

1148 Uppsatser om Referential space - Sida 12 av 77

?Stå mellan hyllorna och kramas? : bibliotekariers attityder till ungdomars biblioteksanvändning och läsning

The aim of this thesis is to investigate the attitudes of librarians towards young people's approaches to libraries and reading. The study also includes statements of the young as regards their own library usages and reading habits, as well as the attitudes of youth leaders. The latter are compared to the statements of librarians, and serve as referential frameworks. 28 interviews were performed, of which 22 with young people. The interviews and the following discussion were based on five themes; the library as a room, usages of the library, reading habits, the library as an institution, and library changes and developments.

Att göra stad. Om demokrati och deltagande i det offentliga rummet

Malmö has often been described as a segregated city, with relatively low democratic participation and high poverty and alienation. Behind this kind of statements we often find a material reality, with unequal distribution of assets and potentials that needs to be taken into consideration for political action. At the same time this categorisation of people into different groups can take stigmatising effects and result in increased inequality.I find the theoretical basis for my thesis in Lefebvre?s writings on ?the right to the city?, that shortly means that all inhabitants of a city have the right to take active part in the constantly ongoing process of producing and reproducing the city ? on all levels, from a hands-on everyday life level to a more abstract political level.With an interdisciplinary approach, where the right to the city is discussed in relation to citizenship, presence, representation and public space, I try to understand the connections between democracy, participation, justice and equality. These discussions are then applied to examples from Malmö; both publically initiated projects and individual physical markings in the city.

Olika källor, samma islam? : En innehållsanalys av porträtteringen av islam och muslimer i läromedel och tidningsartiklar.

The purpose of this study was to investigate how Islam and Muslims are portrayed a) in results from studies on Swedish teaching materials, and b) in articles in Swedish media newspapers. The study was conducted through two separate studies. In the first study, five previous research reports on how Islam and Muslims are portrayed in Swedish teaching materials were analysed in order to discern the main results regarding the portrayal of Islam and Muslims. In the second study, newspaper articles from 11 Swedish newspapers were analysed in order to discern which central themes emerge in the description of Muslims and Islam in said newspaper articles, as well as which properties and features are attributed to Muslims and Islam in the articles studied. In both studies, the data was analysed inductively through a qualitative content analysis.

Att lyssna noga : Analys och omgestaltningsförslag för Kungsplanområdet i Karlskrona

Arbetet handlar om analys av staden och behandlar frågan om hur man kan analysera staden på ett så heltäckande sätt som möjligt. Jag har använt två olika analysmetoder: Realistisk stadsanalys och Finding lost space. Dessa två består i sin tur av flera mindre delar där olika infallsvinklar ges spelrum. Analysen ska leda fram till ett konkret planförslag, och arbetet behandlar därför hela analys- och designprocessen. Arbetet har organiserats utifrån en arbetsmetod med fyra steg: Historiska studier; Analys av stadens nuvarande rumsliga sammanhang; Syntes samt Planförslag.

Skalans betydelse vid utformning av stadsrum

When one experiences a place, it is a complex composition of both social and spatial factors.One of these spatial elements, is scale, which is influenced both by the room size and itsproportions. This paper aims to explore both large and small scale concepts and thus increasethe understanding of how scale directly and indirectly affects the experiences and uses ofurban space.First, is a theoretical discussion of scale in relation to aesthetics and the differencesbetween real scale and perceived scale. Next, is an analysis of spatial perception usingexamples from two existing sites. One, which is understood to have been planned in a largescale and one which is understood to have been planned in a small scale.When preparing this paper, the focus quickly became the importance of scale as itrelates to street spaces. The perception of a street usually takes place while in motion, whichforces it to be perceived in sections.

Det offentliga rummet: uppbyggnad och funktionella förutsättningar

I uppsatsen behandlas hur offentliga platser kan ge olika förutsättningar till användning beroende av deras fysiska utformning och i vilket sammanhang de återfinns i. Genom litteraturstudier av Sitte, Jacobs, Hall, Gehl, Whyte, Hillier, Marcus, Madanipour och Bell et al. undersöks några teorier inom områdena stadsplanering, miljöpsykologi och Space syntax. Av dessa framkommer att de faktorer som främst påverkar är; upplevelsen av platsbildning, skalnivåns påverkan av upplevd aktivitetsnivå, platsens integration i förhållande till övriga platser i staden och till omgivande kvarter, upplevelse av trygghet och kontroll, samt möjligheten till frivilliga och sociala aktiviteter. Platsens territoriella tydlighet har betydelse för hur olika målgrupper kan använda sig av den, men också för hur hierarkin mellan olika användningsområden blir. Torghandel förändrar temporärt integrationsvärdena i en stadsstruktur eftersom siktlinjer och framkomlighet förändras.

