

1560 Uppsatser om Real Estate Financing - Sida 4 av 104

Hemnet ? Viktiga händelser som format tjänsten

In recent time Hemnet has faced an intensified criticism because of the latest introduction of ad-fees, and not least because of the take-over regarding Swedbank Fastighetsbyrån and Svensk Fastighetsförmedling. There is a growing concern amongst real estate agents about the development for which the Swedish real estate advertising market is taking. Many of the competitors on the market that have previously experienced difficulties in establishing on the market now see their opportunity to make use of the situation that has emerged regarding Hemnet. By offering better and more lucrative terms they could potentially bring in enough real estate agencies to pose a real threat on the advertising market.Hemnet is part-owned by four organizations, Fastighetsbyrån, Svensk Fastighetsförmedling, Mäklarsamfundet and Fastighetsmäklarförbundet. All of which have a 25 percent share in Hemnet.

Fastighetsobligationer ? Prissättningen av säkerställda kontra icke-säkerställda obligationer på en växande

Denna rapport ger en bild av vilka olika saker byggherrar i Sverigeanvänder sig av idag för att öka den sociala hållbarheten. De projektsom studerats är Bygga om Dialogen i Malmö, Älvstaden i Göteborg,Vivalla i Örebro och föreningen Byggemenskap.Genom att intervjua en person från varje område studeras likheteroch skillnader i hur man arbetat med den sociala hållbarheten vidbyggnation. I Malmö och Örebro studeras arbetet med att öka densociala hållbarheten vid renoveringsobjekt, hur får de hela områdensom länge haft ett dåligt rykte att bli socialt hållbara där stort fokusligger på att anställa långtidsarbetslösa.I Göteborg och i föreningen Byggemenskap fokuserar man på attföra in den sociala hållbarheten vid nybyggnation och hur vi kan byggahyresrätter som har en lägre hyra än nybyggda lägenheter i dagslägethar..

Fastighetsmäklarbranschens rykte

Title: Real Estate Brokerage Industry's reputation - a study from a relationship marketing perspectiveLevel: Bachelor thesis in business administrationAuthors: Sanna Soininen & Sofia PulkkinenSupervisor: Jonas KågströmDate: 2013 ? AugustBackground: The background to this investigation was primarily another survey, conducted by Fastighetsbyrån, a Swedish real estate agency. According to the survey, only 5% of the Swedish population claims to have high confidence for realtors. The problem discussion revolves around statistics about how few real estate agents who are notified and receive sanctions each year. We believe that those numbers doesn't make sense when compared to how few people trust realtors, which is where our aim with the study comes from.Purpose: The aim of this study is to investigate the real estate brokerage industry's reputation by previous research in relationship marketing.Method: The study was conducted with a deductive and for the most part with a positivistic approach.

Läget - allt och ingenting : En studie av hyressättning av kontorslokaler i Stockholm

Aim: The purpose of this study is to increase the knowledge around the location?s importance when rent setting office premises. Furthermore, I want to get broader knowledge about the real estate market as a whole when since it is of current interest.Method: The study is performed with the aid of qualitative interviews on persons with experience of office premises in Stockholm city. Theoretical dates mainly have been gathered via literature and the Internet. Then I have put together the interviews in order so that I finally can analyze empiric with theory.Result & conclusions: The results that have been achieved with this essay are how the concept location has been used within the real estate sector, also how important long-term thinking is when letting of premises, not only office premises.Suggestions for future research: Future studies can increase my study with more interviews, with for example real-estate owners.

Fastighetsköp i utlandet : En jämförelse mellan Sverige, Spanien, Thailand och Turkiet

AbstractBuying real estate property is a complex process for the uninitiated. Apotential buyer has to keep track of laws and regulations affecting theproperty. The purchase of a property is for many also the largest deal made inlife and because of that it is especially important to make sure everything getsdone correctly.A real estate property purchase contains a number of different elements, suchas engineering data and inspection of the property and documentation to makesure that the signing of contracts and clauses are done according to the laws ofthat country. These purchase process steps are ordinary people not familiarwith, and therefore they hire the help of a real estate agent.Buying a property abroad complicates things because the countries have theirown laws and rules that make them different from the Swedish rules which theSwedish real estate buyers are accustomed to.Our thesis is about exploring if a Swedish buyer knows the buying process inforeign countries, or whether they rely on the broker they hired. The countrieswe have chosen to examine and compare against Sweden is Spain, Thailandand Turkey.Our questions will be answered by interviewing buyers about how they feelabout their buying process, if they encountered any problems before, duringor after their purchase, and if they are happy with their purchase after theevent.Our study shows that the buying processes in all four countries are generallyequal to each other.

Tjänstemarknadsföring inom fastighetsförmedling : en studie av Fastighetsbyråns förmedling av lantbruksfastigheter

Services, no matter if they are established on the market or not, are often problematic since they are difficult to define for the customer. An example of such services is an real estate agent offers his or her service when it comes to all types of real estate. The purpose of the intermediation is to sell a costumers real estate to a buyer and act arbitrator between the two parties, this means that good communication is very important. To pin down what the service is all about and to know how to communicate is essential. When it comes to land and forest holding a special need of knowledge and experience is needed to be able to act professionally.

Arbetsgruppsrelationer - En studie av provisonsanställda på en mäklarbyrå

This study examines work relations on a real estate agency. My interest is to examine how real estate agents apprehend their work relations, and how a recession can affect these relations. Previous research shows that the occurrence of competition in groups decreases the motivation to cooperate. A different research illustrates that reward interdependence is important to performance, and that task interdependence drives observed cooperative behavior. The study contained six interviews with real estate agents working on commission.

