2366 Uppsatser om Reading task - Sida 40 av 158
Identitet och påverkan: om unga kvinnor och skönlitteratur
The purpose of this Master's Thesis is to explore the influence of fiction on the identity and self-esteem of young women. The purpose is also to investigate if there are any books that they consider to be of importance for their identity. Furthermore, I investigate what appeals to young women generally in fiction and if it is difficult for them to find books that appeal to them. The primary question posed in this thesis is: How does fiction influence the identity development of young women? The data collection is based on literature on the subject and on interviews with eight young women between 15 and 20 years old.
Barnbibliotekariers inköp av ungdomsböcker
The purpose of this Masters thesis is to accomplish an understanding for childrens librarians purchases of juvenile books. Two main questions are to be answered: - Which considerations do childrens librarians do when buying juvenile books and which goals and motives are behind their purchases? - What do childrens librarians think that their knowledge and competence consists of and how is that knowledge useful when buying juvenile books? To answer the questions qualitative interviews with five childrens librarians have been carried out. The material has been analyzed through a theoretical construction consisting of theories about collection development, book selection and quality judgments. The conception tacit knowledge silent knowledge from Michael Polanyi has also been used for interpretation.
Lust att lära sig läsa : En jämförelse av två olika läsinlärningsmetoder; ljudmetoden och Whole language (kiwimetoden)
AbstractMy purpose with this study was to learn more about different ways to teach children how to read and to investigate how teachers can use more fiction when they teach.During the years that I have been working in school, I have only met teachers who use a method that is built on sounds. The children learns to read from books where the words is not put in their right purpose; for example; we can se a sun, a dear looks down in a lake.After my teacher-education in literature I became more and more interested in if it could be possible to use more fiction when you teach children how to read. I also wondered if it was possible to find readers where the sentences are put in a meaningful story.I heard of a method called Whole Language, or the kiwi-method and I decided to find out more about that method. I decided to make a comparison between the ?sound-method? and the Whole Language-method.I have been using qualitative interviews with both children and teachers with experience from these different ways of teaching.
Extra, extra läsvärt? : Vad användare säger om förmedlingen av skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek
Mediation of fiction for adult users in Swedish public libraries is a subject which has been little studied from a theoretical perspective. The motivation for this thesis was based on this realization, and the opinion that actual library users too seldom get their voices heard in library and information science-research. The thesis analyzes interviews with seven library users in which they have been asked to talk about the librarys work with mediating fiction. The answers are analyzed using a discourse analytic approach to see how the librarys work with mediating fiction is constructed in the users talk.Two main discourses are identified, one authoritative and one neutral. In the authoritative discourse librarians are talked of as experts who have the knowledge to guide users to the ?right? literature.
Högläsningens positiva inverkan på yngre barns läs- och skrivinlärning
Syftet med mitt arbete är att undersöka högläsningens roll i barns sätt att lära sig läsa och förstå vad läsning innebär. Många föräldrar läser sagor för sina barn kanske utan att tänka på den positiva inverkan det har. Det är just dessa faktorer jag vill lyfta fram.Genom litteraturstudier och intervjuer framkommer det att högläsning har en märkbar påverkan på ett barns förmåga att lära sig läsa. Genom att iaktta läsarens samspel med t.ex. en bok eller tidning kan ett barn komma underfund med att dessa föremål innehåller något som väcker läsarens intresse.
Kontroll-lokus och beteende i grupp: en studie om sambandet mellan kontroll-lokus och individers beteende i en arbetsgrupp
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between locus of control and behavior in a work group. The investigation was performed using two methods, self-report and observation, which were used in order to provide a description of how the individuals experienced their own behavior in a group context as well as of how they actually could be observed to behave. The 31 participants were divided into five groups. During the procedure each group received a task, which was to be discussed and solved by the group members together. Observations were carried out using IPA.
Kundens förtroende och bild av fastighetsmäklare i Karlstad
Hälsans Trädgård is a project which is going to start in Gamla Linköping, Sweden. The authors were commissioned by Arbetslivsresurs, a company working with work rehabilitation, to select, define and make job analyses on five work tasks at Hälsans Trädgård in Gamla Linköping. A job analysis means an analysis of the demands the job make of the individual. The job analysis used in this study is called The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs (RHAJ) and is from the US Department of Labor (DOL). As RHAJ is an American instrument, the authors produced a form where the concepts are translated into Swedish to make the analysis easier.
Litteratur i förskolans verksamhet : En kvalitativ studie om hur pedagoger använder och förhåller sig till litteratur som ett pedagogiskt redskap
The purpose of this study is to examine how four educators in two different departments at two different preschools in Stockholm, selects children's literature in preschool and how literature is used in the activities and how much influence children have in the choice of literature. Based on qualitative interviews as a method we have interviewed pedagogues to get answers to our questions. We will also interview some children to find out how involved they are in the purchase of literature on the departments we examined. We consider the social cultural perspective to be a well rounded starting point for our survey, because the theory gives us the opportunity to study how the interaction and meetings between educators and children develop for each reading encounter. And through the analysis a thorough display between educators and children towards literature will be shown.
