

1560 Uppsatser om Real Estate Financing - Sida 33 av 104

Beredning av köldbärare för komfortändamål i kontorsverksamhet : En studie i produktionsslag

The real estate company Ihus is facing an expansion of its comfort cooling in Noatun,Uppsala, to provide the buildings in the block with cooling. The buildings in Noatunare mainly used for office premises, where the requirements for an accepted indoorclimate is great. However, it?s uncertain whether Ihus should continue, as currently,producing comfort cooling by themselves using a compressor chiller, or if they shouldconnect themselves to Vattenfall?s district cooling net.The purpose of this report is to examine which technique of cooling is best suited forIhus and their buildings in Noatun. It should also work as a guideline for othercompanies facing the same problem as Ihus.

Evaluation of specificity of a walnut antiserum and detection of English walnut (Juglans regia) in food with ELISA and Real-Time PCR

Nuts of all kinds are common ingredients in food. For nut allergy sufferers the frequent use of nuts cause problems and "hidden" nuts in food products may elicit allergic reaction when such foods are consumed. Methods for detecting and quantifying walnut (and other nuts) with high sensitivity and specificity are therefore very important.The objective of this project was to verify the specificity of a rabbit antiserum against walnut with immunodiffusion and to determine the size of the dominant walnut antigens with Western blotting. In addition, a commercial sandwich ELISA for walnut quantification was validated and compared with a qualitative real-time PCR.The rabbit antiserum proved to be less specific but after absorption with cross-reacting nuts and seeds it showed high specificity. The ELISA kit reacted, except for walnut, with pecan and slightly with other nuts and seeds tested.

Incitament för fastighetsägare att omvandla bruna kontorsfastigheter till gröna - När och varför de väljer att investera

This thesis of 15 hp has been implemented at Halmstad University, in collaboration with Saab Dynamics in Linköping. Saab Dynamics is a company operating in the defence industry where competition is tough. This necessitates new ways to increase efficiency in the company, which is the basis for this thesis. Saab Dynamics wants to introduce simulation driven design. Since Saab Dynamics engineers have little experience of simulation, required a user methodology with clear guidelines.

Säljarens förmåga att visa förståelse och empati i interaktionen med kund : En kvalitativ studie om den affektiva och kognitiva empatin 

Syfte: Syftet med vår undersökning är att skapa bättre förståelse för hur en säljare förmedlar empati för kunden i en säljrelation. Tidigare forsknings uppmärksamhet för förståelsen och empatins påverkan utgör grunden till att vi mer specifikt vill undersöka; hur kunden uppfattar att fastighetsmäklaren förmedlar affektiv respektive kognitiv empati i en säljrelation.Metod: En studie av kvalitativ art valdes med bakgrund till studiens syfte. För insamling av kvalitativ data använde vi oss av tidigare forskning samt semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilka utfördes med respondenter som anlitat en fastighetsmäklare inom de närmaste tre föregående åren. Well-grounded theory användes sedan som analysmetod av det empiriska materialet.Slutsats: Studien indikerar att kunden uppfattar både affektiv och kognitiv empati i mötet med fastighetsmäklaren. Vi har genom analysen uppmärksammat skillnader och likheter i respondenternas svar, mer specifikt har vi funnit att kundernas uppfattning av empati upplevs olika av olika personlighetstyper och situationer.Förslag till vidare forskning: Vi anser att vidare forskning bör ta hänsyn till fler variabler, exempelvis ålder, kön, personlighetstyp eller situation.

Generationsskifte : av familjeägda jord- och skogsbruksföretag

The aim of this thesis is to present, investigate and especially to analyse the legal rules that apply in the process of changing of the generation of the ownership of Swedish agriculture and forestry family business. The methods that this study include are: unplanned succession of ownership, i.e. inheritance, and planned succession of ownership, i.e. gift and purchase. The succession method that is the most cost efficient must be established in every single case depending on the situation of the current owners and the successors.

Den utdragna byggprocessen - En studie av utredningar i planprocessen

Under de senaste åren har planprocessen legat i fokus. I Stockholm råder en stor bostadsbristoch de långa planprocesserna som kan sträcka sig upp till fem år eller mer har medfört att ettantal utredningar och rapporter har genomförts för att se vari problemen ligger. De långa ochkomplicerade planprocesserna medför även att konkurrenssituationen mellan byggherrarpåverkas då enbart de större byggherrarna har den tid och resurser att genomgå dennautdragna process. I den nya plan- och bygglagen som infördes 2 maj 2011 fanns en delförändringar som hade som mål att effektivisera denna process men än finns det utrymme förförbättringar.I vårt examensarbete har vi analyserat tre projekt i tre olika kommuner för att se huruvida deutredningar som krävs skiljer sig mellan kommunerna. Kommunerna vi har valt är Stockholm,Solna och Södertälje och för att få en mer nyanserad bild har vi pratat medstadsbyggnadskontoret i Södertälje kommun samt två exploatörer i Stockholm och Solna omderas syn på processen.

Utvärdering av en beslutsåterkopplad kanalestimator för tredje generationens mobiltelefonisystem

This Masters thesis work describes a comparison between two different methods for estimation of the down channel (base station to mobile subscriber) in Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). The first estimation method, Optimal Feed-forward Channel Estimation (OFCE), is a conventional method that bases the estimates on data that is known to both sender and receiver, so called pilots. The second method, Decision Directed Channel Estimation (DDCE), is an elaboration of OFCE. It also uses user data for estimation. Simulations show that DDCE, in comparison to OFCE, does not attain an improvement in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) for high bit error rates (BER). An improvement is only seen when the BER becomes much lower than what is common in real situations. In conclusion DDCE is complicated, involves many mathematical operations and gives insignificant improvement of SNR when BER takes common values. It is legitimate to question if it is possible to use the method in a real mobile phone system..

