325 Uppsatser om Red-list - Sida 10 av 22
Anpassning av VOD-tjänster för breda barnmålgrupper : EN ANVÄNDBARHETSUTVÄRDERING AV BARNPLAY UTIFRÅN MÅLGRUPPEN 3-11 ÅR
This thesis contains a usability evaluation of ?Barnplay?, a Swedish video-on-demand service targeted at children. The objective of the study was to identify usability issues in the video service and to develop measures on improving the user interface, with special focus on adaptation to the broad target group of 3-11 year olds.The study was conducted by first mapping established practices in designs of VOD-services targeted at children, followed by interviews and usability tests with children between 2-11 concerning their use of ?Barnplay?. Based on the initial data collection, a prototype was developed and then evaluated by usability testing and A/B-testing.The main conclusion of the study is the need of better individual adjustment of the video content selection to better appeal to different age segments within the target group.
Husdeklaration av Stadiums nya distributionscentral
The distributioncentral of Stadium has an area of 31,6 acre and is being build in Herstadberg in the region of Norrköping. It is Mattssons Fastighetsutveckling (Mattssons Real-estate development) who also has ordered the building. They will also take care of the operation and support of the distributioncentral. Peab has got the assignment as a total contractor and it is for them I have done my degree project.I have been drawing-up a description of the goods in the distributioncenter. In the declaration a description of the goods will be found, there substance for all the materials that has been built in to the building describes.
Att göra det osynliga synligt : sökmotoroptimering (SEO) av en webbsajt
A webpage can be perfectly usable but if users are unable to find the webpage it will remain unused. Nine out of ten Swedes use a search engine and the most popular one is Google, amongst other search engines. In this report I seek to answer which ranking factors that should be included in an SEO-audit of an existing webpage and also how to optimize a webpage for search engines. Applying the method heuristic evaluation normally used to discover usability issues in an existing interface, on TT News Agency?s campaign site I found issues having a negative impact on the visibility in Search Engines Page Results.
Kartläggning och analysering av initieringsprocessen : En fallstudie utförd hos Teknikgruppen för RV2012 på Sandvik AB
This thesis has been carried out to the Technology Group at industrial plant Tube Mill2012, which belongs to the Sandvik AB. Technology Group is a unit that takes care ofall requirements and suggestions regarding investigations, test runs and designmodifications. The main objective is to identify and analyze the existing initializationprocess to see where improvement opportunities exist and to come up withsuggestions for improvement, supported by previous research and literature. Anextensive literature search and case study has been conducted to provide a solidfoundation to refer to during the work. Completing the interviews and the workshopgave a clear picture of their unstructured work and approach, how the lowrequirements on the received orders caused problems for the group as well as thelack of a standardized resource allocation method provides major delay factors.Solution proposal then became a very easy process model in five steps with all theinformation gathered in one place.
Kultur - hinder och möjlighet : En studie om ensamkommande flyktingbarns möte med en ny kultur
The aim with this essay was that on the basis of the care staff?s interpretations study how the unaccompanied refugee children consider cultural differences in the Swedish society and how it influenced the children. The study was carried out through six qualitative interviews with care workers at a municipal group accommodation for unaccompanied refugee children in the south of Sweden. The individual interviews were semi-structured and built on a list of questions with different subjects that were linked to the aim and question formulation for the essay. The analysis was carried out from Lazarus theory about coping and Antonovsky?s theory about ?SOC?, sense of coherence, with focus on the three components, comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness.
I väntan på en ny njure : Individens upplevelse
Kronisk njursvikt ökar varje år och vid terminal njurinsufficiens ses njurtransplantation som förstaval av behandling. Behovet av donerade njurar är större än tillgången, vilket leder till en lång väntan för individen. Studiens syfte var att beskriva individers upplevelser i väntan på en njurtransplantation. Metoden var en litteraturstudien där tio vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och analyserades. I analysen framkom tre teman som utgjorde resultatet: behandling för att överleva där dialysbehandlingen sågs som en begränsning i livet och gjorde det svårt att leva som dem gjort tidigare, känna hopp där en transplantation var något att hoppas på, ett sätt att ta sig ur dialysen och få tillbaka sitt gamla liv, samt känna hopplöshet där rädsla för att njurtransplantationen aldrig skulle bli av och känslor av att vara på is i väntan uppkom.
