

3056 Uppsatser om Radar sensor systems - Sida 2 av 204

Side Blind Spot Detection : Sensortekniker och hårdvara

Denna rapport är resultatet av ett examensarbete, på 20 högskolepoäng, som har utförts på Scania CV AB, Tekniskt centrum, Södertälje. Examensarbetet behandlar Side Blind Spot Detection och har resulterat i ett prototypsystem som detekterar objekt i döda vinklarna på sidorna av en lastbil. Systemet är ett aktivt säkerhetssystem som syftar till att förhindra olyckor och ge ökad trafiksäkerhet på vägarna. Examensarbetet har varit tvådelat för att uppnå detta mål. Denna rapport behandlar främst val av sensorteknik för att upptäcka objekt i de döda vinklarna på sidan av en lastbil.

Avståndsmätning med Hög Noggrannhet till Låg Kostnad

Active sensors are used a lot in the society and industry, for example to gain better control over processes or to get proximity sensing features in different products. Within industry there is great interest in developing safe automation products that can be controlled with high accuracy but still at a low cost.The goal of this project is to develop a prototype of a non-contact rangefinder that measures distance using infrared light. The sensor is to be used for various applications in industries with relatively high accuracy and be compact, but at a low cost. By implementing a rangefinder into a product, more accurate detections of an object?s presence can be done.In this project a new distance sensor, EPC600 from ESPROS, was used.

Tilla?mpning och simulering av naturlig ventilation : Potential fo?r utnyttjande i kontorsrum

Mechanical ventilation is the most common type ofventilation in newly constructed office buildings. Therehas been an interest to utilize natural ventilationinstead of mechanical ventilation among architects andHVAC consultants in recent years. This is due to thesize of mechanical ventilation systems, which arespace consuming. The mechanical ventilation system isalso complex and requires maintenance. Furthermore,the fan uses a considerable amount of energy.

Nivådiagnos med sensorfusion : Utveckling av koncept för nivåmätning i lutande tankar 

Today?s system to measure the volume in a tank consists of a vertically placed sensor. When a vehicle is tilted the level of the fluid might change and if the volume is calculated based only on the information from the sensor it could result in a incorrect value.This thesis exams a new method to calculate the volume in tanks by using sensor fusion to crosscheck the i formation from the level sensors when the vehicle is tilted. The information is then used to see if it is possible to identify the grade of tilt by the change of fluid level. If the grade of tilt can be measured then the volume can be calculated in a more accurate way.

Framkomlighetsanalys med hjälp av en digital terrängmodell och kartdata

Driveability analysis of terrain data offers an important technique for decision support for all kinds of movements in the terrain. The work described in this report uses a high resolution digital terrain model generated from the laser radar data and further processed by the Category Viewer program, and information from the Real Estate Map. Properties of features found in a filtering process are calculated and compared with a set of rules in a knowledge base to get a driveability cost. This cost is then visualized in a graphical user interface. An evaluation of what driveability is and what it is affected by is performed, and a general cost function is developed, which can be used even if not all relevant information is available.

Modellbaserad ekoföljning i vätskefyllda tankar

This thesis discusses model based tracking of radar echoes in tanks with liquid content. The errors in the measurements are not always random in these cases, and the interference that occurs when nearby echoes moves in relation to each other makes tracking difficult. The tracking problem can be broken down to four parts; track initiation, track destruction, association of the measured echoes to the tracks and to update the tracks with the associated echoes. The radar measurement is primarily made on the surface. However, additional echoes from the tank floor or other structures and double bounces are normally present.

Optimal bredbandig vågform framtagen genom generaliserad osäkerhetsfunktion

The waveform of a radar signal affects the resolution in velocity and distance. The ambiguity function is used as an aid for analysing narrow band radar signals simultaneously in time and frequency. An analysing tool for wide band radar signals is missing.This thesis describes a generalised ambiguity function to be utilised for study of wide band signals. Waveforms are further synthesised with help of the developed analysing tool. The aim is to start with a certain ambiguity function and find a waveform that reproduces the same ambiguity function.Mathematical formulas are presented and implemented in Matlab to produce the wide band ambiguity function.