In order to accomplish that a construction is correctly built, it is critical to obtain a well functioning control mechanism throughout the project. The way to enable this is not by having an independent inspector constantly at your side. Today it is praxis to use check lists and have people responsible of quality to make sure that these are followed. This is where discretionary inspections play their part. These among others are documents needed to com-plete the check list.
Svikna löften? : Fem unga män på en anstalt i Sverige och deras upplevelse av sin egen skolgång.
This study is about inmates, who reflect upon their time in school, their experiences of school and how different things have influenced and affect them later in life. The aim with this study is to examine how different kinds of school related issues have affected the inmates in different ways. The aim is also to look at how school can spot in early years, children within the danger zone and provide for those children, so that they can be helped in different ways and so that they can be able to achieve different in life, not to end up becoming criminals later in life.The main questions in this study are:How did the chosen inmates experience their time in school?Can you by looking at research tell that these persons already in their childhood were children within the danger zone?What kind of school related issues could have contributed to a criminal lifestyle later in life?The result of this study shows that all five have been children within the danger zone. In all five cases there have been school related issues that have affected those men.
Effektivitet i grundskolan - en studie om Leans applicerbarhet på processen utvecklingssamtal
Efficiency has become an important objective for many providers of welfare services. Among Swedish schools, both private and public, increased administrative demands seemingly influence operations, and affect teachers negatively through perceived stress. Simultaneously, Swedish students scored an all-time low in the latest PISA survey, and are now performing below the OECD-average in science, mathematics and reading. A central administrative task in the Swedish elementary school is the parent-teacher conference, which is an important activity in supporting the development of the student's knowledge and social skills. Lean is a well-established operations framework, which has proven successful in order to improve process efficiency.
Platta kontra bok : En undersökning av elevers medieupplevelse av respektive medium
Uppsatsen syfte är att undersöka elevers medieupplevelse av medierna läs- och surfplatta samt tryckt bok, då läsupplevelsen kan påverkas av medieupplevelsen. Frågeställningarna är av didaktiskt karaktär och rör eventuella skillnader mellan medierna, samt de eventuella pedagogiska konsekvenser som följer.I bakgrunden ligger fokus på läsning, språkande och medium. Utgångspunkten är ett historiskt perspektiv som leder fram till nutid, där ett genusperspektiv och ett pedagogiskt perspektiv aktualiseras.Undersökningen bygger på enkäter och intervjuer och rör således tre undersökningsgrupper från två olika skolor. Eleverna som ingår i dessa grupper går på högstadiet eftersom lässtatistik indikerar att det är i högstadieåldern läsningen börjar gå nedåt. Undersökningen koncentreras i enlighet med frågeställningarna på medieupplevelse och läsupplevelse kopplat till främst skola och undervisning.Resultatet visar att en skillnad mellan medieupplevelsen av platta och bok finns.
För gammal för Twilight? Synen på ungdomsböcker och vuxnas Twilight-läsning i ett urval av LibraryThings användarrecensioner.
Using a discourse analytical approach this thesis examines a selection of user reviews concerning Stephenie Meyer?s Young AdultNovel Twilight, published at LibraryThing 2009-07-01 ? 2010-12-31. The aim of the study is to identify and shed light upon the conceptions relating to target audiences distinguishable in the reviews and todiscuss the possible consequences of categorizing fiction by age of theintended reader. In order to accomplish this, the study examines the conveyed images of Young Adult fiction and grown ups? reading of Twilight.The thesis concludes that several discourses regarding Young Adult fiction are distinguishable in the material; some of which concern level, quality, and writing style, others thematic and contentbasedaspects, while one concerns fiction aimed specifically at girls.
En explorativ studie om människors förmåga att uppfatta bilförares mentala arbetsbelastning
Under de senaste åren har olika former av kognitiv distraktion, till exempel att tala i mobiltelefon med handsfree, relaterats till en betydande mängd olyckor i trafiken. Av den anledning finns det ett stort intresse i att ta fram olika tekniska system för att upptäcka förare som är distraherade. Målet med denna studie var att ta ett steg tillbaka och undersöka människors förmåga och metoder för att avgöra distraktion hos andra. Då det saknas tidigare forskning är upplägget en explorativ förstudie bestående av två delar. Under den första delen samlades material in på distraherade bilförare i simulerad förarmiljö.
Bloggarens val: En studie av lästips på bloggar
The aim of this master thesis is to examine readers? advice in weblogs - frequently modified web pages with a series of archived entries. We have chosen to study a specific kind of entry that contains information about a book of fiction- not for children and young adults - and the bloggers? comments regarding that same book. The entries are published in ten weblogs that all deal with literature and reading.