

288 Uppsatser om Rain garden - Sida 3 av 20

En man och hans ?pplen: en fallstudie av Carl Str?mbergs ?ppeltr?dg?rd

This bachelor?s thesis studies Carl Str?mbergs ?ppeltr?dg?rd, a private garden consisting of a large number of apple trees and varieties. The garden is located outside ?rebro, in N?rke, and is owned by a unit owner association whose goal is to preserve and determine the varieties. Through interviews, articles, site visits and documents from Carl Str?mberg, the purpose have been to get an understanding of who Carl Str?mberg was, how he collected the apple varieties and how that process was affected by the climate amongst apple growing and pomology during that time.

Feng shui i trädgården :

Our environment affect us, not least gardens. By practising the ancient Chinese art feng shui, one could find tools how to create harmony and balance in gardens. By paying attention to different energies working with colours, shapes and materials one can create a nice garden with good feng shui. The philosophy, however, includes much more than what plants or what hard materials to choose in the garden. It describes different energies, the movement of energies, which we can learn to live in harmony with.

Gröna upplevelser för alla : en trädgård för habilitering och återhämtning

Jällaskolans upper secondary School is situated on a big farm just outside Uppsala. The School is focused on agriculture, forestry, gardening, animal care and science. Jällaskolans staff has whished for a school garden for educational purpose where students can practice their gardening skills and learn more about plants. But most important, a specially adapted outside environment such as a garden, would be a great advantage for the students with special needs. This garden could even be an asset for other visiting school classes in the region.

Japansk trädgårdsdesign i Sverige : en förlorad känsla

This is a BA thesis in landscape planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Alnarp. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate why Japanese gardens, created in Sweden, often lack the feeling connected with Japanese gardens. The thesis includes a short study of Japanese history, spanning from the Middle Ages to the 19th century, to create a mild understanding of how the Japanese society changed, due to political, religious and cultural influences. The traditional Japanese garden styles, developed during this period, have been concisely compiled separately to create a homogeneous image of each style. In order to display opposite views of garden design in the European garden styles, some of the european styles have been concisely compiled as well. To produce a higher level of understanding of the Japanese garden, a consice compilation of the fundamental design principles has been included, as well as variuos types of decoration typical to the Japanese gardens, since the miss-use of these is a certain way of losing the feeling of a Japanese garden. The thesis is concluded by a consice compilation of possible reasons as to why the feeling connected with Japanese gardens is absent, as well as some attempt to include the feeling in the Swedish versions of Japanese gardens..

Rehabiliteringsträdgården : hur människan påverkas och utformningens betydelse

In today?s hectic society more and more people experience stress and our lifestyle gives us a very limited chance to recover. For some it sometimes goes that far that they get burnt-out, they have pushed themselves to the ultimate limit. There are different methods and treatments to recover but one very efficient treatment is to spend time in a rehabilitation garden. There the patients get treated by therapeutics that uses the garden as the main tool.The fact that gardens and parks have a positive effect on humans have been used by people for a long time but it?s not until recently that the research has taken speed.

Olssons trädgård : ett examensarbete som handlar om att lyssna när en plats berättar

This master thesis is about a place that has a story to tell. Olsson?s garden came about when Mr Carl Oscar Olsson acquired a piece of land in Landalabergen in the beginning of the 1930's and at that time he started his industrious work of uniting much of Sweden's flora in his garden. Since the very beginning Olsson's garden has played a lot of different rolls in a variety of situations and meant different things for different people. Today one can find traces from Mr Olsson's life and deeds in the garden.

Skapandet av Blueberry Garden : Om konsten att berätta historier genom interaktivitet och spelmekanik

Uppsatsen är en reflekterande text som behandlar verket Blueberry Garden ? ett datorspel som utforskar möjligheterna till historieberättande genom endast interaktivitet och spelmekanik. Verket och texten är en produkt av Erik Svedängs examensarbete under våren 2008 vid Högskolan i Skövde.Genom kontinuerlig speltestning under projektets gång, där testpersoner fått spela spelet och sedan berätta om sina erfarenheter, har spelets möjligheter till att skapa meningsfulla narrativ försökt utrönas.Slutsatsen är att det mycket väl är möjligt att berätta historier enbart genom interaktivitet och spelmekanik. Resultatet måste dock tydligare presenteras som en berättelse för spelaren än vad som är fallet i Blueberry Garden..

