

288 Uppsatser om Rain garden - Sida 19 av 20

Andlig växtodling, historiesyn och kunskapsteori - hur hänger dessa begrepp ihop? : en översikt av fyra odlingspraktikers ideologier.

Abstract Spiritual gardening, historical perspective and epistemology, - how do these concepts connect? A review of the ideologies of four pragmatic growers. The purpose of this thesis is: ? to present an alternative forthcoming perspective on knowledge, that may be of significance for future theories and knowledge about growing and gardening. ? to lift experiences with Nature Spirits into an academic context, that permits us a closer look at the phenomenon. ? to contribute to an academic platform connecting humanistic and natural sciences. The intention of this text is to bridge the differences between the strictly rational traditions of knowledge and those more experience based ones. The thesis wants to show that much can be won if feeling based and mental reflections once again are approached as equal sources of knowledge. The aim is to give an orientation about the subject of Nature Spirits. The interesting fact is not whether (that) one can talk to nature, but how one does it and that more can be understood about nature and the reality that the established sciences study. The form for this study of literature is a describing presentation; to put names on and give wording to the phenomena of Nature Spirits and Plantdevas. The sources of literature are four pragmatic practitioners of spiritual gardening who have written extensively about their own work.

Arkitekttävlingar : fallstudie : projekttävlingStockholmsporten

The population growth and urbanisation in low-income countries bring issues of poor living standards and miserable sanitation conditions onto the agenda. If well-functioning waste management systems were developed, this could master some of the problems. The already existing local informal waste handling system that is common in many low-income countries, needs to be developed with proper sorting and composting solutions to decrease the environmental burden and improve the overall situation in the dense cities. This master?s thesis project is performed with the intention of developing functional decentralised waste management units in the city of Pune, India.

Garbage to gardens : design proposals for two decentralised waste management units in Pune, India

The population growth and urbanisation in low-income countries bring issues of poor living standards and miserable sanitation conditions onto the agenda. If well-functioning waste management systems were developed, this could master some of the problems. The already existing local informal waste handling system that is common in many low-income countries, needs to be developed with proper sorting and composting solutions to decrease the environmental burden and improve the overall situation in the dense cities. This master?s thesis project is performed with the intention of developing functional decentralised waste management units in the city of Pune, India.

Trädgården i bloggosfären : blogg och landskapsarkitektur, i ett samhälle alltmer influerat av populärkultur.

Dagens huvudrubrik: Den nya trädgårdstrenden är här! Medietrenden är tydlig; trädgården har blivit populärkultur och via tidningarnas löpsedlar, tv, inredningsmässor etc. letar den sig ut till en allt bredare publik. Trädgården framställs i populärpressen som ny och modern med en tydlig trendfokus där utseende och form framhålls, något som ofta baserar sig på marknadsekonomiska incitament. Trädgården som ?trendig? är en bild som inte sällan bekräftar den allmänna uppfattningen, eller förutfattade meningen om man så vill, om trädgården som en förlegad eller gammaldags företeelse.

Språk genom musik - Musikens funktion som motivationsskapare för språkinlärning

Title: Language Through Music. Music as a Motivator for Language Acquisition.The purpose of this essay is to examine what there is to gain by integrating music and language to promote language learning. Theory: Different theories will be presented to orientate music in history. Theories on the connection between music and language will follow and among others suggestopedi will be explained. Theories that will be presented point to positive connections between music and language concerning language acquisition.

The Countryside dream : amenity Migration and the new transit-oriented communities

This is a final thesis in landscape planning, at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The study examines the current phenomenon of amenity migration and the international discourse applicability of the a "Countryside dream" in a small neighborhood in Käglinge, part of the transit-oriented community Oxie just outside of Malmö in the southern part of Sweden. The critical starting point of the study is the how many planners idealize the dense city with its positive proximity qualities. However, since the late 1900s, many people have instead started to idealize living in more rural or naturally appealing landscapes, often just outside a bigger city, with good transit possibilities (both by car and bus as well as by train). The phenomenon of amenity migration ? the migration to a new, more appealing everyday environment considered to have more amenities, is very relevant today since many smaller communities are becoming more transit-oriented, allowing the inmigrants to work in some bigger, dense town while living in a small-scale, less dense semi-rural community. More dense transit-oriented communities are however also an ideal to planners in Sweden, but to what extent can Käglinge in Oxie ? a neither rural nor urban community - fulfill a possible countryside dream, and what role does the train station have in the in-migrants everyday life? The study has a theoretical starting point in literature regarding amenity migration, countryside ideals, representations of the countryside and the possible migrants themselves, giving a broad perspective on these related issues. The case study of Käglinge in Oxie is then presented, including interviews with Käglinges in-migrants.