VARFÖR ERBJUDA POPULÄRMUSIK PÅ FOLKBIBLIOTEK? En studie av hur folkbiblioteken i Sverige och Danmark önskar tillhandahålla populärmusik och i vilka syften
This master thesis is written in the purpose to discover which attitudes the public libraries in Sweden and Denmark have towards offering popular music to their patrons, how they motivates their choices and why they make the choices they make. The essay focuses on the differences and similarities between the Swedish and Danish libraries and relates their attitudes to the Finnish researcher Sanna Taljas three discourses regarding music policies in libraries.We examined this by sending out a question sheet to public libraries in Sweden and Denmark, the questions were regarding popular music's place in the library and how they build up their music collection. The question sheets were sent out to a total of 116 libraries of which 46 were Danish.The conclusions we drew after our examination were that Danish and Swedish public libraries have a lot in common in the way they regard and distribute popular music in the public libraries. Both of the respondent groups puts user demand high on the priority list as well as having a collection that holds significant works of many genres..
Institutet för språk och folkminnen : En arkivförteckning för teckenspråksmaterial som överlåtits av Sveriges Dövas Riksförbund
This thesis at the Institute for Language and Folklore has as its purpose to lay a foundation for a continuinginventory work. The tasks I have performed during my time there was to create an archival description, anintroduction to the material and a process map showing the process of incoming delivery of documents. The aimwas never to finish the list of work, but to structure the material to get an insight into the material and to theproblems that existed within. The documents are of a very unique nature and require that the archivist is familiarwith and have knowledge of sign language. One of the problems I encountered was how fragmented the materialwas.
Nulagesanalys av svensk e-handel. En undersokning om hur tjanster anvands av foretag for at bemota kundkrav
The Swedish e-commerce has been established for about 25 years, with strong growth from the millennium onwards. The companies that are active within it has many different backgrounds. Mail order companies were some of the early adaptors but today it is also common for companies to first create the e-commerce part of the business, before opening a store. A long list of companies has over the years come and gone, the rotation of the e-shops that are popular have constantly changed. We asked ourselves why.We wanted to get an understanding of the Swedish e-commerce, both from a business perspective and from a customer perspective.
EU-information : Studenters behov och sökning, EU:s informationsresurser
The aim of this master thesis was to examine the European Commission's information resources from a user perspective in order to clarify the needs and circumstances of the search of EU-information among students at Örebro University. 41 students participated in a survey, and four of them was interviewed. On the basis of Pendelton- and Chatmans theories of information behaviour in small worlds, it were assumed that the students' education and citizenship in the European Union affected their needs and the search of EU information.The study showed that the students needs for EU-related information has increased, with the current education, but also been linked to earlier educations. The students Citizens need were mainly associated with elections such as the EMU-election, but also in some cases to a need of the general knowledge.A review of the European Commission's information resources were made with an emphasis on European Documentation Centre, EDC. The survey showed that most students used the EDC and the EU-databases that was made available by the European Commission through the EDC and the university library but were not aware that they used EDC.The survey also showed that students made use of familiar sources and resources when they searched the EU-information, such as the library's regular database list, the library catalogue and search engine on the internet are not requested of other resources.
"Jag bara tar ur skafferiet det som passar..." : En undersökning av hur lärare och barnbibliotekarier arbetar med skönlitteratur på lågstadiet
The aim of this thesis was to investigate the methods used by teachers and childrens' librarians concerning their work with fiction at the junior school level. Based on a series of qualitative interviews and by compiling a list of short summaries of literature relevant to our thesis we wished to reflect on the manner in which the respondents see themselves in their teaching roles.We also wanted to discover what problems they had in their work and what visions they held for the future. The methods used by the teachers were mainly: reading- both aloud and individually, process-oriented writing, use of fiction in thematic studies and dramatization. The teachers' aspirations for the future included a centrally situated school library and further education in children's literature. The teachers take the needs of their pupils as a starting point and build on these needs - using many years of literary teaching experience as a foundation."Booktalks" for the children and intermediaries (teachers ...)and education in books and library systems are the childrens' librarians main literaturepedagogic methods.
