

105 Uppsatser om Refugees - Sida 3 av 7

Relationen mellan flyktingkonventionenoch barnkonventionen : Det internationella skyddet för ensamkommande barn under asylprocessen

AbstractMany of the Refugees around the world today are children. Some of these children are travelling alone without anyone looking after them. These children flee from their countries to save their lives and as they are children they need special care and protection. This thesis has investigated the protection given to unaccompanied children during the asylum process in the two key instruments in the area: the Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. The Refugee Convention does not contain any procedural rights and does not specifically acknowledge children, even though they are included in the scope of the Convention.

Vart bör Kiribati, Tuvalu och Marshallöarnas befolkningar ta vägen? : En normativ analys inom ämnet för klimatförändringarnas utmaningar

The effects of anthropogenic climate change are becoming more and more visible as being highlighted by scientists, politicians and media. The causes of droughts, floods, melting ice caps and rising sea levels can all partially be traced back to human activities. In this study, I examine where the future climate Refugees of Kiribati, Tuvalu and the Marshall Islands should go when inhabitants of these low lying island nations are forced to leave their disappearing territories due to sea level rise. By using a normative method of analysis i egentlig mening, arguments deriving from certain values will be presented to confront the problem. These values originate from Edward A.

Mellan säkerhet och mänskliga rättigheter : en studie av den svenska officiella migrationsdiskursen

This paper focuses on the Swedish migration discourse and investigates if and to what extent it is dominated by a security perspective. Analysing a number of official texts and documents I want to show how the discourse describes migrants and what implications this carries with it for the migrants and for the Swedish migration politics. Through discourse analysis I have analysed whose security that is prioritised, the Swedish or the Refugees, who is the refugee and the asylum seeker, and who is the illegal migrant in the Swedish official migration discourse. As a theoretical frame for the analysis I have used theories on migration and security. These include theories on the securitisation of politics, the globalisation and the creation of political identity from the nation state perspective and theories on the connection between migration and security.My results show that a security discourse is dominating the Swedish official migration discourse and is therefore defining our reality and the identities of Refugees, asylum seekers and illegal migrants.

Den svenska glasburken. En diskursanalys av Statens Offentliga Utredningar/ The Swedish glass jar. A discourse analysis of official government reports

Henriksson, I & Jönsson, M. Den svenska glasburken. En diskursanalys av Statens Offentliga Utredningar/ The Swedish glass jar. A discourse analysis of official government reports. Examensarbete i Socialt arbete 30 poäng.

Traumatiserade flyktingar i socialt arbete

According to the Swedish Red Cross, there are over 40 million people fleeing from war and conflict around the world. Some of these individuals are suffering from a disorder named PTSD (Post Traumatic Disorder Syndrome). This disorder is caused by previous experience incurred by war, conflict and violence. My intention with this study has been to increase the knowledge about Refugees in Sweden suffering from PTSD syndrome. I have performed a study based on a project named Exigo.

Etnisk boendesegregation : En kvalitativ studie om etnisk boendesegregation i Nybro ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv

A refugee reception has been placed in Kungshall, one of Nybros residential areas. The area has a bad reputation and there are arguably prejudices about the area from the local population. I therefore want to investigate if an ethnic residential segregation exists in Kungshall, from a postcolonial perspective. The following research questions have been formulated: How do residents who doesn?t live in the refugee reception, look at ethnic residential segregation in Nybro? How has Kungshall changed since the refugee reception? Does a cultural racism exist in Kungshall? The study is a qualitative study using semi structured interviews of four people living in the residential area, a person who has moved out of the area and a person working on the housing corporation ?Nybro bostads AB?, who is one of the housing corporation responsible for the residential area Kungshall.

?Våra långväga vänner": folkbibliotekarierna och de ensamkommande barnen

Purpose: The purpose of the study reported in this thesis is to addto the knowledge concerning what public librarians do to meet theneeds of unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors, thereby helpingthem to develop and establish themselves in a new environment.What tasks, activities and tools do the librarians have at theirdisposal? What problems do they encounter? What values, normsand attitudes guide their work? Method: The thoughts andexperiences of six public librarians have been captured throughqualitative semi-structured interviews, the result of which has beenthematically analysed using notions of social capital and socialexclusion. Findings: Unaccompanied asylum-seeking minors facea number of challenges which the public library with its librarians,collections and various activities can assist in coping with byproviding the children with opportunities to increase their socialcapital and decrease the risk of social exclusion. Researchlimitations: It has for several reasons proven difficult to studyunaccompanied asylum-seeking children as a distinct group, whichis why this study also uses material that deals with Refugees as awhole. A significant amount of the latter are undeniablyunaccompanied minors, an especially exposed and vulnerable typeof Refugees.

Hiv/Aids : Vad rör det mig ?

