

260 Uppsatser om Recruitment - Sida 15 av 18

Directing Consultants' Effort -A Study of Four Staffing Companies

Background and discussion of the problem: In the staffing company business a unique situation exists because of the three part relation between the staffing company, the users of the staffing companies? services, and the consultants employed by the staffing company. To over bridge the conflicting objectives of the staffing company and the consultant incentive systems are designed. Research question: What effects on the consultants? effort direction do the staffing managers expect of the formal or informal incentive system? Method: The authors have found that a suitable method for the thesis is a survey study.

Vilken roll spelar sociala medier vid rekrytering? : En undersökning om bakgrundskontroller via sociala medier ur ett arbetsgivarperspektiv

I dagsläget har sociala medier fått en större roll i rekryteringsprocessen. Genom en induktiv ansats fokuserade denna forskning på att urskilja vilken roll sociala medier spelar då arbetsgivare bakgrundsgranskar arbetssökande. Undersökningen inriktade sig mot vad arbetsgivare tittade på samt i vilken utsträckning de lät sig påverkas av informationen i sina beslutsfattanden. Totalt intervjuades åtta personer inom personalyrket. I resultatet lyftes bland annat ett etiskt perspektiv med olika dilemman så som generationsskillnader och människosyn samt egen kritisk förmåga.

Skogsvårdsentreprenörer i norra Norrland 2009 : företagsbeskrivning och analys av kompetensens betydelse för planteringsresultat

The number of silvicultural contractors has significantly increased in the last decades, and among its main clients are the forest companies. The purpose with this study was to describe the contractors that worked with planting in Norrbotten and Västerbotten in 2009 for Holmen Skog, Norra Skogsägarna, SCA Skog and Sveaskog and also examine if there was any correlation between the contractors? competence and the quality in the planting they achieved. A survey was made among 47 contractors with a questionnaire who performed planting for the forestry companies in 2009. 27 contractors answered the questionnaire and 4 representatives of these contracting companies took part in an extensive interview.

Manligt och kvinnligt ledarskap inom byggbranschen : Skillnader och likheter mellan manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper i en mansdominerad bransch

In the construction industry the number of female managers is very low, only four percent (SCB, 2010). In fact, women with management positions has risen by six percentage overall, the last seven years (SCB, 2010). If women in managerial positions continue to grow at this rate, the proportion of women managers will be equal to that of male managers in 2033. More women are needed in the maledominated construction industry in particular because it is deemed that they have a different way of thinking and acting (Granér, 1994). Nelton (1991) believes that companies can take advantage of female managers to be more competitive on the market, the reason why is because women can see other possibilities when solving problems. Rapacioli (2010) argues that the Recruitment of women into management positions not only benefits the individual itself but also the company. We have used a qualitative study with a deductive approach. Six respondents from the same company were interviewed, two of them have management positions and the other four were underemployed.The research question of this paper is: What differences and similarities are seen between male and female leadership in terms of their characteristics in the construction industry?The purpose of this paper is to examine similarities and differences in leadership in the construction industry where the focus is on the female and male characteristics. To fulfill our purpose we chose a qualitative study. We have interviewed six respondents at one company in the construction industry. Two of the six respondents have management positions and the remaining four are employed. In this paper we have concluded that there are some differences and similarities between men and women´s leadership in terms of their characteristics.

En kartläggning av kompetenskraven på Sport managers

The purpose of this study is to survey which competences and personal qualities the labour market, for students with examination from the Coaching and Sport management education at Vaxjo University, require. Furthermore I want to find out if the employees, videlicet the ex students, consider that their competences differentiate in relation to other employees in the organization which not have this education.In the study a qualitative investigation method has been used where ten interviews have been implemented. The interviews have been carried out within five conceivable work areas to a student with examination from the Coaching and Sport management education at Vaxjo University. The work areas are sports association, sports union, municipal activity with sport and leisure time connection, company with health care connection and company without any kind of sport connection. Five of the persons being interviewed are ex students that now are employees within any of the elected work areas.

