

81 Uppsatser om Reflective - Sida 2 av 6

betraktaren och objektet

The aim of this thesis is to study what conceptions of literature that are present in the teacher magazine Svenskläraren between the years 1985 and 2012. In other words: what is the underlying view on literature's value as a teaching aid and why should we study it in school? I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education. A critical methodology has been used to study the material. In my results I distinguish three conceptions of literature that are present in Svenskläraren.

Lärares lärande genom handledning : Lärares uppfattningar av handledda gruppsamtal som ett medel i lärande och utveckling av sin profession

Den här artikelns syfte är att undersöka lärares uppfattningar av handledda gruppsamtal som medel i lärares professionsutveckling. Studien är kvalitativ och tar utgångspunkt teoretiskt och metodologiskt i fenomenografin. Nio lärare har intervjuats på en grundskola i Jönköpings kommun, 2011. I resultaten framkommer att frågandet har en central roll i handledningssamtalet vilket möjliggör fördjupad reflektion med perspektivvidgning som leder till ett förändrat tankesätt hos lärare. Undervisningen utvecklas och anpassas till eleverna, som en följd av handledningen..

Hur kommer de svenska biblioteken att påverkas av bytet till Dewey? : En undersökning av tre folkbibliotek och ett forskningsbibliotek.

This bachelor thesis is a study about the change of the classificationsystems in Swedish libraries. The empirical data was collected through four qualitative interviews with both research and public libraries. The data was analyzed by the use of organizational theory based upon Joacim Hanssons book Libraries and identity: the role of institutional self-image and identity in emergence of new types of libraries. The empirical result points to a major change in how libraries and librarians look and work with their collections, it can also be said that the librarians do not seem to think that the users will be affected at all.The analysis was based on these issues: What positive and negative effects introducing DDC will there be on research- Reflective public libraries?What will be the effects on the librarysector introducing the new classification system DDC?What will be the effects on the users introducing the new classification system DDC? .

Ungdomars erfarenhet av livsstilsförändring

It is reported that adolescents' health is deteriorating, when their mental illness has increased. Adolescents' social conditions have also become worse. The mental illness is linked to the individual living conditions. The purpose of this study is to investigate which factors adolescents experience have been contributing to making a lifestyle change. The apparent factors can be used to promote adolescents´ health.

?Det går inte att tänka jämställdhet under mattelektionerna? : - Lärares tankar kring jämställdhet samt hur och varför det ska främjas i skolan

The aim with this thesis is to investigate teachers view on gender equality and what this may be due to. Teachers are supposed to follow the curriculum where it is written that gender equality should be encouraged. After interviewing teachers it has come to light that depending of the teacher?s personal interest and the school?s management of the question, there is a difference between how teachers are working with gender equality. That is why we want to know why gender equality should be encouraged and how teachers should reach the aim from the curriculum about gender equality.

Att vara pappa : Att hantera ett litet barn - känslor och tankar runt papparollen

The need of knowledge revolving first-time father experiences, feelings and thoughts is extensive and insight and knowledge about his emotional life in conjunction with being a dad is equally important. The purpose with this study is to investigate how men, that recently became a first-time father, manages and experience the first time with his child. We used a narrative method and interviewed seven fathers as we conducted our qualitative interview study. All the fathers went through life changes. No one talked about sacrifices, but noted rather that their lives were to become different.

Tillvänjning av labradorer att skritta och trava på löpband :

The aim of this study was to determine a method to habituate treadmill-naive Labrador Retrievers to walk and trot on a treadmill. 17 Labradors was equipped with Reflective markers glued to the skin. Their motions were captured with six 240 Hz infra-red cameras as they walked and trotted on a treadmill three times a day for two days. Also the heart-rate was recorded. We then used QTM and custom built software to analyze the measurements.

Interpretation och dissonansbehandling på kromatisk nyckelharpa

By describing and analyzing a self made composition for the Swedish folk music instrument ?nyckelharpa? with emphasis on playing techique, dissonance treatment and interpretation questions are reflected upon regarding how dissonances and andvanced harmonical progressions are treated on a limited instrument such as ?nyckelharpa?. By emphasizing the traditional norm connected to the interpretation and instrumentation of traditional Swedish folk music (a traditon in which the nyckelharpa is included) and comparing the te- chniques connected to it with the recent composed material in a western classical context the possibilities and limitations in composition and interpretation are further investigated. Thus the musical experience and the documentation of the process of composing a concert for nyckelharpa provides a knowledge base for Reflective analysis upon questions regarding interpretation, composition and dissonance treatment. This thesis also provides a brief summary of traditional playing and bowing technique as well as a short historical description of the Swedish traditional instrument ?nyckelharpa?..

