

279 Uppsatser om Random walk - Sida 18 av 19

Flickor, brott och våld : en pilotstudie om flickors ökade brutalitet i samhället.

AbstractThe main objective of this essay is to come to an understanding as to why girls, together in groups, walk against the conventional image of women and take on more violent and aggressive behaviour against their surroundings. In this essay I hope to gain an understanding of how ?girl gangs? work as a social phenomenon as well as identify the characteristics of these gangs. Furthermore, this essay aims to understand what role the violence and aggression plays in the lives of these girl?s.The following questions are the focus of the essay:? Why have girls in groups become more aggressive and violent?? What is characteristic for ?the girl gangs? as a social phenomenon?? What role does the girls? aggressive behaviour play in their life?The essay touches on an escalating problem within society, which has received considerable attention in the media lately.

Privilegierad mobilitet? : Flygplatser, resande och säkerhet

Never before have so many moved so frequently as now. Mobility lies at the centre for the concern ofstates, business and technological development. Some even claim that we are witnessing a mobility turn inthe social sciences. However, as the capacity to move has increased so too has the control and surveillanceof mobility become more extensive. Since September 11, 2001 security has been the defining paradigm fora variety for actors.

Akustisk trädgårdskonst : att ge sonisk karaktär åt en plats

Ljud och trädgård är kanske inte det första par man tänker sig som gifta men de tus historia kan spåras längre tillbaka i tiden än man kan föreställa sig. När jag bestämde mig för att skriva min kandidatuppsats om akustisk trädgårdskonst trodde jag att ljudinstallationer i trädgårdar och parker var ett nytt fenomen. En helt ny värld öppnade sig framför mina ögon då jag insåg att så inte var fallet. Konstgjorda ljudkällor, såsom gyllene fåglar och vattenorglar, har kommit och gått genom tiderna medan naturliga ljud, såsom vind och fågelsång, bestått. När det kommer till vår egen tid är trädgårdsljud, även om moderna material och tankesätt används, en konstform som starkt präglas och inspireras av sin historia. Du kan skapa olika sorters ljudmiljöer i din trädgård beroende på vad du väljer att använda för material.

Skaftslamkrypa (Elatine hexandra) i Bolmen, utbredning, tillväxt, reproduktion och styrande faktorer

The plants in the genus Elatine are characteristic for oligo and mesotrophic lakes. This study focuses on Elatine hexandra one of the four species in Sweden. It is stated as vulnerable by the National Environment Agency and a conservation plan with guidelines to preserve the plant in Sweden is under preparation. There have been a few previous studies investigating this plant in other countries but this is the first one for Sweden. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution, growth and reproduction of E.

Röjningsbenägenheten bland privata skogsägare : en enkätundersökning bland medlemmar i SÖDRA

The intensity of cleaning declined dramatically in the early 1990?s in the Swedish forests. Recession, an economic depressed forestry and the new law of silviculture from 1993, where the duty of cleaning was removed have been considered as sources to the decline. This has led to a situation where huge areas of forests are untouched, which can lead to negative effects for those stands in the future. The purpose of this thesis was to find out how the individual landowner acts and feel when it concerns cleaning activities. Has the landowner noticed Södra?s campaigns about cleaning and what sort of measure should Södra implement to increase the members? cleaning activity? The thesis is based on a opinion poll made through a random draw among all Södra?s members.

Svårklassryttares förberedelser för dressyrträning : för bäst lärande

SUMMARYThere was no previous study in what high level dressage riders had for ideas of how to best prepare for their training sessions with an instructor. Neither any study of how high level dressage riders seemed to be more or less susceptible to the instructions from their instructor during their training sessions. If the sport had more knowledge about this, it might result in more riders on a higher level. The purpose of this study was to find out how high level dressage riders are preparing themselves for the best result for an instructor led training session and how they could bring as much as possible instructions from the coach. The two questions of the study were: How are high level dressage riders preparing themselves for a training session with an instructor, practically and mentally, and how can they affect their susceptibility to instructions?The study was carried out both by reviewing existing literature and studies in general education and pedagogy in the riding education, and by a qualitative interview study of six dressage riders who rode on a difficult level at the competitions, during the year of 2009.

Förstudie för automatisering av gjutgodsrensning

This thesis work has been performed at the Division of Assembly Technology at Linköping University for a period of ten weeks. The work is part of the project ProFlexA, which is a research project in collaboration between Linköping University, Lund University, and industrial partners such as Combi Wear Parts and Smålands Stålgjuteri AB.The casting process creates random incurred burrs and defects, which must be removed during a cleaning process to make sure that the cast can be sold. Automation has long been sought for the cleaning of castings due to, among other things, poor working conditions for staff, but this has proved difficult to implement with today's technology. Automation has for some time been available for more capital strong companies with large annual volumes, but for smaller companies with small-and medium-sized volumes, automation has not been an option.The goal of ProFlexA is to develop an automated cleaning cell aimed at small-and medium-sized volumes.The goal of the thesis is to do a pre study at ProFlexA?s partners on cleaning of castings, and develop concepts for automated cleaning of castings.By recording the process and cycle times, the cleaning of castings has been documented as it works today, and on this basis, information and statistics has been compiled.