EAS-tagg med fuktsensor : Design och utvärdering av EAS-alarmteknologi för fuktdetektering

Electronic article surveillance (EAS) is widely used in shops and libraries together with an RF-tag attached to the goods or books in order to prevent shoplifting. By implementing the addition of a moisture sensor to the RF-tag, other functions become possible, including the ability to use as an alarm with regards to frozen goods, which have been shipped but which have melted and have, subsequently, refrozen. In- relation to care for the elderly, one time-consuming step involves checking whether there is the necessity for a change of diaper and this can, instead, be based on an RF-tag with an EAS-system alarm. A preliminary investigation was made using the moisture sensors, which involved how the resistance changes when liquid and/or heat is applied. A simulation of the LCCR circuit (RF-tag with the sensor) was conducted in order to determine how the resonance frequency changes for different resistances levels.

Givarkonstruktion för beräkning av sådjup

This report shows the process of the development of a sensor module for the seed drills of Väderstad Verken AB. The module is supposed to replace existing solutions, provided that it is better from both a constructional- and an economical aspect. The purpose of the sensor is to continuously give the driver information about the level of height of the front- and drilling tools and the main purpose of the sensor is to allow the seeds to be placed at the desired depth. The sensors which have been taken into consideration have all been of an analogue type and have a protection class of minimum IP67.The methods applied have been taken from the book ?The Mechanical Design Process? by David G.

Undersökning av tillsatsmedel i returasfalt

Halleffektsensorn är en magnetisk sensor som används till olika applikationer. Den fungerar bara när ett magnetiskt fält eller en elektrisk ström finns i närheten. Detta arbete är fokuserat på en specifik sensor men beskriver även hur en Halleffektsensor generellt är uppbyggd. Den specifika sensorn används till avståndsmätning. En rad olika tester har utförts för att försöka öka det avstånd som sensorn kan detektera..

Mikrosensorer i nätverk

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibility to make small, cheap and ultra low power sensor platforms, connected in wireless networks for monitoring of home and industrial environments. The concept is based on ideas from our supervisor, Jerry Lindblom. The developed system consists of a generic platform for different sensors, a receiver and software. A GPRS module from RO Rollytech AB and a database from Gema Industri AB have been modified and used to demonstrate an example of a complete system. To the platform, it is possible to connect any resistive sensor and any sensor that can act as a switch.

Avståndsmätning med Hallelement

Halleffektsensorn är en magnetisk sensor som används till olika applikationer. Den fungerar bara när ett magnetiskt fält eller en elektrisk ström finns i närheten. Detta arbete är fokuserat på en specifik sensor men beskriver även hur en Halleffektsensor generellt är uppbyggd. Den specifika sensorn används till avståndsmätning. En rad olika tester har utförts för att försöka öka det avstånd som sensorn kan detektera..

Smarta Hus : Nya behov och lösningar med participativ design

In this Bachelor Thesis (20 p.), we present the history and development of "Intelligent Houses", and most important- explore some of the future possibilities in this area. The project has been carried out through an interdisciplinary cooperation between three different educations at the Blekinge Institute of Technology. By conducting a dialogue with various actors with different professions, we have been trying to identify needs within the concept of "Intelligent Houses", were the end user is not only the tenant or homeowner. Through Participatory Design methods, such as a Future Workshop, we have brought the users together to discuss their own and each others needs and hindrances in their respective work practice, and how intelligent house technology could improve their work conditions. We have also been testing a highly sophisticated CO/CO2/Moisture/Temperature/Enthalpy multi-sensor & controller, originally developed for regulating indoor climate systems.

Knacksensorplacering på lastbilsmotor

This work is an experimental study where knock sensor placements are investigated using engine tests. The aim is to studythe quality of the signal from knock sensors and how the signal for engine control is affected at different sensor locations on Scanias, engine DC13. To find out at witch position on the engine youcan get a usable signal for engine control, the engine is running while the knock sensors with advanced measurement equipment is connected to the engine. Evaluation of signals from the knock sensors are made in the computer program Matlab. The program is producing a seriesof plots, from these plots it is visually possible to draw conclusions and find connections.

Studie av integration mellan rategyron och magnetkompass

This master thesis is a study on how a rategyro triad, an accelerometer triad, and a magnetometer triad can be integrated into a navigation system, estimating a vehicle?s attitude, i.e. its roll, tipp, and heading angles. When only a rategyro triad is used to estimate a vehicle?s attitude, a drift in the attitude occurs due to sensor errors.

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