

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 13 av 77

Rumsbaserad bangenerering : En jämförelse av procedurella tekniker

Procedural Content Generation innebär att spelinnehåll genereras automatiskt för att dels minska arbetsbelastningen hos designers men också för att öka variationen i spel. Ett användningsområde för detta är rumsbaserad bangenerering där banor byggs upp av fördefinierade rum. Målet med det här arbetet var att implementera och jämföra tre olika algoritmer som kan åstadkomma detta; Binary Space Partitioning, Shortest path och en evolutionär algoritm. De kriterier som algoritmerna utvärderades på var tidseffektivitet, variation och möjligheten att nå alla rum. Resultatet visade att Binary Space Partitioning och Shortest path var de två algoritmer som var bäst lämpade att användas i ett spel där genereringen ska ske under körtiden.

Odefinierade rum i bebyggd miljö : en begreppsstudie

Syftet med studien är att presentera olika begrepp med definitioner för odefinierade rum i bebyggd miljö. Rum som blivit över eller bortglömda i stadsplanering, övergivna och förfallna områden eller rum som saknar en känsla av identitet. Olika författare med olika bakgrund presenterar olika begrepp och definitioner för dessa rum. Genom litteraturstudier undersöks nio relevanta begrepp från publicerad litteratur. De undersöks utifrån frågor som behandlar författarens ursprung, verkets publiceringsår, begreppets definition, exempel som ges på odefinierade rum, hur rummen uppkommit samt hur de enligt författaren bör behandlas i planering.

Multi-use arena i Sollentuna

A place that mixes different kind of uses of space. Two main theatres inside and a lot of smaller rooms for different venues. A methaphor the tide have strong impact of shaping the building.

Bangenerering för industrirobot med 6 frihetsgrader

This thesis studies path generation for industrial robots of six degrees of freedom. A path is defined by connection of simple geometrical objects like arcs and straight lines. About each point at which the objects connect, a region, henceforth called a zone, is defined in which deviation from the defined path is permitted. The zone allows the robot to follow the path at a constant speed, but the acceleration needed may vary. Some means of calculating the zone path as to make the acceleration continuous will be presented.

Odefinierade platser i staden : med studie i Söderälje

The purpose of this master thesis is to attract attention to the undefined spaces of our urban landscape and emphasize the need of these spaces in the city. The different values of these spaces are here clearly presented so that they can be considered when real estate developers show a particular interest in any one of these undefined spaces. The term undefinied spaces can mean a lot of things. The spaces that I now choose to define as undefined spaces are neither planned nor designed. It could for instance be a piece of leftover land in between two residential areas, or as times change, a formerly planned area might be forgotten and left to its own.

Att lyssna noga - Analys och omgestaltningsförslag för Kungsplanområdet i Karlskrona

Arbetet handlar om analys av staden och behandlar frågan om hur man kan analysera staden på ett så heltäckande sätt som möjligt. Jag har använt två olika analysmetoder: Realistisk stadsanalys och Finding lost space. Dessa två består i sin tur av flera mindre delar där olika infallsvinklar ges spelrum. Analysen ska leda fram till ett konkret planförslag, och arbetet behandlar därför hela analys- och designprocessen. Arbetet har organiserats utifrån en arbetsmetod med fyra steg: Historiska studier; Analys av stadens nuvarande rumsliga sammanhang; Syntes samt Planförslag. Hela analys- och designprocessen genomförs i en verklig stadsmiljö: området kring Kungsplan i centrala Karlskrona.

Samband mellan galtars sociala beteende, ätbeteende och resultat i stationsprövning :

Relationship between social behaviour, feeding behaviour and performance of boars using single-space feeders A study on the behavioural patterns of growing boars is presented. The study was preformed at Quality Genetics? boar testing station Månseryd in Sweden. The boars were purebred Yorkshire, Hampshire or Landrace, born in nine different nucleus farms. The study is based on two batches of boars, with 63 and 69 boars respectively.