Over 40 miljon people in the world suffer from hiv/aids today. Africa is the continent that is worst affected by hiv/aids but how is the situation in Sweden? Why is it so quiet concerning hiv/aids in Sweden? Our aim with this work was to find out about the hiv/aids situation in Sweden and particulary in Malmö. The result of our research was that hiv/aids have increased since the year 2000 and most of the people had caught the infection in other countries than Sweden. This raised our curiosity concerning how immigrants/Refugees are being treated when they arrive in Malmö and what are being done to stop hiv/aids from spreading further.We became very disappointed when we realised how little that is actually being done and how poorly the collaboration between the institutions are working.

Svalövs flyktingenhets arbete för nyanlända invandrare - en utvärdering med brukar- och intressentfokus

The following report is a constructive responsive evaluation of Svalövs communes unit for newly arrived Refugees based on a qualitative user- and stakeholder model. The main purpose is to evaluate the units? quality from a user and stakeholder perspective. The main findings are that the users and stakeholders are satisfied with the quality of the units? services but request further social and structural participation.

"Väcker jag hopp om nåt som inte finns?" : En studie om diakoners arbete med papperslösa

Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om diakoners arbete med papperslösa. I Sverige finns det 10 000-tals papperslösa som befinner sig här efter att undanhållit sig utvisningsbeslut, smugglats in som traffickingoffer eller strävar efter att arbeta ihop inkomster att skicka till hemlandet. Med en kvalitativ ansats har jag intervjuat sex stycken diakoner som arbetar i Svenska kyrkan i Stockholm, och som alla möter och erbjuder socialt stöd till papperslösa. Resultatet har jag analyserat utifrån teori om ekologiskt perspektiv på socialt arbete med flyktingar och migranter, samt teorier om värdegrunder i socialt arbete. Resultatet visar att diakonerna fokuserar på det sociala arbetet på mikronivå, men att viss samverkan på mesonivå förekommer.

Betydelsen av interna och externa resurser för integrationen av nyanlända flyktingar i Fagersta kommun.

Syftet med denna undesökning var att ur ett ekologiskt perspektiv undersöka betydelsen av interna och externa resurser för integrationen för nyanlända flyktingar i Fagersta kommun, och om något upplevts särskilt viktigt för integrationen som bidragit till känsla av hopp och framtidstro. Två delstudier genomfördes. En kartläggning gjordes av lagar och regleringar som påverkar flyktingpolitiken samt en dokumentanalys av lokala policy- och styrdokument i Fagersta kommun. Åtta semistrukturerade ntervjuer genomfördes med fyra kvinnliga och fyra manliga flyktingar bosatta i Fagersta. Resultatet, som överensstämmer med tidigare forskning, visade att flyktingar behöver ges möjlighet att vara aktiva i sin egen anpassningsprocess.

Litteratur - en nyckel till livet

This study is an investigation of newly arrived young Iraqis and their view on obstacles and opportunities available in a secondary school in Södertälje City. This is also a comparative study between the newly arrived Iraqis schooling in Iraq and in Sweden. We have used theoretical concepts such as culture, ethnicity, refugee, intercultural education, socialization and PTSD. These have helped us to provide distinct guidelines when we analyze newly arrived young Iraqis in Södertälje City. Our approach has been based on qualitative interviews with both students and teachers.

Välkommen till den Europeiska Unionen : en litteraturstudie om ensamkommande barn i EU

Unaccompanied minors who are fleeing and being sent way from their countries of origin are nothing new. In 2011, 12 225 unaccompanied minors where registered in The European Union, none undocumented minors included. Most of the minors are coming from Afghanistan and Somalia. The aim of this essay is to investigate how The European Union?s migration policies are applied in reality and how United Nation?s Convention on the Right of Children are put in practice by the member states of The European Union and Norway.

Sant eller falskt? : hur skildrar de nätbaserade media SANA, BBC och CNN händelserna mellan 1.4. och 18.4.2012 i Syrien?

This essay will try to analyze how Syria?s official news agency, SANA, describes events taking place in Syria in the days between 1.4 and 18.4.2012. This will be contrasted with how BBC and CNN describe the events. These other two news agencies were chosen, because they represent media from democratic countries in Europe and the USA. This rebellion became a full scale civil war over time.

Synliggör din dolda kompetens! : Några kommuners syn på flyktingars kompetens bedömning

Kommunerna i Stockholms läns nordöstra del har börjat med ett projekt för att fler flyktingar snabbare skall nå en högre självförsörjningsgrad och delaktighet i samhället. Syftet var att undersöka hur nordostkommunerna analyserar och bedömer nyanlända flyktingars kompetens samt söka finna ut hur de kan förbättra sina verktyg för analys och bedömning. Kvalitativ metod har använts och sju intervjuer har genomförts. Av resultatet framkom att nordostkommunerna arbetar med kompetenskartläggning informellt och med yrkesbedömning genom tre månader praktik på arbetsplats. Men de saknar instrument och verktyg som kan vara ett stöd att nå projektets ändamål.

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