Ätstörningsspecifik reflektiv funktion : samband med affektmedvetenhet, självskattad anknytningsstil och ätstörningssymtom

Syftet var att utvärdera en ny intervju, SRF-ED, Symptomspecific Reflective Functioning - Eating Disorders. Intervjun blev validerad i förhållande till ätstörningssymtom, anknytningsstil och affektmedvetenhet. Sammanlagt deltog 22 personer, 21 kvinnor och en man. De intervjuades med SRF-ED samt ACI-S/O (Affect Consciousness Interview ? Self/Others) och fyllde i självskattningsformulären ENR kortform (Erfarenheter i Nära Relationer) och EDE-Q version 6,0 (Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire).

Dramat i musiken

The aim of this master?s project is to explore ways to perform piano music conceived dramatically. I do this through performance of Beethoven?s Appassionata Op. 57 and of Scriabin?s Piano sonata no.

Mellan bildning och erfarenhet : en studie av litteratusyner i Svenskläraren mellan 1985-2012

The aim of this thesis is to study what conceptions of literature that are present in the teacher magazine Svenskläraren between the years 1985 and 2012. In other words: what is the underlying view on literature's value as a teaching aid and why should we study it in school? I relate my analysis to previous research about the use of fiction in education. A critical methodology has been used to study the material. In my results I distinguish three conceptions of literature that are present in Svenskläraren.

Att skriva sig till läsning via datorn : Lärarens val?

The purpose of my study is to examine why five primary school teachers chose to start using the method ?Learning reading by writing on computer? in their teaching. How do they perceive that the method works in their classroom and do they perceive that the method affect the children?s literacy?The study consists of a qualitative method in form of interviews with five primary school teachers and also some observations made by me in the classrooms. I will use the findings I made during the interviews and observations and contrast these to relevant literature and research that I have collected.The result of my study shows that all of the interviewed teachers had a self-interest in working with the method ?Learning reading by writing on computers? and that they also worked closely with colleagues.

Tankar om pedagogrollen : en vetenskaplig essä om vad som utmärker en god pedagog i dagens förskola

In this essay I reflect on what makes a good preschool teacher today. I discuss the importance of education, the importance of experience and practical knowledge, but also the importance of capacity for self-reflection and listening. I bring up examples from my workplace, where some think more about their limitations than on what and how much they actually can. Others are more satisfied by what they can and see less of their limits. Some are also lack of the will to see differently and to do changes.

Reflektion över individanpassning : En intervjustudie om behandlarens bemötande av ungdomar med cannabismissbruk

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöker hur behandlare reflekterar över sitt bemötande av individer som missbrukar cannabis som primär drog. Vidare undersöks hur behandlaren individanpassar behandlingen för ungdomarna samt vilka egenskaper som är bra för en behandlare att besitta. Studien utgår från den hermeneutiska forskningstraditionen och har en kvalitativ ansats. Undersökningen gjordes av semistrukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av fyra behandlare inom missbruksvården som arbetar medungdomar som främst brukar cannabis. Studien utgickifrån Moira von Wrights relationella teori om det relationella perspektivet som är ihop vävt med Donald Schöns teori om den reflekterande praktikern.

Medarbetarsamtalet : Nya ideal och nya former : Em studie av medarbetarsamtalets funktion och betydelse inom äldreomsorgen i Kalmar kommun.

Author: Nilsson LindaTitle: Appraisal talk- new ideals and new formsThe purpose of this study was to examine the concept of the appraisal talk. More specifically its aim was to find out more about the function and the meaning of the appraisal talk, for the organization, managers and co-workers point of view, and if there was any specific method applied. Two of the central questions were: How did the managers and co-workers describe the function and the meaning of appraisal talks? Were there any differences or similarities of the respondent?s point of view, depended of their position in the organization? The method of analysis was qualitative with a critical Reflective approach. The study was based on interviews with three managers and four co-workers, in the public service of elderly care in Kalmar municipality.

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