Faktorer som påverkar kapitalstrukturen i nordiska fastighetsbolag

The bachelor's thesis is to examine the explanatory factors affecting the choice of capital structure in real estate companies. The analysis is based on data collected from the main financial reporting from 2007; all listed real estate companies listed on Swedish, Norwegian, Danish and Finnish stock market. Based on previous research and theories, we have defined five independent variables that are linked to the debt ratio, which are: profitability, growth, firm size, cost of debt and operational risk. The statistical tests have resulted in that we can say with certainty that profitable firms tend to have a lower debt to equity ratio. We can also say with certainty that property companies with high interest costs have a high level of indebtedness..

Fjärrvärme, vad annars? : Fjärrvärme och dess alternativ

AbstractBackgroundThe Swedish district heat market of today is a subject being discussed regarding the reasonableness of the heat district supplier?s price settings. The issue is currently on a government level where a new investigation is being executed at the time of writing. Many real estate owners are growing tired of the situation where the heat district suppliers are taking advantage of their monopoly position, thus feeling that the price of district heating has been increasing far too much for many years. The market can be described as a natural monopoly because the real estate owner has no possibility to choose another supplier if they are unsatisfied with the present.

Kundens val av fastighetsmäklare

Real estate agent is a popular occupation that many young people study today. They enter the market and will have to compete with experienced real estat agents. Why should the customer choose them instead of those with more experience? We describe the character of services offered, expectations and customer satisfaction. We have chosen to give a questionnaire to customers and real estat agents.

Kommersiella fastighetsinvesteringsbeslut : Påverkande faktorer ur ett investerarperspektiv

AbstractA master thesis in business administration 30 hp, Jönköping International Business School, Spring semester 2012.Authors: Sarah Henningsson & Jim BörefeltSupervisor: Urban ÖsterlundTitle: Commercial real estate investment ? Factors from an investor perspectiveBackground and problem: In this study, we focused on the real estate investor and the factors and issues that may arise and affect real estate investment decisions. It has been put in relation to the other parties in the process of assessing and affecting real estate investment decision. The parties that we studied are real estate investors, banks, brokers and appraisers.Purpose: This study aims to describe and explain the factors that affect commercial real estate investments for investors, credit assessment conducted by the bank and valuation made by the broker and appraiser.Delimitations: We have chosen to limit the study to commercial real estates including residential, retail and office properties, industrial properties and combinations thereof. Agriculture buildings and forestry plots are not examined.

Fastighetsmäklare : varför så dåligt rykte?

Aim: Many people react negatively when they find out that I work as an estate agent. They believe that estate agents earn more money then they should. What many do not know is how hard we must work and that it doesn´t suit someone who is looking for an 8-17 work. As an estate agent I thought it would be interesting to found out why the estate agents have such a bad reputation.Method: This essay is based on the interviews with estate agents and branch organizations but also on newspaper articles about real estate agents. Theory is collected marketing, where I have concentrate on concepts of branding, positioning, communication and image.Result & Conclusions: The factors, which I found in my investigation, that have an effect to the bad reputation are; media, commission, the customers and the bidding.

Dåliga mäklare, eller bristande kunskap hos konsumenten?

Aim: The aim of this thesis is to through a survey, gain information about the tenant owners knowledge concerning their own and the real estate agents rights and obligations, this to elucidate one of the factors we think play a big part in the general publics dissatisfaction about the real estate agents and the negative picture painted of them in media today. By throwing light on the assumed lack of knowledge in this area we hope to contribute to improve the information communicated to the customers so that they can feel safer when consulting a real estate agent in this matter.Our main question in this thesis is: How much knowledge does tenant owners and tenant owners to be have concerning the division of responsibilities when it comes to selling and buying a tenant owned flat and what problems can the presumed lack of knowledge in this area lead to?Method: We have used a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. Data has been collected through a survey which we have put together and analyzed both based on the results we got from the survey but also based on the reactions we received from the participants. The results are presented both in text and in diagrams.Result & Conclusions: The results we got from the survey indicate that the knowledge among our participants is much worse than what would be desired.

HIV/AIDS-politik i Sydafrika : En innehållsanalys av de tre nationella strategiska planerna för HIV/AIDS

AbstractA master thesis in business administration 30 hp, Jönköping International Business School, Spring semester 2012.Authors: Sarah Henningsson & Jim BörefeltSupervisor: Urban ÖsterlundTitle: Commercial real estate investment ? Factors from an investor perspectiveBackground and problem: In this study, we focused on the real estate investor and the factors and issues that may arise and affect real estate investment decisions. It has been put in relation to the other parties in the process of assessing and affecting real estate investment decision. The parties that we studied are real estate investors, banks, brokers and appraisers.Purpose: This study aims to describe and explain the factors that affect commercial real estate investments for investors, credit assessment conducted by the bank and valuation made by the broker and appraiser.Delimitations: We have chosen to limit the study to commercial real estates including residential, retail and office properties, industrial properties and combinations thereof. Agriculture buildings and forestry plots are not examined.

Säljarnas val av mäklare : vid försäljning av lantbruksfastigheter i Skåne län

A favourable economic situation in Sweden has lead to a very good market for agricultural real estates. The estate agents? ads in the daily newspapers, where they actively are seeking assignments, give a hint that the supply is smaller than the demand for agricultural real estates. This situation ends up in a competition between real estate agents to get as many assignments as possible to meet the demand from the market. Describing and explaining the sellers? decision process may give a specific agent an advantage towards other agents.

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