Krav på utbildaren : Framtida krav på utbildaren efter införandet av kontraktsanställning av soldater

Försvarsmakten får fler och svårare uppgifter att lösa i framtiden. Internationella insatser blir en allt större del av Försvarsmaktens verksamhet. Konflikterna i insatsområdena är komplexa och kräver att Försvarsmakten har välutbildade officerare och soldater. Samtidigt strävar Försvarsmakten efter att ha förband redo att sättas in och genomföra insats på kort varsel. Detta har medfört att Försvarsmakten i framtiden kommer rekrytera soldater på frivillig grund och det innebär att värnplikten avskaffas.

En ny modell för att stärka kommunikation och samverkan mellan universitet och näringsliv

As a result of today`s competitive situation, the demand on the rapid development of research has increased. Both universities and companies are realizing the importance of a functioning and well-developed cooperation. A close collaboration and communication between universities and the business community has in many studies been shown to be very important for business development and knowledge transfer. The purose was to examine how communication and collaboration between universities and industry can be developed and strenghthen on the basis of innovative thinking. In order to initially identify the perceived problems the authors studied how communication and cooperation manifests itslelf today between the two parties, what does not work and how the existing tools for communication and collaboration look like today.

Lätt räknat : En utbildningssociologisk studie av matematiklärarstudenters sociala ursprung och utbildningskapital

A change has occurred in terms of Recruitment to teacher education. From having been an educationof high status and reputation, a reduced application rate has led to lower admission requirementsand thus that students with much lower educational qualifications entering, which in turn means thatthe education status and reputation have been reduced significantly. Mathematics, on the other hand,has always been a topic of high status and reputation. Although there are few students who chooseto study to be a mathematics teacher. By conducting a survey of students on teacher educationtoday, both with mathematics and other approaches, I wanted to get answers to my questions aboutwhat influences students' choice of education: who are the students studying to be teachers inmathematics? Do they distinguish themselves from the student teachers who studies to be teachersin other subject specializations? Pierre Bourdieu's sociological ideas about cultural capitaltransmitted from parent to child constitute the theoretical framework of the study.Early in the study, I noticed that there is a difference between students studying to be a teacher inpreschool, primary or middle school and them studying to be a teacher in secondary and highschool, especially in terms of the mathematics student teachers.

Tjänstemarknadsföring inom fastighetsförmedling : en studie av Fastighetsbyråns förmedling av lantbruksfastigheter

Services, no matter if they are established on the market or not, are often problematic since they are difficult to define for the customer. An example of such services is an real estate agent offers his or her service when it comes to all types of real estate. The purpose of the intermediation is to sell a costumers real estate to a buyer and act arbitrator between the two parties, this means that good communication is very important. To pin down what the service is all about and to know how to communicate is essential. When it comes to land and forest holding a special need of knowledge and experience is needed to be able to act professionally.

Lokaliseringsutredning för nytt hotell i Sandvikens tätort med stöd av multikriterieanalys

The municipality of Sandviken is in a state of strong growth. This affects the need for more hotel rooms in Sandviken, in a way that it?s profitable to invest in a new hotel. Sandvikens largest company, the steal industry Sandvik AB, grows just like Sandviken, and have great influence on the need of more hotel rooms. Today there are three hotels placed in Sandviken, and these hotels aren?t enough when the pressure of hotel guests is at its top.The purpose with the project was to analyse the criteria?s that are important for localization of a new hotel in the Sandviken, and to clarify what kind of hotel Sandviken is in need of.

Blivande folkskollärare : En social rekryteringsstudie av inskrivna män vid Karlstads folkskollärarseminarium

The main purpose of this essay is to interpret possible pattern in social extraction, among future male elementary school teachers, at Karlstads elementary school teachers seminar over time. The questions that intend to concrete the purpose, and describe the possible pattern of social backgrounds are following; Where do the future male elementary school teachers come from? How the social recrutiment is divided in professional categorys, and is there any distinction in the pattern of social recrutiment over time? Which social groups were represented at Karlstads elementary school teachers seminar between the year of 1860-1940, and how they were divided.At the categorization of occupation, class- and social belongings I´ve used Sten Carlssons theory of professional categories (the social transformation in Sweden after 1866) which also was used by Kerstin Skog-Östlin in her dissertation Pedagogical control and authortity.The changes in the pattern of social Recruitment of male future elementary school teachers were following; the proportion of students with agricultural backgrounds has decreased between the year of 1860 and the turn of the century. Further there was a substantial reduction of students with agricultural backgrounds between the turn of the century and the year of 1940. Students with agricultural backgrounds had the lowest represented frequency according to the investigation.

