

355 Uppsatser om Refugee reception, - Sida 2 av 24

Skolan, en viktig del i ensamkommande flyktingbarns socialisation

AbstractThe purpose of our study is to reach an understanding of the situation of unaccompanied refugee minors in school. Thus the study aims to investigate what sort of possibilities and limits they encounter when going through their school education. We have chosen a qualitative method and conducted interviews with four persons between the ages of 18 and 21 years.The result of the study shows that unaccompanied refugee minors experience numerous limitations and lesser possibilities than other students, which prevents their educational and social development. The limitations partly depend on the school personnels lack of knowledge about this target group, and partly on the difficulty of dealing with a new culture which is different from the students original culture.  An important conclusion that our study has shown is that the educational system has a great impact on how well the students manage to function in the new society later on.  Therefore it is of great importance that the teachers have access to competence development , since this is of substantial importance for the  unaccompanied refugee minors development and socialization. .

Tvåinstansjäv : om domstolars tillämpning av rättsregeln

The aim of this study was to get insight into refugee children?s perception about experience of the preparatory class, the transition to the ordinary class and the ordinary class. To get access to my informant?s perspective and also to get a more profound understanding of their experience, I oriented the study in a qualitative approach. This study will highlight the refugee children?s personal experiences and their point of view regarding the schools preparatory class, ordinary class, together with other pupils behaviour against them in the social interaction.

?Dom som mår dåligt måste få må bra? : En studie av skolintroduktionen för nyanlända flykting ? och invandrarbarn på två skolor

Subject: The Teacher Training Programme, Degree Project in Educational SciencesSödertörn University CollegeAutumn Term, 2006This study titled, Those who feel worst, need help to feel better, is a Degree Project in Educational Sciences for the Teacher Training Programme at Södertörn University College. The purpose of this study is to find out how school introduction for newly arrived refugee children is organized in two schools, considering the fact that many refugee children can suffer from PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The study is qualitative, based on interviews with principals, teachers and students in one junior high school and one high school. The study also reviews literature and research on how to work with children who suffer from PTSD. The results show that lack of national policy for the school introduction and education of refugee children, leads to the fact that school introduction can vary from school to school.

Raymond Hains La France déchirée : En receptionshistorisk undersökning

This essay examines how the critical reception of French nouveaux réaliste-artist Raymond Hains 1961 exhibition La France déchirée has been articulated at two historically separate occasions.In her 2010 book Nouveau Réalisme, 1960?s France and the Neo-avant-garde, art historian Jill Carrick examines the fundamental impact the founder of nouveau réalisme ? French art critic and theorist Pierre Restany ? has had on the movement?s historical reception. According to Carrick Restanys writing established an interpretive framework that remained more or less intact for several decades. In addition to a closer analysis of the movement?s critical reception during the 1960s?, Carrick provides a set of new, alternative readings of a number of nouveaux réaliste artworks, which all originates from a position outside of Restanys interpretive framework.

Pedagogers föreställningar om krigsdrabbade flyktingbarn

According to the immigration service forecasts Sweden faces large refugee influxes in the coming years. This means that educators in the kindergarten, preschool and school, will meat children from the war torn countries. In this study, the purpose is to find out the educators different conceptions of war-affected refugee children, because my theory is that their beliefs influence their actions. I wanted to get answers to their beliefs about the difficulties or challengers that children and educators may be faced with. Furthermore, I wanted to know what educators envisioned about their own role?s importance to the war affected refugee children and their perceptions of the Swedish culture, environment, language and school.

Att vara familj, vän & förebild : En kvalitativ studie om integrationsassistenters arbete med ensamkommande flyktingbarn- och ungdomar under asylprocessen

The aim with this study is to examine and analyze how the employees at two residential care homes for unaccompanied refugee children work with the children during their pending decision for asylum in Sweden. The purpose is to gain insight into the employees? daily work with the target audience and how they handle decisions with the children. The method to collect data is to carry 6 interviews with the employees at the residential care home. The interviews were semi-structured with purpose of letting the interviewee lead the content of the interview.

A qualitative study about nurses' experiences of working and caring in a Palestine refugee camp in Jordan and methodological reflections while conducting a study within this field

Jordan is a developing country and there are ten Palestine refugee camps throughout Jordansince the Arab-Israel conflict in 1948 and the Arab-Israel war in 1967. The camps are run byUnited Nation Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA)which is the main provider of health care in the camp. Today, the fourth generation ofrefugees lives in the camps which are extremely overpopulated. The social and economicconditions in the camps are poor. The nurses' workload in the Health care centre in the campis getting harder and UNRWA's resources are getting strained due to funding shortfalls.

Könsligt minne : Ett kvalitativt receptions- och minneskvasiexperiment med killar och tjejer

The purpose of this study was to see if there are any differences between high school girls and boy?s reception ability and memory after reading two Swedish lifestyle magazines.9 boys and 9 girls from ages 17-18 were chosen to participate in the study. They were placed in a room one by one where they had to read one women?s magazine (Cosmopolitan) and one men?s magazine (Café). They did not know this was a memory and reception test until after they finished their reading.With help from former reception studies and the magazines, questions were selected so the interviews would give as much information as possible.The study gave some unexpected results, for example both genders seemed to remember numbers very well even if they didn?t remember the article itself.

