

1560 Uppsatser om Real Estate Financing - Sida 48 av 104

Funktionshindrades situation vid anställningsförfarandet

Arbetsmarknaden är idag ansträngd. Faktorer såsom effektivisering av organisationer, skepsis mot att nyanställa samt hög arbetslöshet medför att konkurrensen om arbetena har ökat. Därtill är sjukskrivningstalet högt. Långvarig sjukskrivning kan medföra mänskligt lidande bland annat på grund av att individen kan uppleva känslor av utanförskap samt otrygghet som ett resultat av att denne går miste om den gemenskap som vanligtvis återfinns på arbetsplatsen. Hög sjukfrånvaro genererar samtidigt höga kostnader för den statliga kassan.

Sättningar vid övergång mellan bro och bank

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Reglering av laborationsprocess med Matlab/Simulink

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Simuleringsprogram som verktyg vid projektering av solvärme

The government regulations for energy use in buildings will be tightened in the future. At the same time the interest in environmental classifications and certifications of buildings is increasing. This has meant a new situation for solar energy. The designs of solar heating systems are often based on experience and/or rules of thumb, rather than calculations and simulations. This thesis examines whether simulation tools, in this case Polysun, are useful in this work.

Svårigheterna med försäljning av kläder på Internet

This thesis has enlightened how consumer behavior is when buying clothes via the Internet and the problems and difficulties that could face the companies. This study was conducted through interviews with people that have bought clothes through the Internet, traditional catalogues and real stores. The conclusions showed that the Internet is as suitable as traditional catalogues for buying clothes. Another dimension were put to the aspect of availability to a virtual mall in the design of the catalogues. Finally, it is in the best of the e-business companies interest to study how e-catalogues should be structured and designed for the consumers..

Ditt Nya Hageby - en etnografisk undersökning av en social verksamhet

The study explores different aspects of how a social organization is created and maintained in the space between the institution and the individual. Based on fieldwork, participant observation and individual interviews in the housing estate of Hageby, Norrköping, this ethnographic study examines how and why the organization ?Ditt Nya Hageby? was created, as well as the unanimity between the purpose of the organization and the engagement of the members. Two projects within the organization are especially examined, along with the roles of the two members behind them. The study presents three perspectives from which ?Ditt Nya Hageby? can be viewed.

Kapitalstrukturpåverkande faktorers inverkan på skuldsättningsgraden : - En branschjämförelse

Capital structure is without doubt one of the most frequently studied and controversial areas of modern financial theory, and will certainly continue to receive considerable attention from researchers worldwide. There is still no universal explanation of how an optimal capital structure would be designed for maximum appreciation, despite the development of several theories focusing on the subject. Equity and debt are the two main financing options that in combination explain the business's capital structure. The results of several research studies conducted in the subject has many times pointed out that there are specific factors that are directly related to the company's capital structure, and that there are clear sectoral differences in corporate debt. A study of the capital structure is considered important and interesting to implement due to the reasons above and the purpose of this study is to analyze and try to explain the similarities and differences between different industries in terms of how growth, profitability and size affect the debt level.

IFRS 13 : En dokumentstudie över implementeringens påverkan på delårsrapporter i fastighetsbranschen

SammanfattningTitel: IFRS 13 - En dokumentstudie över implementeringens påverkan på delårsrapporter i fastighetsbranschenNivå: C-uppsats i ämnet företagsekonomiFörfattare: Johannes Fritzin och Pia Siewert SvenssonHandledare: Bengt BengtssonDatum: 2014-01-08Bakgrund: Det har länge diskuterats hur tillgångar ska värderas och redovisas och flera standarder har införts genom åren. I och med införandet av IAS 40 fick företagen möjlighet att värdera förvaltningsfastigheterna till verkligt värde. Kritik har dock riktats mot detta värderingssätt och förste januari 2013 infördes IFRS 13 som bland annat ställer krav på ökade upplysningar.Syfte: Vårt syfte är att studera och beskriva hur väl bolagen inom fastighetsbranschen, som är skyldiga att följa IFRS 13, lever upp till upplysningskraven i sina delårsrapporter vad det gäller värdering av förvaltningsfastigheter. Vi vill också belysa eventuella skillnader och likheter mellan företagens upplysningskvalité och vad dessa kan bero på. Därutöver tänker vi undersöka om implementeringen bidragit till mer information i företagens delårsrapporter. Metod: Studien är en dokumentstudie av delårsrapporter rörande företag i fastighetsbranschen.