Gestaltning av boendelandskapet i gränsen mellan stad och land : exemplet Norränga i Lund

This is a 20 credit Master thesis within the landscape architecture education at the Institute for Landscape Planning at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences at Alnarp. Norränga is situated on the fringe of the city of Lund, east of the existing district of Linero.The city planning office of Lund municipality has come up with a ?in-depth comprehensive plan? for the exploatation of the eastern area of Lund. The plan concerns an area of 1035 square kilometre which contains at least 1500 nya buildings, two schools, primaryschools, stores and bus station for local bus traffic and the new bus line - Lundalänken. The townplan is inspired from the historical Square block city with defined street system. The municipality has visions of what the green areas should consist of.

Naturinspirerad trädgård : ett designförslag

Detta arbete har syftat till att utreda vad en naturlik eller naturinspirerad trädgård bör innehålla, både vad gäller växtlighet som andra element som tillför det eftertraktade naturlika intrycket. För att ta reda på detta behövdes en djupare granskning av det mänskliga psykets reaktioner på naturlika intryck, något som det lyckligtvis redan finns många studier om. Inom miljöpsykologin har det länge forskats om hälsofrämjande effekter av naturlika utemiljöer, och många av dessa studier har även kunnat användas i för syftet att ta reda på vad det egentligen är vi människor finner naturlikt. Sammanställningen av fakta kring ämnet naturlik trädgård har lett till ett designförslag för en trädgård där detta tema passar väl in. I förslaget har punkterna som framkommit av den litterära sammanställningen använts både som analysverktyg och i själva designprocessen. Den litterära granskningen sammanfattar relevant historik inom ämnet miljöpsykologisk forskning, samt olika teorier kring vad som bygger upp ett naturlikt intryck och hur man idag använder sig av olika planterings- principer för att få fram den naturlika känslan. Resultatet av litteraturstudien är en lista som fastställts i tabell 1 och består av sexton huvudpunkter och innehåller bland annat flerskiktiga växtmaterial, ståndortsanpassat växtval, artrikedom, djurliv, naturliga dofter mm. Resultatet visade att dessa principer är användbara inom både den egna trädgården såväl som i större offentliga miljöer. De kan användas oavsett storlek på trädgård samt utnyttjas för matproduktion.

Hur motiverar man beställare till att ge utrymme för landskapsarkitekten att arbeta med brukare i en planerings- och projekteringsprocess?

Residential estates are created without any adaptation to the users who will use them. Clients wouldprofit on involving users in an early project stage to create housing estates adapted to the user?s needsand wishes. Clients of the housing estates that require missions from consultants should realize that noone exclusive can represent other people's needs, regardless of the theoretical expertise they possess. TheSwedish million programme in the 1970s is an example of how objective expertise gained control, whichled to the creation of outdoor environments where few wanted to stay and live.

SKREA BACKE: Erfarenhetsåterföring och uppföljning av infrastrukturprojekt

AbstractThis report has been developed in cooperation with Peab Region Bostad Göteborg, mentor at Krook& Tjäder (through Chalmers), and examiner at Chalmers University of Technology. The report is the result of a research of a building project, constructed by Peab. The report is investigating and it means to identify and evaluate qualities in the dwelling and its surroundings. Its purpose is to evaluate how the residents in a chosen housing cooperative enjoy living there. It shall, with help of chosen quality aspects, identify what expectations the residents had before moving in, how they experience the dwelling and its surroundings today, and what hopes they have for the future planning of the area.

