

1560 Uppsatser om Real Estate Financing - Sida 37 av 104

Citygalleria som motor för upprustning av centrum : Studie av de effekter som skapats i en mellanstor svensk stad vid en etablering av en citygalleria

Många företag idag implementerar fortfarande system som inte stödjer verksamheten i tillräcklig omfattning. Det verkar som om det saknas tillräcklig förståelse för det arbete som ska utföras med stöd av IT-systemen vilket kan bero på bristfällig kravinsamling. Därför har denna undersökning genomförts med två huvudsakliga syften:Att bedriva kravinsamling inför ett labbdatasystemAtt utvärdera de valda teknikerna för kravinsamlingen Kravinsamlingen har genomförts på Expancel Produktkontroll, som är laboratoriet för kvalitetskontroll på Expancel, en kemisk tillverkningsindustri i Sundsvall.De tekniker för kravinsamling som var mest intressanta i denna undersökning var sådana som anses ska skapa större förståelse för verksamheten genom att kravinsamlaren medverkar mer aktivt i verksamheten, här kallad kravinsamling genom ?omvänd användarmedverkan?. De tekniker som användes var deltagande observation och kontextuella intervjuer.

Fastighetsmäklare - bättre än ryktet

Syfte: Vi som studerar till fastighetsmäklare ser att fastighetsmäklarbranschen har hamnat i dålig dager. En tes vi har är att detta till stor del beror på media. En annan tes är att de flesta gliringar gentemot yrkesrollen kommer från personer som saknar erfarenhet av fastighetsmäklare. När vi tog del av statistik som tvärtemot visade att fyra av fem kunder var nöjda med sin fastighetsmäklare, bestämde vi oss för att undersöka saken djupare. Syftet med arbetet är att verifiera eller falsifiera våra två teser.

En studie av kommunikation i missbruk och drogfritt tillstånd, förståelseorienterat kontra framgångsorienterat handlande

By comparing the experience off interaction in a life world with a drug habit and a life world without a drug habit you might find how they differ. We asked four former drug abusers in four semi structured interviews to describe their experiences off interaction under these two circumstances. The difference between the two life worlds when it comes to interaction is that in the drug abusing life world our informants describe that communicative action has to stand back for a more goal oriented action. In the drug free life world, communicative action on the other hand is experienced as the most important action. The difference is about wether interaction is goal oriented or oriented at understanding.

Kulturvårdscentrum 1986-2001

Kulturvårdscentrum was a project that had great significance for local folklore societies in Bohuslän.Bohusläns museum was i charge of the project that lasted from 1987 until about 2001 when most ofthe original staff have retired. The staff was mainly recruited from a large shipyard, Uddevallavarvet,at it's closure due to recession. Financing was largely made by the government to help outthose unemployed who otherwise should have a hard time finding a new job. At start there was about25 employees who where trained for one year by staff from Swedish museums, conservation studios,and teachers the university. The education was aimed at serving local folklore societies, and dealingwith their special problems.

Realistisk restidsberäkning för comodal reseplanering

With increasing traffic congestion problems in bigger cities, it is becoming more and more important to provide the traveller with correct information about all transport alternatives. When doing that, the traveller gets the opportunity to make the best decision based on the current traffic situation. Instead of traditional travel planners, where public and private transport modes are presented separately, the co-modal travel planner offers a combination. In order to make the comparison correct and fair, the travel times have to be estimated realistically and on equal basis. This master thesis focuses on how to estimate travel times in the city of Stockholm for journeys by cars, public transport, bicycles and also for walking.An investigation of the available data on maps and travel times shows where the currently used methods are lacking.

Värdesättning av småhustomter : En jämförelse mellan exploatörer och kunders värdesättning av småhustomter vid upprättandet av nya bostadsområden

When single-family lots are valued for development of new residential areas,the valuation is influenced by several factors. The valuation is a matter ofdefinition that varies according to its interpreter. Previous research conductedin other countries, has identified a number of value-influencing factors. Thesefactors are the basis for this study.The study's purpose is to highlight the value-influencing factors thatcustomers value and are looking for in the choice of single-family lots. Thestudy also seeks to determine if there is an unknown difference between howprofessionals and clients value single-family lots.The study showed that the value factors considered important for customersand also professionals are consistent and applicable with the factors reportedfrom previous research.

Korrelationen mellan fotgängares skador i verkliga olyckor och Euro NCAPs testresultat för fotgängarskydd

The aim of the present study was to estimate the correlation between Euro NCAP pedestrian rating scores and injury outcome in real-life car to pedestrian crashes, with special focus on long-term disability. The study also surveyed most frequently injured body regions and risk differences for specific elements of pedestrians hit by cars. Another aim was to determine whether Brake Assist systems affect the injury outcome in real-life car to pedestrian crashes and to estimate the effect in injury reduction of a high Euro NCAP ranking score combined with Brake Assist.In the current study, the Euro NCAP pedestrian scoring was compared with the real-life outcome in pedestrian crashes that occurred in Sweden 2003-2010. The real-life crash data was obtained from the data acquisition system STRADA, which combines police records and hospital admission data. The medical data consisted of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) diagnoses and Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) scoring.

