

1560 Uppsatser om Real Estate Financing - Sida 29 av 104


In the year of 2005 the international standard IAS 40 came in to use in Sweden, this lead to an opportunity for the corporations to choose either to evaluate their investment properties according to the historical cost accounting principal. The model contains the obtaining price with reduction for the planned writing off. The alternative that IAS40 offers is the fairvalue principal, which evaluate the investment properties by consideration of the income versus outcome and surrounding factors for every accounting periodSince the fairvalue is buildt on numbers the corporations them self choose what to publish and for how long the value depreciation should be lasting before it should be taken up as an unrealized value change in the reporting material. This means that there is a big chance that the evaluation can be distortedSince we just recently have had strong cyclical variation and are on our way from an excess boom into a weak economic climate, this will be the first study performed about fair value in a weak economic climate since the adoption of IAS40.The purpose of the essay is to find out how well the booked value of investment properties owned by corporations listed on the Swedish stock market accord with the fairvalue that the market and the Swedish property index indicates on. To be able to test this connection we gathered information from the corporation?s annual reports which we compiled to see how the market comprehends.

Will the real Dolly please stand up : En narratologisk analys av Amanda Svenssons Hey Dolly

This essay is a study of the Swedish author Amanda Svensson?s novel Hey Dolly (2008). The aim of the study is to investigate the conflict that occurs in the storytelling because of the untruthful narrator Dolly. Using the terms story and discourse, from a method of narratology by Maria Nikolajeva, the purpose is to analyze how the narrator manipulates the reader?s comprehension of what is real and not in the text.

Betongbjälklag med limmad matta : olika behandlingars effekt på alkalitet, fukthalt och emissionsbildning

This Masters thesis work describes a comparison between two different methods for estimation of the down channel (base station to mobile subscriber) in Wide-band Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). The first estimation method, Optimal Feed-forward Channel Estimation (OFCE), is a conventional method that bases the estimates on data that is known to both sender and receiver, so called pilots. The second method, Decision Directed Channel Estimation (DDCE), is an elaboration of OFCE. It also uses user data for estimation. Simulations show that DDCE, in comparison to OFCE, does not attain an improvement in signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) for high bit error rates (BER).

Systematiskt arbetsmiljöarbete : Autoliv Sverige AB

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Förbättring av värmeugn : Bottenförseglare för Tetra Pak's Gable Top förpackningar

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Utveckling av priset på bostäder i Kina

Under de senaste 30 åren har Kinas ekonomi utvecklats snabbt, vilket hänger väl ihop med landets fastighetsutveckling. Sedan den marknadsinriktade bostadsreformen 1998 har Kinas bostadsmarknad haft en snabb tillväxt med en kraftig prisökning under de senaste fem, sex åren. Denna uppsats har syftet att undersöka de kinesiska bostadsprisernas utveckling och utforska de faktorer som drivit bostädernas prisutveckling. Med insamlade årliga data från Kinas National Bureau of Statistics för perioden 1995-2010 genomfördes grafiska analyser och ekonometriska analyser. Studiens grafiska resultat visar att bostadspriset har en stabil utveckling under perioden 1995-2004.

Spillmätning i konverteringen på SCA Hygiene Products

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Flödesplanering för nya artiklar vid Lear Corporation i Färgeland

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Äganderättslägenheter : En studie om vilka faktorer som hindrar a?garla?genheterna att sla? igenom pa? den svenska bostadsmarknaden

Bachelor of Science, Construction and real estate economics at the University of Halmstad, Sweden, 2012. Author: Emilia Bjuvensjo? and Emma Davidson Advisor: Sven-Ola CarlssonExaminer: Kent Sahlgren Title: Condominiums ? A study of what factors are preventing condominiums from having a breakthrough on the Swedish housing market.Background:In Sweden condominiums have been discussed over and over again during the past 100 years. The government decided that on the 1st of May 2009 they would introduce a new kind of housing-form, condominiums. Ever since the new law came into force, no major changes have been done in the Swedish condominium market.

Konstruktion av spoltorn för höj- och sänkbar överkorg till diskmaskin

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Framing och epidemier : En studie av framing i relation till fiktiva och reella epidemier

The present study aimed to replicate Tversky & Kahneman's' survey of 1981 The Asian Disease Problem. A survey was conducted on the Internet (N = 200). An identical problem was added, yet with The Swine Flu as the disease. This was done to be able to investigate if there are any order effects, and also if it matters whether the mentioned disease is fictional or real. The results show the same results as Tversky & Kahneman already noted; positively and negatively framed problems generate different responses from the participants.

Gjutet lagerhus

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Optimering av kranarmar : Kahlman produkter AB

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Omkonstruktion av främre låsring på högtrycksrotorn i RM12

Real-time systems are required to answer to external stimuli within a specified time-period. For this to be possible, the systems behaviour must be predictable. The use of active databases in real-time systems introduces unpredictability in the system, e.g. due to their use of active rules. The behaviour in active databases is usually specified in ECA-rules.

Värdeförändringar på bostadshyresfastigheter vid reformerad hyresreglering Dagens situation och Alternativa modeller

Den nuvarande bostadshyresmarknaden i Stockholm är allt annat än välfungerande. Det låga utbudet av hyresrätter har bland annat resulterat i långa bostadsköer, en omfattande svart hyresmarknad och inlåsningseffekter. I skenet av denna illa fungerande hyresmarknad reser sig frågan om det inte är på tiden att reformera alternativt frångå det nuvarande bruksvärdesystemet, till förmån för en ny alternativ hyressättningsmodell. En modell som förhoppningsvis reducerar de negativa effekterna vi idag ser på hyresmarknaden.Rapporten har som utgångspunkt att beskriva dagens hyressystem samt redogöra för potentiella hyresmodeller. Nuvarande hyressystem och de potentiella modellerna är alla relativt väl utredda ur ett hyresmässigt perspektiv.

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