Svensk persontrafik på norsk järnväg: En analys av gränsöverskridande snabbtågstrafik mellan Trondheim och Östersund

AbstractThis report has been developed in cooperation with Peab Region Bostad Göteborg, mentor at Krook& Tjäder (through Chalmers), and examiner at Chalmers University of Technology. The report is the result of a research of a building project, constructed by Peab. The report is investigating and it means to identify and evaluate qualities in the dwelling and its surroundings. Its purpose is to evaluate how the residents in a chosen housing cooperative enjoy living there. It shall, with help of chosen quality aspects, identify what expectations the residents had before moving in, how they experience the dwelling and its surroundings today, and what hopes they have for the future planning of the area.

Kvaliteter i bostaden och dess närmiljö, En utvärdering av ett byggnadsprojekt

AbstractThis report has been developed in cooperation with Peab Region Bostad Göteborg, mentor at Krook& Tjäder (through Chalmers), and examiner at Chalmers University of Technology. The report is the result of a research of a building project, constructed by Peab. The report is investigating and it means to identify and evaluate qualities in the dwelling and its surroundings. Its purpose is to evaluate how the residents in a chosen housing cooperative enjoy living there. It shall, with help of chosen quality aspects, identify what expectations the residents had before moving in, how they experience the dwelling and its surroundings today, and what hopes they have for the future planning of the area.

Odla i Staden för välbefinnande : om Sevedsbornas upplevelser av Barn i Stans odlingsprojekt

Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av det odlingsprojekt Barn i Stan bedriver i stadsdelen Seved i Malmö. Studien hade två syften. Det första var att undersöka Sevedsbornas upplevelser och hur Seved påverkats av Barn i Stans odlingsprojekt. Det andra vara att undersöka hur man kan arbeta med urban odling i miljöförbättringsprojekt i befintlig urban miljö. Intervjuer, observation och deltagande observation har använts som metoder för att inhämta empiriskt material.

Odla ditt bostadsområde! Stadsodlingens betydelse, drivkrafter och genomförande : en fallstudie av Odlingsnätverket Seved i Malmö

Vi står inför en mycket spännande framtid inom utvecklingen av odling i stadsmiljö. Den trend av stadsodling som svept över Sverige de senaste åren har lett till att en mängd nyskapande och spännande odlingsprojekt har initierats runt om i landet. Att odla i staden och att odla kollektivt är dock inget nytt fenomen. Slottsträdgården i Malmö är ett exempel på en gemensam form av stadsodling initierad av brukare själva som nu drivs i samarbete med kommunen. Med det intresse och stora engagemang som finns för stadsodling idag finns både ett behov och en mycket stor potential i att vidare utveckla och hitta nya modeller samt att undersöka vilka effekter odlingen kan ha för människan och samhället. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur lokala odlingsinitiativ kan påverka boende, markägare och lokalsamhällets utveckling, att undersöka varför människor väljer att delta i stadsodling samt hur odlingsverksamhet kan drivas och genomföras i befintlig stadsmiljö. Detta görs i uppsatsen dels genom en litteraturstudie av tidigare forskning i ämnet och dels genom en fallstudie av stadsodlingsverksamheten i bostadsområdet Seved i Malmö.

Förortens utemiljöer : teorier, metoder och analyser för gestaltning av friytestruktur i gles förortsbebyggelse : exempel på arbetsmetoder för grönområdesanalyser och utvecklingsförslag för friytorna i Runby, Upplands Väsby

This paper constitiutes graduate work at the Swedish University of Agriculture Science, the Department of Urban and Rural Development, Ultuna. The main objective of this work has been, in part, using the municipality of Runby as an example, to test different inventory and analysis methods directed towards a sociotopic usage perspective. A secondary objective has been, based on knowledge obtained from current research results concerning the usage of green areas, to transfer the analysis results to a proposal for a free space planning over Runby. People living in the countryside often have good access to nature as well as access to a garden of their own. In the city, however, there are considerably less people that have access to a private outdoor spaces so the parks become a type of public living room for all the inhabitants. Through the lack of private green spaces and through the anonymity of the city, an inviting atmosphere is created towards spending time in the park.

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