Àr belÀgna i samma region, men vars politiska utgÄngvarit en annan. Vi har funnit faktorer som etnisk sammansÀttning, förhÄllande tillandra lÀnder i regionen, samt den unika politiska process som prÀglat landet harhaft en avgörande roll för den politiska utgÄngen i Singapore..

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