

9046 Uppsatser om Real time PCR SYBR-green - Sida 1 av 604

Comparison of real-time PCR assays for screening of meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcus aureus belongs to the normal flora. Many healthy people are colonized by the bacterium mainly in the nose but also on the skin and on other mucous membranes without showing symptoms. After damage to the skin, the bacterium can enter the wound and cause infections. Methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) is resistant to b-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin and methicillin.


ABSTRACTA defect implantation process is the major reason for unexplained infertility. Estrogen andprogesterone are steroid hormones preparing the endometrium for implantation. They mediatetheir effect through their receptors: estrogen receptor alpha and beta and progesteronereceptor A and B, respectively. Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF), which is also important forimplantation, mediates its effect through LIF receptor and the coreceptor, gp130, and is downregulated by suppressors of cytokine signaling 1. The aim of the study was to compare thelevels of the steroid hormone receptors and LIF related factors in the endometrium of twogroups of women with the diagnosis unexplained infertility: one that became pregnant afterassisted reproduction and one that did not become pregnant.

Gröna aktiviteter : Att marknadsföra gröna argument i fastighetsbranschen

Undersökningen ämnar öka förståelsen för och analysera hur fastighetsföretag marknadsför gröna argument och hur de uppfattar att intressenterna bemöter dessa.I uppsatsen studeras följande forskningsfrågor:* Vilka strategier används hos fastighetsföretag inom ramen för green business?* Hur kommunicerar fastighetsföretag green business genom grön marknadsföring?* Hur uppfattar fastighetsföretagen att intressenterna bemöter deras gröna marknadsföringsargument?.

Effekter av urbanisering på grönalgen trädgröna i Linköpings stad med omnejd. : Biologiundervisning i närmiljön

Urbanization has for a long time been a threat to our biodiversity. Epiphytic organisms such as lichens have been negative affected by traffic pollution and the new urban environment surrounding their old habitat (van Her 2001). Another epiphytic organism is the green algae Desmococcus olivaceus. Unlike lichens the green algae is favoured by polluted areas. The aim of this study was to investigate if time in urban environments affected the cover of the green algae on old oaks.

Gröna tak som del i ett hållbart stadsbyggande

Green roofs have seen a revival in the society of today. They provide many functions of which both society as a whole and the individual can take part. In particular extensive green roofs, that requires little or even zero maintenance, provides very valuable functions. Green roofs affect our environment and our economy in a positive manner as well as the physical expression of buildings. In this bachelor thesis the impact of green roofs on society has been examined throughout literature studies. The result as a compilation of contemporary research in this field is presented together with a discussion about the use of green roofs in general. The two major arguments for an extended use of green roofs are, the high stormwater retention capacity and the cost-benefits seen over time compared to a conventional roof.

Användning av realtidsdatabas i diagnostiksystem

The main purpose in this degree thesis is to investigate changes in performance when introducing a newly produced Real-Time database in one of CC Systems products, the Diagnostic Runtime Engine, DRE. The thesis is a collaboration between CC Systems, creator of DRE, and Mimer AB, developer of the Real-Time database.The result reveals that the time spent on database access is considerably lesscompared to the originally used database. The research has lead to several additional requirements on the real-time database and these are presented as part of the result in this thesis. The additional features will help making the product more suitable for DRE and similar applications.Additional research is required to be able to recommend the use of this product or not. Primarily the performance in another operating system, Windows CE, but also the introduction of additional features should be investigated.

Green Building : Ett företags energieffektiviseringsarbete i ett byggprojekt samt de krav som ställs för att få byggnaden Green Building klassad.

The examination has been performed at Bjerking AB, which is an architectural and engineering company. Bjerking AB has the ambition to be a member of Green Building.The Green Building program developed in year 2005 by The European Commission, the program is an environmental system with the aim to improving energy efficiency within the sectors of non-residential buildings. The minimum requirements to participate the program are following: in new-built buildings the calculated energy consumption must be 25 % lower than the requirements in the BBR (Building regulations) and in refurbishment the reduction must be 25 % lower than before the optimization.The aim of this study has been to examine and review the company Bjerking AB's energy efficiency work in the project of building the school/kindergarten S:ta Maria Alsike, where the goal is to get this building Green Building classed. A description of requirements to become a member of the Green Building has also accomplished in the thesis.The methods performed in this study are literature review, searches on the Internet, studies on the project database for facts/values, calculation of energy consumption and interviews of members of the Green Building. The following issues have been dealt with in the report;-          Did the building in the project manage the requirement to achieve an   energy consumption that is 25% lower than the requirements in BBR?-          What technical measures/system was selected in the building?-          What kind of cooperation was the project based on?-          What is required for consultancy companies and real estate owners to become members of the Green Building?The study of the project and calculation of estimated energy consumption in the building, give the result 47 kWh/m2, year.

