

1560 Uppsatser om Real Estate Financing - Sida 26 av 104

Vad påverkar skogsägarnas naturhänsyn vid föryngringsavverkning i region Mellannorrland? :

The objective of this thesis was to investigate what influence nature conservation measures taken at regeneration felling. Factors analysed were the forest owners´ situation and their characters, and information activities from wood-suppliers and the Regional Forest Board (RFB). The inventory was performed with a posted questionnaire followed up by telephone to forest owners and a posted questionnaire to wood-buyers. The forest owners were grouped in three strata, depending on the quality results (D- polytax inventory) of the taken forest conservation measures, and for this investigation forest owners were sampled from the population in the tree groups. In total 73 % (41/56) of the sampled forest owners answered the questionnaire Group A (17 answers): Good judgement Group B (19 answers): Bad judgement Group C (5 answers): This group was formed from the forest owners that were informed, by RFB, about nature conservation measures and culture history consideration before the regeneration cutting.

Friluftsgräset är grönare på andra sidan gränsen : en jämförelse av förutsättningarna för friluftslivsforskning i Sverige och Norge

 AimThe purpose of this study is to compare and highlight the scope for research into outdoor recreational pursuits in Sweden and Norway. - What are the similarities and differences in the financing of research into outdoor recreational pursuits in Sweden and Norway?- What are the similarities and differences in forums for research into outdoor recreational pursuits in the two countries?  Method The method that has been used in this study consists of qualitative interviews in conjunction with an examination of the published material on the subject. The qualitative interviews have been conducted with six key figures in the field of research into outdoor recreational pursuits in Sweden and Norway where the aim was to obtain a comprehensive overview of the research undertaken in both countries. The examination of the published material has been used to complement the interviews, primarily with information from propositions and reports from relevant organisations and authorities.  Results  Financing in Sweden is spread over several different research councils and authorities where no one organisation has an express responsibility for research into outdoor recreational pursuits. In Norway, however, The Research Council of Norway is the prime source of research funding.

Vilka mål och behov har olika typer av skogsägare kring sitt skogsägande? :

The NIPF (Non Industrial Private Forest) owners in Sweden have very differentiated goals and needs with their forest. They have different backgrounds and some of them live at their forest estate while other live in an urban environment, and some are economically dependent on their forest estate while others are not. The heterogeneity among these forest owners creates problems for market actors that want to aim marketing messages to catch their interest. This is the problem background to the task that was provided to us as an investigative masters thesis for us. Their request was a plan for ensuring a successful marketing towards different segments of the NIPF owners. We commenced with a literature study based on market information and previously carried out similar investigations. We summarized the most important market information from the literature and created some hypotheses regarding goals and needs of the NIPF owners.

En fri marknad för fritidshus? : Lokala effekter av regleringar inom fritidshusmarknaden ? En studie om boplikt för fritidshus med exempel från Ven och Bornholm

The purpose of this study is to highlight the second home sector in Sweden and Denmark, in a comparative study of regulations for the second home market, and residence requirement. Two attractive second home island destinations is being compared in Ven, Landskrona and Gudhjem, Bornholm. The study addresses issues such as the local effects of a regulation of the second home market get at a local level, and the effects generated by deregulation, as well as local people's opinions about second home regulation in a popular second home area in southern Sweden. This has been examined using a mix between qualitative method and quantitative methods, and the study is based on six semi-structured interviews from informants from Ven, Bornholm, and Gudhjem which has been analyzed throughout a thematic analysis. In addition to the interviews, diagrams from the Central Bureau of Statistics of Sweden and Statistics Denmark, and various real estate websites, and a field observation from Ven and Gudhjem will be presented.The result shows that show that the discussion on residence requirement has been going on for a long time in Sweden and Ven, but the local organizations found more disadvantages than advantages and are now looking in to other solutions, while other locals believes that there are more advantages with a residence requirement. In Denmark it?s revealed that there is recently started discussion between municipal decision-makers and local organizations about the regulations, and if it should be abolished or not.

