

1162 Uppsatser om Region Skćne. - Sida 2 av 78

"Jag - en Öresundsb(r)o." Öresundsregionen som postpolitik och diskursiv framgĂ„ngssaga

The Oresund Region, consisting of the Swedish county of Scania and the Danish islands of Sealand, Lolland, Falster and Bornholm, is widely recognised as a successful example of European cross-border co-operation. The purpose of this region building project is to form a cross-border fully integrated functional region in order to accomplish a high level of economic growth and employment.This thesis argues, by the means of discourse analysis, that the project can be viewed as a kind of post-politics, defined as a politics that under a neoliberal hegemonic consensus strives to manipulate citizens (and to redefine them as consumers and investors) into better economic performance.This manipulation is carried out by extensive discourse production aimed at convincing people that the Oresund Region exists, that it is a successful region, and that the people who inhabit it are also successful. The deliberate vagueness and contradictory character of the Oresund discourse is investigated and explained as a discursive strategy to incorporate as many views and desires as possible..

Politikers syn pÄ den regionala nivÄn : En jÀmförande studie av VÀstra Götalandsregionen och Norrbottens lÀns landsting

This study investigates the concept of regionalism in the context of the Swedish middle-level political arena. The used method is qualitative theory and two cases are studied: VÀstra Götaland and Norrbottens lÀns landsting.The aim of the study is to see what the politicans think about Swedens regionalization process by compare the views of politicans that function in a region and in a county council. Do they have the same vision about what constitutes a region and which advantages do they see in working in a region or in a county council? Also dimensions about territorially and sectorial autonomy on the regional level, presented by King and Pierre are investigated in order to explain the different regionala organs functioning accordingly to these dimensions.The empirical material that have been analyzed is taken from 17 interviews, from government writings and reports from the SKL association, Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting, about the topic of regionalization and the effects and goals in Sweden.The conclusion of the material is that there is common opinion among the politicans about the goals of a region and also about which areas that can benefit the most from the perspective of beeing a region instead of a county council. When it comes to explaining the dimensions of territorially and sectorial autonomy the results have shown that the region has the most both territorially and sectorial autonomy, which is due to the regions rightfullness to taxation right, which is high in the region and ensured by a strong catchment area.

Sjunkande pH i VĂ€sterbottens humuslager : en kvantitativ analys

Acidification is a central concept in the environmental debate. The effect of acidification of the soil is a matter of a decreasing amount of cations and thereby a decreasing ability to resist a supply of hydrogen ions to the soil. Acidification has gradually increased in the O horizon in VĂ€sterbotten over a 30-year period from the 1970th to the 1990th. The aim of this study was from inventories of The Swedish National Forest Soil Survey and The Swedish National Forest Inventory explain and quantify the acidification that has occurred in the O horizon of two regions in the north of Sweden. Data from SMHI, The Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, has also been used.

Det glokala kompetenslandskapet : Den regionala kunskapsuppbyggnaden vid VÀxjö universitet samt dess val av hemregion.

Abstract and summaryThe glocal province of competence.The regional building up of knowledge at VÀxjö University and its choice of home region.The aim of the study is to give views on knowledge and to describe and discuss which home region VÀxjö University has chosen as its context. Taking my point of departure in the literature and in examples, I illustrate, discuss and examine how three different disciplines at the university have chosen their home regions. The disciplines are history, economics and biology. The study covers the last 33 years.The empirical study, with its focus only on regional matters, is based on four sources. 1.

Konflikten Om Arktis

The Arctic region has not been a topic of discussion or a reason for a conflict in the past, but with the development of environmental issues which has resulted in melting of the ice, so has the interest for the region developed. This has resulted in a conflict over the area, with five countries as main actors. This paper investigates the five main actors? goals with increased influence in the area, using the thoughts of Rational Actor Model, with states as utility-maximizing actors and foreign policy as the expression of national interest. Furthermore the paper investigates the means of getting to the goal, what kind of tools they use.The paper shows that all of the countries are interested in the economically benefits that are buried under the melting ice and the short cuts in sea routes that will be a possibility to use ones the ice melt more.