Ombyggnation av ett stall för bundna mjölkkor till boxsystem för rekryteringskvigor

To reconstruct a building is a long-term investment for farmers and it is important that people with different qualifications are involved at an early stage for making the system adapted to the animals as well the animal keeper. Therefore, ethologists who can contribute with their expertise are needed to design the system and get it to function well for the animals.A Swedish farmer who planned to rebuild her stall for tied dairy cattle to a loose-housing system for Recruitment heifers for milk production asked me as an ethologist to find a system which can be fit to her existing tie-stall barn for 30 dairy cows, considering the animal needs in terms of movement, social interactions and play behaviors, and to theoretically compare the system with other systems with respect to the behaviors mentioned.The theoretical comparison between different systems was made through a scientific literature review.In agreement with the animal keeper I set out to fit a system with feeding cubicles, a system with cubicles and a system with deep straw bedding to the barn. After measurements were taken and preliminary drawings were outlined it was found that only the feeding cubicle system was possible to fit to the barn.The space provided will limit the animals to perform some playing behaviors. To decrease aggressive interactions between animals even thought a limiting area it is possible to provide partitions between resources animals compete around to prevent that more than one animal can get success to the resource at a particular place at one time. To increase the animal movement in the system the water trays were moved to the outer wall instead of kept in contact with the stalls.Although this report provides guidelines for rebuilding, other competences regarding building construction and a pre-test of the suggested building solution according to Swedish legislation are needed before the rebuilding can start.The results are directed mainly to the owner of the barn, but the literature review can be used by other cattle farmers and might bring increased understanding of the possible effects of different building solution on the animals..

Intresset för soldatanställning lokalt : En studie på gymnasieungdomar boende i en garnisonsort

Hotet mot Sveriges säkerhet ser idag annorlunda ut än för 20 år sedan. Därför har Försvarsmakten infört ett nytt personalförsörjningssystem av soldater byggt på frivillighet. De närmsta åren behöver organisationen rekrytera 3 250 kontinuerligt tjänstgörande och 4 650 tidvis tjänstgörande gruppbefäl, soldater och sjömän. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka hur gymnasieungdomar boende i en garnisonsort ställde sig till möjligheten att söka anställning som soldat i Försvarsmakten, både inom de lokala förbanden och inom övriga förband i Sverige. Studien skulle utvisa vilka gymnasieungdomar som kunde tänka sig en soldatanställning i hemorten vilket syftade till att ge en fingervisning för ungefär hur många man kunde tänkas rekrytera inom kommunen samt för att underlätta lokal rekrytering till soldatbefattningarna.

Viktigaste faktorerna för en anställning i Försvarsmakten : En undersökning av studerande och unga arbetandes attityder våren 2010

Den svenska Försvarsmakten står inför en stor omstrukturering, där de första anställda soldaterna är redo att ta anställning. I övriga Europa har liknande omstruktureringar från värnpliktsarméer till yrkesförsvar lett till problem med rekryteringen och svårigheter att behålla de anställda soldaterna. Det här arbetet genomför en undersökning på tre olika grupper (n=84), gymnasiestudenter, högskole och universitetsstudenter och unga arbetande, för att se vilka faktorer de anser är viktigast för att kunna tänka sig en anställning i Försvarsmakten. Gruppernas attityder till Försvarsmakten och hur de påverkar deras vilja till anställning har även undersökts. För att undersöka detta har en enkät använts.

Butikschefens tillvägagångssätt vid rekrytering och anställning. : Likheter och skillnader mellan kedja och privatägd butik

Rapportens undersökning beskriver de skillnader och likheter mellan kedjeägda och privatägda klädbutiker i Lidköping. En öppen intervju genomfördes med fem butikschefer i kedja och fem butikschefer/ägare i privatägd butik för att beskriva rekryteringsprocessen och kunskapsnivån om anställningsformerna, 4-6 §§ Lag (1982:80) om anställningsskydd (LAS). Personalen i en butik är en resurs som tillsammans med butikschefen/ägaren arbetar för att uppnå lönsamhet. Rätt personal är då betydelsefullt för arbetsgivaren och en felrekrytering kan bli kostsamt för företaget. En effektiv och strukturerad rekryteringsprocess leder till rätt person på rätt plats[1].

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