Revitalizing classic art using real-time game technology: environment modeling and texturing

Detta projekt gick ut på att under åtta veckor försöka utveckla en interaktiv tavla, där en karaktär i tavlan med hjälp av en monterad web- kamera skulle kunna interagera med tavlans åskådare. Rapporten handlar om hur man kan gå till väga för att skapa miljön till en sådan tavla, anpassad för realtidsspelgrafik.

Ny Protest? : En fallstudie av rörelsen Planka.nu.

The aim of this paper is to analyse the social movement Planka.nu with reference to the theory of new social movements in order to engage in a discussion about the presence of ?old? tradition and ?new? trends. As well as empirical, the purpose is also theoretical and methodological: to examine, and extend, the discussion about new and old social movements. A qualitative method is used. The analytical framework is based on a combination of theories of social movements and new social movements.

En studie av kommunikation i missbruk och drogfritt tillstånd, förståelseorienterat kontra framgångsorienterat handlande

By comparing the experience off interaction in a life world with a drug habit and a life world without a drug habit you might find how they differ. We asked four former drug abusers in four semi structured interviews to describe their experiences off interaction under these two circumstances. The difference between the two life worlds when it comes to interaction is that in the drug abusing life world our informants describe that communicative action has to stand back for a more goal oriented action. In the drug free life world, communicative action on the other hand is experienced as the most important action. The difference is about wether interaction is goal oriented or oriented at understanding.

Processkartläggning avförmedlingsuppdraget : med fokus på förbättringsområden

I denna rapport redovisas för förmedlingsprocessen för småhus med typkod 220 och samtliga moment som ingår från början till genomfört uppdrag. Fokus har riktats på att identifiera förbättringsområden och därigenom hitta åtgärdsförslag. Rapporten skall syfta till att fungera som ett stöd och vara ett vägledande hjälpmedel för såväl fastighetsmäklare som privatpersoner i sin roll som säljare och köpare. Litteraturstudier och handledning har legat till grund för den processkarta som upprättats och illustrerats. Utifrån denna har en förstudie gjorts genom intervjuer med fem verksamma fastighetsmäklare på Fastighetsbyrån i Alingsås.

Inhibiting the IGF-1 receptor with the cyclolignan Picropodophyllin: an in vitro study of ovulation, implantation and receptivity in a mouse model

Picropodophyllin (PPP) is an analogue of the anti tumour lignan podophyllotoxin with the unique ability to selectively inhibit the receptor of Insulin like growth factor 1(IGF-1). IGF-1 is believed to play an important part in development of the endometrium facing implantation. With PPP treated mice, studies can be made to measure gene expression from tissue of both treated and untreated mice to compare the role of IGF-1 regarding ovulation, implantation and receptivity. The aim of this study was to analyze gene expression of some steroid hormone receptors and cytokines in ovaries from mice treated with PPP. In this study, seven mice were treated with PPP at different times and tissue was collected.

Manual för elMaster Concept 2012

This thesis includes a description of the project flow for our projects at Semcon. The emphasis is on designing a manual for elMaster Concept.The project flow provides several minor and major elements plotting schedules for this project and the establishment of a manual. When a schedule is drawn, lists and tables with components and connections can be created. This is done to better manage drawings and make changes. These diagrams and tables are used in product manufacturing, testings, controls.

Identifiering av merva?rden i EPC-projekt

In this report a study is carried out with the aim to identify added values of EPC projects implemented in schools in order to increase the interest of EPC projects on the market. The report examines how the planned maintenance, supervision, maintenance and corrective maintenance is affected, how insurance premiums and terms are affected, the indoor environment and how the tasks of the operating staff is changing. A literature study of energy savings, energy use in schools, maintenance and insurance as well as how energy efficiency improvements are related to the Swedish environmental objectives has been made. Visits were carried out in Ludvika, interviews were also carried out with operation technicians and local strategists in Ludvika as well as employees of insurance companies.Schools often have neglected maintenance and problems with ventilation and indoor environment. Schools also have a large energy saving potential due to their low utilization, mainly because they are empty parts of the year.

Munksjökajen : Stadsplanering i Jönköping

Munksjökajen is an old industrial estate on the western shore of Munksjön in Jönköping. The purpose of this thesis is to develop Munksjökajen in accordance with the program for Jönköping?s future development ? Stadsbyggnadsvisionen ? drawn up by the city council.Munksjökajens relations to the surrounding areas have been investigated as well as the need for public transport and possibilities for commercial, municipal and private businesses to operate in the area.The final proposal has a relatively high degree of preserved industrial buildings. New buildings vary in shape and expression in order to create an interesting and diverse environment. The proximity to the lake adds character to the neighbourhood and the water is accentuated by the integration of it in the area..

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