

2114 Uppsatser om Real estate statistics - Sida 64 av 141

Transferfunktionsmodeller modellering och prognoser av Sjötransportindex

We have by Statistics Sweden (SCB) been given the task of using different dynamic regression models in order to forecast service price index for sea transport. The aim is to see whether these models provide better forecasts than those previously used. This essay aim to identify, estimate and evaluate the selected prediction models. Through our data material we were given access to 28 sightings of sea transport index during the period of 2004 q1 to 2010 q4. We have chosen to evaluate three different transfer function models, one ARIMA model and one naive forecasting model. The input variables we decided to test in our transfer function models were the price of petroleum products, the port activity in Swedish ports and the lending rate of Swedish Central bank. The results of our study suggest that transfer function models generally provide better models than the ARIMA model and the naive forecast model.

IT-säkerhetspolicy ? efterlevs den av anställda?

ABSTRACT The main purpose of IT security policies is to protect companies against intrusion and unwanted spread of information. Statistics show that IT related crimes tend to increase and because of that it is important, from the company?s side of view, to be well prepared. The IT security policy is an important part of that preparation. A lot of the crimes related to IT can be deduced indirectly to employees at the companies where the crime takes place.

Hur ofta hälsar du på din granne? : En kvantitativ studie av integration som förklaringskraft beträffande befolkningssammansättning och radikala högerpopulistiska åsikter

A logical cause of migration is of course immigrants which is a topic always creating discussions. When arriving in a new country a process of integration with the goal to adapt to the environment is started. This study will explore the need for integration and seeks to examine the connection between population composition and radical right opinions.To fulfill the aim, a multivariate regression analysis is done on aggregated level in Sweden with statistics concerning the year of 2010. The relation between ethnic composition and voters support for the Swedish radical right party Sverigedemokraterna is studied as well as integration as an explanatory intermediate factor operationalized through unemployment, financial assistance and trust.The results of the study indicate a positive connection between immigrants from EU/EFTA and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna. A negative relation is identified between trust and the voter support for Sverigedemokraterna.

BeAKKta : ett kommunikationshjälpmedel som möter behoven av djupare kommunikation hos personer med autism

A vulnerable group in society is people with ASD (autism spectrum disorders) or autism. This group seems to increase, mainly due to genetic factors but also environmental problems. Medical research has accelerated in the U.S. and Europe. The biggest problem for people with disabilities is the inability to communicate, both verbally and socially.

Olika fönster mot samma omvärld ? En undersökning av omvärldsbevakningen på Stockholms stadsbibliotek och Akademibokhandeln i Stockholm

The aim of this thesis is to explore how a bookstore chain and a public library meet the needs of their customers through environmental scanning. The empirical material is derived from six semi-structured interviews with six informants, three from each organization, together with an analysis of internal documents. The method used is a case study and the theoretical framework is based on models used in the process of environmental scanning, as described by Choo, Hamrefors and Hedin & Sandström among others, and which facilitate a comparison of the environmental scanning of the two organizations. The results of the study indicate that the library, as a public organization with a mission in society, perceives the environment as society as a whole and all its members as their users, whereas the bookstore concentrates on the sectors of the environment that affect their sales. The consequences of these different views are that the library is more active in the environment and uses surveys as a basic source of information, while the bookstore is more passive, and relies on statistics for information.

Pulveregenskapers inverkan på grönkropp med avseende på sprickor

This thesis is a survey and also an investigation of the different factors that affects the cracking that occurs in the inserts at AB Sandvik Coromants production in Gimo. The work that has been done has focused on two main factors, namely, powder characteristics and pressing parameters.AB Sandvik Coromant produces tools and tooling systems for metal cutting. They have some problems in their production of inserts. The problem is that cracks sometimes occur in the body of the insert, after it´s pressed. In order to investigate this, a preliminary study was made in which production principles were studied.

Kategorisering av bilder i kameramobiler - Hur kan man kategorisera och söka bilder i kameramobiler på nya och innovativa sätt?

Då allt fler mobiltelefoner utrustas med en megapixelkamera har vi valt att undersöka hur människor hur människor hanterar bilder tagna med kameramobilen. Vi har inriktat oss att ta reda på hur människor kan kategorisera och söka efter bilder i en mobilkontext på nya och innovativa sätt. Vi har samlat in data från en förstudie bestående av ostrukturerade observationer och intervjuer. Därefter genomförde vi en webbekätundersökning med 249 respondenter och avslutade med intervjuer av två exporter inom området. Vår studie visar att människor har relativt få bilder i sina kameramobiler samt att de inte har några större svårigheter att hitta dem.