Statliga myndigheter på lokalhyresmarknaden

Denna studie undersöker hur statliga myndigheter är som hyresgäster på den svenska lokalhyresmarknaden. I studien analyseras myndigheternas hyreskontraktslängder samt den faktiska hyresperioden för respektive lokal. Därutöver utreds hur respektive myndighet hanterar sin lokalförsörjning både organisatoriskt och strategiskt. För att få en tillförlitlig perception om dagens situation har såväl historisk utveckling samt rådande trender och framtidsutsikter i den statliga lokalförsörjningen beaktats.Tidigare forskning kring myndigheters lokalhyrestider är begränsad, således är förhoppningen att denna studie ska bringa klarhet i detta. Vidare ämnar studiens syfte till att klargöra statliga myndigheters strategi gällande lokalförsörjning.Studien bygger på en kvalitativ del vilken innefattar intervjuer med fem statliga myndigheter.

"En riktig våldtäkt" : - en kunskapsöversikt om föreställningar om våldtäkt

This essay is a selective review of Nordic literature with the aim to explore contemporary conceptions of male-on-female rape, to increase the understanding of how these can construct ?a real rape?. To achieve this two questions were formulated: What circumstances can cause an incident not to be defined as rape? What circumstances can cause an incident to be defined as rape? Searches in international and Swedish databases led to initial selection of peer-review journal articles and dissertations that were reviewed against set criteria. These criteria were met by 8 studies, that were assigned codes, from which comprehensive categories were developed.

Livförsäkringar och efterarv

In recent decades, demands has emerged that the companies shall take a greater social responsibility for the impact that they have on their environment and that this impact shall be reported, which is known as Sustainability Reporting. The Sustainability Report is based on a number of general principles that ensure the content and the quality of the Sustainability Report. One of these principles is the principle of completeness. In the research, this principle seems to have been interpreted in terms of number of reported aspects and indicators, which can be a limited view where only the existence of the aspects and indicators is observed. By including the degree of the reporting in terms of full, partial and no reporting as well as a comparison between the real and the alleged reporting, our intention is to extend the principle of completeness and to develop a tool that we also apply through an empirical survey in a particular area.

TaqMan® Sample-to-SNP Kit? : evaluation of kit for low-cost and fast preparing of DNA-samples before genotype analysis

 Genotyping can be used to link genetic variation among individuals to certain diseases or conditions. Some known disorders and states that are dependent on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) are lactose intolerance, venous thrombosis, hereditary hemochromatosis and the difference in sensibility among people to metabolise drugs.In this project a new kit, TaqManÒ Sample-to-SNP KitÔ for extraction of DNA and preparation of the extract for genotyping with real-time PCR and allelic discrimination, was evaluated. QIAamp® DNA Blood Biorobot® MDx Kit was used as the reference method.The purpose of the comparison was to find a method that makes DNA extraction from blood samples cheaper and faster, but with the same reliability as the reference procedure.The results of the evaluation showed a complete agreement of the genotype results between the methods tested, which means that the new method was as reliable as the reference method. The costs of reagents and material would be reduced with 52% if the new method is adopted, that alone would result in a cost reduction of 144 000SEK a year with a sample volume of 650 samples/month. The time for DNA extraction would also be reduced with the new procedure. .

Kommunernas politisering : En studie av det politiska styret i Nyeds landskommun 1950-1962

This essay deals with the question of lines of development within the politics in the rural municipality of Nyed 1950-1962. The aim is to explore how local politics and policies were handled from two perspectives. Firstly the issue of conflict and consensus or majority rule and consensus. Here Arend Lijphard's theory of majority and consensus provides a theoretical base for the essay. Secondly the aim is to explore the actions of the local politicians with regards to leisure time policies to find out whether or not they ideologically belonged to the concept of ?folkhemmets kommun? by Ulla Ekström von Essen.The source material for this essay has been the minutes from the two major bodies of local politics in Nyed, kommunalfullmäktige and kommunalnämnden.

Referensgrupper för ungdomar på folkbibliotek en bra idé?

The aim of this master thesis is to find out if young people and librarians think that reference groups can support public libraries to meet the needs of young people, and if the reference groups, which the librarians describe, differentiates from the young peoples requirements. I have made a qualitative study with a questionnaire to six librarians who have experience from reference groups and ten interviews with teenagers. The result showed that young people have many interests and needs which can be met from the library. The teenagers were positive to the library and many of them showed interest in having more influence on the library. Many would like to join a reference group, but on the condition that they would be offered real influence.

RTLS - real time location systems : an inventory study for agriculture applications and requirements

The trend towards increasingly large farming units raises questions regarding how to better monitor production. Larger units make the impact from possible errors more severe, which increases the pressure on management supervision. To cope with management issues, prevent errors and handle increased demands on traceability and documentation, the Real Time Location Systems (RTLS) concept is making its way into various parts of agriculture. In sectors outside agriculture, RTLS are already being used successfully to track and locate items through nodes at different levels of accuracy, such as room level or the relative or absolute position. Empirical data can be received in real time from the nodes.

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