

899 Uppsatser om Rättssäker examination - Sida 2 av 60

Utomhuspedagogik- det outnyttjade rummet

Through a quantitative examination, 26 pedagogies in the pre-school activity answered a few questions in an enquiry about outdoor education. The purpose with this examination was to find out what pedagogies think and apprehend about outdoor education, and also if the "education plan" is in their minds during outdoor activities and if they see them self´s as competent in nature studies. They have also answered questions whether they think that they have good outdoor environment that stimulates children´s development and learning and if there´s any forest that they visit on regular basis.The pedagogies think that during time spent outdoor, it´s the motor skills that are best developed. All of the pedagogies mentioned above think that they need to get more educated in nature studies and also that pedagogies attitude towards time spent outdoors affect the children. They do not think about the goals and intentions of the "educations plan" all the time.

Polisutbildningens vapenutbildning i Umeå : Finns behovet av en examinationsform med definiering innan agerandet

Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka huruvida den praktiska examinationen inom ämnet vapen och taktik på Polisutbildningen vid Umeå Universitet skulle kunna kompletteras med en mer tillämpad examination i form av en upplevelsebaserad övning. Eftersom författarna genomgått större delen av den vapenutbildning som bedrivs vid skolan har det uppstått frågetecken över vad den nuvarande examinationen egentligen visar. Problemet har även påvisats ur vapenlärarnas perspektiv och det blev upptakten till denna rapport. Dagens examination bygger mycket på den motoriska inlärningen och att skytten rent precisionsmässigt skall kunna verka med tjänstevapnet, som i och för sig är viktig för ett säkert och bra agerande. Däremot tar den inte sikte på den identifiering och definiering samt det stresspåslag som alla är ingredienser i en verklighetsnära situation.

Ultraljud av karpus på häst : en metodbeskrivning

Lameness from the carpus is not unusual in the horse. Multiple soft tissue structures such as tendons, ligaments, the joint capsule and synovial structures can be the originating source. All these structures can be examined with ultrasound, although a description of a systematic examination method is lacking. That is ? which structures, what they look like in an ultrasound examination, how to look at them in the best way, and in what order.

Internet : en arena för kommunikation och lärande

This study is based on an examination of students? habits of using the Internet in formal and informal environments. The focus within this study is on what kind of activities students use the Internet for and how and if their teacher connect the students actual usage of the Internet to base the education in school on it. What we have discovered in this report is that the student in this examination uses the Internet as a tool for communicative and entertaining purposes. Though, the use of the Internet is different depending on which physical environment it is situated in.

Sederingsrutinens påverkan på resultatet av höftledsröntgen : en pilotstudie

Hip dysplasia is a common, inherited malformation of the coxofemoral joint that eventually leads to osteoarthrosis. Several breeds of dogs are affected and the prevalence varies between different breeds. As part of the effort to reduce the prevalence of hip dysplasia and select dogs suitable for breeding, radiological screening is performed by at least 12 months of age. Before the radiological examination the dog has to be chemically restrained, sedated or anesthetized. The sedation protocol used differs between veterinary clinics. The impact of sedation method of the screening result for hip dysplasia has been studied.

Säger en sak men gör en annan : En enkätstudie av ett försök med flexibla examinationsformer vid lärarutbildningen.

Den här undersökningen gjorde i samband med ett försök i lärarutbildningen, där studenterna själva fick välja examinationsform i en kurs. Dels fick de fyra olika examinationsformer angivna, men de erbjöds även att själva föreslå hur de skulle bli examinerade.Syftet var att undersöka hur studenterna såg på sin egen bedömning och examination, och hur de valde examinationsform utifrån detta.Som metod valdes att studenterna, efter att ha genomfört kursen med den examination de valt, fick bevara en enkät om tidigare erfarenheter av examinationer, om sin syn på dessa och på bedömningar, om vilka examinationsformer/aktiviteter de såg som mest nyttiga i sina egna lärprocesser, och om vilken examinationsform de valde och varför.Resultatet visar att även om studenterna såg examinationen som ett lärtillfälle och uppskattade möjligheten att fritt välja examinationsform, så valde de inte examinationsform efter hur de tillmätte olika former av uttryck/aktiviteter nytta i sin lärprocess. Bara två av de 119 studenter som besvarade enkäten valde att själva formulera sin examination.Snarare valde studenterna den examinationsform de ansåg sig ha lättast att formulera sig genom och få högst betyg i. Fokus för examinationen kom alltså att hamna där istället för på den egna lärprocessen, vilken ofta upplevs som desto mer frustrerande och arbetsam ju gynnsammare den är.I diskussionen tas upp frågan om huruvida det är bra om studenterna själva får välja hur de ska examineras, och hur man i så fall kan påverka dem att välja de examinationsformer som utvecklar respektive individ bäst..

Gymnasieungdomars känsla av sammanhang och fysisk aktivitet - finns det ett samband?: en kvantitativ studie

Background: Physical activity is important to sustain your health, but there are also other factors which can influence health. One of them is the degree of sense of coherence. Aim: The main purpose of this study was to examine if there existed a correlation between amount of physical activity and degree of sense of coherence (SOC) in adolescents in the northern parts of Sweden. This study also dealt with differences and similarities between and within the whole examination- group and subgroups. Methods: A SOC- questionnaire with 29 items, developed by Antonovsky, was used.