Konstnärligt intrång : om att hävda sin rätt till plats i det offentliga stadsrummet

?Claiming the right to space? is an argument frequently used by street artists for justifying illegal art in the public space. The public city space as a room of democracy and right to free speech is by some people considered threatened by commercial interests, and street art has become a way to demonstrate disapproval towards this. Street art is illegal and often anonymously performed in our cities. It developed in the late 1970s from the urban graffiti scene in America, and has therefore a lot in common with the graffiti movement.

Less depth is more eller Rutnätet som utgångspunkt för en strukturplan

Arbetet har syftat till att fallstudiepröva rutnätskonfigurationen som grund för en strukturplan med avsikt att möjliggöra en övergripande strategi för utbyggnad av ett exploateringsområde..

Folkbiblioteket och individualiseringen. En diskursanalytisk studie.

The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyze the relation between the discursive formation and the optical formation in the public library-apparatus. An ongoing individualization process in the library field and in society at large is used as a backdrop in the analysis. Discourse analysis is used as a method to explore the main Swedish library periodicals Biblioteksbladet, Bibliotek i Samhälle and DIK-forum. All issues from the years 1999 and 2009 have been used as material. The main analytical instruments applied in the analysis of this material are Michel Foucault's terms dispositive, apparatus and diagram.

Space of Engagement En undersökning om den territoriella dynamiken i Skåne

I denna fallstudie av Region Skåne undersöks uppkomsten av nya forum för samarbete i samband med regionbildning. För att undersöka detta använder vi oss av tre politiskgeografiska begrepp. I Skåne har kommunerna delats upp i fyra samverkansorgan i vart och ett av regionens fyra hörn, detta för att kunna hävda de egna intressena gentemot regionen. Kommunerna i varje hörn har olika grad av beroende till regionen och undersökningen visar att ju större beroendet är desto mer integrerat blir samarbetet inom det egna samverkansorganet.För att skapa en förståelse för ämnet ges en kort presentation av hur regionaliseringsprocessen har sett ut i Europa, Sverige och Skåne. Materialet till analysen utgörs främst av intervjuer och rapporter där vi fokuserar på tillväxt- och utvecklingsfrågor.

Public Plays : offentlig arena för aktivitet

This project is a contribution in the debate of sustainable city planning. The conceptual ideas in this project can be used on many places and are here applyed on the center of Nacka, outside of Stockholm. The essay is based on an entry in the competition Europan 9, advertised by Europan in collaboration with the municipality of Nacka. The theme of the competition is ?sustainable city and public space?. The discussion of the sustainable city is a very wide subject which needs to be narrowed to suite the context of Nacka.

Den närvarande pedagogen : en empirisk undersökning av förskolepedagogens förhållningssätt till den fria leken

In this empirical study I have investigated how preschool teachers relate to the free play at the preschool. At the same time I have investigated how the free play is adapted into everyday practice in the preschool. Previous research shows that children process what they experienced in the free play. The child retrieves content to play with through things they have experienced, such as family life, preschool and so on. To play, grow and continue, it is important that free play may take place and space in the daily activities at the preschool.

Stadens vardagsrum - ett kreativ och inspirerande rum

Arbetet ifrågasätter hur torg ser ut och används idag. Detvisar på och diskuterar hur torg skulle kunna se ut ochanvändas i framtiden. Torget representerar ett exempel påen plats och ett rum i staden, vilket också fungerar somavgränsning för arbetet. För att nå fram till målet av arbetet genomfördes en litteraturstudie, samtal med bland annat gestaltare av och i det off entliga rummet, samt analyser av exempelplatser. Litteraturstudien fokuserade på ?torget i staden?och ?människan i stadsrummet?.

Rum och plats för datorer på folkbibliotek : En kvalitativ fallstudie

This master thesis was written in the purpose to study how the location and access to computers in the physical realm of the public library reflects the undergoing changes in the public libraries role in Swedish society. This study is done in a form of a case study of three small public libraries. All of them were in the process of transforming both their physical and virtual space. The thesis focuses on where in the library the computers are placed and how their location interacts with the libraries main tasks. It also focuses on the analysis of the relationship between these two elements and how that relationship reflects the alteration of the public libraries place in society.

Self-organizing maps ? en atlas över informationsrymden

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how semantic relations in a document collection can be visualized with a Kohonen self-organizing map. It can be seen as a map of the information space which can be used to support information retrieval. The study makes a comparison of the possible differences between a map that is based on morphologically unprocessed text and a map where the text has been lemmatized. The text that is being processed is the definitions of all the existing instances in WordNet of a random selection of indexing terms from the Times-collection. The purpose is to see if morphological processing somehow can show different semantic connections between term instances based on their definitions.

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