

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 61 av 77

På seglats i själens djup - en studie av droginducerade mystika tillstånd och erfarenheter

The use of hallucinogenic plants has throughout human history been used for religiouspurposes, in order to induce mystical states of mind, often interpreted as meeting with godsand spirits. In recent years, this practice has been taken up by people interested in theexploration of their psyche and spiritual side. This group of people, referred to as?psychonauts?, communicate with each other through internet based forum, where theyshare their experiences in so called ?trip reports?. The aim of this study was to see whatrole psychedelic drugs can play when used in a spiritual/religious context, and whetherthese sorts of mystical states of mind could tell us about more traditional mysticalexperiences.

Studie i en studio - Undersökning av producenter och gitarristers syn på studioinspelning av elgitarr.

As I recently started to record in a studio, I almost immediately came to the conclusion that getting the right sound is not easy. I became curious about my recording procedure. What did I do wrong? How to place the microphone? Use of equipment? How is it possible to modify the sound afterwards? Are there any special methods that are commonly used among producers and/or guitarists? My thoughts ended up in a question ? What do producers and guitarists think of the guitar sound during a recording session in relation to the final production? In my research I interviewed two producers and two guitarists about guitar recordings. The results show that the quality of the guitar sound is in relation to production and style of music.

Barnets rätt till försäkringsskydd : En rättsvetenskaplig studie  av  barnets  möjligheter  att täckas av privat och allmän försäkring

Abstract Children with neuropsychiatric disorders often require special arrangements from the society. These measures could target the child itself, its parents, or other parts of the social network surrounding the child. Parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders are often deeply engaged both in their child and in these measures.Three parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and four counselors in different habilitation centers, were interviewed. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to describe the methods with which the counselors worked to support parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders, and to understand how the parents experienced this support offered by the counselors.The qualitative interviews with counselors and parents followed a thematic interview guide. A structured interview form was used.

Myrorna - subkulturens butikskedja : en studie i varumärkesutvecklande

AIM This report studies the Swedish vintage store company Myrorna from a branding perspective.METHOD The study has applied the qualitative method where four personal interviews have taken a fundamental ground. The four respondents are taken from different professionals and from different positions by the reason that the brand would be based on a fair assessment. The study is obtaining data that further was collected from the library of University of Gävle, the articles from Emerladinsight.com and remaining pictures- and text materials is taken from the organization Myrorna. The theoretical material have been adapted on the brand Myrorna and then been used to analyze the empirical part. From the general impression that portrays the brand the researcher leads the discussion.RESULT AND CONCLUSION The result shows that the brand Myrorna in some extent do not fulfill the image the brand in the media mediate, between the illusion and the reality there is an empty space according to the research.

Hur en tunn väv kan skapa mening i en outsäglig tomhet

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur mening kan skapas utifrån en upplevelse av den amerikanska konstnären Robert Irwins verk, Scrim Veil ? Black Rectangle ? Natural Light, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, när det uppfördes på Whitney Museum 2013. Åtta recensioner bildar underlag för undersökningen där de partier som på något sätt hanterar hur recensenterna skapar mening av verket valts ut för närläsning. Metoden som använts för textselektion utgår från Mieke Bals koncept som Bal förklarar som ett alternativ till metod i sin bok Travelling Concepts. Uppsatsen tar teoretiskt spjärn mot Ludwig Wittgensteins begrepp språkspel och duckrabbit, (aspektväxling) som de beskrivits i Filosofiska undersökningar, publicerad 1953, samt gestalten som bildar figur-grund, en inom gestaltpsykologin utvecklad perceptionsteori.Uppsatsen visar på att mening har skapats av verket genom att det framträder, det förvandlar sig till en händelse, något som Rudolf Arnheim beskriver som An event in space, i sin bok Art and Visual Perception ? A Psychology of the Creative Eye från 1954.

"The Never Ending Story" : Sårbarhet och kamp för överlevnad i Olofströms kommun

The world around us is shrinking and globalization and capitalism are processes affecting the world. Global trends, like outsourcing and relocation of firms to low-cost countries, have become more common. This creates a huge vulnerability in the municipalities that today are concentrated around a single large company. One of these is Olofström which today is one of the most vulnerable municipalities in Sweden and whose survival today lies in the hand of the company ?Volvo Cars Corporation?.

