

156 Uppsatser om Rake combining - Sida 10 av 11

Profitability and competitiveness of grain handling at farm level

The Swedish agricultural sector is currently experiencing substantial structural changes, where the number of agricultural enterprises continuously decreases and the average farm size increases. In order to maintain competitiveness, it is important to be aware and adapt to changes concerning the surroundings of the company (Johnson et al., 2011). Agricultural commodity prices sharply fluctuate on the global market in recent years, affecting the profitability of farmers. High volatility market requires tools to reduce price variations and increases the need of decision-making (Bouder & Beth, 2003). Farm-based grain handling facilities increases the sale options regarding agricultural commodities; a flexible strategy to get additional compensation for the storing the grain produced on the farm (Edling, 2002; Edwards, 2013).

Att kunna lite kan göra mycket : Socialarbetarens möten med personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar

In this paper we have chosen to focus on social workers and their experiences of interacting with clients with neuropsychiatric disabilities, in example persons with ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), Asperger syndrome, autism and/or Tourette syndrome. The main purpose was to look into three areas: What knowledge do social workers mean that they need about neuropsychiatric disabilities and how can their needs of knowledge can be met? How do they experience the meeting with a person with neuropsychiatric disabilities? How does the cooperation function between authorities regarding persons with neuropsychiatric disabilities?Definition of the concept of disability and function from a historical perspective points out that the approach has changed over time. Previous research studies of the interaction in meeting between the client and the social worker shows that the social worker carries two faces, so called aspects. The first aspect is about help and care and the second aspect is about administrative functions.

Skogsbristen i Smålands bruksskogar : en studie av träkolsförbrukning vid Storebro Bruk 1793-1850

The forest in the county of Småland has been utilised for a long time. One of the most important forms of utilisation of wood has been charcoaling for the benefit of the iron industry. Shortage of forest in relation to the iron industry, was discussed already in the 17th century in Sweden. The aim of this study was to analyse the purchase and consumption of charcoal at Storebro Bruk, an ironwork in Småland, during the period 1793-1850, as well as analyse the shortage of forest at the time. To determine the utilisation of the forest in the area, I have used historical sources from Storebro Bruksarkiv.

Indiska-En studie av Indiskas strategier i riktning mot Fashiontainment

Consumers seem to become more demanding in their buying behaviour within the fashionmarket. The society refers to individualism, personality and creativity, which affect people?s wayof dressing themselves. Many companies have started to work with aspects that create aconsumer experience to meet the customers? new demands.

Objektivitet i socialt arbete

Swedish law is very keen on the fact that every person should be treated equal when facing the legal system. When it comes to cases concerning children, social workers and judges are expected to strictly obey the rules of the law but at the same time make individual judgements based on the best interest of the child, something that requires a great deal of empathy and knowledge. Is it possible to live up to the maxim about equality and to simultaneously see the individual needs? With so many different parties and angles in the case, how does one manage to make a solid appraisal of the situation that truly serves the best interest of the child?The purpose of this study was to examine the capability within the social services with focus on objectivity. More specifically it's aim was to find out how the social workers and judges see their capability of being objective in the investigations concerning children.

Digitala fotogrammetriska arbetsstationer för skoglig flygbildstolkning :

SCA Skog has taken the initiative to this Master?s thesis. Today SCA Skog has a great need to update their informtion on young forest stands across large areas. Traditional field inventory methods for updating stand databases are expensive and time consuming. However, the inventory could be made more efficient if stand boundaries and stand characteristics are derived from aerial photographs.

Samspel och utvecklingsmöjligheter på jobbet : En kvalitativ studie om HR-medarbetares och chefers upplevelse av att arbeta tillsammans

In the new Library Act of 2014, it is stated that public library supply should be characterized by quality. To investigate what this means for the library, I do a functional analysis of ideas of librarians' views on quality and how they work with purchasing, weeding and mediation. I have chosen to limit the essay to fiction for adults in Swedish public libraries. By combining the basal idea analysis, where I investigate librarians' ideas about quality, with an operational analysis of ideas, where I examine the effects librarians' quality ideas get for the daily work, Iwant to find out the librarians' quality ideals.The material I analyze consists of 18 questionnaires, filled out by librarians with responsibility for purchasing and / or thinning in libraries across Sweden. The analysis is done with an analytical schedule, that consists of a number of opposing ideal types taken from previous research on quality, purchasing, thinning or mediation.

Präglad av kvalitet? : En idéanalys av folkbibliotekariers syn på skönlitterär kvalitet och hur den påverkar deras arbete

In the new Library Act of 2014, it is stated that public library supply should be characterized by quality. To investigate what this means for the library, I do a functional analysis of ideas of librarians' views on quality and how they work with purchasing, weeding and mediation. I have chosen to limit the essay to fiction for adults in Swedish public libraries. By combining the basal idea analysis, where I investigate librarians' ideas about quality, with an operational analysis of ideas, where I examine the effects librarians' quality ideas get for the daily work, Iwant to find out the librarians' quality ideals.The material I analyze consists of 18 questionnaires, filled out by librarians with responsibility for purchasing and / or thinning in libraries across Sweden. The analysis is done with an analytical schedule, that consists of a number of opposing ideal types taken from previous research on quality, purchasing, thinning or mediation.