Kollaps av GC-bro S950 i Kil. En analys av brons verkningssätt

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Dimensionering av en bågbro i limträ. Konstruktion och utformning

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Uppföljning av förstärkningsobjekt utfört med aktiv design

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Redovisning som guide till värdetillväxt : Sambandet mellan räntabilitet på eget kapital och aktiers avkastning

Bakgrund: Redovisningsinformation är en informationskälla för främst aktieägare och långivare. Investerare använder informationen för att kunna göra prognoser för framtida kassaflöden och därigenom prissätta aktier i syfte att uppnå lönsamma, långsiktiga placeringar på aktiemarknaden. Kan en investerare få hjälp av företagens redovisning för att öka värdet på sin placering?Syfte: Att undersöka sambandet mellan räntabilitet på eget kapital och aktiers effektiva avkastningAvgränsningar: Studien omfattar tiden 1997 till 2004 och baseras på företag tillhörande branschen Konsumentvaror, enligt tidningen Affärsvärldens branschindelning.Genomförande: Sambandet mellan parametrarna utvärderas med hjälp av regressionsanalys. För varje år utförs regressioner för att fastställa förklaringsgrad, lutningskoefficient samt regressionens signifikans.

Person-till-person-utlåning som finansieringsform för små- och nyföretagare

Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen är att beskriva och analysera finansieringsformen P2P-utlåning, dess bildande och utveckling samt utvärdera hur den har fungerat för små- och nyföretagare.Problemformulering: Studien undersöker hur finansieringsformen person-till-person-utlåning via Internet uppstod. Vidare redogörs för utvecklingen på P2P-plattformen Lending Club sedan låneförmedlingens start 2007 fram till 2011. Slutligen undersöks vad som kännetecknar låntagarna på Lending Club som ansöker om lån till små och nya företag samt hur de presterat gällande deras återbetalningsförmåga.Teoretiskt ramverk: Studiens teoretiska ramverk utgörs av framförallt vetenskapliga artiklar vilka behandlar det finansiella gapet, informations-asymmetrier och kreditbedömning. Vidare återges en bakgrunds-teckning över studier gjorda kring social utlåning och P2P-utlåning.Slutsatser: Studien kommer fram till att P2P-utlåning via Internet har sitt ursprung i social utlåning och möjliggjorts genom bland annat teknologisk utveckling av kreditvärderings-verktyg. Lending Clubs utveckling har gått från mer av ett socialt nätverk till att idag likna mer en finansiell intermediär med kreditvärdiga låntagare och institutionella investerare.

Dimensionering och konstruktion av Villa X

AbstractIn the fall of 2003 a project was started in the Swedish building sector that is called BASTA (the building sectors’ termination of especially harmful substances). The project is operated by the building companies NCC, Skanska, PEAB and JM, the Swedish Building Industry and the Swedish Environmental Institute IVL. The purpose of the project is to create a common environmental assessment system for the entire building industry and with the help of this system phase out the use of especially harmful properties from building products.In a large sense BASTA works like this; On the BASTA web site there is a database, to which a supplier can register the company and the company’s products. Only those products with a substance content that fulfil the demands of the BASTA system, is to be registered. As it is the supplier himself that carries out the registration of the company and the company’s products to the system, the BASTA-organisation annually controls that the companies that are registered in the database, fulfils BASTA’s demands.Since NCC is one of the companies that operates BASTA, BASTA is probably going to be the environmental assessment system that is recommended for the company in the future.

Onyttiga servitut i Fastighetsregistret : En studie om dagens hantering och förslag på framtida lagstiftning

Servitut som inte uppfyller något ändamål eller inte använts under väldigt lång tid kallas onyttiga servitut. Ett onyttigt servitut försvinner inte automatiskt från Fastighetsregistret utan kvarstår och skapar en onödig belastning. Syftet med examensarbetet är att utreda hur hanteringen av servitut kan förbättras för att minska antalet onyttiga servitut i Fastighetsregistret.De metoder som används är en litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie. I litteraturstudien undersöks svensk lagstiftning och juridisk litteratur. Utdrag ur Fastighetsregistret och förrättningsakt visas för att ge praktiska exempel.

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