Implementering av PostgreSQL som databashanterare för MONITOR
Monitors affärssystem MONITOR är under ständig utveckling och i och med detta ville man kolla upp huruvida PostgreSQL skulle kunna användas som DBMS istället för det nuvarande; Sybase SQL Anywhere. Examensarbete har därför bestått av en jämförelse hur PostgreSQL står sig jämte andra DBMS:er, en implementering utav en PostgreSQLdatabas som MONITOR arbetar mot samt ett prestandatest utav skapandet av databasen.I många avseenden verkar PostgreSQL vara ett alternativ till SQL Anywhere;Alla datatyper finns i båda dialekterna.Backup av data finns i olika utföranden och går att automatisera.Enkelt att installera och uppdatera.Ingen licensieringskostnad existerar.Support finns tillgänglig i olika former.Dock så är inte PostgreSQL ett bra DBMS att byta till i dagsläget då systemet inte fungerade på grund av att vissa uttryck inte översattes ordentligt samt att ingen motsvarighet till LIST existerar. Ännu större är dock problemet med tiden det tar att flytta data till en PostgreSQL-databas då det inte är intressant att lösa problem med funktioner i systemet om det ändå inte går att använda på grund utav att konvertering av data tar så lång tid som det gör..
This master thesis was initiated with the aim to answer at what level of installed capacity of wind power in the northern parts of Sweden it would be beneficial to improve the transmission capacity from the northern Sweden. During the process of this work the aim has changed to try and create a model that can be used to analyze how well the hydro power installed in the northern Sweden can even out the quick changes in wind power production.To create a good model of all hydro power in northern Sweden is a very large job, unfortunately too large for a master thesis. This report therefore ends with an extensive analysis of the simplifications that have been made and their effects as well as a list of the future work that has to be done.The model that has been created have shown to be effective and produce good results. The conclusions that can be made is that the northern Swedish hydro power have very good possibilities to balance the wind power production. Only a few cases where water have been spilled even though there has been some free capacity has been discovered.
Utveckling och utvärdering av gränssnitt : En gränssnittsprototyp för design av t-shirtar
This thesis project is based on a business idea where users can design their own t-shirt online. The project shows the first step in the development process where a prototype for a user interface is created and evaluated.The purpose of this thesis project is to answer the following question:How does one develop a user interface for t-shirt design with consideration to interaction design theories?In order to answer this question the design process began with scheduling the work at hand. The first step was to build a conceptual model based on specifications made prior to this project. This conceptual model became the foundation for the physical design.A high fidelity prototype was created using Macromedia Flash and Actionscript 2.0.
Implementering av PostgreSQL som databashanterare för MONITOR
Monitors affärssystem MONITOR är under ständig utveckling och i och med detta ville man kolla upp huruvida PostgreSQL skulle kunna användas som DBMS istället för det nuvarande; Sybase SQL Anywhere. Examensarbete har därför bestått av en jämförelse hur PostgreSQL står sig jämte andra DBMS:er, en implementering utav en PostgreSQLdatabas som MONITOR arbetar mot samt ett prestandatest utav skapandet av databasen.I många avseenden verkar PostgreSQL vara ett alternativ till SQL Anywhere;Alla datatyper finns i båda dialekterna.Backup av data finns i olika utföranden och går att automatiseraEnkelt att installera och uppdatera.Ingen licensieringskostnad existerar.Support finns tillgänglig i olika former.Dock så är inte PostgreSQL ett bra DBMS att byta till i dagsläget då systemet inte fungerade på grund av att vissa uttryck inte översattes ordentligt samt att ingen motsvarighet till LIST existerar. Ännu större är dock problemet med tiden det tar att flytta data till en PostgreSQL-databas då det inte är intressant att lösa problem med funktioner i systemet om det ändå inte går att använda på grund utav att konvertering av data tar så lång tid som det gör..