Beräkning av koldioxidutsläppet från bostadssektorn i Stockholms län

During the last decades the housing sector has increased continuously, and housings and services accounted for 40 % of the energy usage in Sweden during 2011. The expansion in number of buildings in society has resulted in an increase in both energy usage and emissions of greenhouse gases. It is crucial to enable a sustainable development of society and as a result, the demand to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide is a current question. In this study, the carbon dioxide emitted from the housing sector in Stockholm is estimated. The housing sector can be divided into different types of houses such as apartment blocks, single-family houses and holiday houses. By collecting information of the energy purchased in respective households, a computational model is generated that calculates the total emission of carbon dioxide.

Utvärdering av Hultdins prototyp för portabel bro (drivningsbro) :

Stronger demand has been put on forestry to show environmental considerations during harvesting. This is especially for crossings of brooks with sensitive elements and great care should be observed when they are to be crossed during harvesting by logging machines. For that reason Hultdins has constructed a portable bridge that can be used for those occasions. The bridge has been developed in accordance with wishes from SCA forest, since they have a great deal of brooks in their forests and in private forests from where they buy part of their wood supply. The aim for this report is to investigate if this portable bridge can be of interest for the forestry market. The research has been made at SCA skog in Medelpad and Norrskog in Medelpad.

Kaffesump som substrat i biogasanläggningar eller som bränsle i fjärrvärmeverk : en studie av effekter på växthusgasutsläpp och kostnader

Each year, the coffee machines at Ericsson in Kista produce around 100 tons of ground coffee waste.The companies Coor Service Management, Löfbergs Lila and Selecta are all responsible for differentstages in the logistical chain in delivering coffee and, together with Ericsson, they want to increasetheir environmental benefit. The plan is to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion instead ofincinerating the coffee waste in a heating plant. The results are to be presented as different businesscases in which different biogas plants are compared with the reference case (heating plant),comparing costs and environmental impacts.There are two major environmental benefits from producing biogas; reduced carbon dioxideemissions from when fossile fule is replaced by carbon neutral biogas, and reduced emissions fromreturning digestate from the bio reactor to farmland instead of using industrial fertelizer.In order to determine the biogas potential in coffee waste, a couple of properties had to bedetermined in a laboratory. Properties such as the dry substance content, heating value, moisturecontent and ash content. The results show that 100 tons coffee waste could produce around 16 500Nm3 biogas which would contain 163 MWh.The biogas reactor and upgrade plant both need energy gas to function and uses around 14 MWh ofthe produced gas.

Malmmineralogisk undersökning av Pb-, Zn-, Cu- och Ag-förande kvartsgångar i Värmskogsområdet, mellersta Värmland

AbstractPolymetallic (Pb-Zn-Cu-Ag-Au-Sb-As-Bi-Cd-Te-Se-Ge?) quartz veins occur in an area from Eidsvoll in southeastern Norway to west of LakeVänern in southwestern Sweden. They most likely formed during the waning stage of the c. 1 Ga Sveconorwegian orogeny. In Värmskog parish, Värmland county, several mineralized quartz veins of different types are known.

Vintervegetation genom ljus : om hur man med belysning kan framhäva avlövad vegetation i offentlig stadsmiljö

Use of lighting is crucial to make public urban places available during dark hours. Landscape architects participate in planning of lighting, but during our education there is very little taught on the subject. Through this study we approach the subject of lighting by looking into lighting methods for urban plant materials during winter. In this thesis we look into ways to emphasize the visible characters and experiences of urban plants during winter season using light. Target audience are landscape architect students and landscape architects without knowledge of lighting. The part of the thesis that describe basic conditions for, and visual characters of plants can be useful to lighting designers without knowledge in this subject. Working methods used were the following: ? Pre-study about light and lighting techniques through literature and dialogues. ? Compiling important visual winter plant characters through photography and literature. ? Outdoor light experiments with plants.

KR?PTA : spår och ärrbildningar hos Johannes Heldén, Ingrid Storholmen och Anna Hallberg

Trough the analyses of three young contemporary Swedish and Norwegian poets, who all in one way or another work with the language as material, I will circulate around the term language materialism. Each poet has his or her specific distinctive feature wich makes them three completely different poets. But they are all challenging the borders of literature and even the grammatical laws of language. Apart from the analyses I sketch an historical line between the predecessors of the experiments with the poetic language in the past, starting with Mallarmé, and the experiments of today. My essay will in conclusion discuss the language poetry in a wider philosophical point of view, connected to Derrida and Wittgenstein.The first analysis introduces the author and artist Johannes Heldén through his debute poetry collection Burner.

Transformation från kyrka till förskola

Projektet har genomförts i samarbete med Lokalförvaltningen, Göteborgs Stad.Eftersom behovet av lokaler i en stad förändras över tid efterfrågas en byggnad som kan användas till flera olika ändamål under dess bruksperiod. Ombyggnation av befintliga byggnader kan bli kostsamma och tidskrävande eftersom bärande komponenter eller fasta installationer ofta måste flyttas eller bytas ut. En flexibel byggnad som redan vid uppförandet förbereds för ombyggnation kan enkelt anpassas och användas till flera olika verksamheter. Att bygga mer effektivt och flexibelt minskar kostnader och bidrar till ett mer hållbart byggande. Syftet med arbetet var att ta fram en byggnad som genom enklare omställningsarbeten i byggnadens invändiga utseende kan fungera för tre olika verksamheter.

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