

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 45 av 77

FysiskLojalitet vs CyberLojalitet? : Hur lojal är konsumenten mot den fysiska butiken då de väljer att övergå till e-handel av dagligvaror?

Background: Recently, the Swedish food culture has expanded by leaps and bounds. Interest in food and cooking has taken more space in the Swedish welfare state. Products and icons, such as organic free range chicken or Per Moberg have had greater impact on the way we consume food. Consumers have become increasingly aware of what they should and should not be eating. With an increased interest in food, supply and distribution channels have become increasingly important for the major grocery retailers (Board of Agriculture 2011).

Skogsmyr och öppna vyer : Platsens betydelse för gestaltningen av Vi och Dom i Sara Lidmans Hjortronlandet

Sara Lidman?s second novel Hjortronlandet (1955) unfolds in the north of Sweden in the early 20th century. It describes the progress of modernity and the conflicting interests of an old local culture and a new more ?civilised? one. The two cultures are constituted by different value systems and in the novel they are represented by two neighbour communities.

Åtkomststudie för robotiserad svetsning av flygmotordetalj

The aim of this thesis was to investigate if the robotized welding method FSW (Friction Stir Welding) could be applied for joining a rotating structure in an aero engine at Volvo Aero Corporation. FSW is expected to introduce less defects than today?s welding methods and could therefore be suitable for critical aero components. The material is the nickel based alloy Inconel 718, however a material experimentation is outside the scope of this report.The main goal of this study is to verify if the ESAB ROSIO robot based FSW-system has a suitable work space to be able to weld the rotating structure, and if the welding tool has accessibility to the joints. The FSW-process needs a rigid fixture, and a number of fix-ture concepts are presented based on a proposed weld sequence.

"Inte supporter, men ..." : En kvalitativ studie av hur lokala sportjournalister förhåller sig till "sina" elitlag

The purpose of this study was to examine how local producers in the food and confectionery segment in Västernorrland, Sweden, working to communicate that the product is locally produced through its packaging design. We have chosen to look at how they work with the right packaging design because it is such an important part of the product marketing. A further aim was to examine how consumers perceive the packaging design of the locally produced products and how they consider that the packaging design communicates the product as locally produced. We have also analyzed the graphical elements contained in the locally produced product packaging through a semiotic analysis.The theoretical framework is based on theories in brand communication and Visual Communication, specializing in packaging design?s visual elements.The method used in this study is a qualitative method.

Bland Bokbaciller och Vingklippta Änglar ? En kvalitativ studie kring bestånd och beståndsarbete på fem sjukhusbiblioteks barn- och ungdomsavdelningar

The main purpose of this thesis was to examine the collection management at five different hospital libraries´ children and youth?s section to discern different roles of the collections. We made qualitative interviews with five hospital librarians. The purpose was also to see how the collection development affected the different roles of the collections. We used two theories.

Do it yourself : En studie om lokalproducerade produkters förpackningsdesign

The purpose of this study was to examine how local producers in the food and confectionery segment in Västernorrland, Sweden, working to communicate that the product is locally produced through its packaging design. We have chosen to look at how they work with the right packaging design because it is such an important part of the product marketing. A further aim was to examine how consumers perceive the packaging design of the locally produced products and how they consider that the packaging design communicates the product as locally produced. We have also analyzed the graphical elements contained in the locally produced product packaging through a semiotic analysis.The theoretical framework is based on theories in brand communication and Visual Communication, specializing in packaging design?s visual elements.The method used in this study is a qualitative method.

Bland figurer, gubbar och mutanter : En kvalitativ studie om pedagogers syn på populärkultur i förskolan

The purpose of the study is to investigate educators? attitudes and didactic positions on popular culture as a form and a means of children?s learning in preschool. The questions posed in the study are:? How do the educators define popular culture, which examples of popular culture do the educators give?? How do the educators describe the spoken and unspoken rules and positions regarding popular culture in preschool practice?? What are the risks and benefits when including popular culture in preschool, according to the educators?In this qualitative study four educators from different preschools have been interviewed. The preschools take as a starting point different educational philosofies.

Karaktärer & Protagonisten

Protagonist är ett starkt ord inom filmbranschen. Det är oftast denna karaktär som ställs i rampljuset när en film ska lanseras. Vi har i detta kandidatarbete fokuserat på protagonisten och dennes utveckling beroende på vad som händer honom/henne i filmen. Protagonisternas resor kan vara väldigt lika trots att genren och berättelsen är olika. Därför har vi även lagt tyngd på monomytens hjälteresa där Star Wars är ett tydligt exempel.