Bokhögstubbar i Klåveröds strövområde : utbredning, egenskaper och betydelse för rödlistade vedlevande skalbaggar

Lack of dead wood is the main cause of decaying or loss of populations for many forest species. To increase the amount of dead wood is a prerequisite to maintain biodiversity in forests of northern Europe. In summer 2006 the recreation area Klåveröd, at Söderåsen in Skåne, Sweden, has been inventoried for high stumps (snags) of beech, (Fagus sylvatica). The result of the inventory has been compared with data of the real estate and forest management directories from the owner, region Skåne. The results have also been matched with the results from an inventory of saproxylic beetles in 2005, performed with windowtraps on selected snags both in the area and the adjacent national park Söderåsen. 594 snags were found on 747 ha.

Drivkrafter & Strategier : En studie av fristående mikroföretag i fastighetsmäklarbranschen

Syfte: Syftet med vår forskning är att söka förståelse för hur fristående mikroföretag överlever påen konkurrensutsatt och snabbt växande bostadsmarknad.Metod: Denna studie bygger på en kvantitativ metod i form av enkäter. Totalt samlades 95 enkäterin, vars svar analyserades med hjälp av SPSS i form av faktor- och klusteranalys.Resultat & slutsats: Undersökningens resultat visar att den främsta drivkraften hosmikroföretagarna är friheten och möjligheten att sätta egna villkor/bestämma själv. Den störstakonkurrenten visade sig vara Sveriges marknadsledande företag, Fastighetsbyrån, och mikroföretagens främsta konkurrensmedel ansåg de själva vara en mer personlig service samt derasmöjlighet att till större del kunna anpassa sig efter kunden. Gällande strategier har vi hittatstatistiska samband mellan strategisk planering och framgång.Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Vi rekommenderar vidare att framtida forskare undersökermikroföretag genom en kvalitativ metod, för att förstå deras situation mer på djupet. Vidareforskning skulle även kunna beakta andra branscher än fastighetsmäklarbranschen.Uppsatsens bidrag: Till ämnet företagsekonomi bidrar detta examensarbete till att förstå varföregenföretagare driver mikroföretag, samt en förståelse hos dessa för olika konkurrensmedel ochöverlevnadsstrategier på en konkurrensutsatt marknad..

Kommunikation med hjälp av mock-uper

In several cases, systems that have been developed have been very time consuming and cost a lot of money, but they still do not fulfil the users requirements and requests. To make new systems better, you have to find a way to communicate that allows the developers to understand the needs of the user. The aim for our thesis is to highlight the importance of communication in system development. To investigate this we have choosen to do a study of the real-estate system. The work methods that have been used include mock-ups and informal conversations with the user, who is employed by the Church of Sweden in Ronneby.

Kvartalsvisa resultatmönster : En studie av nordiska börsbolags tendenser till resultatmanipulering

Uppsatsen undersöker om kvartalsvisa resultatmönster kan indikera potentiellt användande av resultatmanipulering (eng. earnings management). Företag klassificeras som Negativa-Positiva- (NP), Positiva-Negativa- (PN) respektive kontrollföretag beroende på hur resultatförändringar ter sig över ett helår. Med hjälp av den modifierade Jonesmodellen beräknas därefter företagens godtyckliga periodiseringar för att undersöka om NP- eller PN-företag är mer troliga än andra företag att tillämpa periodiseringsmanipulering. Ytterligare undersökningar genomförs med fokus mot faktisk resultatmanipulering (eng.

Affärsmöjligheter med Smarta Elnät : En studie som undersöker möjligheter och hinder i utvecklingen av det svenska elsystemet

Distributed, renewable generation-units and more efficient use of electric power,demands a developed electric grid. This grid is often referred to as the ?Smart Grid?.This future electric system rise expectations among actors in the existing electricmarket. International organizations share visions of opportunities for electricityconsumers and new actors, ready to enter the market. At the same time, electricutility companies may question the need for some of these upcoming changes, as theyare sometimes expected to lead the development.This paper therefore seeks to investigate the business opportunities related to SmartGrids.

