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Tidsstudie av containerhuggbil

The fork lifter chipper truck is a concept which has been developed for harvest and transport of bio fuel. The system consists of one fork lifter chipper truck and 1, 2 or 3 transport lorries, usually two, which serves the fork lifter chipper truck. The system is driven by the fork lifter chipper truck that produces chipped material into a container on the truck. When the container has been filled the truck drives to the landing site where it?s offloaded.

Väntetidsrelaterad frustration på akutmottagningen

Aim: The aim of this study was to describe what nurses experienced in connection with waiting time related frustration among patients and relatives in the emergency department and also what strategies nurses use to manage waiting time related frustration.Background: The numbers of emergency department visits are increasing and lead to waiting times which can cause frustration among patients and relatives, a frustration that nurses encounter in their everyday work and need strategies to deal with.Methods: This is a descriptive qualitative study. Interviews are conducted with five nurses, transcribed and analyzed by qualitative content analysis.Findings: The nurses feel inadequate and powerless when they meet patients and relatives frustration. In order to deal with patients and relatives frustration, they use the strategy of participation, which implies to involve and meet patients and relatives needs for information and to be seen. In order to prevent themselves becoming frustrated they use adaptability, by creating an inner calm, not take it personally and to distance themselves from the frustration.Conclusion: The result highlights the importance of managing the activity to reduce waiting time related frustration, for example through reflection and working for reducing waiting times. Further research is also needed..

Modellering av reserv- och nödkraftsystem i JAS 39 Gripen

Simulation is a vital tool during development of JAS 39 Gripen, since money and time can be saved.The Auxiliary and Emergency Power System, AEPS, is a subsystem of the secondary power system in Gripen. It has the function of providing the aircraft with electrical and hydraulical power before activation and after deactivation of the main engine. The system also functions as backup in case of a safety critical problem in the main power supply system. The system basically consists of a control unit and an auxiliary gearbox. The gearbox is driven by an air turbine.

Mjölkraskvigors tillväxt på naturbete :

To turn the dairy heifers out on pasture is the most natural way for the cattle to get feed. At the same time it is cheap and if it is right treated a feed of high nutritive value. The problem today is to get dairy heifers to grow enough when they are grazing at natural pasture for the entire summer. Therefore, the opinions differ whether pasture is a resource or a problem. The increasing interest of pasture production is due to the fact that you can receive grants for preserving valuable natural assets and cultural landscape elements in the pasture land. A high grazing pressure is necessary to preserve an open landscape and a great variety of species. In the same time the heifers have to supply their nutritive needs in order to grow and be large enough to show heat and be pregnant in right time to calve with a sufficient body size and at an economically right age. This paper includes a literature review on natural pasture, pasture production, and growth of dairy heifers together with own interviews with dairy farmers about their point of view to the pasture husbandry on the farms, how they plan for pasture, look after natural pasture, treatment areas and take care of the calves and heifers. The results indicate that the time it takes and the demanded work are the biggest factors to how and why the farmers do as they do..

Kringtjänster för fastighetsmäklare

The amendment of a law which is expected to come may well have a significant impact on the Swedish real-estate broke market. The law change will probably have an effect in the number of ways real-estate brokers will compete as a result of the increasing variety of services offered. In order to gain competitive advantages brokers must be at the forefront in the development regarding the changing market. To do so requires that the company chooses an appropriate range of peripheral services that are profitable. The problem is to choose the ?right? services to convey. The purpose of this paper is to describe the services that are in demand for transmission and how the agents can work to meet the demand of this new market.

Vill du ha en snigel på ögat? : En kvantitativ undersökning om svensk public service-televisions innehåll över 34 års tid.

Our study shows if and how Swedish public service television has changed its content from the time when SVT had monopoly until this day when the competition is greater than ever. We got an insight in what has been presented to the audience by studying TV schedules from 1975 to 2009. The study examines four weeks during the years when the two main channels SVT1 and SVT2 have been broadcasting. One week each of these following years have been examined: 1975, 1985, 1995 and 2009. These years have been chosen to get an insight in what content the TV schedules presented before and after SVT got competition in the Swedish TV market.

Grönare konsumtion : Hur konsumerar deltagare i MiljöVarDag projektet idag?

The way we socialize today is radically different from how it was only twenty years ago. Since the arrival of the Internet more and more of what we know about the lives of our friends comes from text-based social networks, or blogs. This means that we all, more or less, have become authors of our own life stories and that the reality we live in have become fictionalized. In this paper I explore what effects this postmodern process of dissolving boundaries has had on the autobiographical genre, where the line between fiction and reality is traditionally stressed. By analysing Carina Rydberg?s (b.