EKONOMISKA SANKTIONER P? BEKOSTNAD AV M?NSKLIGA R?TTIGHETER? En kvantitativ studie om den regionala effekten av ekonomiska sanktioner p? graden av m?nskliga r?ttigheter i icke-sanktionerade l?nder

Previous studies have shown that economic sanctions have adverse effects on the level of human rights in sanctioned countries. The focus of research on the effects in sanctioned countries has left the question of whether economic sanctions can have a regional effect on human rights levels in countries not sanctioned in the same region. Therefore, this essay has sought to investigate if economic sanctions aimed at an individual state have a regional effect on the level of human rights in countries not sanctioned within the same region. A previous study found that economic sanctions in Latin America positively affected the level of human rights in non-sanctioned countries within the same region. This essay has examined whether the same result can be found in a region with a different level of democracy.

Utveckling genom kultur - en studie av Region Hallands kulturpolitik

Kulturens roll i samhÀllsutvecklingen Àr nÄgot som diskuteras allt mer intensivt. Idag kan en tendens dÀr man anvÀnder kultur som verktyg för att uppnÄ utveckling urskiljas i kulturpolitiken bÄde i Sverige och utomlands.Denna uppsats syftar till att studera och beskriva Region Hallands kulturpolitik, med fokus pÄ att urskilja hur man anvÀnder kultur som verktyg för att uppnÄ regional utveckling. Den teoretiska utgÄngspunkten i studien utgörs av tvÄ kulturpolitiska modeller genom vilka jag undersöker hur kulturpolitiken har utvecklats de senaste Ären, samt pÄ vilket sÀtt kulturen integreras i andra samhÀllssektorer.Materialet i uppsatsen har inhÀmtats genom intervjuer med representanter för de sex största partierna i Region Halland, samt med regionens kulturchef. Dessa intervjuer har tillsammans med en del sekundÀra kÀllor legat till grund för uppsatsens empiriska del.Det huvudsakliga resultatet i denna uppsats Àr att det rÄder en stor konsensus kring kulturpolitiken i Region Halland, oavsett partitillhörighet. Kulturen Àr pÄ god vÀg att bli en fullstÀndigt integrerad del i regionen, och den har stor betydelse för flera olika omrÄden.

Underminering av demokrati?- Undersökning utav Region SkÄnes granskningsrapporter

Uppsatsen studerar demokratiaspekter i den skÄnska revisionen. Forskarnasoenighet om pÄstÄendena; "i revisionens arbete innefattas enbart ekonomi" och"revision har kvalitativa och demokratiska aspekter" genomsyrar uppsatsen. MedhjÀlp av idéanalys studeras granskningsrapporter utförda Ären 2002 och 2008 utavRegion SkÄnes revisorer. Region SkÄne som sjÀlvstyrelseorgan bildades avekonomiska och demokrasiska syften. UtifrÄn demokratiska teorier,ansvarsfördelning, insyn och öppenhet undersöks granskningsrapporterna.

Dagligvaruhandelns strukturomvandling i GĂ€vleregionen (A-region 56)

Syfte: Uppsatsens syfte Àr att beskriva dagligvaruhandelns lokalisering och strukturomvandling i GÀvleregionen (A-region 56). Att studera dagligvaruhandeln ger en bild av samhÀllsförÀndringen över tiden och en föraning av framtida tendenser.Metod: Undersökningen genomfördes med hjÀlp av data tillhandahÄllet av Handelns utredningsinstitut (HUI). Dagligvarubutikernas lokalisering visas i geografiska kartor och de olika butikstypernas marknadsandelar studeras för att belysa strukturomvandlingen.Resultat & slutsats: Det presenterade resultatet visar ett allt glesare butiksnÀt med fÀrre och större enheter.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Uppsatsen begrÀnsas till att endast undersöka dagligvaruhandelns lokalisering och strukturomvandlingen i GÀvleregionen (A-region 56). En liknande studie över ett större geografiskt omrÄde skulle ge en Àn bÀttre bild över dagligvaruhandelns utveckling.Uppsatsens bidrag: Uppsatsen kan med fördel studeras av intressenter inom samhÀllsplanering, fastighetsekonomi och handel..