Investigating the reward cycle for play in young pigs

A reward cycle for investigating the emotional status in animals has been developed and it requires that animals go through three main phases, i.e. anticipation, consumption and relaxation. The reward cycle has not been tested previously for access to play in pigs. Therefore, the aim of this Master thesis was to investigate if growing pigs showed more behaviours indicative of excitement than pigs that were not allowed to play, performed play in a play arena and showed more behaviours indicative of relaxation after play when they were back to their home pen than pigs that were in their home pen the whole time. Forty undocked piglets (10 litters of Specific Pathogen Free half pure-bred Yorkshire and half hybrids of Yorkshire x Landrace balanced for breed between two treatments were used.

Friluftsliv i staden : tillfällig landskapsarkitektur på sex platser i Linköping 3-15 april 2012

The subject of this project focuses on how Landscape Architects by their profession can explore and directly make a difference in the cityscape. This paper documents the process of art - based research practice. The purpose of installing temporary activities is to encourage people in the city to discover, participate and invite people to be more playful in the city. My experience of interaction in public spaces comes primarily from the education within landscape architecture, from site-specific art installations I have performed in different cities and from observations of landscape architecture, street art and urban life in the cities of Vienna, Berlin and Linköping. It is fascinating and inspiring to see how the urban space can invite and allow visitors to participate and therefore feel invited to the open space. As a landscape architect I wish to create urban spaces that are useful and inspiring for their visitors. The projects main question: How can you make temporary landscapes that encourage outdoorinspired activities at selected locations in the city? is answered by practice based research, an approach in which theoretical research are developed through practical experiments in the designing- and implementation process.

Prediktion av behandlingsutfall för systemiska läkemedel för psoriasis : En jämförande studie mellan Random Forest och penalizedregression

Vid ett G20 möte i Pittsburgh den 26 september 2009 togs ett beslut om att marknaden för OTC-derivatkontrakt behövde någon form av reglering. Tidigare hade brist på insyn medfört att det var svårt att uppskatta de risker som dessa kontrakt innebar. Detta kom att leda till att regelverket EMIR implementerades i Europeiska unionen. De huvudsakliga åtaganden som EMIR kom att innebära var ett rapporteringskrav gällande dessa affärer, ett clearingkrav vid omfattande användning av dessa typer av kontrakt samt implementering av förfaranden för att minska risk. I regelverket sägs dock att clearingkravet undantas om det går att bevisa att de ingångna OTC-derivatkontrakten motverkar risk i ett företags verksamhet och ej är ingångna i spekulationssyfte.Då EMIR påverkar alla de aktörer som använder sig av OTC-derivatkontrakt påverkar även detta regelverk Scania.

Vilka mål och behov har olika typer av skogsägare kring sitt skogsägande? :

The NIPF (Non Industrial Private Forest) owners in Sweden have very differentiated goals and needs with their forest. They have different backgrounds and some of them live at their forest estate while other live in an urban environment, and some are economically dependent on their forest estate while others are not. The heterogeneity among these forest owners creates problems for market actors that want to aim marketing messages to catch their interest. This is the problem background to the task that was provided to us as an investigative masters thesis for us. Their request was a plan for ensuring a successful marketing towards different segments of the NIPF owners. We commenced with a literature study based on market information and previously carried out similar investigations. We summarized the most important market information from the literature and created some hypotheses regarding goals and needs of the NIPF owners.

Perenndatabasen : för landskapsarkitektstudenter på Ultuna

This paper constitutes graduate work at the Depart-ment of Urban and Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. In this paper the urban structure of the million program suburb Husby in Stockholm is examined and what effect this structure has on social life in the area. The main objective of the study has been to, with the help of morphological analyses, examine how to create meeting places and make the Husby Park more accessiblefor the inhabitants in Husby. There has been a selection of analyses to ensure that Husby?s spatial relationship with surrounding suburbs as well as local spaces in the Husby Park is described.

Rekreation och utomhuspedagogik i tätortsnära skog : planering av skolskog och rekreationsanalys för Sätra, en stadsdel i Gävle

This Masters Thesis includes a survey of recreational habits and the attitudes towards forests of the people of Sätra, a suburb of the city of Gävle. The study also includes the planning and design of a forest suited for education in the same part of the city. The thesis is a part of a project called Tätortsnära skog, commissioned by the Swedish forest agency. The project aims to survey the recreational habits of the general public in the regions of Dalarna and Gävleborg. Tätortsnära skog is focused on cities with a population of more than 20 000 inhabitants, of which Gävle, Sandviken, Falun and Borlänge all fall within the category.

Hantering och lastning av nöt på gården : praktiska studier vid hämtning av slaktdjur - råd för att minska stress och skador på djur och människor

ABSTRACT There is present a lot of focus on animal welfare issues during transport and the related loading and unloading of animals. This thesis is a field study investigating the present situation of beef and dairy farms in Sweden. The predominant reasons stressing cattle when transported to abattoirs are when they are loaded and unloaded on the trucks. The aim of this thesis is to improve the handling and the loading facilities to facilitate the handling and reduce the stress for the animals as well as the personnel. The field study was done by travelling together with the transports from the farm to the abattoir in Uppsala. Three trucks where used and about 60 farms were visited January to March 2003.

Klövviltets nyttjande av foderraps på viltåker och betespåverkan på angränsande skog

Today we have more game species than ever before in our landscape, both regarding number of species and number of individuals. The increasing number of wild species is an increase in game recourse for the countryside. The increase of game species, however, has negative effects on forests and agriculture land. The negative effects for forestry are damages on economic important trees, due to losses in production and quality. However there are ways to decrease the damage on valuable and important trees.

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