

260 Uppsatser om Recruitment - Sida 12 av 18

En myndighet i kraftig expansion - En kvalitativ studie om utmaningar med strategisk kompetensf?rs?rjning inom Kriminalv?rden

Purpose: The Swedish correctional service is on the brink of its biggest expansion in history, due to political investments related to battling a rise in gang related criminality. The purpose of this thesis is to exam and understand the strategic competence supply work from an employer perspective and investigate the elements included in the Swedish correctional service competence supply form a regional perspective. The study specifically focus on what strategies the Swedish correctional service employ to attract, recruit, develop and retain workforce. Theory: The theoretical framework of the study includes among others, a model divided into three different phases (within, in and out) within competence supply, the demand-control-support model, push and pull factors, as well as the two-factor theory. Method: This study has a qualitative approach with semi structured interview as its specific method. A total of seven interviews were conducted with personnel within the swedish correctional service. Results: The main challenges are related to Recruitment, staff retention, support of managers, and the fact that many correctional officers do not have time to complete their training before leaving. The latter is particularly significant are of concern.

Att nå blivande familjehem : En kvalitativ förstudie i hur Familjehemscentrum kan nå blivande familjehem

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine the different ways thatFamiljehemscentrum use to increase the number of families that show interest in takingcare of foster children. This thesis will examine which families are targeted by Familjehemscentrums present communication, which families they should target in thefuture and also the best way to do that. In order to answer these questions a number of interviews were conducted. The first interview was a group interview with three social workers that all work at Familjehemscentrum. Three more individual interviews were conducted with representatives from foster families to investigate how they were recruitedand what they think about being a foster family.

Organisationer emellan, En jämförande fallstudie av företagsinkubation

Business incubation is an important force of economic development but relatively unheard of in organization theory. This is partly due to the fact that in organization theory, meta-organization or the organization of organizations has been neglected or left lagging as much theorization has been focused on organizing individuals. With the growing number of business incubators, and meta-organizations in general, the need for understanding a relatively new type of organization is prevalent.This case study of the business incubator Global Business Labs Botswana (GBL) aims to clarify the organizational differences among meta-organizations and traditional organizations on a case level, as well as explain the underlying factors for these dissimilarities. With respect to the nature of this case study no general conclusions are drawn from the results. The inference, however, is that the organization of GBL and its incubated companies differs from the traditional organization in five elementary aspects: the weak hierarchical structure, the operational autonomy of its members, the strong focus on Recruitment processes, the member identity and the lack of formal sanctions.

Den attraktiva arbetsgivaren: En kvantitativ studie om beståndsdelarna av och förklaringsfaktorerna till ett attraktivt arbetsgivarvarumärke -

Talented and committed employees are important resources for a company?s competitiveness. With the escalating competition for competent employees, a strong employer brand has come to play an increasingly important role as a means of attracting employees with a desirable profile. In this study, brand theory is applied to the results of a quantitative study of students? evaluation of an attractive employer, in order to identify the factors which explain why certain employers are perceived as more attractive than others.

Personlig integritet mot Arbetsledningsrätt : Användandet av belastningsregistret i anställningsprocessen

Due to the wide usage of different databases administrated by the Swedish government to keep control over its citizen?s the issue has arisen concerning if this information is subject for other purposes then originally acknowledged. Executives induced in Recruitment for labour has over the years extended their need for information accumulated by these systems. Especially data from the criminal records registry are now being used as a normal step in the employment process among a vastly growing spectrum of enterprises and businesses all over the country. This thesis aims to illuminate the subject by grasp to what extent the described behaviour can be considered legally accepted according to the law or if these actions are inflicting with the foundational juridical principles that has to be ensured by the Swedish government due to our constitutional law.A strict jurisprudential method has been applied throughout the entire thesis to ensure the reliability of the results. The diversity of sources has gently been put together to assure the overall quality.

Vem vill bli militär? : - attrahera mera

Försvarsmakten står idag inför en stor utmaning att täcka sitt personalbehov. I och med övergången från pliktbaserat till frivilligbaserat försvar, konkurrerar de om arbetskraften och det blir allt svårare att rekrytera nödvändig personal. De som påbörjar utbildningar som är tänkta att leda till fast anställning, slutar i hög grad innan utbildningen genomförts. Avsikten med vår undersökning är att belysa försvarsmaktens rekrytering och personalförsörjningssystem samt bidra med förbättringsförslag av deras rekryteringsprocess.En metodkombination har genomförts i form av intervjuer, tre observationer samt litteraturstudie. Elva intervjuer med representanter från arbetsgivar- respektive arbetstagarsidan inom Försvarsmakten. Observationerna bestod av ett besök på informationscenter, medverkan på ett seminarium samt ett event med informatörer på en gymnasieskola.Resultatet visade på stor okunskap i målgruppen om vad en anställning inom Försvarsmakten innebär.

Lärmiljö, frizon eller sysselsättningsarena? : En kritisk analys av fritidshemmet i en era av new public management

In 2014, the Swedish leisure-time centres after school became widely criticized on several occasions by school authorities. The cause for its criticism was a reflection of leisure time-centres with lots of untrained staff and a lack of pedagogical aspirations. The conclusion of the criticism was that these leisure-time centres do not fulfil their potential. However, these assessments has only to a limited extent become a part of the public educational discourse in Sweden. This discourse has mainly focused on the decreasing results in the Swedish school, which has caught the attention in the media and ended up on the political agenda.

Arbete över företagets gränser : En studie av organisationstillhörighet för konsulter i bemanningsföretag

Since the late 1900s, the consultancy has taken a firm grip on the labor market. The consultants' work profile has been secured through agreements such as guaranteed wages. The collective has been shattered as well as higher demands are required of the employee. This results in higher work demands, workload, a reduced staffing resource and hopeless wages which can lead to health problems and depressions. Previous research shows that consultants find it stressful to be associated with two companies and some clients can also point out consultant through different attributes.