Kan man minska bilåkandet i staden? : sett ur ett stadsplanerarperspektiv

The reason why this essay is written can be parted in two, whereas one would be the global trend of urbanization that occurs to this moment and forward, whereas the other would be the debate of how motorism has come to be an issue of sustainable management of our cities and our environment. In purpose to deliver a thorough understanding of how the car and its capacity has come to shape the society of today, and to emphasize the problems it´s brought, a historical survey has been made, followed by the report of problems to the society formed by the needs of the car, discussed in several environmental issues, such as jamming, noise and air pollution. This is followed by the discussion of potential solutions for how city planning could return to the focus of the human scale and perspective, in purpose to correspond with the issue of ways to decrease the car use in towns. In conclusion, the given solutions are discussed, where examples like shared space, investment in public transport, mobility management and the theory of the assembled city are included, with aid from literature, to finally conclude the essay with personal thoughts of how the planning of today, or the given solutions, really are the result of sustainability for city planning from a human perspective.

Med existensen i ett språkligt rum : Om relationen mellan språk och existens i Göran Tunströms roman Skimmer

Captured in the room of Göran Tunström?s spoken language, fenced behind his barrier of manic words. This essay is about the limit of language and world?s necessity to be spoken to be experience, about telling as a manufacturer of meaning and a subject?s motion between fiction and reality. Based on the novel Skimmer from 1996, my purpose is to identify ?a linguistic room? in Tunström?s narration and show how this room is given an existential character by its temporal and spatial dimensions.

Design och förädling av en liten och kustnära trädgård :

2. SUMMARY A small garden exposed to a harsh coastal climate can be difficult to design. Limitations in space and in plant varieties increase the needs of an in-depth knowledge to achieve wanted goals. In this degree project the challenge has been to create a functional and position adapted garden for a very small beach house lot in Mölle, a little harbour village at the south coast of Kullaberg. ?Villa Malm?, is situated directly on the bedrock in a close settlement where the gardens, in most cases are very small and exposed to strong salty winds.

Föreställningar om stadsomvandlingens Kiruna

Title in original language: Föreställningar om stadsomvandlingens KirunaLanguage of text: swedishNumber of pages: 106.

Hund lämnad ensam i bil :

This project was initiated by a desire to improve our knowledge about animal welfare. It is a part of a series of projects involving the way dogs are kept in today?s society. The aim of this project was to investigate the dog?s behaviour when left alone in a parked car.

Klättring i skolan : En studie om klättring som en del av den svenska idrottsundervisningen

AimThe aim of this essay is to investigate the possibility to exercise climbing within the framework of the physical education in the obligatory school. We investigated how physical education teachers think about exercising climbing in school and how the Swedish Climbing Association is working to reach out to schools.MethodA questionnaire was sent out to 81 schools (Idrottshögskolans partner schools) in suburban Stockholm, which corresponds to 10% of the total amount of schools in that area. A mail interview was also made with a representative for the Swedish Climbing Association who also represented a local climbing association, to collect information about how they worked with schools and youth.ResultsWe have not found anything in the steering documents against exercising climbing during physical education. There are obstacles for exercising climbing during physical education, a wall for climbing is very expensive and the schools have a lack of space for this wall. The results from the questionnaire showed that 76% of all the schools that did not have a wall for climbing wanted to have one.

Till en älskad vän : materia och objekt som medier för överföring

With self-hypnosis as a method, I work with levels of consciousness in relation to practice. Focus lies in the relation between a language of materials and an inner experience. How do material expressions function as mediums of a spiritual matter between a beholder and me? The trance functions as a space for a spiritual contact/communication. Abstract images of crystalline glaze on ceramic tiles are direct results of these acts.

Civila samhället, organisatorisk autonomi och politisk utveckling i Ryssland

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union a lot of hope has been put on civil society to help develop Russia into a more democratic society. This study explores the constructive elements in the relationship between civil society and the state in Russia, and how this enables the work toward political development. By using Julie Fishers theory about political development and organisational autonomy I discuss the varying and often complex ways in which civil society and the state interacts. These are often not mentioned in the liberal tradition, which believes that civil society's most important democratic function is to act as a watchdog for the state.There is very limited political space for NGO's in authoritative Russia. The existing oppositional NGO's are important for the political development, but they are few and their impacts on society are limited.

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