Kompetenser inom systemutveckling - Projektledaren och programmeraren i fokus

Med denna kandidatuppsats vill vi belysa vikten av kompetens samt vilka kompetenser projektledarrollen och programmerarrollen bör/ska ha under livscykelmodellens olika faser. Vi valde livscykelmodellen eftersom det idag är en väl använd och etablerad utvecklingsmetod. Genomgången av tidigare skriven litteratur visade att olika författare hade många gemensamma kompetenser som de ansåg vara viktiga när man ska utföra ett arbete. Vi valde utifrån dessa författare fyra olika kompetenser som vi ansåg intressanta att undersöka. Sedan skapade vi ett ramverk som låg som grund för vår undersökning.

Tumult i Texas - ett undersökande arbete om bildspråk och berättande

Thick skin in Texas - an investigation on storytelling and pictorial language. I took my starting point in a story about the cowboy Jaquin, who goes to the Tivoli, where he gets caught up in a dramatic adventure. I extracted three scenes from this story, and I experimented with whether it was possible to make the separate scenes tell their own story, in three separate drawings. Without depending on the frame story or on any kind of text. In this project I partly wanted to explore the possibilities of the drawing.

?Det är så integrerat i mitt tänkande? : fem arbetslags resonemang om matematikens roll i förskolan

The background to the study was that the school agency published a report stating that students, after completing school, did not meet the criteria to receive the grade ?Pass? in mathematics. The study presents the reasoning of work teams from five different preschool departments?, about ways to work with the subject with children in the ages four to five. The study may help future teachers to develop new attitudes regarding mathematics in the preschool, by letting them take part of others pedagogues? thoughts and experiences.

Metod för dosoptimering av digitalt detektorsystem i klinisk drift

The county of Dalarna is at present carrying through a process of digitalization where traditional x-ray film is being replaced with digital detectors. Earlier used methods for dose optimization turned out not being sufficient. This report presents a method to harmonize dose levels between x- ray sites equipped with Fujifilm imaging plate systems. An exposure index, S, related to the dose level of the examination is computed to every x-ray image. S turned out to be inversely proportional to the detector dose used at the examination.

Elevers attityder, kunskaper och beteenden : inom kunskapsområdet konsumtion och ekonomi i Hem- och konsumentkunskap

SammanfattningKonsumtion och ekonomi är områden som på olika sätt påverkar människors liv. Forskning visar att värderingar, identiteter och idéer grundas på konsumtion. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka elevernas attityder, kunskaper och beteenden inom konsumtion och ekonomi som är ett kunskapsområde inom ämnet hem- och konsumentkunskap. Författaren var även intresserad av att undersöka om det fanns skillnader mellan två skolor bland elever i årskurs nio som skiljer sig åt vad gäller upptagningsområde och skolans geografiska läge. 153 enkäter delades ut och resultatet analyserades med dataprogrammet IBM Statistics Version 20 (SPSS 2010).

Framtiden är rörlig!

Företag behöver öka farten på införandet av mobila system för att kunna hänga med i den hårt ökande konkurrensen och globaliseringen som sker. För att satsa pengar i ny teknik är det dock viktigt att se tydliga affärsfördelar med investeringen. Här saknas kunskaper och medvetenhet hos företag om möjlig effektivisering som mobila system kan medföra i verksamheter. Syftet med undersökningen är att utvärdera Pågens mobila system utifrån ett organisatoriskt effektivitetsperspektiv. En fallstudie på Pågen AB har genomförts där effekterna av införandet av deras mobila orderhanteringssystem utvärderas.

Myndigheter i förändring - En analys av organisationsförändringar i Skatteverket och Statistiska centralbyrån

The aim of this thesis is to study why Swedish authorities do organizational changes. Two organizations are analyzed; The Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) and the National Statistics Office of Sweden (Statistiska centralbyrån). A qualitative method, consisting mainly of interviews with key officials, is employed to study two aspects of organizational change: first, the main reasons for changing the organization and, second, how the process that preceded the actual change was carried out. Furthermore, two different theoretical perspectives are used to construct a basis for the analysis. One of the perspectives assumes a social constructivist approach, while the other is rationalistic inspired.

Vilken ledarstil är önskvärd ur ett medarbetarperspektiv? : En kvantitativ studie om ledarstilar.

The purpose of this study was to examine the leadership style that is preferred by the employees from a psychosocial- and productive perspective. The study is based on Lewin et al´s research on the three leadership styles authoritarian, democratic and laissez-faire leader. This is a quantitative study with a questionnaires as data collection method. The sample consisted of individuals working in a municipality in one nursing unit. The data from the survey were analyzed by three separate one-way depending ANOVA in IBM statistics SPSS 22.

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