Svenska Basketbollförbundets Regionsutvecklingsprojekt U15 : En studie av förÀndringsprocessen för regionsutvecklingsprojektet och regionsledarnas attityder till organisationsförÀndringen

In 2009, the Swedish Basketball Federation started a Region U15 development project in order to change the structure of the regional organization to get into a more transparent and similar operations throughout the country. My purpose is to study the attitudes to the change among the region leaders in the regional operations and evaluate the change from an organizational perspective. The study is primarily based on the following questions: What are the experiences of the change process among the region leaders in the regional organization? How involved have region leaders been in the changing process? Which are the positive and negative aspects with the regional operation today? What can be done further to develop the regional operation and to what extent do the organizational change follow general organizational theories? In my study, a qualitative method was used in terms of interviews with 8 regional leaders to understand their attitude to the project and the changing process. To analyze the results of the region leaders ?responses, a transcription have been made.

Regionförstoringens effekt pÄ den lokala kommunikationstillgÀngligheten : En fallstudie av StrÀngnÀs och dess omland

The aim of this study has been to describe the ongoing region enlargement process in the region MÀlardalen, located in the east part of Sweden, and to investigate how this process can affect the local level. The study is especially orientated on public communications and accessibility. The intention has also been to examine how the local accessibility can affect the re-gional development in MÀlardalen. The local investigation object that has been chosen for this research is the city StrÀngnÀs, situated in the province of Södermanland. The city of StrÀngnÀs and the cities in it?s near geographic surroundings has been the benchmark for this casestudy, in which the local accessibility with public transportation has been investigated.

?Vi försöker servera ett smörgÄsbord? En studie om att attrahera utlÀndska direktinvesteringar till Göteborgsregionen

Globalization allows companies to expand and establish themselves in other markets, which can have unexpected consequences for those who are not aware of the controversy or sacrifices that are required, and Gothenburg, Sweden is not an exception. The study has focused on two institutional theories that can explain whathappens when a foreign direct investment takes place, Institutional work and Institutional duality. The study was conducted at Business Region Gothenburg and the interviews took place at department of establishment and investment. The result shows that to overcome institutional barriers they use networking, relations, and marketing of the region of Gothenburg as examples. The paper also argues that by performing some sort of institutional work, institutional duality occurs..

Har muren fallit? En studie av policynÀtverk inom infrastrukturprocessen i SkÄne

The creation of Region SkÄne, and the transfer of the development responsibility from the national administrative country board (LÀnsstyrelsen) has given the state new challenges. New structures have grown between Region and State, and also between different municipalities. These can be characterized as Policy-networks, and the goal of this study is to analyze the planning process of the regional infrastructure with these theories.This is a qualitative study of the infrastructure process in SkÄne, and the actors that acts within this process. It has been studied with the eyes of the theories of Governance and Policy-networks. The main method to collect material has been through interviews with different actors within the process, and very little written material has been used.

Regionalisering och demokratiaspekten : En fallstudie av Region VĂ€rmland

This is a study of how democracy is affected by regionalization. The study focuses on values related to the democracy; these values are representative, transparency, participation, anchoring of decisions and accountability. The case study for this essay is the Regional Development Council of VÀrmland case study of Region VÀrmland.1997 a proposition was put forward the Swedish government about changes in responsibilities regarding four Swedish counties. It was decided that Kalmar, Gotland, SkÄne and VÀstra Götaland County would be part of pilot project with extended regional autonomy.Region VÀrmland was formed at 2001 as a Region Development Council and was at 2007 transformed to a co-cooperative body. Region VÀrmland has an indirectly elected council, i.e.

Evenemang : -ett vinnande koncept för regional utveckling?

Event is a phenomenon that lately has become more common, especially within the tourism industry. This essay is a study within human geography and with focus on the meaning and the design of events. The purpose with this essay is to examine and describe the concept of event and to show how events can influence a region. Falkenberg is situated in the county of Halland by the west coast and the sea and because of that a natural tourist destination. The city is a known seaside resort since the end of the nineteenth century.

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