Slottsholmen på Svaneholm : en fallstudie om en historisk park- och gårdsmiljö och hur den kan ha tett sig under 16-1700-tal

The park at Svaneholm is a place, the history of which is very little known today and the needfor better knowledge has been the cause of this investigation. The essay is primarily limited tothe time from late 17th century up to the end of the 18th century and takes stand on profoundinvestigations in accessible map-and archive material. The results presented show a manorhill, which during the course of a hundred years was subject to several changes and in bigparts consisted in other than park/garden.Burman related to the manor hill containing a cowshed, a large dam and a parterre garden isix quarters and it is plausible to think, that this establishment generally was built as producedon the plate.In the 18th century the construction is being changed, they go on building at the cowshed andin 1707 there are totally 268 livestock on the farm. In 1723 the garden is represented in amuch bigger scale than on the plate from the 1680:s, but it is not possible to tell, whether it isnew or not.Parts of the parterre garden is remaining during the whole of the 18th century, for the leastuntil it is being squared, but on two of the squares there was built a riding-groundMoreover the cowshed burnt down and was only partially reconstructed.The image given by the archive material is at the same time variegated. The inventory list ongarden tools from 1726 gives an image of gardening more directed to growing and pathshuffling, while the possibilities of keeping the parterres were fewer (e.g.

Strategier på en dynamisk marknad - en analys av skånska gardencenters och handelsträdgårdar :

Garden center and market gardens are a growing trade, undergoing great changes with new actors and purchasing habits. The interest in gardens and plants is steadily increasing, official statistics show an increase of garden plants and flower consumption, of an annual 3 per cent. Garden centers and market gardens are in great need of development to be able to tackle the prevailing competition, and maintain a steady growth. Many companies are heading for a generation shift and are founding it difficult to find and employ younger managers. The aim of this report is to examine different strategies of garden centers and market gardens through the manager/ owner?s views and opinions about competition, growth and success.

En trädgård med flera funktioner : Gestaltningsförslag för utemiljön på Stenkyrka Mejeri, Hotell och Restaurang, Stenkyrka, Gotland

Detta arbete handlar om hur teorier om offentlig gestaltning av bostadsgårdar, miljöpsykologi och corporate garden kan hjälpa till med verktyg för gestaltningen av en trädgård med flera funktioner; näringsverksamhet i form av Hotell- och Restaurangrörelse samt privat boende.Litteraturstudier genomfördes i ovan nämnda områden och ägarnas önskemål samlades in via enkät, mail korrespondens och samtal vid besök på platsen. Då noterades även platsens förutsättningar och de delar av tomten som skulle gestaltas mättes upp.Den samlade informationen har sedan resulterat i ett designförslag som omfattar fem platser i trädgården. Dessa platser representerar områden som betecknas som privata, halvprivata, halvoffentliga samt en del som representerar en corporate garden..

Autumn water sources for understory vegetation and fungi in a boreal forest : an evaluation using stable isotopes

Understory vegetation and fungi are regarded as important ecological drivers of processes like productivity and nutrient cycling in boreal forests. Whilst those processes are linked to soil water content, relatively little is known about the sources of soil water for these forest components. During early autumn in boreal forests, temperature falls and large events of rain are frequent which may influence soil water availability. To better understand the autumn plant-soil-fungi water relationships in this ecosystem, I used stable isotopes techniques in this study to examine the water sources for ericaceous shrubs and fungi in a Scots pine forest following a large, early autumn rain event. I hypothesize that ericaceous shrubs of two functional groups (evergreen vs.