Bemötande vid gynekologisk undersökning : Sett ur unga patienters perspektiv

The aim of this study was to describe young women's experiences of midwives/ gynaecologists treatment in connection to gynaecological examination. A further aim was to achieve a better understanding of the factors that can form the basis of the experience of treatment. A qualitative study was performed in which the participants (N=10) was Swedish-speaking women aged 18-25 years, with experience of at least one gynaecological examination. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, using an interview guide. The material was analyzed according to Graneheim and Lundman´s (2004) method for qualitative content analysis.

Upphovsrättens effekter på biblioteken : En diskussion kring bibliotekens position, verksamhet och framtid

This master thesis examines the copyright law with the purpose of sorting out the consequences and the effects of the law impacted on libraries. The theories used are mainly discourse analysis and public domain theory. At the centre of the examination is the effects that copyright law bring to libraries and their ability to perform their work. A major part of this thesis is gathered around the analysis of the presumptive key words that give the structures of copyright law the possibility to claim rightfulness. This is an outspoken strategy to illustrate the discourse of copyright law.

Gynsamma faktorer för kvinnor i vägen ut ur missbruk - sett ur behandlarens perspektiv

The purpose with our essay was to examine what favourable factors there are for women to get out of drug abuse and from a gender aspect interpret how these factors are used in the treatment of female drug-addicts, regarded from the treatment personnel view. The questions we have focused on are: What are the favourable factors for women in the way out of the addiction. How can the use of favourable factors be interpreted from a gender aspect. In what way is the knowledge about these favourable factors used in the drug abuse treatment.To fulfil the purpose whit our examination and to get answers to our questions we performed an explorative examination and applied a qualitative method in the form of a half structured interview with five persons.The main features of the results in our examination were that unisexual treatment, the group and the friendship between women, children and pregnancy and professional and private social network were considered as the favourable factors for the women out of their addiction. Certain factors were used in the treatment as a way to socialize or resocialize the female drug-addicts to predominant social models of how a woman should be like..

Modermålsverksamhetens inkluderande och exkluderande principer i en förskola : En intervjustudie om uppfattningar

The purpose of our examination was to survey how one preschool works with so called language groups, if the mother tongue is important and if the informants can see any complex of problems in the inclusive/exclusive way of working with language groups in the preschool. The literature review provides for example the three most important areas of mother tongue, which are the emotional, the social and the intellectual (Ladberg, 2000). Further it describes the difference between the conceptions integration and inclusion, when today the concept inclusion is preferred (Tøssebro, 2004). We were inspired by qualitative interviews as our method and from a phenomenographic perspective described the informants? perceptions about the named phenomenon.

Alarmerande eller förväntat? : En studie av hur ett screeningtest kan tolkas ur ett andraspråksperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent LS ? a standard screening test for dyslexia ?is also relevant for the purpose of finding second language students with dyslexia. Starting with an overview of recent studies in the field, I have analyzed texts from parts of the chosen material. After a brief presentation of the test, I have presented it from a second language point of view. Furthermore, I have analyzed the way in which the test measures phonological awareness, lexical accessibility and correctness in language.

Andraspråksstudenters konnektivbruk : En kartläggning av vanliga fel i konnektivbruket hos studenter med svenska som andraspråk

AbstractThe purpose of this paper is to investigate to what extent LS ? a standard screening test for dyslexia ?is also relevant for the purpose of finding second language students with dyslexia. Starting with an overview of recent studies in the field, I have analyzed texts from parts of the chosen material. After a brief presentation of the test, I have presented it from a second language point of view. Furthermore, I have analyzed the way in which the test measures phonological awareness, lexical accessibility and correctness in language.

Prövningsanvisningar i Svenska A - En jämförande studie av prövningsanvisningarn på Komvux och gymnasieskolan. Directions for examination in Swedish A - A comparative study of the directions for Examination in Komvux and Upper Secondary School.

Arnesson, Ursula. (2006) Prövningsanvisningar i Svenska A - En jämförande studie av prövningsanvisningarna på Komvux och gymnasieskolan. Directions for examination in Swedish A - A Comparative study of the directions for Examination in Komvux and Upper Secondary School. Skolutveckling och ledarskap 60p. Lärarutbildningen Malmö Högskola. Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att jämföra några skolors prövningsanvisningar och utifrån den jämförelsen se om man kan uppfylla de nationella målen i en prövning samt se om de överrenssämmer med kunskapssynen.

Europaparlamentets syn på jämställdhet - En undersökning om det finns några samband mellan EU-parlamentarikernas ideologiska bakgrund, nationella identitet, samt kön, och deras syn på jämställdhet

This paper is a statistical examination about how the European Parliament views questions about equality between women and men. It focuses on how the members understand gender equality depending on ideological standpoint, nationality and gender. In other words, it focuses on whether the politicians have different point of views depending on which parliamentary political group they belong to, which member state they are coming from or which gender (man/woman) they have.Equality between women and men is a complex problem. This paper is concentrating on two questions; the problem about setting up a European gender institute and the problem about gender mainstreaming.The examination, which is a statistical examination about how politicians were voting in both questions, shows that all variables, ideological standpoint, nationality and gender, are determining factors for their voting behaviour in questions about gender equality. Ideological standpoint is the most important variable, second in place is gender and the least important factor is nationality..

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