Hur kan arbetsterapeuten stödja flyktingbarn i Sverige?

This candidate essay aims to examine the possibilities occupational therapists (OT) have in order to support refugee children in Sweden. The authors find the subject of current interest because there is a constant and frequently debate in our society concerning refugees, which makes us question what role the OT could have with this group. Method: This study has a qualitative approach with focus group methodology as method. At two occasions, four respectively three OTs met to discuss an in advance given interview guide. The discussions were coded on the basis of person-, group- and society perspectives.

Lärarens intention eller elevernas reception i

Syftet med vårt examensarbete var att undersöka huruvida lärares intention vid filmvisning överensstämmer med elevernas reception av samma film. Om dessa två faktorer inte överensstämde, ville vi även titta närmare på vad det var som styrde efterarbetet av filmvisningen: lärarens intention eller elevernas reception? Dessutom ville vi undersöka om det var någon skillnad på elevernas reception om läraren innan filmvisningen antingen berättade respektive inte berättade om filmen eller gav respektive inte gav anvisningar om vad de skulle titta på i filmen. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av intervju med en lärare, observationer under filmen, enkäter i anslutning till filmen och observationer av lärarens eftersamtal med eleverna. Resultatet av vår studie visade att elevernas och lärarens reception av en och samma film divergerar men att det är lärarens intention som främst styr efterarbetet.

Identitet och invandring       : En kvalitativ studie med ensamkommande flyktingbarn

Identity and immigration                                                                                                            - A qualitative study with unaccompanied refugee children Jennie Hamberg Larsson and Matthew McNeillThe main purpose of this study is to illuminate and describe how unaccompanied refugee children experience changes and reconstructions to their identity after immigration to Sweden. Using qualitative interviews this study looks at how social relationships in Sweden and a foreign background influence the reconstruction of unaccompanied refugee children´s identity. The base for our analysis is identity theory while roll concepts, social identity theory and concepts of ethnic and national identity are used to give deeper insight into the experiences of three unaccompanied refugee children. Important results found included a connection between the way that identity is formed in relationships, especially with significant others, in the country of origin and how reconstruction of identity develops in the new country with new social relationships. Furthermore the results showed how this reconstruction of identity can be linked to different acculturation strategies that incorporate the importance of an ethnic identity and a national identity.Keywords: identity, ethnic identity, unaccompanied children, immigration.

Ovisshetens flytt. - En kvalitativ studie baserad på ensamkommande flyktingbarns berättelser

This study is about children that have been forced to flee to another country, due to conflict, poverty or natural disasters, without their families. They are known as unaccompanied refugee children. The aim of the study is to, by focusing on individual children's feelings and experiences of being forced to flee create greater knowledge and understanding of what is hidden behind some of the statistic of migration.To answer the aim of the study, I used the following research questions: How is a child affected by being forced to leave home and to flee to a foreign country? How does an unaccompanied refugee child perceive the exodus? How do the unaccompanied refugee children handle their situation during the flight and at arrival in Sweden?The study is based on a qualitative method and consists in semi-structured interviews with five unaccompanied refugee children aged 17 to 21. The theoretical framework is based on three theoretical concepts; refugee crisis, identity and coping.The study results show that these children are a very vulnerable group, who were forced to be exposed to several losses and traumas.

Vilka skillnader och likheter finns mellan UNHCR:s och UNRWA:s syn på flyktingar? : En komparativ studie mellan FN:s två flyktingorgan

Research about what differences and similarities exists between UNHCR and UNRWA in the opinion of a refugee?This examination focuses on a study between The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and THE United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Both organizations are UN-related and are in charge of refugees, however they differ by the fact the UNHCR controls all of the world?s refugees with the exception of the Palestinian refugees, for which UNRWA. The aim of this work will be to examine the definition of refugees as well as their entitlements and in what way they differ depending on which organization they belong to.As theory I have, among others, used Rainer Bauböck?s book ? Transnational Citizenship?.

Optimal utformning av ett nybyggt kontor : En fallstudie åt Videum AB

Studien behandlar utformningen av Videum AB:s nya kontor, reception och entréhall somkommer att vara en del av ett framtida kontorshotell vid Videum Science Park i Växjö. Måletmed studien är att ta fram en förslagsritning och visualiseringsbilder på ett kontor åt Videumspersonal, samt en funktionell reception.Fyra huvudtyper av kontorsformer lyfts fram i studien; öppet kontorslandskap, cellkontor,delade kontorsrum samt flexibla kontor. Kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med Videumspersonal för att få en bild av vad de har för åsikter om sitt nuvarande kontor och receptionsamt en framtida utformning. Genom en balans av de påverkande faktorerna teori,personalens åsikter och utformarnas kunskaper har ett förslag tagits fram.Resultatet visar ritningar, visualiseringar samt förklaringar över det nya optimala förslagetför Videum AB..

Möjligheternas land? En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommande barns upplevelser av att leva i Sverige

This study concerns unaccompanied refugee children and their experiences of living in Sweden and also their thoughts about identity and security. The aim of this study was to find a deeper understanding of these children?s situation. We formulated three research questions in order to obtain this deeper understanding:? What experiences do the informants have of living in Sweden?? What are the informants? views of their identity in their new life situation?? What is security to the informants?This is a qualitative study based on six semi-structured interviews with six youths whom have come to Sweden as unaccompanied refugee children.

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