Grönskan i Staden : grönstrukturens utveckling, funktioner & innehåll

The report by Boverket (2004), Hållbara städer och tätorter i Sverige - ett förslag till strategi says that large and somewhat intact green areas are better than severalsmall. Linking rural natural areas with the city's green areas, improves the opportunities for recreation and biodiversity (Boverket 2004). To create this, there isneed for a green structure in the city and its surroundings. But how to create this structure and what are the problems with the green areas in the city today? Thescenario that more and more people choose to settle in urban areas is a trend which not appears to decline, and at the same time our green spaces in cities and ruralareas decreases (Boverket 2007).

Green-urban balance : a proposal for balancing green area preservation and urban development in the city of Uppsala

Rapid urbanization causes competition over land use between green area preservation and urban development in cities and greatly affects ecosystems as well as human well-being. This conflict is significant all around the world as many cities are now replacing existing green areas with new developments. The area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg in Uppsala is currently experiencing the same conflict, as the need that the city has for new housing represents a threat for the many valuable green areas that are in the site. The purpose of this project was to understand how the need of urban development and the preservation of green areas could be balanced. This understanding would thereafter be used to make a design proposal for the area around Dag Hammarskjöld's väg.

Grön marknadsföring : En guide till grön framgång

The purpose of this thesis is to analyze green marketing and green brand building from a managerial perspective, with the intention to create an implementation guide for companies in the Swedish consumer market.  The essay is based on a qualitative approach with a mixture of inductive and deductive elements. We have interviewed five people with close links to green marketing. We have during the study identified a number of touch points to be particularly important in the process of incorporating green marketing. These findings are presented in full in chapter five. We have found that the framework of green marketing is established during the company?s choice of green strategy.

Detection of Honey Bee Viruses in Apis mellifera and Apis cerana

Two species of bees in the genus Apis, real honey bees, has long been of interest for man. These two are the European honey bee, Apis mellifera, and the Asian honey bee, Apis cerana. In Vietnam, beekeeping is of great importance, both with A.cerana and A.mellifera. The aim of this project was to investigate if the introduction of the European honey bee in Asia has affected the Asian honey bee, and whether different pathogens from A.mellifera have been transferred to A.cerana. Totally 40 samples, 20 from every species, were analysed for 8 different viruses.

Adaptive QoS Management in Dynamically Reconfigurable Real-Time Databases

During the last years the need for real-time database services has increased due to the growing number of data-intensive applications needing to enforce real-time constraints. The COMponent-based Embedded real-Time database (COMET) is a real-time database developed to meet these demands. COMET is developed using the AspeCtual COmponent-based Real-time system Development (ACCORD) design method, and consists of a number of components and aspects, which can be composed into a number of different configurations depending on system demands, e.g., Quality of Service (QoS) management can be used in unpredictable environments. In embedded systems with requirementson high up-time it may not be possible to temporarily shut down the system for reconfiguration. Instead it is desirable to enable dynamic reconfiguration of the system, exchanging components during run-time.

Att överföra en turordningsbaserad spelprototyp till realtid : ett projekt rörande Victorious Skies och dess utveckling

This project details the process of converting and transferring a turn-based paper prototype to a digital real-time format. The projects goals were to see how well the original feeling could be transferred to real-time and how the transition itself went. The project have been completed with the help of the programmer Mikael Gullberg. The practical part of the project was executed between the dates of 25/4 ? 2/5.

Investigation of tissue factor mRNA levels in human platelets using real-time PCR

Tissue factor (TF), a 47 kDa glycoprotein, is the initiator of the extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation and consequently of the upmost importance when damage to blood vessel occurs. The source of TF in circulation has been investigated. However, the source of TF is still not clear. One theory is that platelets express and increases the expression of TF after stimulation and the aim of our report was to investigate whether platelets really are a source for TF in circulation.Using specific primers for TF mRNA, platelets in plasma from healthy volunteers and from patients suffering from cardiac infarction were analyzed by using real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Gel electrophoresis was performed after amplification of TF mRNA to verify the results.The samples were negative for TF when using real-time PCR and the few positive all had cycle threshold (Ct) values above 35.

Förvaltning på distans : Hur optimeras förvaltningen av en fastighet på distans?

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how the distance between real estate manager and the managed item influenced the real estate management process. The overall real estate management within Lantmännen Fastigheter AB was investigated to give suggestions on how to improve the quality of the real estate management within the company. To do this, questionnaires, interviews and observations was performed within the Lantmännen Fastigheter AB organization. Real estate managers answered questions about their role as real estate manager, maintenance planning, decision processes, leasing and strategies within the company.The analysis of the questionnaires, interviews and observations showed that the real estate managers wants to rearrange their spent working hours around on working tasks to spend more time on the tasks that brings income and spend less time on tasks that are unsatisfying and unnecessary. The analysis also shows in which areas the real estate managers want more support and education and that they mostly work with unplanned maintenance.

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