Att attrahera och motivera medarbetare : Varumärket som ett strategiskt verktyg

Since Brand Management and Marketing in theory mainly been focusing on the consumer market, our main purpose of this essay is to analyze how a brand also can be appealing to the labour market, to attract and engage employees. Keywords attached to our essay are, brands, Recruitment, Human Resource management, theories of motivation, corporate identity, employer branding and internal marketing. The study is based on a qualitative research. Our main reason for choosing this research was to get a closer insight for the phenomen and to establish a major understanding for the subject. To get a better knowledge and to answer and fulfil our purpose we have chosen to complete eight interviews, of whom six respondents representing Service firms.

Kvinnor och internationell tjänst

Trots satsningar på att rekrytera fler kvinnor har Försvarsmakten fortfarande en låg andel kvinnor anställda i myndigheten.Försvarsmakten har svårt att fullfölja kraven på en ökad andel kvinnor på alla nivåer i internationell tjänst med knappt fem procent kvinnliga yrkesofficerare. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilka förutsättningar som fanns att rekrytera kvinnor till två missioner i Afghanistan, FS 14 och FS 15, att jämföra de båda missionernas rekrytering, samt att beskriva hur väl Försvarsmakten nådde upp till regeringens krav avseende kvinnlig representation i internationell tjänst.Uppsatsen beskriver först de förutsättningar, dokument och andra styrande faktorer som ligger till grund för rekryteringen. Därefter jämförs resultaten för de båda missionerna och diskuterar de likheter och skillnader som finns.Undersökningen visar att förutsättningarna att rekrytera kvinnor till FS 14 och FS 15 inte var särskilt goda med tanke på de fåtal procent kvinnliga yrkesofficerare som var anställda i Försvarsmakten. Intressant är att de två missionerna lyckades olika väl med rekryteringen av kvinnor, där FS 15 rekryterade fler trots ett mindre rekryteringsunderlag.En slutsats är att den rekryteringsprocessens utformning bidrar till det låga antal kvinnor i internationell tjänst..

Franchiseföretaget jobzone : En studie om utmaningar och problem kring överföring av affärskoncept och organisationskultur

ABSTRACTHelena Nowachek The purpose of the following study is to focus upon the possibilities and challenges associated with the transference of corporate culture from one organization to another. I have chosen to address this by looking at the franchise company Jobzone, which works specifically with Recruitment and outsourcing. As a method I have interviewed three people in Jobzone: one person who is responsible for education, one franchising boss in Sweden and one franchisee. To delineate the concept of culture I apply both Schein?s model, in which he divides culture into the three levels of artifacts, values and basic assumptions, as well as a general theory of communication.

Planerar du barn eller föräldraledighet? : En uppsats om arbetssökandes skydd vid anställningsförfarandet.

The subject of this bachelor thesis is discrimination and unfair treatment in the employment process where employers discriminate against job applicants. The purpose of this study and research questions is to investigate and clarify the legal protection available against discrimination and unfair treatment of pregnant women and persons on parental leave during the employment process and how this protection differs between men and women. This thesis highlights the Swedish law and EU law regarding discrimination and unfair treatment of individuals. The concept of discrimination and its requisites will be accounted for and exemplified by case law. This statement will be analyzed along with the relevant case law of the EU-court and the Labor-court.

Den informella organisationen : Jämställdhetsutredning inom bank-och finansbranschen

During the autumn of 2007 I carried out an investigation within the bank and finance Sector. The aim of the investigation was to see how informal aspects could be understood in relation to equality within Bank AB? The main question was: Which are the obstacles and opportunities for equality within Bank AB? To answer the main question I asked the following questions to the material: Are there any gender related different within the organization? How are men and women represented within the internal magazine? Which are the conceptions related to sex/gender within the organization? The investigation is based on a survey, the internal magazine was investigated and finally interviews took place. Throughout the investigation I used organization theory in a gender perspective. With the gender organization theory I examined concepts as structures, leadership, symbolism and changes associated with equality.

Familjevård, Kultur och Etnicitet: rekryteringsprocessen ur ett kulturellt och etniskt perspektiv

Children are said to be the future of our society. Hence, how we take care of our children is a cause of concern. This is evident in much of the social work that is carried out in Sweden. One of the times when we find children to be the most vulnerable is when they, for different reasons, are separated from their biological families and placed in foster care. Based on the fact that Sweden over the last century has experienced an increased immigration intake we wanted to take a closer look on how this change of the population dynamics has influenced foster care in the country.

Momsigt gott! : En undersökning av de nuvarande effekterna av den sänkta restaurangmomsen

När den svenska regeringen beslöt sig för att sänka restaurangmomsen den 1 januari 2012, gjordes det för att stimulera restaurangbranschen att sänka priserna på måltiderna, nyanställa och eliminera svartjobb. Vid en sänkning av momsen frigörs kapital, ett extra ekonomiskt utrymme, som för företagen blir en tillgång som de själva får avgöra hur det kommer disponeras.Denna studie ämnar ta reda på vilka effekter momssänkningen kommer medföra för branschen och hur restaurangägarna disponerat det ekonomiska utrymmet. Material har införskaffats genom en enkätundersökning med restaurangägare, intervjuer med hotell- och restaurangfacket samt branschorganisationen Visita. Med utgångspunkter bland annat inom nationalekonomiska teorier visar undersökningen att restaurangägare valt att använda det ekonomiska utrymmet till att nyanställa, sänka sina priser, genomföra renoveringar eller till överlevnadsmarginaler. Detta tyder på att det finns en spridning över hur restaurangägarna handlat.

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