Att planera för social hållbarhet i ekobyar :

This essay gives the reader an overview of the different problems and issues a landscape architect might meet, in the process of planning and realizing an eco-village. Its aim is to stimulate new ideas, based on the traditional, present and future working field of landscape architects. The essay does not claim to cover all imaginable aspects of social sustainability within an eco- village, but refers to the presented sources for further in-depth reading. Although the original focus has been on physical planning, the interviewees? words have been of big importance, and to a certain extent changed the constitution of this essay.

Att lokalisera kompetenser på flexkontoret :  

To find competencies on a workplace with flex office structure.Companies today, 2012 are facing new opportunities and challenges. Information technology develops, competition is bigger today than ever, increased environmental requirements will be added and new patterns of life and values are occurring. This means that people who work in offices feel strong pressure of conversion, which is something that people experience differently. Therefore it is essential how the working environment is designed in an office. Working in an office means a lot of information processing and we can see large changes taking place.

Strukturplan för Högsbo industriområde

I Sveriges storstadsregioner har behovet av mer strategiskt utformade planer växt fram under senare år. I korthet beror detta på kommunens begränsande möjligheter att påverka bebyggelseutvecklingen. Samtidigt har kommunerna fortfarande ett ansvar för att bebyggelseutvecklingen leds mot en social, ekonomisk och ekologisk hållbarhet. Behovet av att koncentrera de kommunala insatserna har då ökat. Kommunens roll blir att tillhandahålla hållbara rumsliga ramar där förändringar på kvartersnivå sker i privat regi.

Upplevda oönskade beteenden hos katt : förekomst och orsaker till dessa

The objective was to examine the frequency of unwanted behaviors in the Swedish feline population and what factors in the environment, inheritance and past life that have an influence on the frequency. SLU?s web poll generator was used to create a web poll which insinuated that it was a poll with objective to make an inventory of the Swedish feline population. I wanted to avoid that only owners to cats with unwanted behaviors answered the poll. The web link to the poll was sent to SLUs students and posted on Internet forums for people interested in cats.

Landskapsplanering ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv :

Environmental problems are accelerating with energy consumption and the release of greenhouse gases as the major issues. This affects landscape planning mostly through environmentally hazardous transportation and heating of buildings. In environmental work, the term "Sustainable development" is often used. This term was coined in the Bruntland report in 1987. A number of frameworks have been developed to clarify the term and to remind the user about relevant aspects of sustainability.

Patienters upplevelse av att vårdas i isolering : en litteraturöversikt

Background: Isolation care may be necessary when a patient is carrying infection or is being inflicted with disease that causes deficit immune system. Being isolated means that the patient is in a confined space and may stay only there. Even in ancient times, people discovered the importance of isolating people carrying an infection from the rest of society. According to the Infectious Diseases Act, patients should be isolated in order to reduce the spread of infection both from the patient to the surroundings as well as the opposite. Isolation care can be psychologically stressful for some patients.

Unesco, Malraux och ombildningens museum : Estetik och kosmopolitik i efterkrigstid

An inquiry into the post-war European aesthetic and political landscape should take the international organization Unesco?s colour reproductions and travelling exhibitions of paintings into consideration. In these, the organization implements André Malraux? idea of the ?imaginary museum? as a framework for a future cosmopolitical, aesthetic (and utopian) community. During the late 1940?s, the Swedish government also discusses the need for raising an ?aesthetic awareness? amongst their citizens as a consequence to a poor knowledge in the fine arts.

Avskaffande av revisionsplikten i småföretag- Hur påverkas berörda fåmansföretag?

The main issue: On the basis of the authors problem discussion has following questions came along: how will the closed companies be affected by a abolishing of demand on auditing? How could the abolishing of demand on auditing in Denmark and England relate to Swedish possible abolishing of auditing?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine and describe how closed companies stand to abolishing of demand on auditing and which affects they think they will get.Method: The authors have chosen to use a qualitative method. With open questions can give space for discussions, which can give the authors better understanding. The empirical material consists of eight different closed companies. The subordinate data were collected before the interview occasion, this because to develop the interview questions.Conclusion: The authors has come to a conclusion that larger the closed company is, the more of them will keep audit.

Bättre utnyttjande av nya och befintliga förrådslokaler på SSAB Tunnplåt

The purpose of this assignment at SSAB Tunnplåt in Borlänge was mainly to investigate and describe the circumstances for the spare parts stored in storage facilities within the area of operation. Even new facilities which could serve as storage rooms and their opportunities for storing spare parts were an important part of the investigation. This because of the need for improved storing of spare parts. Furthermore, market offers where reviewed for storage of spare parts in more tailored designs. The work will culminate in proposals for improvement which is of importance for the development surrounding the storage and handling of spare parts.

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