Fingerräkning : Lärarerns roll och betydelse för att ge elever en god taluppfattning

 AbstractThe aim of this essay is to look into how teachers view pupils who use finger arithmeticduring mathematic classes. How do these teachers help them to move on with their learning,what information and problem-solving material do they use?I made qualitative interviews with grade two- and grade three teachers, in three schools.The interviews showed that the teachers find it difficult to adopt a suitable attitude towardsfinger arithmetic. In addition, lack of time for planning and lack of knowledge about variousexperimental methods caused further predicaments. The teachers were aware that arithmeticexperimental material was attainable at the schools, but time to learn about it and how to useit was lacking.

Den rätta balansen : En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan faktisk, önskad arbetstid och hälsa

The purpose of this study is to examine whether there is any connection between working hours, desired working hours and the worker ?s health. The study also aims to investigate if there are any differences over time. Earlier studies have shown that individuals need a balance in their life between worked hours and free time. This balance seems to be important for employees if they want to lead and remain a healthy lifestyle.

Mobile Ajax

This report describes a master thesis performed at SICS (Swedish Institute of Computer Science) and KTH (The Royal Institute of Technology) in Stockholm.Ajax stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" and it's not a programming language, but a suite of technologies used to develop web applications with more interactivity than the traditional web pages.Ajax applications can be adapted for mobile and constrained devices. This has been called Mobile Ajax. While the technique is the same, Mobile Ajax generally is considered to be a special case of Ajax, because it deals with problems specific to the mobile market.The purpose of this thesis has been to examine which possibilities and disadvantages has the Mobile Ajax from developers and users perspective. In addition we compare Mobile Ajax with Java Micro Edition (Java ME) and Flash Lite.This has been done through literature studies and development of a databased chat client (MAIM -Mobile Ajax Instant Messenger). The application sends and receives direct messages in real time between differently mobile devices.

En färgglad studie om spelarbeteenden

This is the result of a 10 week long study about if player behaviors and choices are affectedby the surrounding colors in their environment. A number of players are asked to movethrough a virtual environment, while being clocked, where they have to make left and rightdecisions based on different colors (red, green, blue and gray). While most choices consist oftwo different colors, some use the same color. The result shows that the players most likelyprefer one color over another, and that they most likely prefer a non-neutral color over aneutral color. With these results and the interviews that are conducted the conclusion is madethat it is very likely the players choices are affected by the colors in the environment, but it isnot clear to say how they are affected..

Rhododendron ur undersläktet Vireya - något om dess karakteristika och användning i nordiska vinterträdgårdar :

Present essay aims to introduce the reader to central topics regarding Rhododendrons of subgenus Vireya. As a result of a donation, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, received a collection of Vireya from a local amateur grower, Kurt Myllenberg. Since the subgenus Vireya is uncommon in Scandinavian horticulture, the study tries to establish conditions for successful growing. The subgenus Vireya differ from the other Rhododendron species through mainly three characteristics: the presence of two tails, attached to each end of the seed; the ovary-style junction is tapering and the pedicels arises directly from a dome-like base and form an umbel and not a raceme. The subgenus is distributed mostly in the islands of Indonesia and New Guinea, but also from Malaysia to Nepal and in Australia. Since Vireya species mainly grows as epiphytes in the tree canopies, they need high drainage and not too much water.

Insättningsålderns påverkan på kalvens hälsa i gruppbox :

In modern dairy production, the newborn calf generally is separated from its mother and put in a single pen for some time before it is introduced to group housing. Group housing is becoming more and more common because it saves the farmer a lot of valuable time. Even thought group housing has a lot of benefits it is often associated with a higher morbidity and mortality in the young calves. Therefore, knowing the optimal way to use the group pen lies in many farmers? interests and the importance of different factors such as the optimal age of introduction is important to evaluate. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of age at introduction to group housing on the health of the calves in the group pen.

Tesaurer eller ontologier? Eller både och? : En jämförelse mellan två typer av ämnesordssystem med tanke på deras förbättring av effektiv informationsåtervinning

By examine plastic craniums from eight different hominids I wanted to find morfological characteristics that agreed with those of modern humans. The species that were selected had a plastic casting of its cranium in the laboratory at Gotland University. My focus was on species from the family Australopithecius and Homo and only working with their craniums. And this because the cranium and the theeth shows the most visible morfological characteristics between the different hominids. I also wanted,in a small part of the essay, to write about the differences in now living primates and humans skulls.Except from analysing the plastic castings I also studied surveys written by other scientist on the same subject.

In search for sustainable alternatives to lawns : connecting research and landscape design

A large part of Sweden?s green, urban landscape is covered by lawns. Approximately 80 000 ha of maintained grass lawns are part of public courtyards, schoolyards, parks, golf courses, sport fields and traffic environments. Beyond this figure, the lawn is also an essential element in most private villa-gardens. Lawns have become a universal phenomenon through the dispersion of landscape aesthetics from the Western world.

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