Skolgård : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg för fritidspedagoger

The present study aimed to replicate Tversky & Kahneman's' survey of 1981 The Asian Disease Problem. A survey was conducted on the Internet (N = 200). An identical problem was added, yet with The Swine Flu as the disease. This was done to be able to investigate if there are any order effects, and also if it matters whether the mentioned disease is fictional or real. The results show the same results as Tversky & Kahneman already noted; positively and negatively framed problems generate different responses from the participants.

Riskpremien, vad ska man tro? : En studie med facit i hand

The market risk premium is one of the most important parameters in finance. Its value and the ways to calculate a risk premium for the market is a widely debated subject. This thesis examines numerous ways of calculating a risk premium for the Swedish market with regard to how good an estimation they make of a real risk premium. Estimations based on historical periods ranging from 20 to 85 years is calculated as well as a premium based on forward-looking estimates. The real risk premium is solved out for a selection of companies and an index with the help of CAPM.

Implementering av realtidsvideolänk med MPEG- och wavelet-teknik

At Saab Aerosystems, situated in Linköping Sweden, there is a presentation and manoeuvre simulator simulating the fighter jet JAS-39 Gripen. This flight simulator is called PMSIM. In this thesis we study how to transfer sensor images generated by PMSIM to other simulators or desktop computers. The transmission is band-limited so some kind of image coding must be used. Because of this the greater part of this thesis is concerned with image coding.

Värdeinverkan vid avsaknad av väg : Hur påverkas marknadsvärdet om väg fram till fastigheten saknas?

Syftet med studien är att ta fram ett grundläggande material för vidare undersökning avseende högre kvalitet vid taxeringsförfarandet i samband med justering av taxeringsvärden när väg fram till småhusfastigheter saknas. Detta då det idag inte finns några riktlinjer kring denna justering. Målet med studien är att undersöka vilken värdeinverkan avsaknad av väg till småhusfastigheter kan anses ha på marknadsvärdet, och vad som gör denna värdeinverkan svår- eller lättbedömd.Metoderna som tillämpats i studien avser en kvantitativ- samt kvalitativ undersökning. Den kvantitativa undersökningen har genomförts i form av telefonintervjuer med mäklare och fastighetsvärderare. Detta för att få en generell bild av hur marknaden anses uppfatta förhållandet avsaknad av väg.

Det finansiella gapet : Finansieringsproblematik av nystartade företag

Denna studie syftar till att beskriva problematiken kring finansiering av nystartade tjänsteföretag som saknar säkerheter i form av materiella tillgångar. Våra slutsatser är att samtliga respondenter anser att finansieringsproblematiken existerar och att detta yttrar sig genom att kreditbedömningar blir svåra att genomföra när företag saknar materiella tillgångar att ställa som säkerhet. Två av de företag vi intervjuat har upplevt problem med finansieringsprocessen. De externa finansiärerna anser att problematiken främst yttrar sig för forsknings- och utvecklingsföretag..

Mångfald eller företagskultur : En fallstudie om den pratadoxala relationen kring mångfald och företagskultur

ABSTRACTCourse/level: Enterprising and Business Development, Bachelor Thesis, AUT2012, 2EB00ETutor: Magnus ForslundAuthors: Linn Danielsson & Alexander OlofssonKey words: Strong diversity, Consistent Corporate Culture, Core Values, Corporate Strategy,Definition of Diversity, Working with Diversity, Management, Standardization.Title: Diversity or Corporate Culture ? A case study on the paradoxical relationship betweendiversity and corporate cultures in corporations and organizations.Background: Diversity and corporate culture can in various ways result in corporate andorganizational advantages. While diversity promotes innovation, creativity and companydevelopment corporate culture possesses advantages such as efficiency, community and unity.Diversity and corporate culture seems to create various benefits that are both beneficial forcompetitive advantage.Problem discussion: I would be beneficial for companies and organizations to maintain bothdiversity and corporate culture since they complement each other. However, diversity andcorporate culture have different purposes and benefit in different ways. The question is howtwo such different strategies can meet.Question for research: How does diversity and corporate culture co-exist in corporations andorganizations?Purpose: The aim of this study is to create further understanding for the co-existence betweendiversity and corporate culture in corporations and organizations.Method: The study is made qualitatively with a hermeneutic approach and based on a casestudy on two corporations within the real estate industry.

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