Ett kommunikationssystem för fiberoptisk överföring av bilddata förvärvad av en miniatyriserad undervattensfarkost

This report describes the development and implementation of a system for transmitting digital information at high speeds from a miniaturized submersible developed by the Ångström Space Technology Centre at Uppsala University. For instance, the vehicle shall transmit image data ? even stream live video - through an optical fibre to a monitor in a ground station. Hence, the system shall be used both to convert the image data to make it transmittable, and to recreate it at the receiver.The work includes a pre-study of the programming language and the technology used. A concept for the solution is presented together with main components later broken down into internal functions.

Vår beredskap är god : folkbibliotekets beredskap inför framtiden

Our state of emergency is good - is the public library prepared for the future?Our state of emergency is good! These are the words spoken by Prime Minister Per Albin Hansson in 1939. He claimed that Sweden had nothing to fear from a future war, we were safe. Today we know it was not so. Is this the situation for Swedish public library of today? Is the public library ready to face the future, or is it only fancy words?We have to form the future, not let the future form us.

Religionsfrihet i Sverige : En studie om högstadielärare i religions tolkning av skolans icke-konfessionalitet

The purpose of this thesis is to identify power structures and instruments of power within the Jehovah?s witnesses and investigate how they affect the baptized youths baptized within the organization. The material consists of qualitative in-depth interviews and is analyzed with Foucault's theories of power. The results show that the participants have a very strict relationship to the rules of the congregation and also that they take great care in observing these rules carefully. It becomes evident that young members are exposed to disciplinary measures from the organization.

Ett inkluderande landskap? : etniska relationer och erfarenheter på odlingslotter

The aim for this essay is to adress questions concering ethnic and cultural experiences and in what way it affects our experience of being in different landscapes. By studying how ethnic experiences are expressed in the landscape and the ongoing process of interaction between them, this essay sets out to discuss the significance of cultural aspects in the landscape. The perspective of this essay is that both landscape and ethnicity can be viewed as something constructed which is shaped and maintained by ongoing interactions in the landscape.While examples are taken from different parts of the western world, the main focus is to study how these experiences take place and are being negotiatiated in a particular landscape, an allotment area outside Malmö, Sweden.In the first part it is shown how the landscape can be read as a landscape of powerrelations and how these relations are related to ethnic experiences.In the next chapter the discussion concerns whether we can talk about different ?ethnic landscapes?. Research suggest that the use and perception of the landscape differs among ethnic groups.

Silikonprodukter för vardagsbruk

The aim of this thesis is to practice the theoretical methods that are concerned during the product development process of two new products. The theoretical concepts that embody the two products are created out of a product specification which is given by a commissioner with a private interest. The primary tasks of the design of the concepts are aimed on the products shape, which is to be created as a flexible structure by using silicon rubber as material.The storage box is a further development of the already known food storage box, or lunch box, which is common used in consumer kitchens. The main idea is to design a flexible product by using silicone rubber. It will able the storage box to be compressed when it is not used, be storage friendly and not consume more space than necessary in a storage compartment.

Stadsanalys av Luleå centrum: förutsättningar och förslag till åtgärder för en levande stadskärna

2008 antog kommunfullmäktige i Luleå kommun en vision för kommunens utveckling fram till år 2050. Visionen beskriver en önskad riktning och ska ligga till grund för fortsatt arbete med en ny översiktsplan för kommunen och stadskärnan. I Vision 2050 beskrivs Luleå stadskärna som en livfull plats hela dygnet som präglas av en mångfald av arbetsplatser, handel, bostäder och nöjen. Utgångspunkten för det här examensarbetet är att studera och analysera Luleå centrums förutsättningar och möjligheter för en stadskärna med en mångfald av verksamheter som inbjuder till rörelse och vistelse i det offentliga rummet. Analyserna baseras på observationer och inventeringar av utredningsområdet och på intervjuer med fem personer samt en Space syntax analys utifrån tre olika metoder för analys.

Arkitektonisk kvalitet med fokus på skönhet ? En fallstudie av hyresgästers betalningsvilja för skönhet i Garnisonen

In the Real Estate market there are a large number of commercial properties with offices. As acompany or business you are faced with many decisions when choosing your office space.This bachelor thesis examines the concept of architectural quality with focus on beauty and itsvalue for office tenants. The ambition is to find out if beauty is a decisive factor in theselection of office and if there is a willingness to pay for it.The selected question is studied in a case study of Garnisonen where tenants, a propertyowner and an architect are interviewed, all with connection to the examination object.Garnisonen is well suited as a case study because it is Stockholm's largest office complexwith buildings from three different architectural eras. Tenants in the survey represent allarchitectural styles and have different industry affiliation.As a theoretical framework a literature study is presented where the importance of beauty forthe individual, the built environment and society are treated, and also how the office can beused for branding purposes. The interviewees? views of beauty and their opinions on beauty atwork in Garnisonen are presented in the results.

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