Urban regnskog, vatten & vegetation som designresurs

Hantering av regnvatten på ett hållbart sätt är en av flera strategier som behöver utvecklas för att bygga resilienta städer. I detta projekt undersöks relationen mellan vatten och vegetation och de unika förutsättningarna detta ger för gestaltning. Genom en fördjupad studie av naturlika biotoper, främst olika typer av klibbalskogar, har jag samlat material som tecknar sambanden. Detta material fungerar som bakgrund till ett förslag till utforming av en öppen dagvattenhantering med särskilt fokus på träd i en befintlig stadsmiljö. Genom en kort introduktion till Köpenhamn kommuns strategiska klimatarbete med dagvattenhantering i Klimakvarter på Østerbro förhåller sig detta småskaliga projekt till ett större sammanhang.

Förslag till förnyelse av en villaträdgård i Limhamn, inspirerat av egnahemsrörelsens trädgårdar :

The population growth in Europe and with that in Sweden was enormous under 18th century. The results became housing shortage in large part of Europe. Tight residency/ inhabited, poverty and emigration were series of social questions in Sweden. Private house (egnahem) as in the beginning was an idea from England and Germany became a political measure and the answer at those miserable social circumstances in Sweden. The purpose with the private house (egnahem) was to help those new people moved in to towns with place to live and counteract movers to towns and emigration. With the governmental loan and land availability that some municipalities and wealthy people contributed with, could people get a place to live with the small garden. The city garden (trädgårdstaden) with their future idealistic idea/utopia, English gardens, ideas with roots in the old-fashioned gardens (allmogeträdgårdar) and lots of books and periodicals were the source of inspirations. From these the private house gardens (egnahemsträdgårdar) were born. Object for my study is my and my family?s own house in Limhamn, south west of Malmö which was built in 1912 under private house gardens era. The garden and the building have still trace and element from the time of private house. My suggestion is inspired by the private home style with a new thinking design that answers to daily need and the busy life style; a rather easy to maintain for green environment. A more relaxing and peaceful garden with simple design, a garden despite that it is surrounded by neighbours and streets invites in harmony and dreams..

Koloniträdgården - odling eller rekreation? :

The movement of the allotment gardens reached Sweden in the beginning of the last century. The allotment gardens quickly spread among the big towns from Malmö in the south and to the far north of the country. Today, there are about 42 000 owners of allotment gardens in Sweden. This work will show the differencies and similarities comparing the original ideas of allotment gardens with how they are used today. The specific questions were; what are the reasons to acquire an allotment garden; is it used for raising vegetables and fruit or only for growing flowers; is what is cultivated there also gathered and used or is it cultivated only for the pleasure of gardening; and finally how the owners of the allotment gardens spend their time there ? by cultivating the land or by recreational activities. Literature studies were made as well as an inquiry at one allotment garden area i Lund. The ideas of the original allotment gardens in the beginning of the 20th century were as much based on the need of getting out of the aparment to a healthy environment, as cultivating vegetables for economical reasons.

Bakom Ladan : En skiss eller två på en hälsoträdgård på Wij Trädgårdar

AbstractThe research in the interdisciplinary field of natural-human-health-design has in recent decades gainedmomentum and led to new or new-old ways of thinking and acting in terms of planning and design of outdoorenvironments with the aim of health promotion. Concrete concept models and design guides have begun toemerge as a result of this research.The purpose of this work is to use these guides to develop a design proposal for a supposed health garden,with Wij Trädgårdar in Ockelbo as a base. This has been done in the form of a process description. The targetgroup for the design proposal is long-term unemployed and people who have come to Sweden as refugees.Since the specific design recommendations could not be found for the selected target group, the main materialwas general guidelines for health gardens in combination with guidelines for health gardens directed to targetgroups with stress-related problems, which is a broad target group for which there are relatively much currentresearch.The result is a process description of the progression towards a sketch on a health garden, designed for aspecific spot on Wij Trädgårdar, but available for use in other locations, provided adjustments is made to thespecific location. The sketch is supplemented with plant suggestions to different parts of the garden.

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